Democrat Debate- Impressions and Tells

That is what you want to fact what most conservatives want to believe, because they're fucking scared of Hillary.

I hope to God that the GOP doesn't face Sanders; I hope and pray that Clintonista gets the nomination fo sho dude!

She will........and she's going to destroy any of the Republican clowns that happens to be standing when it is Democratic vs Republican debate time. So far, none of the Republican candidates seem to be eloquent or polished enough to take her on, and T-Chump if he happens to last to the end will have an epic melt-down when she debates against him.
>> It was actually a lot better than I was expecting. Of course, I did not have very high expectations.

Neither did I, but I was pleasantly surprised.

>>Obviously they are all jumping on the wealth disparity issue.

And why not? Why do conservatives have this inane idea that this country exists to pad Wall Street bonus checks? What is so fundamentally wrong with designing our economic policies to let anyone willing to work have a prosperous future that conservatives think the whole idea 'repulsive'?

>>The whole "share profits with the workers upon whose backs they were earned" is repulsive and wrong on so many levels.

Why? Say I have this neato idea to make a widget for $1 and sell them for $5, but I cant personally make enough of them to fill all the orders I get, so I hire people to make the widgets. Three scenarios, which is the more optimal?

Scenario one: I pay each worker $15 an hour plus all benefits imaginable and I net a 1% profit and after a few years of 60 hour work weeks making my business work, I finally sell it and retire.

Scenario 2: I pay the workers the lowest prevailing wage I can get away with and they only make a 50 cent commission per widget they make and I get fabulously rich overseeing them.

Scenario 3: I pay the workers $2 per widget, splitting my profit with them. They make a lot of money and I make a lot of money. I give them stock options in my little company so they make more money as I grow my business and we all profit from playing for the same team; my company I started that is now a joint venture for everyone involved.

I like scenario 3 myself, and wonder why we don't see it more and I know why; too many businesses working on the second model undercut the decent ones and drive them out of business in cut throat capitalism.


20 years ago there would have been no way they could have gotten away with that leftist tripe. Now the audience applauds it.

Where is your indignation at the $13 trillion dollars lost in the 2008 real estate meltdown? Where is the outrage at Wall Street banks collecting over $4 trillion in QE bailouts that is coming indirectly out of the savings of every American in the form of higher inflation?

Why is it good to throw more profits to the ridiculously rich and kick hard working Americans to the curb to live or die or what ever? What is right about letting companies fire workers in their 50's who have never worked at another company in their whole lives and have no other skill set to go get a comparably paying job that wont hire them anyway due to their age? Whole towns in this country are dying off and American conservatives are like 'and so what?' This is one facet of conservatism that alienates so many Americans from conservative ideology.

Pretty discouraging for the future of our nation.

Americans coming together to protect their own interest is discouraging? Discouraging for who exactly? Corporations? Wall Street banks?

Don't worry, they'll survive Iron head and still live at a logarithmically higher life style scale than you or I do.

Really great post, Jim -- articulate and well-written. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
You believe everything Democrats say and nothing Republicans you're not in any position to judge.

Let's see.......the Republican party forms a committee to supposedly get to the bottom of the Benghazi incident and claims that Hillary is not trustworthy.....and then we find out from the same committee members, who happen to be Republican, that the committee was not about Benghazi as much as it was to try and bring Hillary down....I think it's pretty clear who the ones that aren't trustworthy here are.

And how much tax-payer money have the "party that wants to cut spending" spent on this psuedo Benghazi committee investigation, that has yielding "NADA"?
That is a fantasy created by the Hillary campaign, and the media ran with it. Bernie Sanders won the debate according to voters......but the media awarded it to Hillary.
That is what you want to fact what most conservatives want to believe, because they're fucking scared of Hillary.

