Coulter Right Again!


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I read Coulter's latest bestseller, "Demonic," months ago....but just realized how prescient she was in predicticting the Pee Party...the liberal mob reprising the French Revolution!

It contains the text-book comparison between the Tea Party and the liberal mob, the Pee Party.

1. While the liberal mob engages in the kind of violence that one expects of a mob, there is also a species of intellectual mob that relies on praise an ridicule to enforce its views: they rely on the axiom that large segments of the population would rather be punched in the face than be sneered at by the elites. We call them liberals.

2. The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob.

a. In fact, an easy way to identify a conservative, is to look for the folks who aren’t afraid to be sneered at by “The Daily Show” and the other temples of the status-anxious. Conservatives are not susceptible to groupthink. Jon Stewart transmits the party line to idiots so they know who to hate. The act of applauding a joke rather than laughing at it is a public gesture that serves no purpose other than assuring everyone that you are part of the group.

b. People desperate for a badge of identity are highly susceptible to groupthink, in fierce need of a ‘guide,’ and, so, the “foolish, ignorant, and envious persons are freed from the sense of their insignificance and powerlessness.” Le Bon, “The Crowd: A Study of The Popular Mind,” p.22.

3. "Many of liberals' peculiarities are understandable only when one realizes that they are a mob. For example, a crowd's ability to grasp only the simplest ideas is reflected in the interminable slogans. "Liberals have boatloads of them: Bush Lied, Kids Died! Our Bodies, Our Selves! No Blood for Oil! No Justice, No Peace! Save the Whales; Love Your Mother (Earth); Ban the Bomb; Make Love, Not War; Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Republican; Diversity Is Our Strength! Save the Planet! Pro-Choice, Pro-Child! Support Our Troops, Bring them Home! Co-Exist! Hey, Hey, LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today? Dissent Is Patriotic! War Is Not the Answer! Go Green! Healthcare Is a Right, Not a Privilege! Imagine Peace; Celebrate Diversity! Beat the Bushes for Peace! No Nukes! Give Peace a Chance; Think Globally/Act Locally; No Tax Cuts for the Rich; Save the Planet! Venceremos! One, Two, Three, Four, We Don't Want Your F--King War! Bush = Hitler; Hell No, We Won't Go! Off the Pig! Eat the Rich! Die Yuppie Scum! Peace Now! We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For! Solidarity Forever! Bring America Home! You Can't Hug a Child with Nuclear Arms; Meat Is Murder! Books Not Bombs! Fight the Power! Yes We Can!” p.6

a. What is the Tea Party’s slogan? Republican slogans?

4. And, Katrina vanden Heuvel doing her “Internationale” hectoring: “People are waking up. And they’re in the streets. There are going to be fifty rallies around this country. Maybe a million people in the streets of this country. And what are they saying? Enough! You’re giving our people’s money away. Invest in our country, invest in jobs, invest in education. Keep cops on the street, keep teachers in the classrooms. Enough with these perks for corporations. There’s a movement called U.S. uncut, which is inspired by an article in The Nation. If we can recoup from the very richest who brought us this financial crisis and from corporate tax dodgers, we can balance budgets in a fair way. Justice, fairness, concepts that may be coming back to America in this moment.” “Live With Cenk Uygur,” MSNBC, February 23, 2011.

Still think the Pee Party is 'organic'...and hasn't been managed by the Left??

5. To understand liberals one must understand their origin: the French Revolution. Difficult to make sense out of it, as there is never much sense in the behavior of a mob: a rumor would start, they’d all buy it, then they’d run around beheading people. Sort of like Code Pink with pikes.

a. “[A] throng knows neither doubt nor uncertainty. Like women, it goes at once to extremes. A suspicion transforms itself as soon as announced into incontrovertible evidence. A commencement of antipathy or disapprobation which in the case of an isolated individual would not gain strength, become at once furious hatred in the case of an individual in a crowd.” Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind,” p.22.

6. Can you imagine if our society was run by the geniuses of the Pee Party???
From Coulter:
The excesses, and thousands upon thousands of deaths and mutilations take no back seat to the Russian revolution, or Mao’s mayhem.

a. This was not a revolution that was likely to end, as the American Revolution did, with the motto “Annuit Coepis” (He [God] has favored our undertakings) on its national seal.
I read Coulter's latest bestseller, "Demonic," months ago....but just realized how prescient she was in predicticting the Pee Party...the liberal mob reprising the French Revolution!

It contains the text-book comparison between the Tea Party and the liberal mob, the Pee Party.

1. While the liberal mob engages in the kind of violence that one expects of a mob, there is also a species of intellectual mob that relies on praise an ridicule to enforce its views: they rely on the axiom that large segments of the population would rather be punched in the face than be sneered at by the elites. We call them liberals.

