Democratic House Quietly Shies Away from Assult Weapons Ban Today


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Their bills won't make it past the Senate, but my stash of 30-round magazines just increased in value.


"House Democrats passed a series of strict gun regulations this week, banning so-called "high capacity magazines" and instituting a handful of "protections" to keep guns out of the hands of undesirable potential owners, but behind the scenes, prominent Dems are backing away from proposals that would create a national ban on the sale and ownership of "assault" weapons..."

"The New York Times reports that some moderate Democrats — especially those running for office next year in decidedly purple districts — won't sign on to a blanket assault weapons ban, leaving Democrats around ten votes shy of getting the ban passed in a branch of Congress that they control..."

House Dems Pass Sweeping New Gun Regulations But Quietly Back Away From Assault Weapons Ban – Pelt The Pundits
I'm hoping that the dems push hard for gun control in 2020.
They need to make it a party plank in their platform.
So far all they have is pablum bullshit.

Party Platform - Democrats
(The funniest one is "Protect our values" infanticide??)
democrats might get away with the 30 round magazine ban they are unreliable to begin with they have a tendency to jam military doesn't even issue them for that reason
but an outright so-called assault rifle ban is a bridge to far and unconstitutional
That may seem surprising, but it turns out that, while Democratic presidential candidates are publicly championing extreme-left gun policies, like a national “buyback” program​

How many criminals will turn in their guns?

More than 0? :laugh::laugh::laugh::cuckoo::cuckoo:
That may seem surprising, but it turns out that, while Democratic presidential candidates are publicly championing extreme-left gun policies, like a national “buyback” program​

How many criminals will turn in their guns?

More than 0? :laugh::laugh::laugh::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Us sane foks understand this, but it doesn't take much to fool the anti-gun nuts who don't know which end of a gun to hold in the first place.
Beto the spastic isn't going to like this. Sam Houston must be rolling over in his grave, hearing what his fellow Texan, Beto, is saying about guns. No self respecting Texan will follow this El Paso wackjob.
democrats might get away with the 30 round magazine ban they are unreliable to begin with they have a tendency to jam military doesn't even issue them for that reason
but an outright so-called assault rifle ban is a bridge to far and unconstitutional

Assault weapons were banned from 1994-2004, it was a 10-year ban.
Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

What was the effect on crime & mass shootings? NONE
I'm hoping that the dems push hard for gun control in 2020.
They need to make it a party plank in their platform.
So far all they have is pablum bullshit.

Party Platform - Democrats
(The funniest one is "Protect our values" infanticide??)
Assault weapons is a wedge-issue.
It's an issue that Democrats created to divide us.
It also shows what their ultimate goal is......disarming Americans so they cannot protect themselves from break-ins and from abusive government.
That may seem surprising, but it turns out that, while Democratic presidential candidates are publicly championing extreme-left gun policies, like a national “buyback” program​

How many criminals will turn in their guns?

More than 0? :laugh::laugh::laugh::cuckoo::cuckoo:

The ones that stole the guns from a rightful owner will and keep one to rob more people with...
I'm hoping that the dems push hard for gun control in 2020.
They need to make it a party plank in their platform.
So far all they have is pablum bullshit.

Party Platform - Democrats
(The funniest one is "Protect our values" infanticide??)
Assault weapons is a wedge-issue.
It's an issue that Democrats created to divide us.
It also shows what their ultimate goal is......disarming Americans so they cannot protect themselves from break-ins and from abusive government.

From government abuse is the real reason and not abuse but in fact leading to a fascist state is their ultimate goal...

In another thread another poster ( will not name him ) said Beto was intelligent and that everyone that disagree with Beto are idiots...

Then the individual attempted to compare a BB gun to a shotgun because I guess they thought Buck shot is like shooting a BB while not understanding it ( buck shot ) can shred a human up and Beto will want to ban that...

Beto is playing on the emotions of mental midgets that never fired a gun in their life and live in cities and not rural or suburban areas...
democrats might get away with the 30 round magazine ban they are unreliable to begin with they have a tendency to jam military doesn't even issue them for that reason
but an outright so-called assault rifle ban is a bridge to far and unconstitutional

Assault weapons were banned from 1994-2004, it was a 10-year ban.
Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

What was the effect on crime & mass shootings? NONE

The real "effect" was that the idiot Slick Willy (who championed the stupid bill) lost his Democrat controlled House. Many stupid Democrats and weak minded Republicans that voted for the oppressive bill lost election in 1994 thanks to the NRA.

However, I profited because I had several "preban" weapons and hundreds of grandfathered magazines.
democrats might get away with the 30 round magazine ban they are unreliable to begin with they have a tendency to jam military doesn't even issue them for that reason
but an outright so-called assault rifle ban is a bridge to far and unconstitutional

Assault weapons were banned from 1994-2004, it was a 10-year ban.
Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

What was the effect on crime & mass shootings? NONE
hence me using the description "so-called"
I'm hoping that the dems push hard for gun control in 2020.
They need to make it a party plank in their platform.
So far all they have is pablum bullshit.

Party Platform - Democrats
(The funniest one is "Protect our values" infanticide??)
Assault weapons is a wedge-issue.
It's an issue that Democrats created to divide us.
It also shows what their ultimate goal is......disarming Americans so they cannot protect themselves from break-ins and from abusive government.


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