Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol
The troops in DC are not going away
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol – Summit News
9 Mar 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

A Democrat appointed ‘task force’ has issued a report recommending a permanent military security force be stationed around Capitol Hill.
The task force, headed up by Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Russel L. Honoré, reported back to Nancy Pelosi, suggesting that a “quick reaction force” be formed and put on standby in addition to Capitol police.
The report notes that DC is “a high-value target for foreign terrorists or domestic extremists, yet it has no dedicated QRF for response to crises.”
It adds, “The USCP relies on augmentation from other civilian law enforcement agencies for emergency support, but we recommend establishment of a robust, dedicated QRF, not only for the USCP, but to serve the nation’s capital writ large.”

As conservatives such as Tucker Carlson have warned, the troops are not going away, they are there to “prop up the regime”.
Tucker Carlson Exposes the Dangers of Leftist Hatred of the 'Common People' (

For a Party that detests the military, they sure do like to use them.
This is hilarious. I have visited DC enough in the past to think: this place is an awful sh**t hole. If they really want to make downtown DC a military compound, well more power to them.
Hah, rather than use the military, Maybe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats should seek to recruit volunteers from Antifa and BLM to protect D.C. They could build Fort Lenin in Lafayette Park, use St Johns Church as their barracks with their guns trained on the White House and Capitol Hill.
Speaking as a Democrat, I'm ashamed the Xiden Administration is pulling these antics for political posturing, and on our dime.

Perhaps what Xiden really fears is his own people, considering it's my Democrats who incite violence 100/1.
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol
The troops in DC are not going away
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol – Summit News
9 Mar 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

A Democrat appointed ‘task force’ has issued a report recommending a permanent military security force be stationed around Capitol Hill.
The task force, headed up by Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Russel L. Honoré, reported back to Nancy Pelosi, suggesting that a “quick reaction force” be formed and put on standby in addition to Capitol police.
The report notes that DC is “a high-value target for foreign terrorists or domestic extremists, yet it has no dedicated QRF for response to crises.”
It adds, “The USCP relies on augmentation from other civilian law enforcement agencies for emergency support, but we recommend establishment of a robust, dedicated QRF, not only for the USCP, but to serve the nation’s capital writ large.”

As conservatives such as Tucker Carlson have warned, the troops are not going away, they are there to “prop up the regime”.
Tucker Carlson Exposes the Dangers of Leftist Hatred of the 'Common People' (

For a Party that detests the military, they sure do like to use them.
This is hilarious. I have visited DC enough in the past to think: this place is an awful sh**t hole. If they really want to make downtown DC a military compound, well more power to them.
Hah, rather than use the military, Maybe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats should seek to recruit volunteers from Antifa and BLM to protect D.C. They could build Fort Lenin in Lafayette Park, use St Johns Church as their barracks with their guns trained on the White House and Capitol Hill.

Talk about a bunch of Paranoid assholes. Joseph Stalin after WWII started killing off his relatives and top officials because of his paranoia, how his friends and family would eventually have him killed. These Prog elites, who stole an election, and they know it, have that same fear.....
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol
The troops in DC are not going away
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol – Summit News
9 Mar 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

A Democrat appointed ‘task force’ has issued a report recommending a permanent military security force be stationed around Capitol Hill.
The task force, headed up by Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Russel L. Honoré, reported back to Nancy Pelosi, suggesting that a “quick reaction force” be formed and put on standby in addition to Capitol police.
The report notes that DC is “a high-value target for foreign terrorists or domestic extremists, yet it has no dedicated QRF for response to crises.”
It adds, “The USCP relies on augmentation from other civilian law enforcement agencies for emergency support, but we recommend establishment of a robust, dedicated QRF, not only for the USCP, but to serve the nation’s capital writ large.”

As conservatives such as Tucker Carlson have warned, the troops are not going away, they are there to “prop up the regime”.
Tucker Carlson Exposes the Dangers of Leftist Hatred of the 'Common People' (

For a Party that detests the military, they sure do like to use them.
This is hilarious. I have visited DC enough in the past to think: this place is an awful sh**t hole. If they really want to make downtown DC a military compound, well more power to them.
Hah, rather than use the military, Maybe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats should seek to recruit volunteers from Antifa and BLM to protect D.C. They could build Fort Lenin in Lafayette Park, use St Johns Church as their barracks with their guns trained on the White House and Capitol Hill.

