
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Democrats long and ugly history of gynophobia appears to have no end in sight in the near future. While they (begrudgingly) approved Rex Tiller as Secretary of State, Democrats refuse to approve Betsy DeVos simply because she is a woman. They can't stand to see a woman in power - especially if she's not a "useful idiot" for the cause.

And sadly, you won't hear a single feminist stand up for this woman. Just like they didn't stand up when Barack Obama paid women significantly less in his White House.

Democrats Need to Flip One More Republican to Block Betsy DeVos
Even Joe “all I am saying is give Trump a chance” Manchin doesn’t want a school voucher activist who has never attended — nor sent her children to — a public school overseeing American education.

Democrats Need to Flip One More Republican to Block Betsy DeVos

Wait....what?!? Why is the federal government "overseeing American education" when no such power exists for them to do so? Yet another example of unconstitutional government.
Democrats long and ugly history of gynophobia appears to have no end in sight in the near future. While they (begrudgingly) approved Rex Tiller as Secretary of State, Democrats refuse to approve Betsy DeVos simply because she is a woman. They can't stand to see a woman in power - especially if she's not a "useful idiot" for the cause.

And sadly, you won't hear a single feminist stand up for this woman. Just like they didn't stand up when Barack Obama paid women significantly less in his White House.

Democrats Need to Flip One More Republican to Block Betsy DeVos

no imbecile, no one is afraid of women..,,,,,

smart people (you can take yourself out of that equation) don't want an unqualified hack running the department of ed.

Republicans have been promising Americans choice in schools as long as I remember, and Trump is giving them the chance to deliver. If they turn down DeVos, they will be burning bridges with us, and they will reap the whirlwind.
Democrats long and ugly history of gynophobia appears to have no end in sight in the near future. While they (begrudgingly) approved Rex Tiller as Secretary of State, Democrats refuse to approve Betsy DeVos simply because she is a woman. They can't stand to see a woman in power - especially if she's not a "useful idiot" for the cause.

And sadly, you won't hear a single feminist stand up for this woman. Just like they didn't stand up when Barack Obama paid women significantly less in his White House.

Democrats Need to Flip One More Republican to Block Betsy DeVos

no imbecile, no one is afraid of women..,,,,,

smart people (you can take yourself out of that equation) don't want an unqualified hack running the department of ed.

See what I mean? Here is a progressive woman who won't even stand up for a fellow female. Just like I said.

Betsy DeVos is more than qualified. Hell, Barack Obama was a community organizer and you voted for him for president. He was the most "unqualified hack" we had seen in politics.

This is nothing more than the Dumbocrats long and horrific history of gynophobia rearing its ugly head once again. You know it. I know it. Betsy DeVos knows it.
Republicans have been promising Americans choice in schools as long as I remember, and Trump is giving them the chance to deliver. If they turn down DeVos, they will be burning bridges with us, and they will reap the whirlwind.
Incidentally - what does it say about progressives that they so adamantly oppose choice? Yet another example of their extreme fascism.
Democrats women call themselves "sluts" and "pussies" so yes, Democrats hate women, and treat them with disrespect.
Democrats women call themselves "sluts" and "pussies" so yes, Democrats hate women, and treat them with disrespect.
Everything the left does demeans women. From the label of "sluts" to blocking them from positions of influence, to the porn industry, and more. Women are nothing but semen receptacles to a progressive.

Sometime we will find a cure for the awful cancer known as progressivism...
Democrats long and ugly history of gynophobia appears to have no end in sight in the near future. While they (begrudgingly) approved Rex Tiller as Secretary of State, Democrats refuse to approve Betsy DeVos simply because she is a woman. They can't stand to see a woman in power - especially if she's not a "useful idiot" for the cause.

And sadly, you won't hear a single feminist stand up for this woman. Just like they didn't stand up when Barack Obama paid women significantly less in his White House.

Democrats Need to Flip One More Republican to Block Betsy DeVos

no imbecile, no one is afraid of women..,,,,,

smart people (you can take yourself out of that equation) don't want an unqualified hack running the department of ed.


No regressives want more of the same, spending trillions to bribe teaches unions and not improving education. Education has steadily declined since the inception of the DOE, but hey let's just keep doing what we've been doing, we might get lucky and it will work, this time, right? LMAO
Democrats long and ugly history of gynophobia appears to have no end in sight in the near future. While they (begrudgingly) approved Rex Tiller as Secretary of State, Democrats refuse to approve Betsy DeVos simply because she is a woman. They can't stand to see a woman in power - especially if she's not a "useful idiot" for the cause.

And sadly, you won't hear a single feminist stand up for this woman. Just like they didn't stand up when Barack Obama paid women significantly less in his White House.

Democrats Need to Flip One More Republican to Block Betsy DeVos

no imbecile, no one is afraid of women..,,,,,

smart people (you can take yourself out of that equation) don't want an unqualified hack running the department of ed.

See what I mean? Here is a progressive woman who won't even stand up for a fellow female. Just like I said.

Betsy DeVos is more than qualified. Hell, Barack Obama was a community organizer and you voted for him for president. He was the most "unqualified hack" we had seen in politics.

This is nothing more than the Dumbocrats long and horrific history of gynophobia rearing its ugly head once again. You know it. I know it. Betsy DeVos knows it.

Even the Republicans aren't crazy about DeVos.

You might just entertain the notion she is not well qualified :lol:
Democrats long and ugly history of gynophobia appears to have no end in sight in the near future. While they (begrudgingly) approved Rex Tiller as Secretary of State, Democrats refuse to approve Betsy DeVos simply because she is a woman. They can't stand to see a woman in power - especially if she's not a "useful idiot" for the cause.

