Democrats hate the US Constitution because it puts checks/restrictions on their power, says Levin

I have a masters in history and you are an idiot. lol and brainwashed OMG

Functionally illiterate moron might have a masters in bation - but my dog knows more factual America history than you do.

You do nothing but spew the Big Lie and Nazi bullshit. You couldn't pass a 4th grade history test.

So WHAT is a history degree anyway?

Well, if a kid is too stupid for college, but mommy and daddy have means, they put him in liberal arts - and the least of the liberal arts is history...
But you were wrong again and always. Lol. Nothing was going to stop those lying scumbag slave owners and their brainwashed minion rubes. Southern conservatives
While I agree that democrats are lying scumbags, Lincoln moving troops into Sumter was a deliberately provocative act. He was baiting the democrats to respond. Lincoln was itching for a fight.

Now democrat swine then are no different than democrat swine now, authoritarian vermin who deny basic civil rights to the most defenseless in society, so I'm not defending you filthy scum. But had you ever actually attended one of the classes that mommy and daddy bought for you instead of dropping acid and sucking cocks in the quad, you would know that Sumter was utterly abandoned, having never been completed. Lincoln moving troops into a fort that hadn't been finished after 35 years of construction has one purpose.

To incite you democrat trash.

democrats then, democrats now - not a bit of difference.
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Functionally illiterate moron might have a masters in bation - but my dog knows more factual America history than you do.

You do nothing but spew the Big Lie and Nazi bullshit. You couldn't pass a 4th grade history test.

So WHAT is a history degree anyway?

Well, if a kid is too stupid for college, but mommy and daddy have means, they put him in liberal arts - and the least of the liberal arts is history...

Jeez what an I admire and respect your opinion. But if you don't know history, you are doomed to repeat it like you little Nazis in waiting period naziism is right wing ******* and is produced in the chaos after the GOP wrecks the world economy again. Poor America.
While I agree that democrats are lying scumbags, Lincoln moving troops into Sumter was a deliberately provocative act. He was baiting the democrats to respond. Lincoln was itching for a fight.

Now democrat swine then are no different than democrat swine now, authoritarian vermin who deny basic civil rights to the most defenseless in society, so I'm not defending you filthy scum. But had you ever actually attended one of the classes that mommy and daddy bought for you instead of dropping acid and sucking cocks in the quad, you would know that Sumter was utterly abandoned, having never been completed. Lincoln moving troops into that hadn't been finished after 35 years of construction has one purpose.

To incite you democrat trash.

democrats then, democrats now - not a bit of difference.
Except Democrats used to include southern conservative racists, since Reagan they are all in the GOP... Nowadays Democrats want a living wage and cheap college and training so the poor/working class do more than just hate the educated....

Blah blah- the South started the war for the worst cause ever and got their ***** kicked in the end... I was always for the South and Robert E Lee et cetera until I started to think about it in the middle 1960s....
Oh the big lie.

Too bad you know utterly ZERO American history.

Fucking moron.
Until Reagan, both parties had liberal and conservative wings. Reagan and his brainwash made possible this is serious business that made them into ideological entities and the mess we have today especially with the lying scumbags running your media tiny little thing that it is- Rupert Murdoch what a scumbag and you don't care...

So you don't agree that the southern conservatives used to be Democrats and southern conservatives are now Republicans? you have no idea what's going on in the world then...
Except Democrats used to include southern conservative racists,

What made them "conservative?"

isn't racism a collectivist concept? The denial of individualism in favor of group identity? Same shit you fascists still preach?

From the trail of tears, slavery, the Klan, Jim Crow, to BLM, haven't the democrats been behind virtually all racism in America.

since Reagan they are all in the GOP... Nowadays Democrats want a living wage and cheap college and training so the poor/working class do more than just hate the educated....

A living wage?

Is that why you open the borders to flood the labor markets with cheap illegal labor?

LOL - you fascists are such frauds.

Blah blah- the South started the war for the worst cause ever and got their ***** kicked in the end... I was always for the South and Robert E Lee et cetera until I started to think about it in the middle 1960s....

The South, the democrats, were on the wrong side.

You are STILL on the wrong side - you haven't changed.

democrats have been scum since Andrew Jackson created the racist sewer that is your party.

democrats, democrats never change.
63. And I never worked for the government and was a private school teacher and businessman and you are a brainwashed functional moron hater lol...

What sort of private school employs a fascist who doesn't know the first thing about American history?

Public schools sure, they're about grooming and keeping the school to prison pipeline moving.

But private?
You missed the figurative term ‘fathers’.
No, you missed the meaning of your own post. You said "The founding fathers were slave owners therefore all of us who claim American citizenship are descendants of slave owners." Now, since "all of us who claim American citizenship" are not actually descended from the founding fathers, since many are descended from families that immegrated later, your statement is wholly inaccurate, ergo false.

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