Democrat Debate- Impressions and Tells

Fox News was created to cater to a specific demographic......and if they betray that demographic....their ratings will tank.

Fox attracts moderates and conservatives. They don't brainwash anyone. They don't practice censorship like the other news outlets. That is why Obozo has been conducting a war against Fox. Because they wouldn't agree to push his propaganda down our throats.

It takes a special kind of idiot to believe the crap that Democrats are selling.

People who want to feel like they're good people, but people who are really just bigots at heart. They can relate to identity politics....politics where who you are matters more that your character or your morals. Where it's more important to be black or a woman than it is to be competent or at the very least, qualified to do the job you're applying for.

Well that is good and all, but you cant seriously say that FOX treated Ron Paul fair and balanced, can you? And FOX loves to let their talking heads slam on Tea Party folks ovewr and over.
The moderators are journalists......and it doesn't matter what news organization they work for.....they're all pretty much from the same schools and work out of New York.

Oh, and they're all liberals for the most part.

You don't get anywhere in journalism unless you are a liberal.
EXCLUSIVE: Democratic National Committeewoman says her party is 'clearing a path' for Hillary because 'the women in charge' want it that way

The Democratic National Committee is 'clearing a path' for Hillary Clinton to be its presidential nominee because its upper power echelons are populated with women, according to a female committee member who was in Las Vegas for Tuesday's primary debate.

Speaking on the condition that she isn't identified, she told Daily Mail Online that the party is in the tank for Clinton, and the women who run the organization decided it 'early on.'

The committeewoman is supporting one of Hillary's rivals for the Democratic nomination, and said she spoke freely because she believes the former Secretary of State is benefiting from unfair favoritism inside the party.

Clinton aims to be the first female to occupy the Oval Office, and 'the party's female leaders really want to make a woman the next president,' the committeewoman said, rattling off a list of the women who she said are the 'real power' in the organization.

'I haven't heard anyone say we should make Hillary undergo a trial by fire,' she added. 'To the contrary, the women in charge seem eager, more and more, to have her skate into the general [election].'

'I have nothing against women in politics,' she underscored. 'But it's not healthy for the party if we get behind a woman because she's a woman, and risk having her implode after she's nominated because she isn't tested enough now.'

DNC committeewoman: 'Women in charge' put the party all-in for Hillary




'WOMEN IN CHARGE': Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Waserman Schultz (center), along with vice chairs Donna Brazile (left) and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (right), are part of a female cabal dead set on putting a woman in the White House, according to a DNC committeewoman


No, as I said before I appreciate his politeness and reasonableness, though I disagree on some of the details of what he says, like I do with most people.

I was talking about my post.

Well, you have also been more reasonable lately as well, and so I usually thank people for being mature and contributing useful thought to a discussion.

What you want me to take it back?

I'm always reasonable. Even now......I am thinking that you are completely out of your mind......but I'm being very reasonable. I say no crazy things. I just don't.
So much for showing respect.

Quit whining nutbag. .
You're a fuckin' hypocrite. Spare us your charm.
EXCLUSIVE: Democratic National Committeewoman says her party is 'clearing a path' for Hillary because 'the women in charge' want it that way

The Democratic National Committee is 'clearing a path' for Hillary Clinton to be its presidential nominee because its upper power echelons are populated with women, according to a female committee member who was in Las Vegas for Tuesday's primary debate.

Speaking on the condition that she isn't identified, she told Daily Mail Online that the party is in the tank for Clinton, and the women who run the organization decided it 'early on.'

The committeewoman is supporting one of Hillary's rivals for the Democratic nomination, and said she spoke freely because she believes the former Secretary of State is benefiting from unfair favoritism inside the party.

Clinton aims to be the first female to occupy the Oval Office, and 'the party's female leaders really want to make a woman the next president,' the committeewoman said, rattling off a list of the women who she said are the 'real power' in the organization.

'I haven't heard anyone say we should make Hillary undergo a trial by fire,' she added. 'To the contrary, the women in charge seem eager, more and more, to have her skate into the general [election].'

'I have nothing against women in politics,' she underscored. 'But it's not healthy for the party if we get behind a woman because she's a woman, and risk having her implode after she's nominated because she isn't tested enough now.'

