Democrat Brags How Illegals Will Be Force Behind Blue Wave, Will Propel Dems To Victory

Georgia Dem gubernatorial nominee says 'blue wave' will include undocumented immigrants

A “blue wave” in the midterm elections will be fueled in part by undocumented immigrants, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams said at a campaign rally last week.

Relax Tinker Bell. I know you are trying to make it sound like "undocumented immigrants" will be voting in the midterms, but that isn't what she said. However, you and your fellow snowflakes will just ignore that and whine like the bitches that you are that, illegals will be voting for governor in Georgia!!!

You are a lying, fluffy little snowflake.

Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,


Actually if the quote I read from Slade3200 is accurate, it’s Stacey Abrams who made it sound like undocumented immigrants will be voting in the midterms...
He will be smacked around by his fellow left wing lunatics for letting the truth slip out.
Which "HE" will be smacked around, Anus?

And what truth are you talking about that was slipped out?

I won't hold my breath waiting for a sensible answer from you.

I thought Stacy was a mans name and I was being inclusive.

Stacey Keach sends his regards.

Why are left wing lunatics so hung up on pronouns?

The truth that person espoused is that Democrats want illegal aliens to vote.

You fucking disgusting cisgendered mansplaining white boy.
You truly are a fucking retard. In other words, a trump boot and ball licker.
Georgia Dem gubernatorial nominee says 'blue wave' will include undocumented immigrants

A “blue wave” in the midterm elections will be fueled in part by undocumented immigrants, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams said at a campaign rally last week.

What’s with you and the dishonest propaganda? Just be honest and accurate or did you really think he was implying that illegals would be voting?

Here’s the actual quote btw....

“But the thing of it is, the blue wave is African-American. It’s white, it’s Latino, it’s Asian Pacific Islander. It is disabled. It is differently abled. It is LGBTQ. It is law enforcement. It is veterans,” Abrams said to cheers. “It is made up of those who are told they are not worthy of being here ... those who are documented and undocumented.”

But she literally said “the blue wave... is made up of those who are undocumented.” She didn’t say they’re fueling it but she said they are a part of it.
Right, and do you think she meant that the undocumented would be voting in the election? Or do you think she meant that issues involving the Undocumented like immigration policy, the wall, DACA is a driving issue for democrat voters who make up the blue wave.
I’m not arguing about the term illegal or undocumented, who cares. She said undocumented in her quote, it’s in your OP, we all know what it means, stop moving the goalposts. I also asked if you thought she meant that illegals were a voting force in the blue wave and you answer like that?
Again, are you THAT stupid?

EVERYONE knows Illegals have been voting by the MILLIONS in US elections, as the evidence / studies I provided show. Of course she knows (hopefully she is intelligent enough to know facts and figures if she is running for office) illegals will be helping Dems attempt to take back the House and Senate.

Hmmm, millions of illegals vote every year. Millions are expected to vote in the mid-term election, and studies show in the past (until the Libs pissed them off) Latinos / illegals usually primarily vote for ONE party (and studies have shown it has not been for the GOP).....

Gee, what do YOU THINK? If there is a Blue Wave, could be those million or so illegals voting for Democrats be considered 'part of the Blue Wave'?

Do you need someone to draw you a picture?
Georgia Dem gubernatorial nominee says 'blue wave' will include undocumented immigrants

A “blue wave” in the midterm elections will be fueled in part by undocumented immigrants, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams said at a campaign rally last week.

What’s with you and the dishonest propaganda? Just be honest and accurate or did you really think he was implying that illegals would be voting?

Here’s the actual quote btw....

“But the thing of it is, the blue wave is African-American. It’s white, it’s Latino, it’s Asian Pacific Islander. It is disabled. It is differently abled. It is LGBTQ. It is law enforcement. It is veterans,” Abrams said to cheers. “It is made up of those who are told they are not worthy of being here ... those who are documented and undocumented.”

You may want to look up the definition of "undocumented"....dumbass.
Why? I understand the term.

Ok, I'll try to go slow. You identify this thread as being dishonest propaganda, and you provide a quote from the link. The quote refers to those who are documented AND those that are UNDOCUMENTED. Should I draw you a picture?
Thank you for going slow and using small words, that helps me a ton! Now if I may explain my comment. I called it dishonest propaganda because the title of the OP talks about the undocumented being the force behind the blue wave and then uses a cherry picked paraphrase of the actual statement. The actual quote listed many things the candidate said would be behind the democrats. I also suspect the OP was trying to poke the illegal vote fire, and I’ve asked three times now if he thinks the candidate was implying illegal votes but of course the OP dodges answering. So yes, it is partisan hyperbolic propaganda. Get it?

Why would she or anyone say the blue wave is made up of the undocumented?
Right, and do you think she meant that the undocumented would be voting in the election?
Holy Shit!


PLEASE .. right now... GO ON THE RECORD and declare that YOU, despite years of studies and documented evidence of millions of Illegals having voted in US elections - to include recent ones, believe Illegals will NOT vote in the Mid-Term elections!
Are whites a historically oppressed minority or marginalized group?

