Democrat Boston Mayor Supports Removing Statue Of The Man Who ENDED Slavery In The U.S.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.

:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.


You leave out some critical info.

KKK all support the Republican Party
The Daughters of the Confederacy all support the Republican party
Most of the old white Supremist groups support the Republican party

What was once the old Democrat Party is now the current Republican Party. It was a gradual shift starting during FDRs time. When Eisenhower was President, the shift hadn't happened yet but it was well on the way. During the 60s, the shift was finally completed. It was like the North Pole and the South pole traded places.

Today, Lincoln and Ike would not have a Political party to be in and would not be in charge of either parties. There is real sickness in both parties. I suggest you clean up your own back yard before you complain about your neighbors. Or does the scripture that you claim to follow have any meaning.
:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.


You leave out some critical info.

KKK all support the Republican Party
The Daughters of the Confederacy all support the Republican party
Most of the old white Supremist groups support the Republican party

What was once the old Democrat Party is now the current Republican Party. It was a gradual shift starting during FDRs time. When Eisenhower was President, the shift hadn't happened yet but it was well on the way. During the 60s, the shift was finally completed. It was like the North Pole and the South pole traded places.

Today, Lincoln and Ike would not have a Political party to be in and would not be in charge of either parties. There is real sickness in both parties. I suggest you clean up your own back yard before you complain about your neighbors. Or does the scripture that you claim to follow have any meaning.

LOL what the fuck ever

Today's Democrats still believe blacks are inferior, but have figured out how to keep them in virtual slavery via the vote.

If you busted up the DNC today , racism would end in this country.

At least until a new party formed upon old ideas.
:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.


You leave out some critical info.

KKK all support the Republican Party
The Daughters of the Confederacy all support the Republican party
Most of the old white Supremist groups support the Republican party

What was once the old Democrat Party is now the current Republican Party. It was a gradual shift starting during FDRs time. When Eisenhower was President, the shift hadn't happened yet but it was well on the way. During the 60s, the shift was finally completed. It was like the North Pole and the South pole traded places.

Today, Lincoln and Ike would not have a Political party to be in and would not be in charge of either parties. There is real sickness in both parties. I suggest you clean up your own back yard before you complain about your neighbors. Or does the scripture that you claim to follow have any meaning.

LOL what the fuck ever

Today's Democrats still believe blacks are inferior, but have figured out how to keep them in virtual slavery via the vote.

If you busted up the DNC today , racism would end in this country.

At least until a new party formed upon old ideas.

Why, because you say so? You going to single handedly rewrite history once again? We are on to you.
:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.


You leave out some critical info.

KKK all support the Republican Party
The Daughters of the Confederacy all support the Republican party
Most of the old white Supremist groups support the Republican party

What was once the old Democrat Party is now the current Republican Party. It was a gradual shift starting during FDRs time. When Eisenhower was President, the shift hadn't happened yet but it was well on the way. During the 60s, the shift was finally completed. It was like the North Pole and the South pole traded places.

Today, Lincoln and Ike would not have a Political party to be in and would not be in charge of either parties. There is real sickness in both parties. I suggest you clean up your own back yard before you complain about your neighbors. Or does the scripture that you claim to follow have any meaning.
/——/ Here we go again. And suddenly, all the slave holding democRATs and the slavery ending Republicans magically switched sides over night.
:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.


You leave out some critical info.

KKK all support the Republican Party
The Daughters of the Confederacy all support the Republican party
Most of the old white Supremist groups support the Republican party

What was once the old Democrat Party is now the current Republican Party. It was a gradual shift starting during FDRs time. When Eisenhower was President, the shift hadn't happened yet but it was well on the way. During the 60s, the shift was finally completed. It was like the North Pole and the South pole traded places.

Today, Lincoln and Ike would not have a Political party to be in and would not be in charge of either parties. There is real sickness in both parties. I suggest you clean up your own back yard before you complain about your neighbors. Or does the scripture that you claim to follow have any meaning.

LOL what the fuck ever

Today's Democrats still believe blacks are inferior, but have figured out how to keep them in virtual slavery via the vote.

If you busted up the DNC today , racism would end in this country.

At least until a new party formed upon old ideas.
The only time black lives matter to Democrats is in an election year....and if you ain't voting for Biden you ain't black. :p
:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.


You leave out some critical info.

KKK all support the Republican Party
The Daughters of the Confederacy all support the Republican party
Most of the old white Supremist groups support the Republican party

What was once the old Democrat Party is now the current Republican Party. It was a gradual shift starting during FDRs time. When Eisenhower was President, the shift hadn't happened yet but it was well on the way. During the 60s, the shift was finally completed. It was like the North Pole and the South pole traded places.

Today, Lincoln and Ike would not have a Political party to be in and would not be in charge of either parties. There is real sickness in both parties. I suggest you clean up your own back yard before you complain about your neighbors. Or does the scripture that you claim to follow have any meaning.
/——/ Here we go again. And suddenly, all the slave holding democRATs and the slavery ending Republicans magically switched sides over night.

History is a bitch isn't it. Especially when we won't allow you to rewrite it to suit your own narrative. And it didn't happen over night. It started happening as early as 1935 and was pretty much complete by 1970. In 1952 and 1956, there were only few things different between the Democratic party and the Republican party. I think the real change was completed in the 80s when the fears of the Republican Party Leaders were realized when the John Birch Society were allowed to sit at the big boy's table.
:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.


You leave out some critical info.

KKK all support the Republican Party
The Daughters of the Confederacy all support the Republican party
Most of the old white Supremist groups support the Republican party

What was once the old Democrat Party is now the current Republican Party. It was a gradual shift starting during FDRs time. When Eisenhower was President, the shift hadn't happened yet but it was well on the way. During the 60s, the shift was finally completed. It was like the North Pole and the South pole traded places.

