Democrats Are No-shows At Weekend Efforts To Prevent A Shutdown


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House Republicans say Dems trying to run out clock on government shutdown (
By Julian Pecquet and Molly K. Hooper - 09/29/13 04:22 PM ET

Twenty conservative House Republicans assembled in front of the locked Senate doors Sunday to slam Democratic obstructionism as the federal government hurtles towards a shutdown.

Trading in colorful metaphors just hours after sending a spending bill to the Senate, the conservative group, led by Republican Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers (R-Wash.), accused Democrats of refusing to negotiate. The Senate and President Obama have vowed to reject the Republican's effort to delay the president's healthcare law by one year.

“I urge the Senate to come back,” second-term Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio) said to shouts of "Amen."

“I'm glad now to invite to the microphone the distinguished majority leader in the Senate, Harry Reid,” he added to loud laughs from his colleagues. “Oh, I'm sorry, Harry's not here today. Maybe he'll show up later.”

Football in hand, Rep. Tim Griffin (R-Ark.) accused Democrats of deliberately “running out the clock.” He claimed to have been told by “high-level Democrats in town” that their plan has long been to force a government shutdown and blame it on Republicans.

“This is the old football strategy: when you get to where you want to be in a football game, you run out the clock, because you think you like where you are,” he said. “That’s exactly what’s going on here. If they really cared if this government shutdown would shut down or not, they’d be here.”

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) accused Democrats of taking a “lazy break until 2 o'clock on Monday.”

He said Democrats' mantra that the health bill is the law will backfire because the debt ceiling is too, and that will get “shoved back in [their] face” unless Democrats are ready to negotiate on the spending bill.

And Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) challenged reporters to call senators in their Washington homes, saying most of them probably never left for their districts and could vote very quickly.

Earlier in the day, a number of high-ranking Democrats took to the airwaves to hammer a message that the Republicans are the ones employing a “government shutdown strategy.”

The No. 2-ranking Democrat in the Senate, Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) charged his GOP colleagues with being “hell-bent” on employing a government shutdown.

Still, Senate leaders decided not to call the upper chamber back to Washington until 2 p.m. on Monday, 10 hours before the government will shut down if Congress and the president fail to reach an agreement on the short-term funding bill.

“Senate – get on back to town,” Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) demanded at the hastily called press conference.

With senators back in their districts or hunkered down in their Washington homes, House Republicans were largely able to control the message. A Washington, D.C., resident on her way home briefly interrupted the press conference with shouts that Republicans were disingenuous about wanting to keep the government open and that voters had voted to uphold the health law.

“Obama was elected,” the woman said. “Not you.”

The amused Republicans pointed out that they too were elected. They said voters had chosen a divided government and that Obama and Senate Democrats should come to the negotiating table.

Recent polling shows that a majority of Americans would blame Republicans for a potential government shutdown - a factor that could hurt the GOP in the voting booth next year.

Forty-four percent of individuals said they would blame Republicans if the government shuts down on Oct.1, according to a CBS/New York Times poll, while 35 percent of respondents would blame President Obama and congressional Democrats. The poll, conducted Sept. 19-23 among 1,014 adults nationwide, has a margin of error of +/- 3 percent.

Read more: House Republicans say Dems trying to run out clock on government shutdown (Video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook appears the Democrats are doing everything in their power to allow if not force a shutdown.

Now who are you going to blame?
Senate leaders decided not to call the upper chamber back to Washington until 2 p.m. on Monday, 10 hours before the government will shut down


If these people don't get replaced I will forever call every democrat I come in contact with an Idiot
Those silly republicans won't compromise.

President Barack Obama said:
And that’s why I will not negotiate on anything when it comes to the full faith and credit of the United States of America.
Obama draws no-compromise line | The Tennessean |
Oh wait, it is the democrat President of the United States that refuses to negotiate.
On the debt ceiling, Reid gave a flat “no” when asked if he would be willing to consider any of the possible things Republicans were asking for in exchange for voting to raise the debt ceiling, ...
Reid: No negotiations with GOP on government funding, debt ceiling | The Daily Caller
And democrat Senator Harry Reid also refuses to compromise.

Silly obstructionist republicans.
Democraps will NOT allow a shutdown to last more than a few days.

They know in what passes for their withered little hearts that, beyond that, the voters will begin to LIKE IT shutdown!
Senate leaders decided not to call the upper chamber back to Washington until 2 p.m. on Monday, 10 hours before the government will shut down


If these people don't get replaced I will forever call every democrat I come in contact with an Idiot

It took you this long? I've been calling them idiots for 20 years.

Nancy Pelosi didn't show up even though the House was in session........


Days ahead of a government shutdown, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is celebrating her 50th wedding anniversary outside Washington, D.C.

“Speaker Boehner has told me he has the votes for his proposals on his side of the aisle and that he will not need our help,” Pelosi (D-Calif.) wrote in a letter to colleagues. “I have been in contact with our leadership team and Members, and we appreciate the united front from Members as we proceed.”

Pelosi said she will be “listening in on the conversations at our forthcoming Caucus meeting this evening.”

“I look forward to seeing you tomorrow,” Pelosi wrote in the letter Saturday.

House Democrats are meeting at 6 p.m. Saturday, ahead of a vote to keep the government open.

Read more: Nancy Pelosi absent for CR vote - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan - sense of urgency by any Democrat.

This is what happens when the media controls the direction this country will take.
The Senate will reconvene to send the clean bill back on Monday

Why do Republicans insist on shutting down our government?
The Senate will reconvene to send the clean bill back on Monday

Why do Republicans insist on shutting down our government?

Because the Democrats insist on shutting the government down.

The Dems in the Senate won't convene till 2pm on Monday. The government shuts down 10 hrs later. If anything is passed the president won't have time to sign it.

It's clear who's shutting the government down and no amount of lying by you and any other liberal can't change that fact.
:lol: Guess why...

It's not difficult.........they want a shutdown.

So who's fault will it be??????

Shitting your pants because you know who's going to get the blame, eh? When you're playing poker you have to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. I think we all know who's the pigeon at the table. :lol:

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