This from someone who thinks it is OK to shout down blacks who dare disagree with the Dems.

Blacks are not oppressed today. They get PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT because your party is addicted to fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination, and always has been


Stand up to the Dem lifelong obsession with fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination.
I’m not arguing about the term illegal or undocumented, who cares. She said undocumented in her quote, it’s in your OP, we all know what it means, stop moving the goalposts. I also asked if you thought she meant that illegals were a voting force in the blue wave and you answer like that?
Again, are you THAT stupid?

EVERYONE knows Illegals have been voting by the MILLIONS in US elections, as the evidence / studies I provided show. Of course she knows (hopefully she is intelligent enough to know facts and figures if she is running for office) illegals will be helping Dems attempt to take back the House and Senate.

Hmmm, millions of illegals vote every year. Millions are expected to vote in the mid-term election, and studies show in the past (until the Libs pissed them off) Latinos / illegals usually primarily vote for ONE party (and studies have shown it has not been for the GOP).....

Gee, what do YOU THINK? If there is a Blue Wave, could be those million or so illegals voting for Democrats be considered 'part of the Blue Wave'?

Do you need someone to draw you a picture?
You keep dodging the question and trying to pivot back to generalized talking points but let’s cut that bullshit and just be direct here.

Are you’re saying you DO think that Stacey Abrams was saying that the undocumented are part of the voting force of the blue wave?
Actually if the quote I read from Slade3200 is accurate, it’s Stacey Abrams who made it sound like undocumented immigrants will be voting in the midterms...
They will be.

Evidence I posted showed they voted in the 2010 Mid-Terms...they voted in 2016.

What, suddenly they are all going to jump on their super secret illegal chat board and coordinate with each other, saying, 'Hey, let's take a break this election and no one illegally vote this time'?

What’s with you and the dishonest propaganda? Just be honest and accurate or did you really think he was implying that illegals would be voting?

Here’s the actual quote btw....

“But the thing of it is, the blue wave is African-American. It’s white, it’s Latino, it’s Asian Pacific Islander. It is disabled. It is differently abled. It is LGBTQ. It is law enforcement. It is veterans,” Abrams said to cheers. “It is made up of those who are told they are not worthy of being here ... those who are documented and undocumented.”

You may want to look up the definition of "undocumented"....dumbass.
Why? I understand the term.

Ok, I'll try to go slow. You identify this thread as being dishonest propaganda, and you provide a quote from the link. The quote refers to those who are documented AND those that are UNDOCUMENTED. Should I draw you a picture?
Thank you for going slow and using small words, that helps me a ton! Now if I may explain my comment. I called it dishonest propaganda because the title of the OP talks about the undocumented being the force behind the blue wave and then uses a cherry picked paraphrase of the actual statement. The actual quote listed many things the candidate said would be behind the democrats. I also suspect the OP was trying to poke the illegal vote fire, and I’ve asked three times now if he thinks the candidate was implying illegal votes but of course the OP dodges answering. So yes, it is partisan hyperbolic propaganda. Get it?

Why would she or anyone say the blue wave is made up of the undocumented?
I thought I explained it in my last reply to you
I don’t need the term explained even if you are going to incorrectly explain the intentions behind the term. That’s besides the point though. I asked three times now if you seriously think he was implying that illegals would be voting in the election. Why can’t you answer a simple question? Or are you just spewing more partisan crap as usual
Evidently you DO need the term explained to you.

US officials must now say “illegal aliens,” not “undocumented immigrants”

"The US Department of Justice wants US attorneys offices to stop referring to immigrants as “undocumented,” the term that media and immigrant advocates have increasingly used to refer to people who are in the country illegally. The DOJ now wants government lawyers to use “illegal alien,” according to an email obtained by CNN. “The word ‘undocumented’ is not based in US code and should not be used to describe someone’s illegal presence in the country.”

“The term ‘undocumented’blurs the distinction between legally admitted immigrants and those who have sneaked into the country or chosen to violate the terms of a legal entry,”

Of course BLURRING THOSE LINES is exactly what the Liberals and Liberal media want to do.

Am I implying illegals could be / have been voting in elections?

Are you REALLY THAT STUPID as to believe that illegals have never illegally voted in US elections or that they will not continue to in the future...or are you trying to simply push your propaganda in an attempt to convince some 'sheep' who might read your BS?

"There is evidence that both foreign nationals who are lawfully present in the United States and illegal aliens have voted in recent elections. During this election cycle, noncitizens have been discovered on voter registration rolls in both Virginia and Pennsylvania. And the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York recently announced that it charged a Canadian woman with making a false claim to citizenship after she registered and voted in more than 20 elections."

"In 2014, a study released by a team of professors from Old Dominion University and George Mason University estimated that approximately 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted In the 2008 presidential election. They also surmised that 2.2 percent voted in the 2010 midterm election. In addition, the study estimated that 80 percent of noncitizens who appeared to have voted cast their ballots in favor of one party. Noncitizens are believed to have voted in these elections in numbers great enough to have affected the outcome. ... approximately 1.6 million non-citizens vote every year."

