Democrats, are you concerned about these rioters in the major cities and mayors are not allowing help from the gov't?

Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
I don’t like calling myself anything really. Call me independent, unaffiliated, or whatever the hell you want. It really doesn’t matter, I’ve explained my position. I know that you are framing the rules to fit your attack on me and not in reality. When people talk about the independent vote and how it effects elections they aren’t talking about all the People who won’t vote for either candidate, they are talking about the undecideds that could go either way.

An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent:

  • Independents may support policies which are different from those of the major political parties.
  • Independents may support a party's platform, but choose to stand as an independent because they don't feel the party adequately follows their platform.
Chooses to stand as an independent, because they don't feel that a party adequately follows their own platform. Otherwise the independent doesn't vote for either party, and thus awaits the independent candidate to run.
Some may not vote... others may pick the candidate that they like best without signing on to the entire platform
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
Sorry but you don’t understand how this works. Fighting for the independent vote is always a major topic during campaigns. Dems and Republicans fight for independent votes and they actually get votes. I’m surprise you haven’t noticed that. And again I don’t care what you want to call me. If you don’t want to call me an independent then dont. I dont care much for labels anyways.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
I don’t like calling myself anything really. Call me independent, unaffiliated, or whatever the hell you want. It really doesn’t matter, I’ve explained my position. I know that you are framing the rules to fit your attack on me and not in reality. When people talk about the independent vote and how it effects elections they aren’t talking about all the People who won’t vote for either candidate, they are talking about the undecideds that could go either way.

An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent:

  • Independents may support policies which are different from those of the major political parties.
  • Independents may support a party's platform, but choose to stand as an independent because they don't feel the party adequately follows their platform.
Chooses to stand as an independent, because they don't feel that a party adequately follows their own platform. Otherwise the independent doesn't vote for either party, and thus awaits the independent candidate to run.
Some may not vote... others may pick the candidate that they like best without signing on to the entire platform
That is generally what happens. Would you say that a Democrat can see this rioting and still vote for the Democrats that are leading these cities>=? Would they rely on SLOW JOE to call in the extra help when it is needed?
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
Biden will cause an all out civil war and death of thousands of Leftists. Is that the repair you want?
No I would hate to see a civil war, but I don’t see Biden as that polarizing of a figure. I see Trump as that type of figure which is why I want him out.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?

If that is truly the case then tell me how you arrive on whom to vote for? I mean is it policy, rhetoric, personal likability? What?
All the above... I’m not a fan of big government so I lean towards the more fiscally conservative... I do care about the environment, and social equality so that’s where many GOP leaders lose me. Personality does play a role. I want to vote for a person that I think has a good heart. If I smell the snake oil of a scammer I won’t vote for them.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
I don’t like calling myself anything really. Call me independent, unaffiliated, or whatever the hell you want. It really doesn’t matter, I’ve explained my position. I know that you are framing the rules to fit your attack on me and not in reality. When people talk about the independent vote and how it effects elections they aren’t talking about all the People who won’t vote for either candidate, they are talking about the undecideds that could go either way.

An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent:

  • Independents may support policies which are different from those of the major political parties.
  • Independents may support a party's platform, but choose to stand as an independent because they don't feel the party adequately follows their platform.
than call yourself an unaffiliated person ....supporting a policy is different than supporting a party....but if you vote for the top dog in the party you are backing whatever he does because you voted for him...if you vote for biden this time around then you are a democrat this time around....
Whatever you say, call me unaffiliated or call me a democrat if you want. I don’t agree with you’re terminology but as I’ve said I don’t really care that much about labels and this conversation is really boring so let’s shift gears shall we?
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
I don’t like calling myself anything really. Call me independent, unaffiliated, or whatever the hell you want. It really doesn’t matter, I’ve explained my position. I know that you are framing the rules to fit your attack on me and not in reality. When people talk about the independent vote and how it effects elections they aren’t talking about all the People who won’t vote for either candidate, they are talking about the undecideds that could go either way.

