Democrats in Florida Reportedly Tried to ‘Fix’ Ballots Across the State After Deadline


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Dims keep saying election fraud doesn't happen, but the record shows it happens on a massive scale, and Dims are always the perpetrators.

Democratic consultant claims he warned party staffers about legality but was ignored.

It seems clear at this point that Democrats in Florida were not going to accept defeat in the 2018 midterms and were prepared to do whatever it takes to win, including fraud. In multiple counties, an effort has been underway to “fix” certain mail ballots in the hope that they could turn the tide after the fact.

Try to imagine the media’s reaction if Republicans were doing this.

Ana Ceballos reports at the Naples Daily News:

Democrats planned to use altered forms to fix mail ballots across Florida after deadline

A day after Florida’s election left top state races too close to call, a Democratic party leader directed staffers and volunteers to share altered election forms with voters to fix signature problems on absentee ballots after the state’s deadline.

The altered forms surfaced in Broward, Santa Rosa, Citrus and Okaloosa counties and were reported to federal prosecutors to review for possible election fraud as Florida counties completed a required recount in three top races.

But an email obtained by the USA TODAY NETWORK – Florida shows that Florida Democrats were organizing a broader statewide effort beyond those counties to give voters the altered forms to fix improper absentee ballots after the Nov. 5 deadline. Democratic party leaders provided staffers with copies of a form, known as a “cure affidavit,” that had been modified to include an inaccurate Nov. 8 deadline.

One Palm Beach Democratic activist said in an interview the idea was to have voters fix and submit as many absentee ballots as possible with the altered forms in hopes of later including them in vote totals if a judge ruled such ballots were allowed.
If true this is not cool.

It's not. The Reps believe they won certain elections but the official count is not in yet. So if they lose due to the official count it's going to be obviously rigged. If they win it's due to being fair. Except the Dems took it to court to allow the counting of the rest of the ballots. The Dems are just making sure that ALL votes are counted. But the Reps tried to do another voter suppression that didn't work.
More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to a right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
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More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.
More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.
What bullshit. "Hundreds of illegal aliens voting". Show a link that isn't InfoWars, a Russian propaganda site, or Breitbart.
More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to a right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.

Gillum and Nelson lost fair and square. It’s all over but the shouting.
This was all a test balloon for the 2020 elections.

More clear proof of the fraud. The democrats do not care. The two reasons they have become so brazen with their actions is one, they know the main stream media insulates them whenever and wherever they can, and the most important reason is they fully understand how utterly moronic their voting base is.

To give an example of the blatant fraud and how they tried to get away with it.

Do you know those losers still think Kavanaugh sexually assaulted someone nearly 40 years ago and even though the democrats just so happen to find this woman with no evidence in the 11th hour. Not one accusation for 40 years and just before his confirnation, after they tried everything. The left base are so fucking stupid they believe it.

Scumbags and there truly is nothing dumber than the democrat voting base. Especially the white American liberal women.
More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.

But none of those challenges ever amount to anything. And the closest thing to voter fraud in Colorado were done by two Republicans in office that one voted twice as himself and the other voted as himself and voted as his divorced wife who lives in a different state. Both are now working in 7-11s. But that is about the only type of voter fraud. And claiming Illegal Immigrants are voting is just silly since they will get bounced at the Voting Place. Our elections are in much better shape than you claim they are.
More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.

But none of those challenges ever amount to anything. And the closest thing to voter fraud in Colorado were done by two Republicans in office that one voted twice as himself and the other voted as himself and voted as his divorced wife who lives in a different state. Both are now working in 7-11s. But that is about the only type of voter fraud. And claiming Illegal Immigrants are voting is just silly since they will get bounced at the Voting Place. Our elections are in much better shape than you claim they are.
Illegal aliens registered and then voted, moron. What part of that don't you get? You ignorant turds keep saying there's no evidence of voter fraud. How much more hard cold evidence do you need?
19 in one sweep in NC-
DOJ Charges Nearly Two Dozen Illegal Aliens for Voting in the 2016 Election

More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.

But none of those challenges ever amount to anything. And the closest thing to voter fraud in Colorado were done by two Republicans in office that one voted twice as himself and the other voted as himself and voted as his divorced wife who lives in a different state. Both are now working in 7-11s. But that is about the only type of voter fraud. And claiming Illegal Immigrants are voting is just silly since they will get bounced at the Voting Place. Our elections are in much better shape than you claim they are.
19 in one sweep in NC-
DOJ Charges Nearly Two Dozen Illegal Aliens for Voting in the 2016 Election

More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.

But none of those challenges ever amount to anything. And the closest thing to voter fraud in Colorado were done by two Republicans in office that one voted twice as himself and the other voted as himself and voted as his divorced wife who lives in a different state. Both are now working in 7-11s. But that is about the only type of voter fraud. And claiming Illegal Immigrants are voting is just silly since they will get bounced at the Voting Place. Our elections are in much better shape than you claim they are.
But democrat voters like daryl hunt thinks that proves that they are not voting. Since those illegals were caught.

I love too how lefties pretend that they don't want illegals voting. Isn't that funny how they pretend that?

They truly do believe we are that dumb. The question I have is this.

How hard do democrats laugh at how stupid their voters are? For instance, that daryl hunt believes what he is claiming .

More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.