DNC committeewoman: 'Women in charge' put the party all-in for Hillary




'WOMEN IN CHARGE': Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Waserman Schultz (center), along with vice chairs Donna Brazile (left) and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (right), are part of a female cabal dead set on putting a woman in the White House, according to a DNC committeewoman


It's is amazing how hideous democrat women are. It come from within and you see it on their faces. There is nothing wrong in having a woman president, but that's not a reason for it to be so. Now I really hope Biden jumps in and pulls the plug on her again.
EXCLUSIVE: Democratic National Committeewoman says her party is 'clearing a path' for Hillary because 'the women in charge' want it that way

The Democratic National Committee is 'clearing a path' for Hillary Clinton to be its presidential nominee because its upper power echelons are populated with women, according to a female committee member who was in Las Vegas for Tuesday's primary debate.

Speaking on the condition that she isn't identified, she told Daily Mail Online that the party is in the tank for Clinton, and the women who run the organization decided it 'early on.'

The committeewoman is supporting one of Hillary's rivals for the Democratic nomination, and said she spoke freely because she believes the former Secretary of State is benefiting from unfair favoritism inside the party.

Clinton aims to be the first female to occupy the Oval Office, and 'the party's female leaders really want to make a woman the next president,' the committeewoman said, rattling off a list of the women who she said are the 'real power' in the organization.

'I haven't heard anyone say we should make Hillary undergo a trial by fire,' she added. 'To the contrary, the women in charge seem eager, more and more, to have her skate into the general [election].'

'I have nothing against women in politics,' she underscored. 'But it's not healthy for the party if we get behind a woman because she's a woman, and risk having her implode after she's nominated because she isn't tested enough now.'

DNC committeewoman: 'Women in charge' put the party all-in for Hillary




'WOMEN IN CHARGE': Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Waserman Schultz (center), along with vice chairs Donna Brazile (left) and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (right), are part of a female cabal dead set on putting a woman in the White House, according to a DNC committeewoman


It's is amazing how hideous democrat women are. It come from within and you see it on their faces. There is nothing wrong in having a woman president, but that's not a reason for it to be so. Now I really hope Biden jumps in and pulls the plug on her again.
I think his moment is gone.

Hillary had this event that was tailored to make her look like a president and Biden missed out. Hillary was asked some easy questions and never second-guessed on any of her answers or her obvious failure to answer specific questions. They had a bunch of people there treating her like The Beatles, screaming and swooning at every syllable she uttered. I am woman....hear me roar.

webb did a horrible job.

Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%


Webb was stiff and grumpy. But the real reasons the Wasserman-Shultz crowd didn't like him; he made the point about regular people not having armed security like Hillary, and therefore need to defend themselves; made the point that some sectors of the white population have cultural issues that perpetuate poverty and therefore affirmative action shouldn't be based on race... and then he muddled that by supporting affirmative action for blacks due to their unique American history; and the post-debate freak out was a reaction to Webb talking about snuffing a dude in Nam, as if he should have negotiated with the guy throwing grenades at him.

I watched the debate with a self-proclaimed socialist. She said she didn't like Webb because he'd want to bomb everyone we have a problem with. In reality, he's much more firmly anti-war than Clinton.

the wasserman-shultz crowd?


you people find the oddest ways of labeling people.

webb did a terrible stiff whiny unlikeable job.

that is just how it is.

Webb sounded too Republican, that is the reason many conservatives are claiming that he did a good job at the debate....truth is, he and Chafee won't be around too much longer and most Democrats won't even miss them.
And that is a crying shame. Webb is a Democrat because he dissents from the GOP consensus on neocon Pax America and the forced promotion of democracy, as well as his identity with the working class he came from.

There was a time when that was all you had to believe to be a Democrat.

identification with the working class is the opposite of GOP dogma.
EXCLUSIVE: Democratic National Committeewoman says her party is 'clearing a path' for Hillary because 'the women in charge' want it that way

The Democratic National Committee is 'clearing a path' for Hillary Clinton to be its presidential nominee because its upper power echelons are populated with women, according to a female committee member who was in Las Vegas for Tuesday's primary debate.

Speaking on the condition that she isn't identified, she told Daily Mail Online that the party is in the tank for Clinton, and the women who run the organization decided it 'early on.'

The committeewoman is supporting one of Hillary's rivals for the Democratic nomination, and said she spoke freely because she believes the former Secretary of State is benefiting from unfair favoritism inside the party.