An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent:

  • Independents may support policies which are different from those of the major political parties.
  • Independents may support a party's platform, but choose to stand as an independent because they don't feel the party adequately follows their platform.
Chooses to stand as an independent, because they don't feel that a party adequately follows their own platform. Otherwise the independent doesn't vote for either party, and thus awaits the independent candidate to run.
Some may not vote... others may pick the candidate that they like best without signing on to the entire platform
That is generally what happens. Would you say that a Democrat can see this rioting and still vote for the Democrats that are leading these cities>=? Would they rely on SLOW JOE to call in the extra help when it is needed?
I’d be pretty upset with the way the state leaders have been handling the riots. Would have to really dig in case by case but I imagine I’d support replacing many of the mayors. I actually think if Joe was in the White House there would be a much more healthy collaboration between feds and state law enforcement and perhaps we would be seeing better results and less political posturing.
When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts
What branch and designation are these troops that you are talking about?
It’s a variety from both DHS and DOJ. You’ve seen the videos haven’t you?
oh so they aren't the military?
Did I say they were military?
You implied as such
No I didn’t imply military. Troopers doesn’t mean military
Someone who has never been in the military wouldn't realize we have U.S. Army Troopers
We also have Super Troopers. What point are you trying to make?

View attachment 367291
Cops aren't troops dumb ass ATF Border Patrol and Homeland Security aren't Troopers the feds don't have Troopers except for the military idiot
Whatever you say Tonto... it you should really look up definitions before you try and BS terminology. Just admit you were wrong and move on. Nobody cares
You just used a racial epithet in your post... Tsk tsk you should know better.. lol

it is ok when they do it. or when they use homophobic slurs. or when they look down on poor people. or when they practice religious bigotry. ect ect ect.

i spent years, pointing out how hypocritical lefties are, when it comes to such things.

and not once did a single liberal show any sincerity in their beliefs. they were all comfortable attacking people for various "isms" while also demonstrating that they hold such "isms" themselves.

they are completely without shame. or brains.
All this over a word that has nothing to do with race. Seems y’all caught the Snowflake disease

my point stands. address it, or don't hit the reply button you moron.
Your point had nothing to do with the word I used or the thread I was in that YOU replied to. Nice try to reverse the script but this one was your bad

1. when you people are pointing fingers, you don't care if the accusation is fair or just. hell, i think you prefer when you know it is bullshit.

2. and my point stands. you people are fine using such slurs, and never once have any of you, when called on it, admitted, that you were wrong to do so. every time you people whine about various "ism" it is always bullshit.
Have I made an unfair accusation or inappropriate slur? If so then what.

If not, then why are you fighting against the invisible “they”?? There’s no point. Deal with the person you’re talking to and make valid on topic points to what’s being discussed
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
Biden will cause an all out civil war and death of thousands of Leftists. Is that the repair you want?
No I would hate to see a civil war, but I don’t see Biden as that polarizing of a figure. I see Trump as that type of figure which is why I want him out.
That's interesting. I see biden as not able to control anything...and BLM escalating to a civil war while he tries ti figure what state he's in. I still think that Biden will step down and someone will take the reins. And it being a black woman may not be ideal.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
Yep, and an independent waits for the independent candidate to run, and then votes for the independent candidate.

Wrong :laughing0301:
And I bet you'll say you're an independent? LOL
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
Biden will cause an all out civil war and death of thousands of Leftists. Is that the repair you want?
No I would hate to see a civil war, but I don’t see Biden as that polarizing of a figure. I see Trump as that type of figure which is why I want him out.
That's interesting. I see biden as not able to control anything...and BLM escalating to a civil war while he tries ti figure what state he's in. I still think that Biden will step down and someone will take the reins. And it being a black woman may not be ideal.
Biden will be fine for 4 years. He will have a team focusing on race relations and will do a much better job calming the waters than Trump IMO
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
I don’t like calling myself anything really. Call me independent, unaffiliated, or whatever the hell you want. It really doesn’t matter, I’ve explained my position. I know that you are framing the rules to fit your attack on me and not in reality. When people talk about the independent vote and how it effects elections they aren’t talking about all the People who won’t vote for either candidate, they are talking about the undecideds that could go either way.