But none of those challenges ever amount to anything. And the closest thing to voter fraud in Colorado were done by two Republicans in office that one voted twice as himself and the other voted as himself and voted as his divorced wife who lives in a different state. Both are now working in 7-11s. But that is about the only type of voter fraud. And claiming Illegal Immigrants are voting is just silly since they will get bounced at the Voting Place. Our elections are in much better shape than you claim they are.
Illegal aliens registered and then voted, moron. What part of that don't you get? You ignorant turds keep saying there's no evidence of voter fraud. How much more hard cold evidence do you need?

Nice conjecture. Except there is absolutely proof. If there were, it would have been in the courts long ago. It hasn't and we know how all that works. Your Handlers need to get a new script for you to parrot.
More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.

But none of those challenges ever amount to anything. And the closest thing to voter fraud in Colorado were done by two Republicans in office that one voted twice as himself and the other voted as himself and voted as his divorced wife who lives in a different state. Both are now working in 7-11s. But that is about the only type of voter fraud. And claiming Illegal Immigrants are voting is just silly since they will get bounced at the Voting Place. Our elections are in much better shape than you claim they are.
Illegal aliens registered and then voted, moron. What part of that don't you get? You ignorant turds keep saying there's no evidence of voter fraud. How much more hard cold evidence do you need?
You lost the election for the House moron. Get over it and stop your whining.
19 in one sweep in NC-
DOJ Charges Nearly Two Dozen Illegal Aliens for Voting in the 2016 Election

More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.

But none of those challenges ever amount to anything. And the closest thing to voter fraud in Colorado were done by two Republicans in office that one voted twice as himself and the other voted as himself and voted as his divorced wife who lives in a different state. Both are now working in 7-11s. But that is about the only type of voter fraud. And claiming Illegal Immigrants are voting is just silly since they will get bounced at the Voting Place. Our elections are in much better shape than you claim they are.

In 2010, the figure was 2.2% and it's been going down every election. I doubt if it's even 1% now. Yes, it does happen but a 1% doesn't affect any elections one way or another unless it's a very, very close race. So, yes, it can and does happen but it's so rare it's below affecting almost any election.
DOJ Charges Nearly Two Dozen Illegal Aliens for Voting in the 2016 Election
More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.

But none of those challenges ever amount to anything. And the closest thing to voter fraud in Colorado were done by two Republicans in office that one voted twice as himself and the other voted as himself and voted as his divorced wife who lives in a different state. Both are now working in 7-11s. But that is about the only type of voter fraud. And claiming Illegal Immigrants are voting is just silly since they will get bounced at the Voting Place. Our elections are in much better shape than you claim they are.
Illegal aliens registered and then voted, moron. What part of that don't you get? You ignorant turds keep saying there's no evidence of voter fraud. How much more hard cold evidence do you need?

Nice conjecture. Except there is absolutely proof. If there were, it would have been in the courts long ago. It hasn't and we know how all that works. Your Handlers need to get a new script for you to parrot.
Here is the indisputable truth, moron:

Sleazy Lawyers for Gillum, Nelson Fight to Include Non-U.S. Citizens’ Votes in Florida | Headline of the Day
More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.

But none of those challenges ever amount to anything. And the closest thing to voter fraud in Colorado were done by two Republicans in office that one voted twice as himself and the other voted as himself and voted as his divorced wife who lives in a different state. Both are now working in 7-11s. But that is about the only type of voter fraud. And claiming Illegal Immigrants are voting is just silly since they will get bounced at the Voting Place. Our elections are in much better shape than you claim they are.
Illegal aliens registered and then voted, moron. What part of that don't you get? You ignorant turds keep saying there's no evidence of voter fraud. How much more hard cold evidence do you need?
You lost the election for the House moron. Get over it and stop your whining.
Only because of all the fraud, asshole.
More hysteria from the right who all seem to have a reason comprehension problem. Or maybe they do know better but insist in being the "Cons" that they are.

Despite Courts and law enforcement not having found a scintilla of voter fraud they insist on the lie.

The OPs own link to right wing trash site, says that the "fix" is merely to review rejected ballots to conform to Florida law so that every vote counts whether democrat or Republican. This is being done in the open and pursuant to established law and procedure.

But the hysterical and dishonest Trumper tries to make this into a conspiracy, but whose real motivation is voter suppression. It is all in the Trumper's head where it should remain but unfortunately, they continue to pollute the board with this rubbish.
We have a record of hundreds of illegal aliens voting in the Florida election, dumbass. Gillum and Nelson's lawyers even petitioned the court to count them as legal votes.

But none of those challenges ever amount to anything. And the closest thing to voter fraud in Colorado were done by two Republicans in office that one voted twice as himself and the other voted as himself and voted as his divorced wife who lives in a different state. Both are now working in 7-11s. But that is about the only type of voter fraud. And claiming Illegal Immigrants are voting is just silly since they will get bounced at the Voting Place. Our elections are in much better shape than you claim they are.
Illegal aliens registered and then voted, moron. What part of that don't you get? You ignorant turds keep saying there's no evidence of voter fraud. How much more hard cold evidence do you need?

Nice conjecture. Except there is absolutely proof. If there were, it would have been in the courts long ago. It hasn't and we know how all that works. Your Handlers need to get a new script for you to parrot.
Here is the indisputable truth, moron:

Sleazy Lawyers for Gillum, Nelson Fight to Include Non-U.S. Citizens’ Votes in Florida | Headline of the Day
How is that fraud?. There was a judge present and they were going over the votes. Geesus, you are hysterical. Stop your bitchiing and whining.

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