Clinton aims to be the first female to occupy the Oval Office, and 'the party's female leaders really want to make a woman the next president,' the committeewoman said, rattling off a list of the women who she said are the 'real power' in the organization.

'I haven't heard anyone say we should make Hillary undergo a trial by fire,' she added. 'To the contrary, the women in charge seem eager, more and more, to have her skate into the general [election].'

'I have nothing against women in politics,' she underscored. 'But it's not healthy for the party if we get behind a woman because she's a woman, and risk having her implode after she's nominated because she isn't tested enough now.'

DNC committeewoman: 'Women in charge' put the party all-in for Hillary




'WOMEN IN CHARGE': Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Waserman Schultz (center), along with vice chairs Donna Brazile (left) and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (right), are part of a female cabal dead set on putting a woman in the White House, according to a DNC committeewoman


It's is amazing how hideous democrat women are. It come from within and you see it on their faces. There is nothing wrong in having a woman president, but that's not a reason for it to be so. Now I really hope Biden jumps in and pulls the plug on her again.

ahhh... lovely... more rightwingnut loon misogyny.

because.... jesus. :cuckoo:
Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%


Webb was stiff and grumpy. But the real reasons the Wasserman-Shultz crowd didn't like him; he made the point about regular people not having armed security like Hillary, and therefore need to defend themselves; made the point that some sectors of the white population have cultural issues that perpetuate poverty and therefore affirmative action shouldn't be based on race... and then he muddled that by supporting affirmative action for blacks due to their unique American history; and the post-debate freak out was a reaction to Webb talking about snuffing a dude in Nam, as if he should have negotiated with the guy throwing grenades at him.

I watched the debate with a self-proclaimed socialist. She said she didn't like Webb because he'd want to bomb everyone we have a problem with. In reality, he's much more firmly anti-war than Clinton.

the wasserman-shultz crowd?


you people find the oddest ways of labeling people.

webb did a terrible stiff whiny unlikeable job.

that is just how it is.

Webb sounded too Republican, that is the reason many conservatives are claiming that he did a good job at the debate....truth is, he and Chafee won't be around too much longer and most Democrats won't even miss them.
And that is a crying shame. Webb is a Democrat because he dissents from the GOP consensus on neocon Pax America and the forced promotion of democracy, as well as his identity with the working class he came from.

There was a time when that was all you had to believe to be a Democrat.

identification with the working class is the opposite of GOP dogma.
Nope....the party of illegal immigration and welfare doesn't support workers. Democrats only support the very wealthy and the entitlement crowd suckling on the working class. It's why Hollywood elites, welfare moms, and anarchists support Democrats. They want to not pay taxes....and they want to punish America because it is so racist
EXCLUSIVE: Democratic National Committeewoman says her party is 'clearing a path' for Hillary because 'the women in charge' want it that way

The Democratic National Committee is 'clearing a path' for Hillary Clinton to be its presidential nominee because its upper power echelons are populated with women, according to a female committee member who was in Las Vegas for Tuesday's primary debate.

Speaking on the condition that she isn't identified, she told Daily Mail Online that the party is in the tank for Clinton, and the women who run the organization decided it 'early on.'

The committeewoman is supporting one of Hillary's rivals for the Democratic nomination, and said she spoke freely because she believes the former Secretary of State is benefiting from unfair favoritism inside the party.

Clinton aims to be the first female to occupy the Oval Office, and 'the party's female leaders really want to make a woman the next president,' the committeewoman said, rattling off a list of the women who she said are the 'real power' in the organization.

'I haven't heard anyone say we should make Hillary undergo a trial by fire,' she added. 'To the contrary, the women in charge seem eager, more and more, to have her skate into the general [election].'

'I have nothing against women in politics,' she underscored. 'But it's not healthy for the party if we get behind a woman because she's a woman, and risk having her implode after she's nominated because she isn't tested enough now.'

DNC committeewoman: 'Women in charge' put the party all-in for Hillary




'WOMEN IN CHARGE': Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Waserman Schultz (center), along with vice chairs Donna Brazile (left) and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (right), are part of a female cabal dead set on putting a woman in the White House, according to a DNC committeewoman


It's is amazing how hideous democrat women are. It come from within and you see it on their faces. There is nothing wrong in having a woman president, but that's not a reason for it to be so. Now I really hope Biden jumps in and pulls the plug on her again.

ahhh... lovely... more rightwingnut loon misogyny.

because.... jesus. :cuckoo:
As opposed to your low-information leftwing insanity.