An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent:

  • Independents may support policies which are different from those of the major political parties.
  • Independents may support a party's platform, but choose to stand as an independent because they don't feel the party adequately follows their platform.
Chooses to stand as an independent, because they don't feel that a party adequately follows their own platform. Otherwise the independent doesn't vote for either party, and thus awaits the independent candidate to run.
Some may not vote... others may pick the candidate that they like best without signing on to the entire platform
That is generally what happens. Would you say that a Democrat can see this rioting and still vote for the Democrats that are leading these cities>=? Would they rely on SLOW JOE to call in the extra help when it is needed?
I’d be pretty upset with the way the state leaders have been handling the riots. Would have to really dig in case by case but I imagine I’d support replacing many of the mayors. I actually think if Joe was in the White House there would be a much more healthy collaboration between feds and state law enforcement and perhaps we would be seeing better results and less political posturing.
I agree with you about the mayors but the president cannot just replace them. They have to step down and then have a special election. You have more faith in Biden than I do. Hell he's supposed to be campaigning and he's locked in his basement!
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
Biden will cause an all out civil war and death of thousands of Leftists. Is that the repair you want?
No I would hate to see a civil war, but I don’t see Biden as that polarizing of a figure. I see Trump as that type of figure which is why I want him out.
That's interesting. I see biden as not able to control anything...and BLM escalating to a civil war while he tries ti figure what state he's in. I still think that Biden will step down and someone will take the reins. And it being a black woman may not be ideal.
Biden will be fine for 4 years. He will have a team focusing on race relations and will do a much better job calming the waters than Trump IMO
Horse shit
This is what happens when you have a wanna fascist dictator in charge.

This is life is the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Yellow Belly Coward, Orange Fucking Shit Stain 45.

Specifically, how is President Donald Trump being a "fascist dictator in charge"?

President Donald Trump has incredible accomplishments so all you can do is whine about deferments. How noble of you! :D
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
well you just said a lot about
No doubt. Thanks for understanding!
next time just be honest and try not to be something you are not....
I’ve been nothing but honest.
no you were were trying to pass yourself off as something you are not......
No I wasn’t. I’m not a registered democrat. I voted for a Republican governor last election. I don’t like either party but with only two choices in most elections I choose the candidate I like best and don’t let party play a part.

frankly I dont really care what you want to call me but I’ve been nothing but honest in this thread. Try it out
you go back and forth....a "leaner" i said no one that does not like either party,especially when both are considered corrupt, would vote for trump or biden....why the hell would they?...they are just voting for that corrupt party they supposedly dont like...
Just because I think the party system is corrupt doesn’t mean I think everybody who is a member of each party is corrupt by association. Let’s get real here. For any politician to get elected under the current system they need to be part of one of the two parties. The fact that is the case is what turns me off from the way that system is and I hope something changes it in the future. But For now I give each person on the ballot a fair shake and don’t judge by whatever their label is.

why do I need to explain this to you? Do you really not get it? You sound like you’re playing dumb because you’re stuck in a “gotchya” game trying to paint me as a liar or something. What’s up with that?
you dont understand what an independent think its a person who can vote this party or that party.....thats not it at independent is someone who is fed up with both parties and does not help vote the parties he cant stand come into power.....if you vote biden for instance, you are voting for the democrats and everything they stand for.....why call yourself an independent if you are still backing one of the parties you profess you cant stand?.....a great deal of people who call themselves independents still side with one party or the other,thats not being very independent is it?....if a party can influence you enough to vote for them,then you are supporting that party,and yes voting for the top person in that party is supporting that party.....
I don’t like calling myself anything really. Call me independent, unaffiliated, or whatever the hell you want. It really doesn’t matter, I’ve explained my position. I know that you are framing the rules to fit your attack on me and not in reality. When people talk about the independent vote and how it effects elections they aren’t talking about all the People who won’t vote for either candidate, they are talking about the undecideds that could go either way.