So basically, the fix is in. Hillary is the new anointed one. The crimes she committed are loosely related to Benghazi, but are totally different offenses. Perjury, obstruction of justice, mishandling classified documents, failure to turn over all communications required by law.....taking bribes from foreign nationals....all of these charges have little to do with Benghazi.
None of that is true in the real world, just in the "Faux News-Rush Limbaugh - Bubbleland" where the least knowledgeable and most susceptible conservatives reside. If any of that were true, Republicans in Congress would be sitting on the doorstep of the courthouse ready to file charges against her. The truth is, they keep digging hoping to find something and keep coming up empty-handed. How many investigations does this make? 9? Even a previous Republican committee admitted there was no wrong-doing in Benghazi. As for the ignored the fact that Collin Powell used a private e-mail too, and Bush/Cheney destroyed millions of e-mails in the circuit judge investigation....and you just keep ignoring that. Selective judgment?

Of course the GOP wanted to investigate Benghazi. If they were Democrats, they wouldn't have touched it with a 10 meter cattle-prod.
Democrats are not anal like Republicans. We didn't spend tax-payer money to investigate war criminals Bush and Cheney when 9/11 happened on his watch, and not 4 people were killed but over 3000, but somehow, to some desperate Republicans, 4 dead is way more ominous than 3000+.....I guess the lives of those people killed on 9/11 didn't matter to you Republicans.
Looking at Hillary's history.....I think it should scare any rational person. She's never done anything but fuck up. She's punched her ticket and everywhere she's been has turned into an utter disaster.

I remember when she and her husband was in the WhiteHouse. Their brand of diplomacy, and their way of leaving pubic servants and soldiers out to fend for themselves.

I was in Somalia in 93', Hillary did the same exact shit back then. Wouldn't give us what we needed to protect ourselves. So 18 of my buddies died and 99 were wounded in Mogadishu Somalia October 3rd 1993. If they had allowed us to have the armor we requested....most likely nobody would have died. Instead, our guys were sent out to be slaughtered. Every other country was allowed armored vehicles. We were the only ones who weren't. We even trained the Pakistanis on how to use Armored Personnel Carriers or APCs our government gave to them, but refused to give to us

Pretty damned fucked up if you ask me.

This is what happens when some liberal asshole thinks that Republicans, thus the military, are worse enemies that Iran, Russia, or ISIS. And those silly ***** at that debate actually cheered that stupid shit.
She will........and she's going to destroy any of the Republican clowns that happens to be standing when it is Democratic vs Republican debate time. So far, none of the Republican candidates seem to be eloquent or polished enough to take her on, and T-Chump if he happens to last to the end will have an epic melt-down when she debates against him.

Oh, man, as my dear daughter would say, 'that is so adorable.' :D
You believe everything Democrats say and nothing Republicans you're not in any position to judge.

Let's see.......the Republican party forms a committee to supposedly get to the bottom of the Benghazi incident and claims that Hillary is not trustworthy.....and then we find out from the same committee members, who happen to be Republican, that the committee was not about Benghazi as much as it was to try and bring Hillary down....I think it's pretty clear who the ones that aren't trustworthy here are.

And how much tax-payer money have the "party that wants to cut spending" spent on this psuedo Benghazi committee investigation, that has yielding "NADA"?
That is a fantasy created by the Hillary campaign, and the media ran with it. Bernie Sanders won the debate according to voters......but the media awarded it to Hillary.
That is what you want to fact what most conservatives want to believe, because they're fucking scared of Hillary.

So basically, the fix is in. Hillary is the new anointed one. The crimes she committed are loosely related to Benghazi, but are totally different offenses. Perjury, obstruction of justice, mishandling classified documents, failure to turn over all communications required by law.....taking bribes from foreign nationals....all of these charges have little to do with Benghazi.
None of that is true in the real world, just in the "Faux News-Rush Limbaugh - Bubbleland" where the least knowledgeable and most susceptible conservatives reside. If any of that were true, Republicans in Congress would be sitting on the doorstep of the courthouse ready to file charges against her. The truth is, they keep digging hoping to find something and keep coming up empty-handed. How many investigations does this make? 9? Even a previous Republican committee admitted there was no wrong-doing in Benghazi. As for the ignored the fact that Collin Powell used a private e-mail too, and Bush/Cheney destroyed millions of e-mails in the circuit judge investigation....and you just keep ignoring that. Selective judgment?