2. The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob.

a. In fact, an easy way to identify a conservative, is to look for the folks who aren’t afraid to be sneered at by “The Daily Show” and the other temples of the status-anxious. Conservatives are not susceptible to groupthink. Jon Stewart transmits the party line to idiots so they know who to hate. The act of applauding a joke rather than laughing at it is a public gesture that serves no purpose other than assuring everyone that you are part of the group.

b. People desperate for a badge of identity are highly susceptible to groupthink, in fierce need of a ‘guide,’ and, so, the “foolish, ignorant, and envious persons are freed from the sense of their insignificance and powerlessness.” Le Bon, “The Crowd: A Study of The Popular Mind,” p.22.

3. "Many of liberals' peculiarities are understandable only when one realizes that they are a mob. For example, a crowd's ability to grasp only the simplest ideas is reflected in the interminable slogans. "Liberals have boatloads of them: Bush Lied, Kids Died! Our Bodies, Our Selves! No Blood for Oil! No Justice, No Peace! Save the Whales; Love Your Mother (Earth); Ban the Bomb; Make Love, Not War; Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Republican; Diversity Is Our Strength! Save the Planet! Pro-Choice, Pro-Child! Support Our Troops, Bring them Home! Co-Exist! Hey, Hey, LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today? Dissent Is Patriotic! War Is Not the Answer! Go Green! Healthcare Is a Right, Not a Privilege! Imagine Peace; Celebrate Diversity! Beat the Bushes for Peace! No Nukes! Give Peace a Chance; Think Globally/Act Locally; No Tax Cuts for the Rich; Save the Planet! Venceremos! One, Two, Three, Four, We Don't Want Your F--King War! Bush = Hitler; Hell No, We Won't Go! Off the Pig! Eat the Rich! Die Yuppie Scum! Peace Now! We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For! Solidarity Forever! Bring America Home! You Can't Hug a Child with Nuclear Arms; Meat Is Murder! Books Not Bombs! Fight the Power! Yes We Can!” p.6

a. What is the Tea Party’s slogan? Republican slogans?

4. And, Katrina vanden Heuvel doing her “Internationale” hectoring: “People are waking up. And they’re in the streets. There are going to be fifty rallies around this country. Maybe a million people in the streets of this country. And what are they saying? Enough! You’re giving our people’s money away. Invest in our country, invest in jobs, invest in education. Keep cops on the street, keep teachers in the classrooms. Enough with these perks for corporations. There’s a movement called U.S. uncut, which is inspired by an article in The Nation. If we can recoup from the very richest who brought us this financial crisis and from corporate tax dodgers, we can balance budgets in a fair way. Justice, fairness, concepts that may be coming back to America in this moment.” “Live With Cenk Uygur,” MSNBC, February 23, 2011.

Still think the Pee Party is 'organic'...and hasn't been managed by the Left??

5. To understand liberals one must understand their origin: the French Revolution. Difficult to make sense out of it, as there is never much sense in the behavior of a mob: a rumor would start, they’d all buy it, then they’d run around beheading people. Sort of like Code Pink with pikes.

a. “[A] throng knows neither doubt nor uncertainty. Like women, it goes at once to extremes. A suspicion transforms itself as soon as announced into incontrovertible evidence. A commencement of antipathy or disapprobation which in the case of an isolated individual would not gain strength, become at once furious hatred in the case of an individual in a crowd.” Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind,” p.22.

6. Can you imagine if our society was run by the geniuses of the Pee Party???
From Coulter:
The excesses, and thousands upon thousands of deaths and mutilations take no back seat to the Russian revolution, or Mao’s mayhem.

a. This was not a revolution that was likely to end, as the American Revolution did, with the motto “Annuit Coepis” (He [God] has favored our undertakings) on its national seal.

You get your talking points from Man Coulter? You funny! Make me laugh long time! :lol:
So, neither of you guys.....who didn't read her book, ....can dispute that she identifies how similar the modern mobs, i.e., liberals, and their scions, the Pee Party, are to the original liberals, the French Revolution- which resulted in 600,000 killed!

Attack the messenger since you are impotent to attack the message!


Good non-work!

BTW....would I be correct in identifying you both as products of government schools?
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Why would anyone read Coulters book?

Does it come in toilet paper format?

Citi...your late: you missed the meeting.

Coulter has, what, seven, eight bestsellers....
"Why would anyone read Coulters book?"

Seems a bunch of folks find fault with your premise....

I love the anti-intellectual bent of you Lefties.

Wanna burn the books, too?
Why would anyone read Coulters book?

Does it come in toilet paper format?

Citi...your late: you missed the meeting.

Coulter has, what, seven, eight bestsellers....
"Why would anyone read Coulters book?"

Seems a bunch of folks find fault with your premise....

I love the anti-intellectual bent of you Lefties.

Wanna burn the books, too?

Coulter an intelectual????

thanks I needed a good laugh this morning.
Why would anyone read Coulters book?

Does it come in toilet paper format?

Personally, I often read books by people I don't agree with. It's called educational - you might wanna look that word up. It's useful to understand its meaning.
Why would anyone read Coulters book?

Does it come in toilet paper format?

Citi...your late: you missed the meeting.

