Democrats Across The Country Call For Ralph Northam's Resignation

He now says he doesn't think that is him in the picture and that the titling got mixed up. Whatever the case...

If that is him, he needs to resign. He needs to show moral character, unlike someone who was caught on audio boasting about sexually abusing women. Rather than step down or walk away, his party rewarded him....that is the definition of Hypocrisy.

Get over it loons. It was 35 years ago. Was it a halloween costume? Not a big deal.
He now says he doesn't think that is him in the picture and that the titling got mixed up. Whatever the case...

If that is him, he needs to resign. He needs to show moral character, unlike someone who was caught on audio boasting about sexually abusing women. Rather than step down or walk away, his party rewarded him....that is the definition of Hypocrisy.

Get over it loons. It was 35 years ago. Was it a halloween costume? Not a big deal.
So long as he didn't drink beer.

Ralphie "Coonman" Northam already changing his story

PLEASE dig in your heels Guv-nah!

by all means, let's drag this story out and keep it in the public eye!

We know that the propagandists at places like CNN & the Failing NYT want to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible

keep hope alive!

RICHMOND — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) is refusing to resign despite overwhelming pressure from within his own party and has told at least one lawmaker that he now does not think that a racist photo in his 1984 yearbook includes him, Democratic party officials said Saturday.

Northam publicly apologized Friday for the medical school yearbook photo and acknowledged that he appeared in the image, which is of one man in blackface and another in a Ku Klux Klan robe.

But State Sen. L. Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth) said that Northam called her Saturday morning and told her he did not think the picture was of him and he did not plan to resign.

“He should have said that yesterday then,” she said. “He just told me he didn’t think it’s him. And I said, ‘Ralph, this is a day late and a dollar short. It’s too late.’”
Hang in there, Gov!
"Please God, let one of the reporters ask VA Gov Ralph Northam to do the Moon Walk. He claims he learned to do a good one!'



You want to talk about ZERO professionalism, ZERO competence.....

In their rush to partisanly attack Republicans ... In their rush to accuse others of what Democrats have done / are doing ... they did NOT even TRY to find out the facts - they simply reported that the Va Gov was a Republican.


If they had waited 2 MINUTES and used GOOGLE they would not have HUMILIATED THEMSELVES and would not have had to issue yet ANOTHER RETRACTION!


Ralphie "Coonman" Northam already changing his story

PLEASE dig in your heels Guv-nah!

by all means, let's drag this story out and keep it in the public eye!

We know that the propagandists at places like CNN & the Failing NYT want to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible

keep hope alive!

RICHMOND — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) is refusing to resign despite overwhelming pressure from within his own party and has told at least one lawmaker that he now does not think that a racist photo in his 1984 yearbook includes him, Democratic party officials said Saturday.

Northam publicly apologized Friday for the medical school yearbook photo and acknowledged that he appeared in the image, which is of one man in blackface and another in a Ku Klux Klan robe.

But State Sen. L. Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth) said that Northam called her Saturday morning and told her he did not think the picture was of him and he did not plan to resign.

“He should have said that yesterday then,” she said. “He just told me he didn’t think it’s him. And I said, ‘Ralph, this is a day late and a dollar short. It’s too late.’”

There are a bunch of threads on this. If he is some kind of reformed idiot or reformed racist who now denounces racism do you think he should resign?

I don't believe you can get more racist than gleefully supporting infanticide. The times a particular political party believed Blacks, Indians and others were less than human, things always worked out rather badly.
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He's saying that was not him in the photo, BUT admits to being a Michael Jackson minstrel....WTF???
Sometimes the best thing you can do is just STFU...when you look around and you are in a hole deeper than you are tall, stop digging.
It’s funny how when they find this shit about Dems, it’s “this isn’t our party”. If he was a Republican, it would be “see the whole Republican Party is racist”.


Post the link of Republicans calling for admitted white supremeicist Steve King to resign or your post has no credibility

What specifically should he have resigned for?
Impersonating a negro!....A class b felony today! blue states!
Looks like the Northam asshole is going into the typical Democrat dishonesty mode of lying. We see it all the time.


After a little the sorry ass promise to kiss some Negro ass as a penitence the Negroes and White Guilt Moon Bats will let the shithead keep his job. After all, it probably means a bigger welfare check down the road. They own his sorry White Moon Bat ass now.

Like it or not Dims, this village idiot that holds the position as governor of Virginia is the poster boy for hypocrisy within the Dim party.

As conservatives, we can now use this as evidence that the DNC does not give a damn about "black faces" UNLESS, it is a conservative.

Let the beatings commence.

But the Governor said it's been a learning lesson. He did not indicate what he learned tho'.
Maybe it is to stay away from black polish and white sheets....

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