An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent:

  • Independents may support policies which are different from those of the major political parties.
  • Independents may support a party's platform, but choose to stand as an independent because they don't feel the party adequately follows their platform.
Chooses to stand as an independent, because they don't feel that a party adequately follows their own platform. Otherwise the independent doesn't vote for either party, and thus awaits the independent candidate to run.
Some may not vote... others may pick the candidate that they like best without signing on to the entire platform
That is generally what happens. Would you say that a Democrat can see this rioting and still vote for the Democrats that are leading these cities>=? Would they rely on SLOW JOE to call in the extra help when it is needed?
I’d be pretty upset with the way the state leaders have been handling the riots. Would have to really dig in case by case but I imagine I’d support replacing many of the mayors. I actually think if Joe was in the White House there would be a much more healthy collaboration between feds and state law enforcement and perhaps we would be seeing better results and less political posturing.
I agree with you about the mayors but the president cannot just replace them. They have to step down and then have a special election. You have more faith in Biden than I do. Hell he's supposed to be campaigning and he's locked in his basement!
He’s not locked in his basement that’s just a talking point. You can do better than that
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
I’m an independent and HELL NO would I vote for Trump. Worst president of my lifetime by far.
so you will vote for biden?....
Easy yes
So you lied when you said you were an independent.
No lie here. What are you confused about?
You lied because an independent is not going to vote for Biden
Why is an independent an independent
An independent is an independent because they aren’t tied to a party, they vote for the best candidate. In this case the best candidate is Biden independent has problems with both parties and would not back a person from either one especially one like biden who is the type of politician that makes one become an are a middle of the roader who is a democrat one day and a republican the next.....a real independent would say fuck both parties and those who lead them....
A real independent would fit the stereotype you just assigned. One may say fuck you to both parties as I often do. Some may sit in their thumbs during an election like you surely do. And others may pick the best candidate to vote for.

I think both political parties are corrupt as shot and fundraising has over run our bloated Bureaucracy. I don’t imagine I’ll ever register for a party. Last election I wrote in a name. This election I’m voting for Biden given the fact that Trump is the worst thing I’ve ever seen representing our country and he needs to go.
ok so you admit you are just a independent in name....if you vote for biden then you are backing everything he does whether its good or bad because you voted for him.....basically this election you are a i said, a middle of the roader....a real independent would not vote for a party that they claim is corrupt as why would you back a corrupt party?.....that dont sound very independent....
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve heard today. I have to back everything a person does says and stands for if I vote for them in an election involving two people?! I don’t think there is a person on earth that I fully agree with. What a stupid argument you just made. Please take it back and save some face.
your stupid argument is claiming you are an independent when you are not.....
Sure I am... as independent as they come. I’ve never voted for a Republican or a democrat for president. This will be the first time and it is because I see Trump as a disgrace and I support him being gone
so you vote for another asswipe in a party you say is corrupt....yea that party hasnt influenced are a "leaner".... many people who like to think of themselves as independent-minded and free of party influence aren’t thats you.....joe biden is the kind of politician real independents cant stand and would never vote for the guy......
I dont think Biden is an asswipe. I think he is a good dude. He is past his prime and I don’t agree with some of his policy plans but my main concern at the moment is repairing the relationships and damage that Trump has destroyed. I think Biden will do a fine job. I hope he wins and only serves 4 years
Biden will cause an all out civil war and death of thousands of Leftists. Is that the repair you want?
No I would hate to see a civil war, but I don’t see Biden as that polarizing of a figure. I see Trump as that type of figure which is why I want him out.
That's interesting. I see biden as not able to control anything...and BLM escalating to a civil war while he tries ti figure what state he's in. I still think that Biden will step down and someone will take the reins. And it being a black woman may not be ideal.
Biden will be fine for 4 years. He will have a team focusing on race relations and will do a much better job calming the waters than Trump IMO
Horse shit
No, that’s legit.
When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts
What branch and designation are these troops that you are talking about?
It’s a variety from both DHS and DOJ. You’ve seen the videos haven’t you?
oh so they aren't the military?
Did I say they were military?
You implied as such
No I didn’t imply military. Troopers doesn’t mean military
Someone who has never been in the military wouldn't realize we have U.S. Army Troopers
We also have Super Troopers. What point are you trying to make?

