Of all the democrat candidates Bloomberg would make the best president, but he's old and rich, and democrat voters hate old, rich, Jewish white guys.
I like business guys who know how to run large business enterprises for president, not senators who have never even run a lemonade stand. Trump for all his personal flaws has a good grip on the business aspects of the US economy. If you've never seen Trump's holdings, please glance thru these and know that he has a grip on the business models and personnel in all of them:
The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

I entirely agree with you: I want someone with business and/or other relevant experience, not pols who can't do anything but hang out on Capitol Hill. I think a lot of people understand this and it's why governors are nominated much more often than senators.

I'll be voting for Trump, of course, but I do think Bloomberg is a lot more plausible than anyone but Hillary. And since he's evidently going to pretty much fund the Democratic Party and pay his own way, I doubt they'll openly disrespect him for long.

But no -- Jewish, VERY old (older than Biden), rich-rich-rich ($54 billion and a billion is a thousand million...just saying), no, Bloomberg IS buying the election, or at least trying to. But all that, never mind: I will personally never forgive him for the Nanny Nudge business of forbidding New Yorkers from drinking Big Slurpees. That just goes wildly into totalitarianism. I know it sounds funny, but I don't want to be controlled cradle to grave, and you KNOW the guy will confiscate guns, too.

One of my favorite factoids is that Bloomberg could pay each delegate to the DNC convention $1,000,000 for their vote and not even miss the money.
If you were a delegate would you sell your vote for $1,000,000? Bloomberg's wealth is still skyrocketing!!

Michael Bloomberg - Wikipedia

I'm not a fan of Bloomberg either, but at least he knows how to run a business, if not a city. I'm still betting that the democrats will never nominate him. I'm curious who the DNC will tell the super-delegates to vote, for Bloomberg, BIden, or someone else? The RNC would get lynched if they even tried to put in "super-delegates" whose votes are "more equal" than the rest of us. I KNOW he will try to confiscate guns, but the states will stop him, they always have stopped gun control advocates. I do want a president to do something about the Budget Deficit and the $23T Debt, and who will save Medicare (bankrupt 2026) and save SS (insolvent in 2037).

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