Today, Lincoln and Ike would not have a Political party to be in and would not be in charge of either parties. There is real sickness in both parties. I suggest you clean up your own back yard before you complain about your neighbors. Or does the scripture that you claim to follow have any meaning.

LOL what the fuck ever

Today's Democrats still believe blacks are inferior, but have figured out how to keep them in virtual slavery via the vote.

If you busted up the DNC today , racism would end in this country.

At least until a new party formed upon old ideas.
The only time black lives matter to Democrats is in an election year....and if you ain't voting for Biden you ain't black. :p

Well, now, let's look at that statement. I ain't Black, I ain't a Democrat, I am Voting and I refuse to vote for Rump. I refuse to just throw my vote away. So that means I don't have any alternative but to vote for Biden. I'd vote for Shit on a Stick if it was the primary candidate running against Rump. But I ain't black.
History is a bitch isn't it. Especially when we won't allow you to rewrite it to suit your own narrative.

You just described what the Democrats have been attempting to do for DECADES and DECADES.....
Well, now, let's look at that statement. I ain't Black, I ain't a Democrat, I am Voting and I refuse to vote for Rump. I refuse to just throw my vote away. So that means I don't have any alternative but to vote for Biden. I'd vote for Shit on a Stick if it was the primary candidate running against Rump. But I ain't black.

"I have no other alternative but to vote for an old, white, rich, elitist, dementia-suffering, self-confessed extorting, child-groping, pu$$y-grabbing, racist...."

Althouse: Is there some reason why Hillary keeps doing this gaping ...

:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.


You leave out some critical info.

KKK all support the Republican Party
The Daughters of the Confederacy all support the Republican party
Most of the old white Supremist groups support the Republican party

What was once the old Democrat Party is now the current Republican Party. It was a gradual shift starting during FDRs time. When Eisenhower was President, the shift hadn't happened yet but it was well on the way. During the 60s, the shift was finally completed. It was like the North Pole and the South pole traded places.

Today, Lincoln and Ike would not have a Political party to be in and would not be in charge of either parties. There is real sickness in both parties. I suggest you clean up your own back yard before you complain about your neighbors. Or does the scripture that you claim to follow have any meaning.
KKK all support the Republican Party

I would ask you for proof, but we all know you don’t have any. But, I have proof you are a lying sack of shit....

HILLARY CLINTON CAN ADD a new name to her list of endorsements – a prominent Ku Klux Klan member who says he likes her because of her "hidden agenda."
Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan's California chapter, told the Telegraph Monday that he would be switching his support from Donald Trump to Clinton.

This is where you try to spin this with “Oh, he was just joking” or some such bullshit.

Now, did you have anything on topic, or did you just show up for a beatdown?
:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.


You leave out some critical info.

KKK all support the Republican Party
The Daughters of the Confederacy all support the Republican party
Most of the old white Supremist groups support the Republican party

What was once the old Democrat Party is now the current Republican Party. It was a gradual shift starting during FDRs time. When Eisenhower was President, the shift hadn't happened yet but it was well on the way. During the 60s, the shift was finally completed. It was like the North Pole and the South pole traded places.

Today, Lincoln and Ike would not have a Political party to be in and would not be in charge of either parties. There is real sickness in both parties. I suggest you clean up your own back yard before you complain about your neighbors. Or does the scripture that you claim to follow have any meaning.
/——/ Here we go again. And suddenly, all the slave holding democRATs and the slavery ending Republicans magically switched sides over night.

History is a bitch isn't it. Especially when we won't allow you to rewrite it to suit your own narrative. And it didn't happen over night. It started happening as early as 1935 and was pretty much complete by 1970. In 1952 and 1956, there were only few things different between the Democratic party and the Republican party. I think the real change was completed in the 80s when the fears of the Republican Party Leaders were realized when the John Birch Society were allowed to sit at the big boy's table.
Only one trying to rewrite history is you, loser.
:oops: WTF?!

"Here is a brief history of the end of slavery in America.

September 22, 1862: Republican President Abraham Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

January 1, 1863: Emancipation Proclamation, implementing the Republicans’ Confiscation Act of 1862, takes effect

The Democratic Party continues to Support Slavery.

February 9, 1864: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton deliver over 100,000 signatures to U.S. Senate supporting Republicans’ plans for constitutional amendment to ban slavery

June 15, 1864: Republican Congress votes equal pay for African-American troops serving in U.S. Army during Civil War

June 28, 1864: Republican majority in Congress repeals Fugitive Slave Acts

October 29, 1864: African-American abolitionist Sojourner Truth says of President Lincoln: “I never was treated by anyone with more kindness and cordiality than were shown to me by that great and good man”

January 31, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support, intense Democrat opposition

March 3, 1865: Republican Congress establishes Freedmen’s Bureau to provide health care, education, and technical assistance to emancipated slaves

April 8, 1865: 13th Amendment banning slavery passed by U.S. Senate

Republican support 100% Democrat support 37%

June 19, 1865: On “Juneteenth,” U.S. troops land in Galveston, TX to enforce ban on slavery that had been declared more than two years before by the Emancipation Proclamation

November 22, 1865: Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

1866: The Republican Party passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to protect the rights of newly freed slaves

December 6, 1865: Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

But history means nothing to today’s Democrat Party.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) has come out in favor of removing a statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood in the city for more than a century — but is opposed to renaming Faneuil Hall, which is named for a slave owner and is on the site of a slave market."


....good grief. Nothing like betraying / undermining your own 'cause'.

Lincoln was one hell of a huge white supremacist. You should read some of the shit he wrote.


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