Deep State Dems Attack Against Ken Paxton In Texas Will Soon Backfire


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"In September 2018, Attorney General Ken Paxton gathered his staff to make a fateful confession. With two months to go before Election Day — and holding hands with his wife, state Sen. Angela Paxton — the attorney general reportedly told them about an extramarital affair. He said it was over and swore to recommit to his marriage. But Ken Paxton didn’t — the first in a series of consequential choices that Texas House impeachment managers say set off a chain of alleged crimes and coverups that, five years later, has culminated in one of the most dramatic moments in Texas political history.

House impeachment managers argue that Paxton, driven in large part by his desire to continue and conceal the tryst, went to great, impeachable — and potentially criminal — lengths to hide the betrayal from his wife, and from the deeply religious voters who have sustained his political life for two decades; impeachment managers allege that Paxton repeatedly abused his office to help real estate investor Nate Paul’s faltering businesses amid an FBI raid, looming bankruptcies and a litany of related lawsuits. In exchange, Paul allegedly hired Paxton’s girlfriend so that she could move to Austin and helped Paxton clandestinely meet with her through a secret Uber account that the two men shared."

That's it? That is all the Dems have? So what, the guy cheated on his wife, what is the big deal about that? I thought the private lives of politicians are supposed to be private? He didn't rape the broad, he didn't have sex with children, because if he did -- he would be a Democrat, maybe even president. Instead, Ken cheated on his wife like any real man has and will; that goes with being an alpha male. As far as him doing some kind of quid pro quo deal with some shady real estate tycoon; so what? At most, all it amounts to is, Ken wanted to move his side piece down to Austin so he can fuck her more conveniently - what more do you want from him? Of course he wanted to hide his affair from his wife, but this is definitely not impeachable.

Dems have made 2 very huge mistakes by forcing Republicans to impeach Ken Paxton - First, they have now gave the House GOP another reason to impeach Biden...because not only did Biden accept bribes, but he too cheated on his wife with multiple multiple children. 2nd mistake the Dems made is - they have made it clear that they wanted to remove Paxton because he was going to indict both Joe and Hunter Biden for crimes. Now this will be a call to other Republican AG's to indict the Bidens, which sources are saying, could be happening as early as Thursday.

"In September 2018, Attorney General Ken Paxton gathered his staff to make a fateful confession. With two months to go before Election Day — and holding hands with his wife, state Sen. Angela Paxton — the attorney general reportedly told them about an extramarital affair. He said it was over and swore to recommit to his marriage. But Ken Paxton didn’t — the first in a series of consequential choices that Texas House impeachment managers say set off a chain of alleged crimes and coverups that, five years later, has culminated in one of the most dramatic moments in Texas political history.

House impeachment managers argue that Paxton, driven in large part by his desire to continue and conceal the tryst, went to great, impeachable — and potentially criminal — lengths to hide the betrayal from his wife, and from the deeply religious voters who have sustained his political life for two decades; impeachment managers allege that Paxton repeatedly abused his office to help real estate investor Nate Paul’s faltering businesses amid an FBI raid, looming bankruptcies and a litany of related lawsuits. In exchange, Paul allegedly hired Paxton’s girlfriend so that she could move to Austin and helped Paxton clandestinely meet with her through a secret Uber account that the two men shared."

That's it? That is all the Dems have? So what, the guy cheated on his wife, what is the big deal about that? I thought the private lives of politicians are supposed to be private? He didn't rape the broad, he didn't have sex with children, because if he did -- he would be a Democrat, maybe even president. Instead, Ken cheated on his wife like any real man has and will; that goes with being an alpha male. As far as him doing some kind of quid pro quo deal with some shady real estate tycoon; so what? At most, all it amounts to is, Ken wanted to move his side piece down to Austin so he can fuck her more conveniently - what more do you want from him? Of course he wanted to hide his affair from his wife, but this is definitely not impeachable.

Dems have made 2 very huge mistakes by forcing Republicans to impeach Ken Paxton - First, they have now gave the House GOP another reason to impeach Biden...because not only did Biden accept bribes, but he too cheated on his wife with multiple multiple children. 2nd mistake the Dems made is - they have made it clear that they wanted to remove Paxton because he was going to indict both Joe and Hunter Biden for crimes. Now this will be a call to other Republican AG's to indict the Bidens, which sources are saying, could be happening as early as Thursday.

You're really confused...but you do a great job fooling your fellow dumb DemoKKKrats.

Keep it up!

"In September 2018, Attorney General Ken Paxton gathered his staff to make a fateful confession. With two months to go before Election Day — and holding hands with his wife, state Sen. Angela Paxton — the attorney general reportedly told them about an extramarital affair. He said it was over and swore to recommit to his marriage. But Ken Paxton didn’t — the first in a series of consequential choices that Texas House impeachment managers say set off a chain of alleged crimes and coverups that, five years later, has culminated in one of the most dramatic moments in Texas political history.

House impeachment managers argue that Paxton, driven in large part by his desire to continue and conceal the tryst, went to great, impeachable — and potentially criminal — lengths to hide the betrayal from his wife, and from the deeply religious voters who have sustained his political life for two decades; impeachment managers allege that Paxton repeatedly abused his office to help real estate investor Nate Paul’s faltering businesses amid an FBI raid, looming bankruptcies and a litany of related lawsuits. In exchange, Paul allegedly hired Paxton’s girlfriend so that she could move to Austin and helped Paxton clandestinely meet with her through a secret Uber account that the two men shared."