Of course the GOP wanted to investigate Benghazi. If they were Democrats, they wouldn't have touched it with a 10 meter cattle-prod.
Democrats are not anal like Republicans. We didn't spend tax-payer money to investigate war criminals Bush and Cheney when 9/11 happened on his watch, and not 4 people were killed but over 3000, but somehow, to some desperate Republicans, 4 dead is way more ominous than 3000+.....I guess the lives of those people killed on 9/11 didn't matter to you Republicans.
Looking at Hillary's history.....I think it should scare any rational person. She's never done anything but fuck up. She's punched her ticket and everywhere she's been has turned into an utter disaster.

I remember when she and her husband was in the WhiteHouse. Their brand of diplomacy, and their way of leaving pubic servants and soldiers out to fend for themselves.

I was in Somalia in 93', Hillary did the same exact shit back then. Wouldn't give us what we needed to protect ourselves. So 18 of my buddies died and 99 were wounded in Mogadishu Somalia October 3rd 1993. If they had allowed us to have the armor we requested....most likely nobody would have died. Instead, our guys were sent out to be slaughtered. Every other country was allowed armored vehicles. We were the only ones who weren't. We even trained the Pakistanis on how to use Armored Personnel Carriers or APCs our government gave to them, but refused to give to us

Pretty damned fucked up if you ask me.

This is what happens when some liberal asshole thinks that Republicans, thus the military, are worse enemies that Iran, Russia, or ISIS. And those silly ***** at that debate actually cheered that stupid shit.

That's funny, all I remember about the Clintons when they were in the WH is how many times Republicans tried to destroy them with false allegations and came up empty.....why are you all scared of them?
The main thing I don't like about Bernie is that he is a socialist

If you're a conservative that would be odd, because they (conservatives) claim to support the military and medicare....and that is the two most socialist programs in the US.
That's funny, all I remember about the Clintons when they were in the WH is how many times Republicans tried to destroy them with false allegations and came up empty.....

It is kind of queer that Democrats have no problem with purjury unless a Republican does it.

Oh, wait, I see what you did.
You believe everything Democrats say and nothing Republicans you're not in any position to judge.

Let's see.......the Republican party forms a committee to supposedly get to the bottom of the Benghazi incident and claims that Hillary is not trustworthy.....and then we find out from the same committee members, who happen to be Republican, that the committee was not about Benghazi as much as it was to try and bring Hillary down....I think it's pretty clear who the ones that aren't trustworthy here are.

And how much tax-payer money have the "party that wants to cut spending" spent on this psuedo Benghazi committee investigation, that has yielding "NADA"?
That is a fantasy created by the Hillary campaign, and the media ran with it. Bernie Sanders won the debate according to voters......but the media awarded it to Hillary.
That is what you want to fact what most conservatives want to believe, because they're fucking scared of Hillary.

So basically, the fix is in. Hillary is the new anointed one. The crimes she committed are loosely related to Benghazi, but are totally different offenses. Perjury, obstruction of justice, mishandling classified documents, failure to turn over all communications required by law.....taking bribes from foreign nationals....all of these charges have little to do with Benghazi.
None of that is true in the real world, just in the "Faux News-Rush Limbaugh - Bubbleland" where the least knowledgeable and most susceptible conservatives reside. If any of that were true, Republicans in Congress would be sitting on the doorstep of the courthouse ready to file charges against her. The truth is, they keep digging hoping to find something and keep coming up empty-handed. How many investigations does this make? 9? Even a previous Republican committee admitted there was no wrong-doing in Benghazi. As for the ignored the fact that Collin Powell used a private e-mail too, and Bush/Cheney destroyed millions of e-mails in the circuit judge investigation....and you just keep ignoring that. Selective judgment?

Of course the GOP wanted to investigate Benghazi. If they were Democrats, they wouldn't have touched it with a 10 meter cattle-prod.
Democrats are not anal like Republicans. We didn't spend tax-payer money to investigate war criminals Bush and Cheney when 9/11 happened on his watch, and not 4 people were killed but over 3000, but somehow, to some desperate Republicans, 4 dead is way more ominous than 3000+.....I guess the lives of those people killed on 9/11 didn't matter to you Republicans.
Looking at Hillary's history.....I think it should scare any rational person. She's never done anything but fuck up. She's punched her ticket and everywhere she's been has turned into an utter disaster.

I remember when she and her husband was in the WhiteHouse. Their brand of diplomacy, and their way of leaving pubic servants and soldiers out to fend for themselves.