They already have barracks--in a parking garage. Illegitimate administrations fear their constituents.
In Left Wing Extremist philosophy they practice unending revolution, i.e. keep hate and fear alive to maintain their power.
I have no problem with additional units assigned to DC National Guard if necessary under the Major General Commanding and National Guard Bureau as a RDF contingent. I do not support regular military stationed for the same purpose and not in favor of continued emergency support assistance of the various states. Defense of the capital against attack, foreign or domestic should be part of the mission of the DC National Guard.
We should send old Trumpybear the bill for the continuing cost of the violent transfer of power he inspired on Jan. 6th. That sealed his abject failure, as his presidential term came to an inglorious end.
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol
The troops in DC are not going away
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol – Summit News
9 Mar 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

A Democrat appointed ‘task force’ has issued a report recommending a permanent military security force be stationed around Capitol Hill.
The task force, headed up by Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Russel L. Honoré, reported back to Nancy Pelosi, suggesting that a “quick reaction force” be formed and put on standby in addition to Capitol police.
The report notes that DC is “a high-value target for foreign terrorists or domestic extremists, yet it has no dedicated QRF for response to crises.”
It adds, “The USCP relies on augmentation from other civilian law enforcement agencies for emergency support, but we recommend establishment of a robust, dedicated QRF, not only for the USCP, but to serve the nation’s capital writ large.”

As conservatives such as Tucker Carlson have warned, the troops are not going away, they are there to “prop up the regime”.
Tucker Carlson Exposes the Dangers of Leftist Hatred of the 'Common People' (

For a Party that detests the military, they sure do like to use them.
This is hilarious. I have visited DC enough in the past to think: this place is an awful sh**t hole. If they really want to make downtown DC a military compound, well more power to them.
Hah, rather than use the military, Maybe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats should seek to recruit volunteers from Antifa and BLM to protect D.C. They could build Fort Lenin in Lafayette Park, use St Johns Church as their barracks with their guns trained on the White House and Capitol Hill.

Hysterically funny.

They don't seem to understand that if someone actually wants to get to them, they will.

Not a threat, just fact.
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol
The troops in DC are not going away
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol – Summit News
9 Mar 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

A Democrat appointed ‘task force’ has issued a report recommending a permanent military security force be stationed around Capitol Hill.
The task force, headed up by Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Russel L. Honoré, reported back to Nancy Pelosi, suggesting that a “quick reaction force” be formed and put on standby in addition to Capitol police.
The report notes that DC is “a high-value target for foreign terrorists or domestic extremists, yet it has no dedicated QRF for response to crises.”
It adds, “The USCP relies on augmentation from other civilian law enforcement agencies for emergency support, but we recommend establishment of a robust, dedicated QRF, not only for the USCP, but to serve the nation’s capital writ large.”

As conservatives such as Tucker Carlson have warned, the troops are not going away, they are there to “prop up the regime”.
Tucker Carlson Exposes the Dangers of Leftist Hatred of the 'Common People' (

For a Party that detests the military, they sure do like to use them.
This is hilarious. I have visited DC enough in the past to think: this place is an awful sh**t hole. If they really want to make downtown DC a military compound, well more power to them.
Hah, rather than use the military, Maybe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats should seek to recruit volunteers from Antifa and BLM to protect D.C. They could build Fort Lenin in Lafayette Park, use St Johns Church as their barracks with their guns trained on the White House and Capitol Hill.

Now that's a load of horse shit and a waste of tax dollars and time.

They sure didn't think they needed that when the Senate got attacked, burned and ransacked.

What a bunch of fucking pussies. And just think. We pay these pussies.
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol
The troops in DC are not going away
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol – Summit News
9 Mar 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

A Democrat appointed ‘task force’ has issued a report recommending a permanent military security force be stationed around Capitol Hill.
The task force, headed up by Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Russel L. Honoré, reported back to Nancy Pelosi, suggesting that a “quick reaction force” be formed and put on standby in addition to Capitol police.
The report notes that DC is “a high-value target for foreign terrorists or domestic extremists, yet it has no dedicated QRF for response to crises.”
It adds, “The USCP relies on augmentation from other civilian law enforcement agencies for emergency support, but we recommend establishment of a robust, dedicated QRF, not only for the USCP, but to serve the nation’s capital writ large.”

As conservatives such as Tucker Carlson have warned, the troops are not going away, they are there to “prop up the regime”.
Tucker Carlson Exposes the Dangers of Leftist Hatred of the 'Common People' (

For a Party that detests the military, they sure do like to use them.
This is hilarious. I have visited DC enough in the past to think: this place is an awful sh**t hole. If they really want to make downtown DC a military compound, well more power to them.
Hah, rather than use the military, Maybe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats should seek to recruit volunteers from Antifa and BLM to protect D.C. They could build Fort Lenin in Lafayette Park, use St Johns Church as their barracks with their guns trained on the White House and Capitol Hill.

Hysterically funny.

They don't seem to understand that if someone actually wants to get to them, they will.

Not a threat, just fact.