You are a lost cause. Truth is alien to you. You are a totally brainwashed imbecile. You are incapable of using logic or reason. Your continued support of Hillary and your constant trolling proves it.
Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%


Webb was stiff and grumpy. But the real reasons the Wasserman-Shultz crowd didn't like him; he made the point about regular people not having armed security like Hillary, and therefore need to defend themselves; made the point that some sectors of the white population have cultural issues that perpetuate poverty and therefore affirmative action shouldn't be based on race... and then he muddled that by supporting affirmative action for blacks due to their unique American history; and the post-debate freak out was a reaction to Webb talking about snuffing a dude in Nam, as if he should have negotiated with the guy throwing grenades at him.

I watched the debate with a self-proclaimed socialist. She said she didn't like Webb because he'd want to bomb everyone we have a problem with. In reality, he's much more firmly anti-war than Clinton.

the wasserman-shultz crowd?


you people find the oddest ways of labeling people.

webb did a terrible stiff whiny unlikeable job.

that is just how it is.

Webb sounded too Republican, that is the reason many conservatives are claiming that he did a good job at the debate....truth is, he and Chafee won't be around too much longer and most Democrats won't even miss them.
And that is a crying shame. Webb is a Democrat because he dissents from the GOP consensus on neocon Pax America and the forced promotion of democracy, as well as his identity with the working class he came from.

There was a time when that was all you had to believe to be a Democrat.

identification with the working class is the opposite of GOP dogma.

And now with the Democrats pulling for only minorities and women, working class whit emen are just left out of the political process. The GOP did have an outreach in their promise of more jobs under a robust capitalism, but that was back in the REagan days and only implied for the most part with W. McCain and Romney seemed emtirely dismissive.

Eventually we will have to make our own party if the establishment GOP cant rediscover their empathy for workers.
the fact that you think anyone would vote for Huckabee aside from the furthest right of the religious right tells me your recitation is off kilter.

So the people of Arkansas who voted him into office are just religious nuitbags? lol, there's liberal tolerance for ya, roflmao

Bernie did great. he can't win a general election with 50% of the country saying they would never vote for someone who calls himself a socialist.

Bernie can win. I would vote for Bernie over Bush, Rubio, Kasich, Graham, or the rest. The root problem of our nation today is the control the Wall Street banks have over our political system and their network of dependent corporations they lead around on a leash with low interest loans.

webb did a horrible job.

Not according to the polls. He finished with 24% who thought he 'won' after Sanders at 54%

Hillary proved that she's got the stuff to whup you guys which is why you keep talking up people who can't.

Hillary loses against any of our 'outsider' candidates from Trump to Carson and Fiorina, and maybe even Huckabee and Cruz. You distaff cultists seem to think that having a vagina qualifies Clinton for the Oval Office, but no, it really doesn't.
Liberal democrats are the most tolerant people in the world. The entire world! Kneel down like their darkie slaves had to.
EXCLUSIVE: Democratic National Committeewoman says her party is 'clearing a path' for Hillary because 'the women in charge' want it that way

The Democratic National Committee is 'clearing a path' for Hillary Clinton to be its presidential nominee because its upper power echelons are populated with women, according to a female committee member who was in Las Vegas for Tuesday's primary debate.

Speaking on the condition that she isn't identified, she told Daily Mail Online that the party is in the tank for Clinton, and the women who run the organization decided it 'early on.'

The committeewoman is supporting one of Hillary's rivals for the Democratic nomination, and said she spoke freely because she believes the former Secretary of State is benefiting from unfair favoritism inside the party.

Clinton aims to be the first female to occupy the Oval Office, and 'the party's female leaders really want to make a woman the next president,' the committeewoman said, rattling off a list of the women who she said are the 'real power' in the organization.

'I haven't heard anyone say we should make Hillary undergo a trial by fire,' she added. 'To the contrary, the women in charge seem eager, more and more, to have her skate into the general [election].'

'I have nothing against women in politics,' she underscored. 'But it's not healthy for the party if we get behind a woman because she's a woman, and risk having her implode after she's nominated because she isn't tested enough now.'

