Democratic Party = Party of Law and Order


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Picture says a 1000 words.....give the other major party a chance.

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Unfortunately, "the other major party" hasn't proven itself to be any better, just a different brand of Crime Family, so even if the people in those cities voted out Crime Family-D in favor of Crime Family-R it would just a be a cosmetic change.

IMHO A much better solution would be to get rid of poisonous political parties and just let candidates STAND for election on their own individual merits.
The Chauvin trial proved liberal Democrats have no respect for the law and order.

Especially since AOC was telling people to get confrontational and take to the streets during the trial. And the president himself was encouraging a guilty verdict. Among other democrats echoing the same thing.

Goes to show they don't believe in the basic principal of the justice system innocent until found guilty, and that you're supposed to get a fair trial by a jury of impartial peers.

It doesn't matter if you're on film infront of a thousand people right out murdering someone in cold blood with a machete. You're still supposed to get a fair trial.

He didn't get that, everyone decided he was guilty a year before the trial even got started. And the democrats calling for a guilty verdict made it worse.

They poisoned the justice system.
View attachment 488633

Picture says a 1000 words.....give the other major party a chance.

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Hey, Zog. When did Nasville have any riots last year, or Memphis for that matter? I thought you were putting out a comprehensive list of the riot cities, until I saw that.

Tennessee, the events have been mostly peaceful with only a handful of arrests, although signs of a complicated and fractious relationship between protesters and police remain.
They poisoned the justice system.
The "justice system" has been "poisoned" for decades, if not at least a century- ever since Publicly Funded (alleged) Education took hold and started turning out regurgitators of stupid with shifting sand as a foundation for it's knowledge transference-
View attachment 488633

Picture says a 1000 words.....give the other major party a chance.

View attachment 488635
Hey, Zog. When did Nasville have any riots last year, or Memphis for that matter? I thought you were putting out a comprehensive list of the riot cities, until I saw that.
There was a small riot in nashville last year. Didnt last long.
Thanks. Somebody musta just said NO.
Yep. It got shutdown fast.
View attachment 488633

Picture says a 1000 words.....give the other major party a chance.

View attachment 488635
You can add San Jose, CA to this list and their disgusting mayor Sam Liccardo. When Trump had a rally there, Liccardo ordered his cops to stand down. They were reduced to spectators, while gangs of mostly Mexican illegal aliens chased after outnumbered Trump supporters, beating on them, including women.

View attachment 488633

Picture says a 1000 words.....give the other major party a chance.

View attachment 488635
You can add San Jose, CA to this list and their disgusting mayor Sam Liccardo. When Trump had a rally there, Liccardo ordered his cops to stand down. They were reduced to spectators, while gangs of mostly Mexican illegal aliens chased after outnumbered Trump supporters, beating on them, including women.

It's California. What do you expect?
View attachment 488633

Picture says a 1000 words.....give the other major party a chance.

View attachment 488635
Hey, Zog. When did Nasville have any riots last year, or Memphis for that matter? I thought you were putting out a comprehensive list of the riot cities, until I saw that.
There was a small riot in nashville last year. Didnt last long.
Well, you Tennesseans just don't know how to hold a good riot, fuckin' pansies. :p
View attachment 488633

Picture says a 1000 words.....give the other major party a chance.

View attachment 488635
Yeah just about every big city run by a democrat. Repubs have nothing to offer.
Neither do Democrats
Yet they win the elections. Repubs stand for anger, stupidity, and conspiracy theories. They will need real policy to get city votes.
Win some lose some. Let's see what happens in 2022....Point of the chart is that if you keep voting for the same party youre not holding the other party accountable. You really see the Democrats as perfect? They win because they promise free shit.

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