Democrat Congressman Goes Nuts When Asked if He Supports the “Obama Agenda”; Attacks

Posted on the Drudge Report right now. oopsi for this elitist drunken Democrat commie politician.

if the Democrat party had any ethics at all, they would call for his resignation. but we all know how that is.:lol:

Now how will the Democrats spin this?

.....that your GOP "students" are pussies and you crybabies support their behavior?

You mean asking a simple question? The leftist students have been known to toss pies at conservative speakers, storm the stage at conservative speakers on campus, pull fire alarms during speeches, protest and make threats to the point the school cancels the speaking event and ask far more inappropriate questions.

I know your a partisan hack, but be honest the students of which the side of the isle are out of control.

Besides what did you want the kids to do? Assault a Congressman? Who would have won that battle. The student would claim he grabbed me and we fought back. LOL, I am sure everyone would believe that story!
Whadda douche. It doesn't matter who the kid is the Congressman had no right to put his hands on him.

And what's up with the creepy way he pulled him in towards him at the end?

I believe he pulled him towards him so that his face would be seen on any video that came out. A way to try to prevent that video from being shown.

I guess a dinosaur like the Congressman didn't known about blurred face technology! :lol:
Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-NC2) violently assaults student reporter after he is asked if he supports the Obama agenda.
Honestly, was this necessary?
Is this what we can expect when we question democrats about their radical agenda?
Via Big Government

Haven't seen the main stream news on this, but if it was a Republican attacking the far more rude and free speech impeading leftist student student reporters, then he would have been featured on the Worst Person In the World on Overbite and CNN would have ran with it also as a feature story!

Hypocrisy at its best!

You got that right.

If this had been a Rep it would have been all over the LSM and no doubt the NYT would have had it in 8 inch letters headlines.

Since its a Dem, don't think you will hear much about it.
Does anyone else find it suspicious, that they are hiding the face of the kid who is SUPPOSED to be the "reporter" in this piece?

I found the front of the pic, make it your avatar

I'm in no way defending this congressman scum or his actions, but I'd like to see this clip unedited.

It's obvious what is shown here is highly edited. Look at the 23 second mark on the clip. The student is holding a camera in his left hand. If you take it frame by frame from that point the screen goes black and then it's back with the congressman holding the student's right wrist and there is nothing in the student's left hand. Where did the camera disappear to?

Like I said, there is no defense for these actions, but I would still like to see an unedited clip of this incident.

LOL, the clip is "highly edited".

funny the lefties weren't saying that about the Tea Party protest when the Dem. Rep walked through and claimed that he was called a racial slur.
.....that your GOP "students" are pussies and you crybabies support their behavior?

And you know these students were members of the GOP? Couldn' they just as well been Independents or even Democrats that oppose Obama's agenda?

What was wrong with their behavior? They ask a question and the Congressman went ballistic.

You have your head so far up Obama's ass you're incapable of being objective or honest.

If YOU are the judge of "objective and honest", we are all in trouble.

he makes a good reply and you bring ad hominem as your defense

Whadda douche. It doesn't matter who the kid is the Congressman had no right to put his hands on him.

And what's up with the creepy way he pulled him in towards him at the end?

make him face the camera to be identified later, but they smartly blurred it
YouTube - Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk

Here is shocking video of North Carolina Democrat Rep. Bob Etheridge being asked by some students on a public sidewalk in Washington, D.C. if he supports the “Obama Agenda.” Once he realized the students were asking him that question, he went bonkers. Etheridge hit their camera and then grabbed one of the students by the arm as he repeated over and over “Who are you, Who are you? Tell me who you are?” The students identified themselves as such, but Etheridge persisted. At one point he then grabbed the student whose arm he had been holding onto and pulled himself up beside himself with his arm wrapped around the student. The student repeatedly asked the Congressman to “let go of my arm.”

There is no scenario under which this kind of behavior is acceptable. Etheridge represents the 2nd District in North Carolina, and faces a tough re-election battle. This video ought to seal his defeat. It’s time for voters to say to Etheridge, “Who are you” to treat people like this?

Mike Flynn at Big Government has more.

Freedom's Lighthouse » Democrat Congressman Goes Nuts When Asked if He Supports the “Obama Agenda”; Attacks Students – Video

That's where elitism gets you, they think they're above everyone else. I hope his opponent uses that video over and over in his/her campaign bid against the asshole.
Does anyone else find it suspicious, that they are hiding the face of the kid who is SUPPOSED to be the "reporter" in this piece?

And why does that matter? Whether his face was seen or not it doesn't take away from the fact the congressasshole was out of line.
Does anyone else find it suspicious, that they are hiding the face of the kid who is SUPPOSED to be the "reporter" in this piece?

if you had been assaulted would you put your face in the public? how do you know what the rep is capable of after seeing a video like that? Personally, after the media hype died, I would file assault and false imprisonment charges, plus get a restraining order.
It's assault.
A simple arrest, book him, trial date and he too can be like the Democrat Senate nominee Alvin Greene of South Carolina. Is this the party standard?

I'm in no way defending this congressman scum or his actions, but I'd like to see this clip unedited.

It's obvious what is shown here is highly edited. Look at the 23 second mark on the clip. The student is holding a camera in his left hand. If you take it frame by frame from that point the screen goes black and then it's back with the congressman holding the student's right wrist and there is nothing in the student's left hand. Where did the camera disappear to?

Like I said, there is no defense for these actions, but I would still like to see an unedited clip of this incident.


If you looked closely you would see the congressman snatched the camera phone out of the kids hand with his left hand. Watch the congressman's left hand as he turns to walk away you can clearly see the camera phone.
I'm in no way defending this congressman scum or his actions, but I'd like to see this clip unedited.

It's obvious what is shown here is highly edited. Look at the 23 second mark on the clip. The student is holding a camera in his left hand. If you take it frame by frame from that point the screen goes black and then it's back with the congressman holding the student's right wrist and there is nothing in the student's left hand. Where did the camera disappear to?

Like I said, there is no defense for these actions, but I would still like to see an unedited clip of this incident.


If you looked closely you would see the congressman snatched the camera phone out of the kids hand with his left hand. Watch the congressman's left hand as he turns to walk away you can clearly see the camera phone.

Then add theft to the charges. This congressman is truly scum. Is he up for re-election this year or do they have to wait two more years to get him out of office?

I'm in no way defending this congressman scum or his actions, but I'd like to see this clip unedited.

It's obvious what is shown here is highly edited. Look at the 23 second mark on the clip. The student is holding a camera in his left hand. If you take it frame by frame from that point the screen goes black and then it's back with the congressman holding the student's right wrist and there is nothing in the student's left hand. Where did the camera disappear to?

Like I said, there is no defense for these actions, but I would still like to see an unedited clip of this incident.


If you looked closely you would see the congressman snatched the camera phone out of the kids hand with his left hand. Watch the congressman's left hand as he turns to walk away you can clearly see the camera phone.

Then add theft to the charges. This congressman is truly scum. Is he up for re-election this year or do they have to wait two more years to get him out of office?


In all fairness we don't know if he turned around and gave the phone back. But he certainly could be charged with simple assault.
I thinked demonRats abhorred violence? Anybody seen this air on MSNBC yet? :eusa_angel:

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