The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Week started out with 10 Democrats signing an official letter and sending it to Pelosi that she drop impeachment, and instead settle for a Censure of The President.

Then things got heated for numerous Democrats when they went home, with their phone lines being blown up, offices inundated with letters, and being shouted down in public all threats from their constituents to vote them out of office if they vote to impeach The President over a 3 year long nothing burger and witch hunt.

Then we hear another 5-7 Dems are strictly opposed to impeachment, and will vote no on top of the previous 10 mentioned.

And Now not 1 but 2 Democrats are leaving The Democrat Party over Impeachement.

So far we have about 20 Democrats giving the Middle Finger to Pelosi and more than Half The Country doing the same.

And More, MORE pain and suffering for The Democrat Party is on the horizon, as Trump is kicking ass with trade deals and his popularity is surging as people grow hostile towards impeachment and Pelosi's Propaganda.

Democrat Congressman Leaving Party Over Impeachment, Becoming Republican

Trump supporter grabs spotlight at Sanders event with a message for the president

State Senator Quits PA’s Democratic Party

Black Senator from Deep South Leaves Democratic Party to Become a Republican
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We'll know for sure if (when?) the vote gets "postponed".
There is a reason they moved so fast on this. And wanted to do this on Friday the 13th, and hoped too many people were shopping to notice. There own people are turning on them.
This Article Just Came Out Today:

Rand Paul: More Democrats to oppose impeachment, rips Schiff on phone logs

Portraying the removal drive against President Trump as “purely partisan,” Sen. Rand Paul believes more Democrats will oppose impeachment in the House vote next week, and at least two Democratic senators may vote against conviction.

Paul said few people are paying attention to impeachment, which doesn’t even make the top story on network news.

But he did attack Democratic tactics, especially the seizure and release of private telephone records by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.

“I for one was more offended, probably, actually, by what Adam Schiff’s done than any of the accusations they have made [against] the president. The fact that Adam Schiff used his own signature, acting like a judge, to subpoena phone records and then publish the phone records of the president’s lawyers talking to each other, the president’s lawyers talking to reporters, the ranking member, another congressman’s phone records, to have published that and you’re not hearing a squeak of anything from the mainstream media, they just don’t seem to care at all,” he said.

“They’re saying the president abused his power for political purposes. I think that’s exactly what Schiff did, abused his power,” Paul said.

“This is something I’ve cared about even before this happened because we let government in general take a look at too many of our phone records. It should require a judge, it should require probable cause, and you should be accused of a crime, a real crime,” he said.

He added it could undermine the Democratic case for impeachment. “I hope that this further taints this proceeding,” he said.
Just shows some of the Dems are smart enough to not be involved on the shit show Pelousy has engineered.

What a giant shit show and I'm still laughing at it every day.
A circus....

A senile hateful kleptocratic bitch, a fat slob with his stomach stapled, and an obsessed mental case 100% in cahoots with Deep State Zionism..... yeah, we can trust them....

Get out of the bubble.

Democrats' "oath of office"

We, the Democrat Party, exist to STEAL the US taxpayer's money, and attack and vilify anyone who tries to INVESTIGATE us stealing....
Our democracy is in "danger" because Hunter Biden may be exposed for receiving $16 million in KICKBACK from a US foreign aid package to Ukraine...


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