Democrats are on wrong side of voter ID


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2010
This Big News About Voter ID Laws Is an Absolute Nightmare for Cheating Democrats Everywhere

"Though Democrat politicians have often accused Republicans of discouraging voters by requiring a photo ID to vote, it seems that they’re alone in those assumptions, as even their own party members believe that’s not true according to a recent Rasmussen poll.

A staggering 58 percent of Democrats believe that a photo ID should be presented at the polls to vote, the survey found. Overall, 76 percent of Americans support requiring photo ID for those wishing to cast a ballot."

"While Democrats label the photo ID requirements as “voter suppression,” the recent poll found that 76 percent of voters believe that a registered voter should have to prove who they are when they show up at the voting booth.

The Rasmussen poll also showed that only “37 percent of all voters think it is more common for eligible voters to be prevented from voting than it is for those not eligible to vote to cast a ballot instead.”
Voter ID is voter suppression. It would do too much damage suppressing illegal dimocrat votes they're reliant on. They'll fight it and fight and fight it because they've got too much to lose, but of course will lie through their teeth as to why.
Democrats are mostly on the wrong side of everything, which is exactly why they fight this tooth and nail. Without those illegal votes, many are out of a job.

It has been written in a recently released book with footnotes, that over 20% of Mexicos population now reside in the United States. Over 70% of Hispanics vote democrat, so with any kind of logic why the democrats want this to stay in place. The funny thing is, they use African Americans as the excuse, and who do the illegals hurt the most? Why African Americans.

Shame on the democrats, but why aren't any of us surprised!
Like so many other critical political issues, the left controls the narrative, therefore no honest discussion takes place.

With so many people here illegally, protecting the integrity of the vote should be a concern to all US citizens.

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