I was in Somalia in 93', Hillary did the same exact shit back then. Wouldn't give us what we needed to protect ourselves. So 18 of my buddies died and 99 were wounded in Mogadishu Somalia October 3rd 1993. If they had allowed us to have the armor we requested....most likely nobody would have died. Instead, our guys were sent out to be slaughtered. Every other country was allowed armored vehicles. We were the only ones who weren't. We even trained the Pakistanis on how to use Armored Personnel Carriers or APCs our government gave to them, but refused to give to us

Pretty damned fucked up if you ask me.

This is what happens when some liberal asshole thinks that Republicans, thus the military, are worse enemies that Iran, Russia, or ISIS. And those silly ***** at that debate actually cheered that stupid shit.

That's funny, all I remember about the Clintons when they were in the WH is how many times Republicans tried to destroy them with false allegations and came up empty.....why are you all scared of them?
Incompetence is a scary thing in the WhiteHouse or when that much power is in the wrong hands.

Bill was a decent president. Hillary isn't Bill Clinton. Most of the scandals centered around what Hillary was doing. The only one that stuck was when Bill shot his wad on that girls dress. The rest of them they got away with. 10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten

But at least Bill was a much more pragmatic than Obama. Personally, I don't think Obama couldn't carry Bill's briefcase. Bill is smarter and more savvy than Obama by a long shot.
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FOX lies and cheats like they all do,

No, Faux News has been caught way too many times making shit up, way more than any other news media.
You seem to think Fox News and the GOP are joined at the hip like NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are joined with the Democrats.

Total BS.

You're delusional. Faux News was created especially to support the GOP. Everyone knows about it, it's no need to come out of the bubble once in a while.
FOX lies and cheats like they all do,

No, Faux News has been caught way too many times making shit up, way more than any other news media.
You seem to think Fox News and the GOP are joined at the hip like NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are joined with the Democrats.

Total BS.

Faux News has brainwashed conservatives........
From the mouth of one who advised Republican's hero Ronald can't make this shit up.

This Sunday, economist Bruce Bartlett, a former adviser to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, accused the conservative propaganda machine known as Fox “News” of “brainwashing” Republicans “bubble” of misinformation that is making conservatives more misinformed:

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people. When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Watch: Ex-Reagan Advisor Accuses FOXNews of ‘Brainwashing’ Republicans and Making them Dumber
Let's see.......the Republican party forms a committee to supposedly get to the bottom of the Benghazi incident and claims that Hillary is not trustworthy.....and then we find out from the same committee members, who happen to be Republican, that the committee was not about Benghazi as much as it was to try and bring Hillary down....I think it's pretty clear who the ones that aren't trustworthy here are.

And how much tax-payer money have the "party that wants to cut spending" spent on this psuedo Benghazi committee investigation, that has yielding "NADA"?
That is a fantasy created by the Hillary campaign, and the media ran with it. Bernie Sanders won the debate according to voters......but the media awarded it to Hillary.
That is what you want to fact what most conservatives want to believe, because they're fucking scared of Hillary.

So basically, the fix is in. Hillary is the new anointed one. The crimes she committed are loosely related to Benghazi, but are totally different offenses. Perjury, obstruction of justice, mishandling classified documents, failure to turn over all communications required by law.....taking bribes from foreign nationals....all of these charges have little to do with Benghazi.
None of that is true in the real world, just in the "Faux News-Rush Limbaugh - Bubbleland" where the least knowledgeable and most susceptible conservatives reside. If any of that were true, Republicans in Congress would be sitting on the doorstep of the courthouse ready to file charges against her. The truth is, they keep digging hoping to find something and keep coming up empty-handed. How many investigations does this make? 9? Even a previous Republican committee admitted there was no wrong-doing in Benghazi. As for the ignored the fact that Collin Powell used a private e-mail too, and Bush/Cheney destroyed millions of e-mails in the circuit judge investigation....and you just keep ignoring that. Selective judgment?

