Democrat party racism....again. Biden and pal bernie will end very popular, and helpful, scholarship program for Black Children. No hope for them.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party does not want Black Children to get an education...that is why they fight charter schools, school vouchers and this very, very popular scholarship program.....

Black Children are nothing to the democrat party...

As Democrats talk about racial justice -- while refusing to even debate consensus-based police reform legislation -- the party's presumptive presidential nominee appears poised to placate teachers unions by stripping funding from the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program.

This program -- started during the Bush administration, undermined and defunded during the Obama years, then reinstated by President Trump -- offers financial assistance to indigent families of color in order to allow them to afford private school tuition for their children.

It's exceptionally popular among the parents whose children benefit from it, but it will likely be on the chopping block in a Biden administration, in the name of "progress":

Tough luck, poor families of color. There are political interests that supersede yours. DeAngelis, a school choice advocate, refutes some of the bogus reasons cited by the "unity task force," which is designed to make leftists feel included and represented as Biden's platform and governing priorities take shape:

The program has helped thousands of DC students since the 2004 school year. Imagine the hubris it takes for politicians to tell black and Hispanic families that their personal satisfaction with their children's educational opportunities doesn't matter and that their own assessments of "accountability" don't count. Imagine the dishonesty it takes to strip away these opportunities based on supposed failures that exclude higher graduation rates, better student safety and improved student attendance.

How Black Americans can keep voting for the democrat party as their children are killed and kept from getting an education is just democrat party controlled cities.......

When the bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964, the "Southern Bloc" of 18 southern Democratic Senators and one Republican Senator (John Tower of Texas) led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage.[18] Said Russell: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[19]

United States President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Among the guests behind him is Martin Luther King Jr.
Strong opposition to the bill also came from Senator Strom Thurmond (D-SC): "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."[20]

These vermin can't hide from history.
That's right 2aguy, you fight for black children.

Show us how it's done!

You sit there as Black Children lose their lives and their futures in democrat party controlled cities, from their policies and destructive actions against Black Americans and then support the democrat party...that's on are a moron.
Evidently the OP needs to go back to school because he doesn't know how to spell Democratic Party, he constantly shows his unprofessional manner of speaking and we should take him seriously?
No one is keeping anyone from getting an education. If one has no education it is because of the individual or the parents not the system of public schooling.
Maybe when charter schools aren't operated by the corrupt strictly for profit they will get some support.

The Complete and Utter Failure Of Ohio Charter Schools

Nice lie.......charter schools are amazingly effective...but what we need is school vouchers to be used by parents at any school, public or private....charter schools are still run by the local governments and the teachers unions do everything they can to undermine them...

School vouchers...attach the money to the child and allow them to go wherever they can go....that is educational freedom and will allow all children to have a chance at a future....
You sit there as Black Children lose their lives and their futures in democrat party controlled cities, from their policies and destructive actions against Black Americans and then support the democrat party...that's on are a moron.
I'm so glad that you're in the corner for these black children, you have NO idea! I'm CERTAIN that their problems will be solved soon with you on the case.

I couldn't be happier to have you as a champion for blacks.
Maybe when charter schools aren't operated by the corrupt strictly for profit they will get some support.

The Complete and Utter Failure Of Ohio Charter Schools
Only a looney leftist would want a business to not be profitable.

You can address the failures of Ohio's charter school program or not.

I'll address them....end charter schools, give all kids a voucher.........that gives the parents complete control, and cuts out the teachers unions and other democrat party power over the charter schools...

School vouchers will save education, which is why the democrat party is against them....
Maybe when charter schools aren't operated by the corrupt strictly for profit they will get some support.

The Complete and Utter Failure Of Ohio Charter Schools
Only a looney leftist would want a business to not be profitable.

You can address the failures of Ohio's charter school program or not.

I'll address them....end charter schools, give all kids a voucher.........that gives the parents complete control, and cuts out the teachers unions and other democrat party power over the charter schools...

School vouchers will save education, which is why the democrat party is against them....

A voucher doesn't save a failed program. The charter program failed in Ohio because profit was put first.
California is blazing the way. No schools are necessary. No charter schools, no scholarships. Just give each student a 4.0 GPA. Then a degree in whatever subject or subjects the student wants. Actually attending classes is completely unnecessary.
California is blazing the way. No schools are necessary. No charter schools, no scholarships. Just give each student a 4.0 GPA. Then a degree in whatever subject or subjects the student wants. Actually attending classes is completely unnecessary.

Maybe a new career where you hire someone out to take your SAT's for you?
Evidently the OP needs to go back to school because he doesn't know how to spell Democratic Party, he constantly shows his unprofessional manner of speaking and we should take him seriously?
No one is keeping anyone from getting an education. If one has no education it is because of the individual or the parents not the system of public schooling.
This is essentially true. While quality teaching can obviously augment learning, once one can read the entire world of information is open. Children can learn to read at home before six years of age, the time public school starts. After that, it is a matter of motivation, interest, intellectual stimulation. Teachers can add to that, but it is on the parents, family and the individual child to cultivate.
Maybe when charter schools aren't operated by the corrupt strictly for profit they will get some support.

The Complete and Utter Failure Of Ohio Charter Schools

Nice lie.......charter schools are amazingly effective...but what we need is school vouchers to be used by parents at any school, public or private....charter schools are still run by the local governments and the teachers unions do everything they can to undermine them...

School vouchers...attach the money to the child and allow them to go wherever they can go....that is educational freedom and will allow all children to have a chance at a future....
That's the way the GI bill works and seems to work well. Why not do it for the children too?
California is blazing the way. No schools are necessary. No charter schools, no scholarships. Just give each student a 4.0 GPA. Then a degree in whatever subject or subjects the student wants. Actually attending classes is completely unnecessary.

Maybe a new career where you hire someone out to take your SAT's for you?
That was really a lie. Democrat falsehoods aside, SAT is no longer necessary nor is ACT.

When degrees are just handed out tests are unnecessary.
California is blazing the way. No schools are necessary. No charter schools, no scholarships. Just give each student a 4.0 GPA. Then a degree in whatever subject or subjects the student wants. Actually attending classes is completely unnecessary.

Maybe a new career where you hire someone out to take your SAT's for you?
That was really a lie. Democrat falsehoods aside, SAT is no longer necessary nor is ACT.

When degrees are just handed out tests are unnecessary.

No, that was a claim of a close relative.

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