DNC committeewoman: 'Women in charge' put the party all-in for Hillary




'WOMEN IN CHARGE': Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Waserman Schultz (center), along with vice chairs Donna Brazile (left) and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (right), are part of a female cabal dead set on putting a woman in the White House, according to a DNC committeewoman


It's is amazing how hideous democrat women are. It come from within and you see it on their faces. There is nothing wrong in having a woman president, but that's not a reason for it to be so. Now I really hope Biden jumps in and pulls the plug on her again.
I think his moment is gone.

Hillary had this event that was tailored to make her look like a president and Biden missed out. Hillary was asked some easy questions and never second-guessed on any of her answers or her obvious failure to answer specific questions. They had a bunch of people there treating her like The Beatles, screaming and swooning at every syllable she uttered. I am woman....hear me roar.

If it's a republican who has to pull the plug on her, then let it be so. Plan on calls of sexist being the new argument replacing racist.
But some think that made him look more authentic, as well as Bernie.
You keep mentioning Bernie Sanders. You've got to watch this! Ha ha.
lol, yeah Crowder is funny.

But addressing his serious points...
1. Dick Cheney said that deficits dont matter, right? So why are Republicans even arguing about this? Oh, yeah, because it is being used against a leftist proposal?
Now I happen to think that deficits do in fact matter, but I am really sick of the hypocrisy in how the issue is raised to oppose the other party's priorities and ignored for ones own priorities which is who it is used. This means deficits are little more than a rhetorical device for most people. So after 8 years of Bush/Cheney ignoring the national deficit, I find it harder to take GOP arguments seriously in this vein.

2. Though various groups have proposed different numbers and everyone argues over the details, take a step back for a moment. Does it really make sense to not give good preventive medical care for millions of citizens and both save more medical costs down the road and get more revenue from increased economic activity all so that millionaires and billionaires like Odom can spend more $75,000 nights at whore houses? There is an entertainment cost to the lives of the wealthy that is simply excessive in most cases or you wouldnt be reading about nit wits like Odom destroying themselves in excessive lifestyles.

So why not do everyone a favor and RAISE the taxes on the extraordinarily wealthy and use that money to fund needed things and make the difference with cuts elsewhere. How much money could the feds make to reduce the national debt buy auctioning off federal owned land west of the Mississippi River? Something like 80% of all that land is still owned by the federal government. And why not roll Medicaide and Medicare into any proposal for a national health care system? Why continue to pay for both? Leaving the national defense alone, but how many old bases are we maintaining where there is no longer a serious threat? You think Russia is about to invade Germany? Why not close the bases there? We can hit targets in IRaq from Kansas now days, so why do we need so many forward air bases in the UK and Japan? etc, there are plenty of places to seriously cut federal spending without making up fantasies like a 100% cut to national defense.

3. We could finance a lot of this by simply cutting corporate welfare. We could save over $150 billiona nnnually right there.
About $59 billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92 billion is spent on corporate subsidies. Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs

So why are we kicking granny to the curb, to live out of a grocery cart, so we can give hundreds of billions to corporations that already pay next to nothing in taxes annually?
Corporate taxes back in the 1950s were 33% of all federal revenue, but now is less than 10%. Bernie Sanders says tax share paid by corporations has fallen from 33% to 9% since 1952
And many corporations pay ZERO taxes. 15 Fortune 500 Companies Paid No Federal Income Taxes in 2014
If we took out all the corporate deductions and reformed the corporate tax code so that they were only paying 20% of the federal revenues instead of the 33% they used to pay, we would bring in an extra $270 million annually.
If you include the 23% drop in federal revenue share, over $500 billion and add tot hat the cost of corporate welfare of over $150 billion, we have a federal windfall of over $650 billion given away to corporations each and every year.

Why are we leaving veterans living in the back alleyways of our country to starve in the cold while letting corporations feed off the tax money of our people?

This is a far more complex subject than Mr Crowder seems to be aware of, and I dont have too many firm ideas on what we ought to do, but I think trump and Rand Paul have some very good ideas so far. Trump I seem to recall wanted to remove the cap on social security taxes and PAul will negate the whole thing by rolling it into the general budget and have a 14% tax on all income over $50k.