And sadly, you won't hear a single feminist stand up for this woman. Just like they didn't stand up when Barack Obama paid women significantly less in his White House.

Democrats Need to Flip One More Republican to Block Betsy DeVos

no imbecile, no one is afraid of women..,,,,,

smart people (you can take yourself out of that equation) don't want an unqualified hack running the department of ed.

See what I mean? Here is a progressive woman who won't even stand up for a fellow female. Just like I said.

Betsy DeVos is more than qualified. Hell, Barack Obama was a community organizer and you voted for him for president. He was the most "unqualified hack" we had seen in politics.

This is nothing more than the Dumbocrats long and horrific history of gynophobia rearing its ugly head once again. You know it. I know it. Betsy DeVos knows it.
Betsy DeVos is the Sam Brownback of education.
Maybe they have a valid point.
Eesh! They (and I quote) "have a valid point" to hate and fear women?!? :uhh:

You're premise is flawed. It's nothing to do with her as a woman.
That amazes me. When conservatives oppose Barack Obama - it's because he's black. When conservatives oppose Hitlery Clinton - it's because she's a woman. When conservatives oppose men using women's bathrooms - it's because we are "homophobic".

But when a progressive opposes a woman - it's not because she's a woman. Nope. Not at all. :eusa_whistle:
Democrats long and ugly history of gynophobia appears to have no end in sight in the near future. While they (begrudgingly) approved Rex Tiller as Secretary of State, Democrats refuse to approve Betsy DeVos simply because she is a woman. They can't stand to see a woman in power - especially if she's not a "useful idiot" for the cause.

And sadly, you won't hear a single feminist stand up for this woman. Just like they didn't stand up when Barack Obama paid women significantly less in his White House.

Democrats Need to Flip One More Republican to Block Betsy DeVos

no imbecile, no one is afraid of women..,,,,,

smart people (you can take yourself out of that equation) don't want an unqualified hack running the department of ed.

See what I mean? Here is a progressive woman who won't even stand up for a fellow female. Just like I said.

Betsy DeVos is more than qualified. Hell, Barack Obama was a community organizer and you voted for him for president. He was the most "unqualified hack" we had seen in politics.

This is nothing more than the Dumbocrats long and horrific history of gynophobia rearing its ugly head once again. You know it. I know it. Betsy DeVos knows it.

Even the Republicans aren't crazy about DeVos.

You might just entertain the notion she is not well qualified :lol:
Really? Can you name one outside of the two Republican's mentioned in this article (who are simply appeasing their voting base which includes progressives)? Most Republicans I know are thrilled that Betsy DeVos was nominated.

You just might entertain the notion that the unthinkable for you is in fact reality - your party is the party of gynophobia.
Maybe they have a valid point.
Eesh! They (and I quote) "have a valid point" to hate and fear women?!? :uhh:

You're premise is flawed. It's nothing to do with her as a woman.
That amazes me. When conservatives oppose Barack Obama - it's because he's black. When conservatives oppose Hitlery Clinton - it's because she's a woman. When conservatives oppose men using women's bathrooms - it's because we are "homophobic".

But when a progressive opposes a woman - it's not because she's a woman. Nope. Not at all. :eusa_whistle:

You need some actual evidence her being a woman has anything to do with it and given the Republicans also luke warm to her methinks gender ain't the issue....
Democrats long and ugly history of gynophobia appears to have no end in sight in the near future. While they (begrudgingly) approved Rex Tiller as Secretary of State, Democrats refuse to approve Betsy DeVos simply because she is a woman. They can't stand to see a woman in power - especially if she's not a "useful idiot" for the cause.

And sadly, you won't hear a single feminist stand up for this woman. Just like they didn't stand up when Barack Obama paid women significantly less in his White House.

Democrats Need to Flip One More Republican to Block Betsy DeVos

no imbecile, no one is afraid of women..,,,,,

smart people (you can take yourself out of that equation) don't want an unqualified hack running the department of ed.

See what I mean? Here is a progressive woman who won't even stand up for a fellow female. Just like I said.

Betsy DeVos is more than qualified. Hell, Barack Obama was a community organizer and you voted for him for president. He was the most "unqualified hack" we had seen in politics.

This is nothing more than the Dumbocrats long and horrific history of gynophobia rearing its ugly head once again. You know it. I know it. Betsy DeVos knows it.

Even the Republicans aren't crazy about DeVos.

You might just entertain the notion she is not well qualified :lol:
Really? Can you name one outside of the two Republican's mentioned in this article (who are simply appeasing their voting base which includes progressives)? Most Republicans I know are thrilled that Betsy DeVos was nominated.

You just might entertain the notion that the unthinkable for you is in fact reality - your party is the party of gynophobia.

The two Republicans happen to be women.
Maybe they have a valid point.
Eesh! They (and I quote) "have a valid point" to hate and fear women?!? :uhh:

You're premise is flawed. It's nothing to do with her as a woman.
That amazes me. When conservatives oppose Barack Obama - it's because he's black. When conservatives oppose Hitlery Clinton - it's because she's a woman. When conservatives oppose men using women's bathrooms - it's because we are "homophobic".

But when a progressive opposes a woman - it's not because she's a woman. Nope. Not at all. :eusa_whistle:

You need some actual evidence her being a woman has anything to do with it and given the Republicans also luke warm to her methinks gender ain't the issue....
Funny....you didn't hold that same standard when you progressives pals were screaming "RACIST"!!! every time someone cited facts showing Barack Obama's ineptitude.

The "evidence" is that they are blocking her for no reason. You're progressive pals all declared that Rex Tillerson was "unqualified" as well - but they had no problems confirming him. Can you explain? I can't.

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