Coulter has, what, seven, eight bestsellers....
"Why would anyone read Coulters book?"

Seems a bunch of folks find fault with your premise....

I love the anti-intellectual bent of you Lefties.

Wanna burn the books, too?

Coulter an intelectual????

thanks I needed a good laugh this morning.

"I needed a good laugh this morning"
I'd like to tickle your funnybone....with a sledgehammer.

"Coulter an intelectual"

Although I didn't identify her as such, the appellation is appropriate.
Now, if you think not, perhaps you could point out some error in the OP...?

As an aside, her humor and pointed attacks on your side is really what you object to...
...similar to my feelings about Bill Maher.

The diff is that Coulter actually is an intellectual.

I double-dog-dare ya' to read one of her books...
Conservatives are not susceptible to groupthink. Jon Stewart transmits the party line to idiots so they know who to hate.

And in a thread parroting the conclusions of an Ann Coulter anti-left/Democrat screed entitled "Demonic."


Ya' know, you have a point there, bud.

You are using this thread as indicia that conservatives are "susceptible to groupthink."

Well, the only answer I have to same is that the quote from "Demonic" was specific to mob behavior engendered by some talking head...and I don't believe that any Tea Party gathering held up Ann Coulter signs....or mottos.

Beyond that, the intent was to show that the Pee Party is basically a mob, in exactly the sense that Coulter meant it, and the Tea Party hardly so.

And I see that you are poked by what you have referred to as "anti-left/Democrat" intent. And, you are right again!
Good to see that our positions are clear.

But I am pleased that you have indicated that the Democrat Party is the same as the Left.
I read Demonic. It is simply astounding how she accurately pegged this movement, right down to its identification the left finds with the French Revolution.

The book in rexamining the works of Gustave Le Bon and applying those principles to the parastic class today is so prescient as to be almost supernatural.
[ame=]Ann Coulter Ripped at UofM Graduation - YouTube[/ame]

"Had I known just how lucrative being a bitter and hateful circus freak with a law degree could be ..." re: Ann Coulter.
Citi...your late: you missed the meeting.

Coulter has, what, seven, eight bestsellers....
"Why would anyone read Coulters book?"

Seems a bunch of folks find fault with your premise....

I love the anti-intellectual bent of you Lefties.

Wanna burn the books, too?

Coulter an intelectual????

thanks I needed a good laugh this morning.

"I needed a good laugh this morning"
I'd like to tickle your funnybone....with a sledgehammer.

"Coulter an intelectual"

Although I didn't identify her as such, the appellation is appropriate.
Now, if you think not, perhaps you could point out some error in the OP...?

As an aside, her humor and pointed attacks on your side is really what you object to...
...similar to my feelings about Bill Maher.

The diff is that Coulter actually is an intellectual.

I double-dog-dare ya' to read one of her books...

I agree and yes, she is clearly an intellectual. Although that's not something that can stand alone in character assessment. :)

How can one understand another if they do not research that other? Shooting the messenger without reading the message is not where I personally go.

How to talk to a Liberal - If you must was a fine read. :)

I really enjoyed that seven or so minutes!!

Can't get enought Coulter. I must admit watching you Lefties squirm is a naughty pleasure of mine...
...I enjoyed it so much, that I'm going to give you a bit of the education that you require.

1.If you thought that vid was somehow definitive "Coulter Being Put In Her Place," I'm going to have to suggest that you find someone with several more cerebral neurons to help you to understand what actuallty took place.

2. Even from the title you should see that your choice of weapons was less than fatal to Ann....she was "challenged" and then explained extemporaneously why she used a certain quote.

a. The essence of her point was that Friedman suggested that airline bombings, or, I suppose, any terrorism, could be blamed on "religious fundamentalists of any stripe."
This kind of phraseology, "religious fundamentalists of any stripe," is designed by the Left, by Liberals, to deflect from the perpetrators of the vast majority of terrorist incidents to guess who she was indicating?

b. Did you note Friedman's leading with the word 'pastors'? Which religion does this bring to mind? Did you say Christian? Very good.
Proves Ann's point doesn't it...and it was produced, inadvertently, by Franken. So who looks brainless??
Why, Franken does!, in thinking that Ann was 'put in her place.'

3. Now, you are certainly free to find that a bit hyperbolic on her part....but she...and I ...find the Liberal penchant for deflection from Muslim fundamentalists at least as hyperbolic.

a. So...if Ann 'slanted' the language.....well, then so did Liberal icon Thomas Friedman.

4. But...therein lies your problem...or at least, one of your problems: attempting to deal with material any more nuanced than "I will not eat green eggs and ham" is beyond your abilities.
Now, don't call me a liar because you actually will eat green eggs and ham....

5. When I get the chance I may watch your other Ann-vids...and I appreciate the time you spent inserting her name in youtube....
...but don't expect another remedial course such as this post.

Well, I was going to suggest, as I did with Citi, that you read one or two of Ann's bestsellers....but I can see that it would be for naught....they're way over your head.

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