But really this can be paid for, it is only a question of where do we think we benefit the people of this country more, by making sure that people are well cared for and have full opportunity to pursue their goals and dreams or by giving away literally hundreds of billions of our taxes to corporations?
Cheneys actual quote was "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter". That doesn't mean that Cheney believes deficits are OK. He Just meant that the deficit didn't hurt him politically.
Fox News was created to cater to a specific demographic......and if they betray that demographic....their ratings will tank.

Yes, and to skew information so that their viewers always feel good, regardless of what is going on in the real world. And yes, if Faux News were to be decent to any Democratic/Liberal person, the biased viewers would have a fit and immediately quit watching it.....we all know that....;)
That is what you want to fact what most conservatives want to believe, because they're fucking scared of Hillary.

None of that is true in the real world, just in the "Faux News-Rush Limbaugh - Bubbleland" where the least knowledgeable and most susceptible conservatives reside. If any of that were true, Republicans in Congress would be sitting on the doorstep of the courthouse ready to file charges against her. The truth is, they keep digging hoping to find something and keep coming up empty-handed. How many investigations does this make? 9? Even a previous Republican committee admitted there was no wrong-doing in Benghazi. As for the ignored the fact that Collin Powell used a private e-mail too, and Bush/Cheney destroyed millions of e-mails in the circuit judge investigation....and you just keep ignoring that. Selective judgment?

Democrats are not anal like Republicans. We didn't spend tax-payer money to investigate war criminals Bush and Cheney when 9/11 happened on his watch, and not 4 people were killed but over 3000, but somehow, to some desperate Republicans, 4 dead is way more ominous than 3000+.....I guess the lives of those people killed on 9/11 didn't matter to you Republicans.
Looking at Hillary's history.....I think it should scare any rational person. She's never done anything but fuck up. She's punched her ticket and everywhere she's been has turned into an utter disaster.

I remember when she and her husband was in the WhiteHouse. Their brand of diplomacy, and their way of leaving pubic servants and soldiers out to fend for themselves.

I was in Somalia in 93', Hillary did the same exact shit back then. Wouldn't give us what we needed to protect ourselves. So 18 of my buddies died and 99 were wounded in Mogadishu Somalia October 3rd 1993. If they had allowed us to have the armor we requested....most likely nobody would have died. Instead, our guys were sent out to be slaughtered. Every other country was allowed armored vehicles. We were the only ones who weren't. We even trained the Pakistanis on how to use Armored Personnel Carriers or APCs our government gave to them, but refused to give to us

Pretty damned fucked up if you ask me.

This is what happens when some liberal asshole thinks that Republicans, thus the military, are worse enemies that Iran, Russia, or ISIS. And those silly ***** at that debate actually cheered that stupid shit.

That's funny, all I remember about the Clintons when they were in the WH is how many times Republicans tried to destroy them with false allegations and came up empty.....why are you all scared of them?
Incompetence is a scary thing in the WhiteHouse or when that much power is in the wrong hands.

Bill was a decent president. Hillary isn't Bill Clinton. Most of the scandals centered around what Hillary was doing. The only one that stuck was when Bill shot his wad on that girls dress. The rest of them they got away with.

But at least Bill was a much more pragmatic than Obama. Personally, I don't think Obama couldn't carry Bill's briefcase. Bill is smarter and more savvy than Obama by a long shot.

And just think.......with Hillary, the country gets the expertise of Bill.......what a package. Something that we wouldn't get if all the 17 people on the Republican slate were to occupy the WH at the same time.
And we get the scandals that went with it.

I remember that Hillary and Bill left the WhiteHouse on very bad terms. But they're good at reinventing themselves. And they have a media willing to help them do it.

Personally, I think Obama is going to screw her. She's in big trouble and she's trying to swing public opinion against him.

I don't think it's going to work.

People don't really like the bitch.

The Republican created scandals? I'm sure every conservative will be reliving every singly lie they have ever made up about Hillary......just like they do with Obama....they make up crap and keep repeating it and then all the "unable to think and research for their own" believe it and repeat it like fact.....l
Cheneys actual quote was "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter". That doesn't mean that Cheney believes deficits are OK. He Just meant that the deficit didn't hurt him politically.
Yeah, but that one quip set back fiscally conservative rhetoric by decades, you know?
Looking at Hillary's history.....I think it should scare any rational person. She's never done anything but fuck up. She's punched her ticket and everywhere she's been has turned into an utter disaster.