Of course the GOP wanted to investigate Benghazi. If they were Democrats, they wouldn't have touched it with a 10 meter cattle-prod.
Democrats are not anal like Republicans. We didn't spend tax-payer money to investigate war criminals Bush and Cheney when 9/11 happened on his watch, and not 4 people were killed but over 3000, but somehow, to some desperate Republicans, 4 dead is way more ominous than 3000+.....I guess the lives of those people killed on 9/11 didn't matter to you Republicans.
Looking at Hillary's history.....I think it should scare any rational person. She's never done anything but fuck up. She's punched her ticket and everywhere she's been has turned into an utter disaster.

I remember when she and her husband was in the WhiteHouse. Their brand of diplomacy, and their way of leaving pubic servants and soldiers out to fend for themselves.

I was in Somalia in 93', Hillary did the same exact shit back then. Wouldn't give us what we needed to protect ourselves. So 18 of my buddies died and 99 were wounded in Mogadishu Somalia October 3rd 1993. If they had allowed us to have the armor we requested....most likely nobody would have died. Instead, our guys were sent out to be slaughtered. Every other country was allowed armored vehicles. We were the only ones who weren't. We even trained the Pakistanis on how to use Armored Personnel Carriers or APCs our government gave to them, but refused to give to us

Pretty damned fucked up if you ask me.

This is what happens when some liberal asshole thinks that Republicans, thus the military, are worse enemies that Iran, Russia, or ISIS. And those silly ***** at that debate actually cheered that stupid shit.

That's funny, all I remember about the Clintons when they were in the WH is how many times Republicans tried to destroy them with false allegations and came up empty.....why are you all scared of them?
Incompetence is a scary thing in the WhiteHouse or when that much power is in the wrong hands.

Bill was a decent president. Hillary isn't Bill Clinton. Most of the scandals centered around what Hillary was doing. The only one that stuck was when Bill shot his wad on that girls dress. The rest of them they got away with.

But at least Bill was a much more pragmatic than Obama. Personally, I don't think Obama couldn't carry Bill's briefcase. Bill is smarter and more savvy than Obama by a long shot.

And just think.......with Hillary, the country gets the expertise of Bill.......what a package. Something that we wouldn't get if all the 17 people on the Republican slate were to occupy the WH at the same time.
FOX lies and cheats like they all do,

No, Faux News has been caught way too many times making shit up, way more than any other news media.
You seem to think Fox News and the GOP are joined at the hip like NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are joined with the Democrats.

Total BS.

You're delusional. Faux News was created especially to support the GOP. Everyone knows about it, it's no need to come out of the bubble once in a while.
FOX lies and cheats like they all do,

No, Faux News has been caught way too many times making shit up, way more than any other news media.
You seem to think Fox News and the GOP are joined at the hip like NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are joined with the Democrats.

Total BS.

Faux News has brainwashed conservatives........
From the mouth of one who advised Republican's hero Ronald can't make this shit up.

This Sunday, economist Bruce Bartlett, a former adviser to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, accused the conservative propaganda machine known as Fox “News” of “brainwashing” Republicans “bubble” of misinformation that is making conservatives more misinformed:

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people. When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Watch: Ex-Reagan Advisor Accuses FOXNews of ‘Brainwashing’ Republicans and Making them Dumber
Fox News was created to cater to a specific demographic......and if they betray that demographic....their ratings will tank.

Fox attracts moderates and conservatives. They don't brainwash anyone. They don't practice censorship like the other news outlets. That is why Obozo has been conducting a war against Fox. Because they wouldn't agree to push his propaganda down our throats.

It takes a special kind of idiot to believe the crap that Democrats are selling.

People who want to feel like they're good people, but people who are really just bigots at heart. They can relate to identity politics....politics where who you are matters more than your character or your morals. Where it's more important to be black or a woman than it is to be competent or at the very least, qualified to do the job you're applying for.
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That is a fantasy created by the Hillary campaign, and the media ran with it. Bernie Sanders won the debate according to voters......but the media awarded it to Hillary.
That is what you want to fact what most conservatives want to believe, because they're fucking scared of Hillary.

