DEM supporters are in a co-dependent relationship with their party. Time for a divorce.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The analogy fits perfectly. Just like a co-dependent wife who is manipulated and abused, Dem supporters are being played like a fiddle, refusing to acknowledge the IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE of corruption in the Biden Crime Family. And these aren't just any crimes. This is selling political influence and favors to hostile foreign entities whether they are powerful individuals, corporations or governments. This is not politics as usual. This is not your Father's Democratic Party. They have gone completely off the rails. It's time for a divorce.
The analogy fits perfectly. Just like a co-dependent wife who is manipulated and abused, Dem supporters are being played like a fiddle, refusing to acknowledge the IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE of corruption in the Biden Crime Family. And these aren't just any crimes. This is selling political influence and favors to hostile foreign entities whether they are powerful individuals, corporations or governments. This is not politics as usual. This is not your Father's Democratic Party. They have gone completely off the rails. It's time for a divorce.
Replace the word DEM with REP. Bored. At least Dems didn't orchestrated a coup. :)
The analogy fits perfectly. Just like a co-dependent wife who is manipulated and abused, Dem supporters are being played like a fiddle, refusing to acknowledge the IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE of corruption in the Biden Crime Family.
Prove in a court of law and I'm in.

Just like your rigged election.

That's not asking too much. Right?
The analogy fits perfectly. Just like a co-dependent wife who is manipulated and abused, Dem supporters are being played like a fiddle, refusing to acknowledge the IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE of corruption in the Biden Crime Family. And these aren't just any crimes. This is selling political influence and favors to hostile foreign entities whether they are powerful individuals, corporations or governments. This is not politics as usual. This is not your Father's Democratic Party. They have gone completely off the rails. It's time for a divorce.


Lost in 2018
Lost in 2020
Lost in 2022

Yet the MAGAtards think there has to be a Democratic divorce?

That's probably why MAGA will lose again in 2024.

They are completely disconnected from reality.
It's important to note that the Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight Presidential elections.

So what MAGA is selling, most of the people ain't buying.
The analogy fits perfectly. Just like a co-dependent wife who is manipulated and abused, Dem supporters are being played like a fiddle, refusing to acknowledge the IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE of corruption in the Biden Crime Family. And these aren't just any crimes. This is selling political influence and favors to hostile foreign entities whether they are powerful individuals, corporations or governments. This is not politics as usual. This is not your Father's Democratic Party. They have gone completely off the rails. It's time for a divorce.
This is the country that you and your ancestors created.
The analogy fits perfectly. Just like a co-dependent wife who is manipulated and abused, Dem supporters are being played like a fiddle, refusing to acknowledge the IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE of corruption in the Biden Crime Family. And these aren't just any crimes. This is selling political influence and favors to hostile foreign entities whether they are powerful individuals, corporations or governments. This is not politics as usual. This is not your Father's Democratic Party. They have gone completely off the rails. It's time for a divorce.
Nice, metaphor time. The right is like a bloodied and bruised abused spouse, who stays with them because religion makes them believe they deserve it. Decades voting to offshore jobs, voting to weaken the power of labor, voting to cut taxes for the ruling class while never seeing anything trickle down, voting to send their children to die in the desert wastelands of the Middle East; but hey, in trade you got to repeal Roe v. Wade and in your states teachers can't teach that there were black people in the country before the 1970's. Fair trade.

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