Democrat Answer To The Tea Party


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Pelosi Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement"
Pelosi Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement - ABC News

"Obama, Cantor spar over Occupy Wall Street"
Obama, Cantor spar over Occupy Wall Street - Oct. 7, 2011

"White House press spokesman Jay Carney said the Republican leader's criticism of the Wall Street protests was "hypocrisy unbound," when compared to his support of Tea Party protests. He said both were examples of American democratic traditions." Ibid.

2. New York Magazine gives a run-down on the Pee Party....and, by extension, the Democrat leaderaship:

a. 50% are 20-29; 65% between 20 and 39.

b. majority male.

c. 37% Proclaimed that capitalism can’t be saved; it’s inherently immoral!
Combined with those who wouldn't give their belief, that is over half of 'em.

d. Pop quiz!
The proposal to prohibit banks from engaging in both client trading and proprietary trading is called …
Glass-Steagall Act: 40
Volcker Rule: 6
Buffett Rule: 11
Elizabeth Warren Bill: 11
Didn’t Answer: 32
The correct answer is “Volcker Rule.”

e. The country with the best government in the world is …
"Canada. It’s most like the U.S. but more the way I want.”
“I don’t accept the premises of this question.

f. 60% of 'em didn't vote in the 2010 midterm elections.

g. Explain how you would fix Wall Street.
“A maximum-wage law.”
“President Elizabeth Warren."
“Burn it down.”

h. This must be why the Democrat leaders support the Pee Party:
34% Convinced the U.S. government is no better than, say, Al Qaeda!
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I don't see much capitalism in the big corporation, these guys are more anti-capitalists than the protestors
It will be the movement that takes the Dem Party down to kook fringe Marxist Third Party Status
Right. Capitalism is as immoral as grading systems in schools. I want an A, dammit!

Then we can have morons who design our cars' brakes and who do our heart surgery.
You can post the front page of the Communist Party USA website here and without a header, you would say it's either the Dem Party or the Crapupy Wall Street
This morning, stalwart NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg showed what he was made of, giving in to the Pee Party and preventing the police from removing same.
This is a good outcome for several reasons...

two of my reasons:
1. As Rasmussen has pointed out, the longer the public is exosed to a movement, the less is the approval.

2. The nature of this movement needs time to show its follows:

"NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Just a few hours after protesters learned they’d be able to stay in Zuccotti Park indefinitely, violence broke out as a group marched away from it."
Protesters Clash With NYPD Officers After Occupy Wall Street Demonstrators March Toward Wall Street « CBS New York
It's funny that these people are the same people that mourned over the loss of Steve Jobs.

One of Americas greatest examples of a capitalist.

The irony is just to much.

I wonder if these Pee Partiers know that the tents they sleep in come from a big business?
do you want to be called the tea bag party again?

You have no moral standing to call OWS the pee party if you dont think the tea party should be called the tea bag party.
do you want to be called the tea bag party again?

You have no moral standing to call OWS the pee party if you dont think the tea party should be called the tea bag party.

Ohhh I'm so a-scared of that mean name!

Today, Morons the world over are grateful you posted, now they know they're not the stupidest person on the planet
If you think its wrong to call the tea party the TEA BAG PARTY then you have NO moral standing to call the OWS movement anything but the OWS movement
do you want to be called the tea bag party again?

You have no moral standing to call OWS the pee party if you dont think the tea party should be called the tea bag party.

The appellation is well deserved, as so many youtube vids have demonstrated re: their hygiene.

But, thanks for asking.
If you think its wrong to call the tea party the TEA BAG PARTY then you have NO moral standing to call the OWS movement anything but the OWS movement

Now, you know that there is no prob in using the name "TEA BAG PARTY"... it is the reference to a sexual practice that is offensive.... know, the one giggled by the Old Left Media folks.
Well gee....i never saw anyone at one of the Tea Party rallies shitting on cop cars! None of them camped out for weeks on end (because they have JOBS) and smelling like left over rotten egg salad! So there's no comparison! And, you never saw fights break out, or picketing of individuals homes.

Instead of the PEE Party, they should be called the "SHIT SITTERS".

1. "Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

2. The 18 percent of Americans who identify themselves as Tea Party supporters tend to be Republican, white, male, married and older than 45.

3. Ninety-two percent believe Mr. Obama is moving the country toward socialism, an opinion shared by more than half of the general public.

4. When talking about the Tea Party movement, the largest number of respondents said that the movement’s goal should be reducing the size of government, more than cutting the budget deficit or lowering taxes."
Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated -

Get this...."...more well-educated than the general public,..."

Why didn't New York Magazine report educational level for the Pee Party members....??? accident?

....or the determiner of Pee Party membership....

So, the leadership of the Democrats supports the Drop-Out Party???

What a surprise.

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