So basically, the fix is in. Hillary is the new anointed one. The crimes she committed are loosely related to Benghazi, but are totally different offenses. Perjury, obstruction of justice, mishandling classified documents, failure to turn over all communications required by law.....taking bribes from foreign nationals....all of these charges have little to do with Benghazi.
None of that is true in the real world, just in the "Faux News-Rush Limbaugh - Bubbleland" where the least knowledgeable and most susceptible conservatives reside. If any of that were true, Republicans in Congress would be sitting on the doorstep of the courthouse ready to file charges against her. The truth is, they keep digging hoping to find something and keep coming up empty-handed. How many investigations does this make? 9? Even a previous Republican committee admitted there was no wrong-doing in Benghazi. As for the ignored the fact that Collin Powell used a private e-mail too, and Bush/Cheney destroyed millions of e-mails in the circuit judge investigation....and you just keep ignoring that. Selective judgment?

Of course the GOP wanted to investigate Benghazi. If they were Democrats, they wouldn't have touched it with a 10 meter cattle-prod.
Democrats are not anal like Republicans. We didn't spend tax-payer money to investigate war criminals Bush and Cheney when 9/11 happened on his watch, and not 4 people were killed but over 3000, but somehow, to some desperate Republicans, 4 dead is way more ominous than 3000+.....I guess the lives of those people killed on 9/11 didn't matter to you Republicans.
Looking at Hillary's history.....I think it should scare any rational person. She's never done anything but fuck up. She's punched her ticket and everywhere she's been has turned into an utter disaster.

I remember when she and her husband was in the WhiteHouse. Their brand of diplomacy, and their way of leaving pubic servants and soldiers out to fend for themselves.

I was in Somalia in 93', Hillary did the same exact shit back then. Wouldn't give us what we needed to protect ourselves. So 18 of my buddies died and 99 were wounded in Mogadishu Somalia October 3rd 1993. If they had allowed us to have the armor we requested....most likely nobody would have died. Instead, our guys were sent out to be slaughtered. Every other country was allowed armored vehicles. We were the only ones who weren't. We even trained the Pakistanis on how to use Armored Personnel Carriers or APCs our government gave to them, but refused to give to us

Pretty damned fucked up if you ask me.

This is what happens when some liberal asshole thinks that Republicans, thus the military, are worse enemies that Iran, Russia, or ISIS. And those silly ***** at that debate actually cheered that stupid shit.

That's funny, all I remember about the Clintons when they were in the WH is how many times Republicans tried to destroy them with false allegations and came up empty.....why are you all scared of them?
Incompetence is a scary thing in the WhiteHouse or when that much power is in the wrong hands.

Bill was a decent president. Hillary isn't Bill Clinton. Most of the scandals centered around what Hillary was doing. The only one that stuck was when Bill shot his wad on that girls dress. The rest of them they got away with.

But at least Bill was a much more pragmatic than Obama. Personally, I don't think Obama couldn't carry Bill's briefcase. Bill is smarter and more savvy than Obama by a long shot.

And just think.......with Hillary, the country gets the expertise of Bill.......what a package. Something that we wouldn't get if all the 17 people on the Republican slate were to occupy the WH at the same time.
And we get the scandals that went with it.

I remember that Hillary and Bill left the WhiteHouse on very bad terms. But they're good at reinventing themselves. And they have a media willing to help them do it.

Personally, I think Obama is going to screw her. She's in big trouble and she's trying to swing public opinion against him.

I don't think it's going to work.

People don't really like the bitch.
Fox News was created to cater to a specific demographic......and if they betray that demographic....their ratings will tank.

Fox attracts moderates and conservatives. They don't brainwash anyone. They don't practice censorship like the other news outlets. That is why Obozo has been conducting a war against Fox. Because they wouldn't agree to push his propaganda down our throats.

It takes a special kind of idiot to believe the crap that Democrats are selling.

People who want to feel like they're good people, but people who are really just bigots at heart. They can relate to identity politics....politics where who you are matters more that your character or your morals. Where it's more important to be black or a woman than it is to be competent or at the very least, qualified to do the job you're applying for.

Well that is good and all, but you cant seriously say that FOX treated Ron Paul fair and balanced, can you? And FOX loves to let their talking heads slam on Tea Party folks ovewr and over.

I just saw it; I was making other posts and checking on some things!

Sheesh, dont shoot dude!

After careful consideration, these articles are obviously unbalanced and unfair agit-propaganda.

Isnt that how you lefties do it? :D

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