Democrats Have Spent The Last 20 Years Weakening Us By Sending Our Production Overseas...Trump Was Reversing It...So China Has Attacked Us


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

We've been sending all of our production capabilities overseas to our enemies.....and Trump was reversing the China has used a Bio-agent to attack the US before their chance to bring us down is completely gone.

They have fired the first shot in a war against the United States.....because Trump was ruining their plans.

"I believe that China's actions today may be telegraphing an intent we are choosing to ignore. They show all the signs of a nation preparing to attack America. China seeks a bespoke world run by China with "Chinese characteristics" — a dream that under Trump was drifting away.

China appears to be laying the groundwork for a "justified" attack on the United States, perhaps in the South China Sea or perhaps elsewhere. It will be a military attack, not an act of terrorism, and the excuse will be America's deliberate transmission of COVID-19 in Wuhan.

When the Chinese became accusatory, it's telling that they didn't blame the CIA, always the usual suspect. No, they blamed it on American soldiers.

American military deliberately infecting China is an act of war worthy of a military response. "

China Is Preparing to Start a War with America

We've been sending all of our production capabilities overseas to our enemies.....and Trump was reversing the China has used a Bio-agent to attack the US before their chance to bring us down is completely gone.

They have fired the first shot in a war against the United States.....because Trump was ruining their plans.

"I believe that China's actions today may be telegraphing an intent we are choosing to ignore. They show all the signs of a nation preparing to attack America. China seeks a bespoke world run by China with "Chinese characteristics" — a dream that under Trump was drifting away.

China appears to be laying the groundwork for a "justified" attack on the United States, perhaps in the South China Sea or perhaps elsewhere. It will be a military attack, not an act of terrorism, and the excuse will be America's deliberate transmission of COVID-19 in Wuhan.

When the Chinese became accusatory, it's telling that they didn't blame the CIA, always the usual suspect. No, they blamed it on American soldiers.

American military deliberately infecting China is an act of war worthy of a military response. "

China Is Preparing to Start a War with America
Nice post, I agree with this 100%. Cue the inane liberal lunatic responses in 3, 2, 1......
The evidence currently is that the virus DID originate in the bio hazards lab in Wuhan and somehow made it to the wet market located within walking distance to the lab. Whether planned or accidental, that appears to be the genesis of the outbreak. Xi Jinping ordered that the outbreak be covered up and the doctors silenced. Dr. Fen who blew the whistle on the coverup is now officially missing, hopefully not killed.
I don't know if this was planned, but Jinping's coverup was at a minimum opportunistic. I'm sure Chinese scientists have very elaborate outbreak models, and Jinping was thoroughly briefed on the possible scenarios. He is a monster with a grinning face, he and his regime are the number one threat to the free world.
So when people said America was a capitalist free market country, they were lying??

And it was actually "Dems" who forced all of these "free market" companies to outsource 75% of their global supply chain??

Care to post a link backing that dumb shit up?
So when people said America was a capitalist free market country, they were lying??

And it was actually "Dems" who forced all of these "free market" companies to outsource 75% of their global supply chain??

Care to post a link backing that dumb shit up?

Who jacked up taxes to the point where American companies looked elsewhere for their labor?

We've been sending all of our production capabilities overseas to our enemies.....and Trump was reversing the China has used a Bio-agent to attack the US before their chance to bring us down is completely gone.

They have fired the first shot in a war against the United States.....because Trump was ruining their plans.

"I believe that China's actions today may be telegraphing an intent we are choosing to ignore. They show all the signs of a nation preparing to attack America. China seeks a bespoke world run by China with "Chinese characteristics" — a dream that under Trump was drifting away.

China appears to be laying the groundwork for a "justified" attack on the United States, perhaps in the South China Sea or perhaps elsewhere. It will be a military attack, not an act of terrorism, and the excuse will be America's deliberate transmission of COVID-19 in Wuhan.

When the Chinese became accusatory, it's telling that they didn't blame the CIA, always the usual suspect. No, they blamed it on American soldiers.

American military deliberately infecting China is an act of war worthy of a military response. "

China Is Preparing to Start a War with America

We need the Winner emoji back!!!
The Biased troll at it again I. His desperate sad attempts to convince people dems are all to blame for it when Clinton who while its true that he was the one that got the ball rolling for nafta,it was his pal bush who drew Up the nafta bill in his last year in office,Clinton just expanded what bush initially got
Started with Nixon , then Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr. None are democrats.

Tramp has his wares made in China, and all his friends as well.
There was some production sent during earlier administrations by private companies....but like usual...Democrats pushed it to the hilt in exchange for kickbacks from the Chicoms during the Clinton years.....and gave China the idea that they could bring us to our knees.
Started with Nixon , then Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr. None are democrats.

Tramp has his wares made in China, and all his friends as well.
As always,the op got his ass handed to hi on a platter,all those bastards you mentioned were in on nafta which like you said so briallinatly,none of them were democrats either hee hee,this troll always embarrasses himself with his omission of facts of the republicans
Started with Nixon , then Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr. None are democrats.

Tramp has his wares made in China, and all his friends as well.
There was some production sent during earlier administrations by private companies....but like usual...Democrats pushed it to the hilt in exchange for kickbacks from the Chicoms during the Clinton years.....and gave China the idea that they could bring us to our knees.
Which I took you to school on that Clinton was only signing into law what his pal bush drew up and initially signed,Clinton only expanding what his pal and your lover bush got started,everyone knows that except you of
Started with Nixon , then Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr. None are democrats.

Tramp has his wares made in China, and all his friends as well.
There was some production sent during earlier administrations by private companies....but like usual...Democrats pushed it to the hilt in exchange for kickbacks from the Chicoms during the Clinton years.....and gave China the idea that they could bring us to our knees.
Which I took you to school on that Clinton was only signing into law what his pal bush drew up and initially signed,Clinton only expanding what his pal and your lover bush got started,everyone knows that except you of
Bush and Clinton are close I don't even consider Bush to be anything other than a Democrat who ran as a Republican. Clinton sold missile technology to the Chinese. Bush and Bill Clinton have been seen together on dozens of occasions. Bush was seen with Ellen Degenerate during a football game last Bush is really just a Democrat.
Don’t you ever get tired of humiliating yourself with me everYtime I own your ass that the republicans are as evil as the dems and that bush drew up nafta for his pal Clinton to sign when he got in.its. All documented troll. As always you embarrass yourself to usmb Like
Don’t you ever get tired of humiliating yourself with me everYtime I own your ass that the republicans are as evil as the dems and that bush drew up nafta for his pal Clinton to sign when he got in.its. All documented troll. As always you embarrass yourself to usmb Like
Almost English.
OK. I admit. There's not much on these boards that can cause me to spit my drink out all over my monitor, but this is one of those times.
Ugh. This has been going on for almost five decades now. Spanning Republican and Democrat administrations. This is a business propaganda piece but it sums it up.
Five things you absolutely must know about outsourcing manufacturing to China

If you pay workers a paltry pittance of a salary, tax and fine the crap out of corporations for relocating manufacturing, and allow environmental and labor regulation to'll make this country a manufacturing powerhouse again.
Otherwise, it ain't gonna happen.

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