Why would you want to go to the Capitol to get them, when most live in some other state? That would be the most logical place, IMHO.
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol


For a Party that detests the military, they sure do like to use them.
  • The party that hates cops can't get enough of them.
  • The party that despises the military can't stay out of war.
  • The party that wants to ban guns needs ever more for themselves.
  • And the party that walls do not work first thing they did was build one around DC.
ISN'T IT ODD: Trump was the most despised president ever yet he never needed the military around the WH! And Joe the most popular president EVER with the good witch of the North, Nancy, both doing so much good for the country need 24/7 round the clock protection from every owl that gives a hoot!
I have no problem with additional units assigned to DC National Guard if necessary under the Major General Commanding and National Guard Bureau as a RDF contingent. I do not support regular military stationed for the same purpose and not in favor of continued emergency support assistance of the various states. Defense of the capital against attack, foreign or domestic should be part of the mission of the DC National Guard.

:abgg2q.jpg:I wonder if the Dem majority in Congress will pass a bill to fund and recruit Antifa as their elite quick reaction force to respond to those Deplorable Neanderthal Quanon Insurrectionalists....
Cool, so when BLM comes around again, we can pull out the big guns next time. No need to mess around with tear gas.
The governors of the states that had BLM riots should have used the assets at their disposal (as every one of them had the option at their disposal) in a manner that would control the situation to their liking, but then again, maybe they did. I do not live in places like that, so not up to me to say.
Cool, so when BLM comes around again, we can pull out the big guns next time. No need to mess around with tear gas.
The governors of the states that had BLM riots should have used the assets at their disposal (as every one of them had the option at their disposal) in a manner that would control the situation to their liking, but then again, maybe they did. I do not live in places like that, so not up to me to say.

Well I can tell you that if Antifa and BLM looted, rioted and burned building to the ground in my State they would have been shot on sight.
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol
The troops in DC are not going away
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol – Summit News
9 Mar 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

A Democrat appointed ‘task force’ has issued a report recommending a permanent military security force be stationed around Capitol Hill.
The task force, headed up by Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Russel L. Honoré, reported back to Nancy Pelosi, suggesting that a “quick reaction force” be formed and put on standby in addition to Capitol police.
The report notes that DC is “a high-value target for foreign terrorists or domestic extremists, yet it has no dedicated QRF for response to crises.”
It adds, “The USCP relies on augmentation from other civilian law enforcement agencies for emergency support, but we recommend establishment of a robust, dedicated QRF, not only for the USCP, but to serve the nation’s capital writ large.”

As conservatives such as Tucker Carlson have warned, the troops are not going away, they are there to “prop up the regime”.
Tucker Carlson Exposes the Dangers of Leftist Hatred of the 'Common People' (

For a Party that detests the military, they sure do like to use them.
This is hilarious. I have visited DC enough in the past to think: this place is an awful sh**t hole. If they really want to make downtown DC a military compound, well more power to them.
Hah, rather than use the military, Maybe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats should seek to recruit volunteers from Antifa and BLM to protect D.C. They could build Fort Lenin in Lafayette Park, use St Johns Church as their barracks with their guns trained on the White House and Capitol Hill.

Hysterically funny.

They don't seem to understand that if someone actually wants to get to them, they will.

Not a threat, just fact.

Why would you want to go to the Capitol to get them, when most live in some other state? That would be the most logical place, IMHO.

My point precisely.
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol
The troops in DC are not going away
Democrat Panel Recommends PERMANENT Military “Quick Reaction Force” For Capitol – Summit News
9 Mar 2021 ~~ By Steve Watson

A Democrat appointed ‘task force’ has issued a report recommending a permanent military security force be stationed around Capitol Hill.
The task force, headed up by Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Russel L. Honoré, reported back to Nancy Pelosi, suggesting that a “quick reaction force” be formed and put on standby in addition to Capitol police.
The report notes that DC is “a high-value target for foreign terrorists or domestic extremists, yet it has no dedicated QRF for response to crises.”
It adds, “The USCP relies on augmentation from other civilian law enforcement agencies for emergency support, but we recommend establishment of a robust, dedicated QRF, not only for the USCP, but to serve the nation’s capital writ large.”

As conservatives such as Tucker Carlson have warned, the troops are not going away, they are there to “prop up the regime”.
Tucker Carlson Exposes the Dangers of Leftist Hatred of the 'Common People' (

For a Party that detests the military, they sure do like to use them.
This is hilarious. I have visited DC enough in the past to think: this place is an awful sh**t hole. If they really want to make downtown DC a military compound, well more power to them.
Hah, rather than use the military, Maybe the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats should seek to recruit volunteers from Antifa and BLM to protect D.C. They could build Fort Lenin in Lafayette Park, use St Johns Church as their barracks with their guns trained on the White House and Capitol Hill.

The Democrats are REALLY afraid of serious backlash from the American people for all of their Constitutional and Civil Rights violations, destructive policies, and their socialist conversion of America....

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