Approximately 1.6 MILLION illegals vote illegally EVERY year! When realizing how close many of the elections we have seen have been it is alarming that many of these elections could end up having been decided based off of the votes of illegals!

So, am I implying that illegals are voting in elections and will do so in the future?

NO! I am saying NUMEROUS STUDIES, and EVIDENCE shows it HAS happened and CONTINUES to happen in alarming numbers!

Here - educate yourself a little more on the problem with illegal voting / election fraud in the United States:

Of course, this massive amount of illegal voting / election crime does not include Hillary and the DNC rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud during the Primaries, violating both Election and Campaign Finance laws, and illegally colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help to win elections!

They also like to call illegal immigrants just plain “immigrants,” a very deliberate and successful tactic of deceit by the media and politicians.

And to think some clueless sheep challenged me in another thread to list tactics journalists use to deceive. LOL the stupidity happening in this country never ceases to amaze me.
Right, and do you think she meant that the undocumented would be voting in the election?
Holy Shit!


PLEASE .. right now... GO ON THE RECORD and declare that YOU, despite years of studies and documented evidence of millions of Illegals having voted in US elections - to include recent ones, believe Illegals will NOT vote in the Mid-Term elections!
What is that the 6th time youve dodged answering a direct question? I ask what you think she was saying in a quote and you can’t answer. It’s comical.

Since I do know how to answer direct questions I’ll answer yours. I do think there will be some illegal votes cast in the next election. I think they a few and far between with no significant impact to the results. I’m also not going to say another word about this subject that you’ve been trying to divert the conversation to until you give me the same respect I just gave you. Now answer the question Ive asked you 6 times and be direct.
You keep dodging the question and trying to pivot back to generalized talking points but let’s cut that bullshit and just be direct here.

Are you’re saying you DO think that Stacey Abrams was saying that the undocumented are part of the voting force of the blue wave?

How many times, how many ways do I need to answer that before it gets through your stupid fat head?!

YES, I believe Abrams knows full well - as you do - illegals will vote in the up-coming mid-term, just as they have in the last several elections as the evidence I posted shows.

YES, I believe Abrams understands that if illegals vote in the mid-terms that means they will be part of the Blue Wave - if it happens - based on the evidence / facts that in the past the illegals who have voted have voted for the Democrats.

Now YOU go on record stating YOU believe that there will be no Illegals voting in up-coming US elections, that by voting for the Democrats they will be part of the Blue Wave, if it happens.
Georgia Dem gubernatorial nominee says 'blue wave' will include undocumented immigrants

A “blue wave” in the midterm elections will be fueled in part by undocumented immigrants, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams said at a campaign rally last week.

What’s with you and the dishonest propaganda? Just be honest and accurate or did you really think he was implying that illegals would be voting?

Here’s the actual quote btw....

“But the thing of it is, the blue wave is African-American. It’s white, it’s Latino, it’s Asian Pacific Islander. It is disabled. It is differently abled. It is LGBTQ. It is law enforcement. It is veterans,” Abrams said to cheers. “It is made up of those who are told they are not worthy of being here ... those who are documented and undocumented.”

But she literally said “the blue wave... is made up of those who are undocumented.” She didn’t say they’re fueling it but she said they are a part of it.
Right, and do you think she meant that the undocumented would be voting in the election? Or do you think she meant that issues involving the Undocumented like immigration policy, the wall, DACA is a driving issue for democrat voters who make up the blue wave.

I don’t know but if one were to take her words literally she’s saying undocumenteds are part of the blue wave. Unless she clarifies and says that’s not literally what she meant why shouldn’t people take her seriously?
Are whites a historically oppressed minority or marginalized group?

This from someone who thinks it is OK to shout down blacks who dare disagree with the Dems.

Blacks are not oppressed today. They get PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT because your party is addicted to fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination, and always has been


Stand up to the Dem lifelong obsession with fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination.
Was that you trying to answer a question? Haha, do better and stop lying, you sound desperate
You aren't even trying to defend Ms Abrams' clear and obvious LIE that she is supported by "law enforcement."

She is not.



You keep dodging the question and trying to pivot back to generalized talking points but let’s cut that bullshit and just be direct here.

Are you’re saying you DO think that Stacey Abrams was saying that the undocumented are part of the voting force of the blue wave?

How many times, how many ways do I need to answer that before it gets through your stupid fat head?!

YES, I believe Abrams knows full well - as you do - illegals will vote in the up-coming mid-term, just as they have in the last several elections as the evidence I posted shows.

YES, I believe Abrams understands that if illegals vote in the mid-terms that means they will be part of the Blue Wave - if it happens - based on the evidence / facts that in the past the illegals who have voted have voted for the Democrats.

Now YOU go on record stating YOU believe that there will be no Illegals voting in up-coming US elections, that by voting for the Democrats they will be part of the Blue Wave, if it happens.
Thank you, it was like pulling teeth to get a straight answer from you. I believe there may be be some illegal votes cast but I don’t think it is anywhere near significant in number. The risk reward doesn’t add up

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