View attachment 367291
Cops aren't troops dumb ass ATF Border Patrol and Homeland Security aren't Troopers the feds don't have Troopers except for the military idiot
Whatever you say Tonto... it you should really look up definitions before you try and BS terminology. Just admit you were wrong and move on. Nobody cares
You just used a racial epithet in your post... Tsk tsk you should know better.. lol

it is ok when they do it. or when they use homophobic slurs. or when they look down on poor people. or when they practice religious bigotry. ect ect ect.

i spent years, pointing out how hypocritical lefties are, when it comes to such things.

and not once did a single liberal show any sincerity in their beliefs. they were all comfortable attacking people for various "isms" while also demonstrating that they hold such "isms" themselves.

they are completely without shame. or brains.
All this over a word that has nothing to do with race. Seems y’all caught the Snowflake disease

my point stands. address it, or don't hit the reply button you moron.
Your point had nothing to do with the word I used or the thread I was in that YOU replied to. Nice try to reverse the script but this one was your bad

1. when you people are pointing fingers, you don't care if the accusation is fair or just. hell, i think you prefer when you know it is bullshit.

2. and my point stands. you people are fine using such slurs, and never once have any of you, when called on it, admitted, that you were wrong to do so. every time you people whine about various "ism" it is always bullshit.
Have I made an unfair accusation or inappropriate slur? If so then what.

If not, then why are you fighting against the invisible “they”?? There’s no point. Deal with the person you’re talking to and make valid on topic points to what’s being discussed

the way you lefties use false accusations of racism, is a valid point.
No I would hate to see a civil war, but I don’t see Biden as that polarizing of a figure. I see Trump as that type of figure which is why I want him out.

Wow, you don't pay much attention to reality, do you?

When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts
What branch and designation are these troops that you are talking about?
It’s a variety from both DHS and DOJ. You’ve seen the videos haven’t you?
oh so they aren't the military?
Did I say they were military?
You implied as such
No I didn’t imply military. Troopers doesn’t mean military
Someone who has never been in the military wouldn't realize we have U.S. Army Troopers
We also have Super Troopers. What point are you trying to make?

View attachment 367291
Cops aren't troops dumb ass ATF Border Patrol and Homeland Security aren't Troopers the feds don't have Troopers except for the military idiot
Whatever you say Tonto... it you should really look up definitions before you try and BS terminology. Just admit you were wrong and move on. Nobody cares
You just used a racial epithet in your post... Tsk tsk you should know better.. lol

it is ok when they do it. or when they use homophobic slurs. or when they look down on poor people. or when they practice religious bigotry. ect ect ect.

i spent years, pointing out how hypocritical lefties are, when it comes to such things.

and not once did a single liberal show any sincerity in their beliefs. they were all comfortable attacking people for various "isms" while also demonstrating that they hold such "isms" themselves.

they are completely without shame. or brains.
All this over a word that has nothing to do with race. Seems y’all caught the Snowflake disease

my point stands. address it, or don't hit the reply button you moron.
Your point had nothing to do with the word I used or the thread I was in that YOU replied to. Nice try to reverse the script but this one was your bad

1. when you people are pointing fingers, you don't care if the accusation is fair or just. hell, i think you prefer when you know it is bullshit.

2. and my point stands. you people are fine using such slurs, and never once have any of you, when called on it, admitted, that you were wrong to do so. every time you people whine about various "ism" it is always bullshit.
Have I made an unfair accusation or inappropriate slur? If so then what.

If not, then why are you fighting against the invisible “they”?? There’s no point. Deal with the person you’re talking to and make valid on topic points to what’s being discussed

the way you lefties use false accusations of racism, is a valid point.
Ok, what false accusation did I use? Please point to one so I can defend it... if your not talking about me then I don’t find it relevant to the discussion I’m having.

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