I remember when she and her husband was in the WhiteHouse. Their brand of diplomacy, and their way of leaving pubic servants and soldiers out to fend for themselves.

I was in Somalia in 93', Hillary did the same exact shit back then. Wouldn't give us what we needed to protect ourselves. So 18 of my buddies died and 99 were wounded in Mogadishu Somalia October 3rd 1993. If they had allowed us to have the armor we requested....most likely nobody would have died. Instead, our guys were sent out to be slaughtered. Every other country was allowed armored vehicles. We were the only ones who weren't. We even trained the Pakistanis on how to use Armored Personnel Carriers or APCs our government gave to them, but refused to give to us

Pretty damned fucked up if you ask me.

This is what happens when some liberal asshole thinks that Republicans, thus the military, are worse enemies that Iran, Russia, or ISIS. And those silly ***** at that debate actually cheered that stupid shit.

That's funny, all I remember about the Clintons when they were in the WH is how many times Republicans tried to destroy them with false allegations and came up empty.....why are you all scared of them?
Incompetence is a scary thing in the WhiteHouse or when that much power is in the wrong hands.

Bill was a decent president. Hillary isn't Bill Clinton. Most of the scandals centered around what Hillary was doing. The only one that stuck was when Bill shot his wad on that girls dress. The rest of them they got away with.

But at least Bill was a much more pragmatic than Obama. Personally, I don't think Obama couldn't carry Bill's briefcase. Bill is smarter and more savvy than Obama by a long shot.

And just think.......with Hillary, the country gets the expertise of Bill.......what a package. Something that we wouldn't get if all the 17 people on the Republican slate were to occupy the WH at the same time.
And we get the scandals that went with it.

I remember that Hillary and Bill left the WhiteHouse on very bad terms. But they're good at reinventing themselves. And they have a media willing to help them do it.

Personally, I think Obama is going to screw her. She's in big trouble and she's trying to swing public opinion against him.

I don't think it's going to work.

People don't really like the bitch.

The Republican created scandals? I'm sure every conservative will be reliving every singly lie they have ever made up about Hillary......just like they do with Obama....they make up crap and keep repeating it and then all the "unable to think and research for their own" believe it and repeat it like fact.....l

Lol, it is a refreshing treat to finally see some objective views on this topic....NOT!

FOX lies and cheats like they all do,

No, Faux News has been caught way too many times making shit up, way more than any other news media.
You seem to think Fox News and the GOP are joined at the hip like NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are joined with the Democrats.

Total BS.

You're delusional. Faux News was created especially to support the GOP. Everyone knows about it, it's no need to come out of the bubble once in a while.
FOX lies and cheats like they all do,

No, Faux News has been caught way too many times making shit up, way more than any other news media.
You seem to think Fox News and the GOP are joined at the hip like NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are joined with the Democrats.

Total BS.

Faux News has brainwashed conservatives........
From the mouth of one who advised Republican's hero Ronald can't make this shit up.

This Sunday, economist Bruce Bartlett, a former adviser to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, accused the conservative propaganda machine known as Fox “News” of “brainwashing” Republicans “bubble” of misinformation that is making conservatives more misinformed:

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people. When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Watch: Ex-Reagan Advisor Accuses FOXNews of ‘Brainwashing’ Republicans and Making them Dumber
Fox News was created to cater to a specific demographic......and if they betray that demographic....their ratings will tank.

Fox attracts moderates and conservatives. They don't brainwash anyone. They don't practice censorship like the other news outlets. That is why Obozo has been conducting a war against Fox. Because they wouldn't agree to push his propaganda down our throats.

It takes a special kind of idiot to believe the crap that Democrats are selling.

People who want to feel like they're good people, but people who are really just bigots at heart. They can relate to identity politics....politics where who you are matters more than your character or your morals. Where it's more important to be black or a woman than it is to be competent or at the very least, qualified to do the job you're applying for.
I disagree in part. Turning your quote around: Air America was created to cater to a specific demographic......and if they betray that demographic....their ratings will tank.

They didn't betray their demographic and they still went out of business. People know when they're being fed bullshit...even liberals, and after awhile, they stop tuning in. People referred to Air America as Err America for good reason. Fox On the whole is truly fair and balanced. What liberals have problems with Fox is that the station doesn't censor conservative opinion.

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