That's it? That is all the Dems have? So what, the guy cheated on his wife, what is the big deal about that? I thought the private lives of politicians are supposed to be private? He didn't rape the broad, he didn't have sex with children, because if he did -- he would be a Democrat, maybe even president. Instead, Ken cheated on his wife like any real man has and will; that goes with being an alpha male. As far as him doing some kind of quid pro quo deal with some shady real estate tycoon; so what? At most, all it amounts to is, Ken wanted to move his side piece down to Austin so he can fuck her more conveniently - what more do you want from him? Of course he wanted to hide his affair from his wife, but this is definitely not impeachable.

Dems have made 2 very huge mistakes by forcing Republicans to impeach Ken Paxton - First, they have now gave the House GOP another reason to impeach Biden...because not only did Biden accept bribes, but he too cheated on his wife with multiple multiple children. 2nd mistake the Dems made is - they have made it clear that they wanted to remove Paxton because he was going to indict both Joe and Hunter Biden for crimes. Now this will be a call to other Republican AG's to indict the Bidens, which sources are saying, could be happening as early as Thursday.
All he needs to does is grab a bunch of women by the xussy and he will have the necessary accomplishments that Trump has and could take over the party.
I just asked that question.....why isn't the GOP not impeaching him for that?

That is literal child rape and incest....why aren't they leading with this?

It must be soooooo Exhausting to pretend to be so clever!

The Republican Party is the Junior Member of the UniParty. These thread of yours are imagining that Republicans are a genuine alternative to Progressive Fascism are tiresome. I ignore them as much as I ignore the IM2 daily racism threads

Paxton made the brilliant move to call for a vote on his impeachment without any evidence being introduced -- this is a smart move because it stops any embarrassing evidence the Deep State planted to make him look bad -- and just have the GOP controlled house vote the impeachment down....

It was denied unfortunately, on a vote of 24 - 6.....probably due to Deep State pressure.
It must be soooooo Exhausting to pretend to be so clever!

The Republican Party is the Junior Member of the UniParty. These thread of yours are imagining that Republicans are a genuine alternative to Progressive Fascism are tiresome. I ignore them as much as I ignore the IM2 daily racism threads
So in other words, you willfully vote and simp for House GOP members even tho you know they are just the same as Democrats?

Then, why were you simping all thru 2022 about the Red Wave and how Biden was going down as soon as the House took control? Because you are a pussy?

"In September 2018, Attorney General Ken Paxton gathered his staff to make a fateful confession. With two months to go before Election Day — and holding hands with his wife, state Sen. Angela Paxton — the attorney general reportedly told them about an extramarital affair. He said it was over and swore to recommit to his marriage. But Ken Paxton didn’t — the first in a series of consequential choices that Texas House impeachment managers say set off a chain of alleged crimes and coverups that, five years later, has culminated in one of the most dramatic moments in Texas political history.

House impeachment managers argue that Paxton, driven in large part by his desire to continue and conceal the tryst, went to great, impeachable — and potentially criminal — lengths to hide the betrayal from his wife, and from the deeply religious voters who have sustained his political life for two decades; impeachment managers allege that Paxton repeatedly abused his office to help real estate investor Nate Paul’s faltering businesses amid an FBI raid, looming bankruptcies and a litany of related lawsuits. In exchange, Paul allegedly hired Paxton’s girlfriend so that she could move to Austin and helped Paxton clandestinely meet with her through a secret Uber account that the two men shared."

That's it? That is all the Dems have? So what, the guy cheated on his wife, what is the big deal about that? I thought the private lives of politicians are supposed to be private? He didn't rape the broad, he didn't have sex with children, because if he did -- he would be a Democrat, maybe even president. Instead, Ken cheated on his wife like any real man has and will; that goes with being an alpha male. As far as him doing some kind of quid pro quo deal with some shady real estate tycoon; so what? At most, all it amounts to is, Ken wanted to move his side piece down to Austin so he can fuck her more conveniently - what more do you want from him? Of course he wanted to hide his affair from his wife, but this is definitely not impeachable.

Dems have made 2 very huge mistakes by forcing Republicans to impeach Ken Paxton - First, they have now gave the House GOP another reason to impeach Biden...because not only did Biden accept bribes, but he too cheated on his wife with multiple multiple children. 2nd mistake the Dems made is - they have made it clear that they wanted to remove Paxton because he was going to indict both Joe and Hunter Biden for crimes. Now this will be a call to other Republican AG's to indict the Bidens, which sources are saying, could be happening as early as Thursday.

Republicans control the state legislature.

Paxton made the brilliant move to call for a vote on his impeachment without any evidence being introduced -- this is a smart move because it stops any embarrassing evidence the Deep State planted to make him look bad -- and just have the GOP controlled house vote the impeachment down....

It was denied unfortunately, on a vote of 24 - 6.....probably due to Deep State pressure.

A Republican state legislature.
Republicans control the state legislature.
Not true Republicans......Uniparty Deep State RINOS are in control of the Texas state house....

But they can change that by ending this impeachment trial, reinstating Paxton as AG and immediately charging Biden with the child sex trafficking of Mexican minors thru out Texas
Ah, a fellow DemoKKKrat so dumb he posted this twice, Biff_Poindexter! You're doing great!
He responded to me twice because he answered 2 different comments I made

However, I have to give it to him....he is correct

The Texas House is control by Republicans, and maybe the "Deep State Dems" didn't force them to impeach you believe...
This is the awesome thing about being high up in the Trump cult. By definition, you can never be guilty of any crime. Whatever you did, it's obviously something the DeepState made up to attack you.

That's why the Trump cultists here were so keen on joining the cult. When the skeletons come out of their own closets, they plan to blame TheDeepState.

Sadly for them, they don't understand that "TheDeepStateDidIt!" excuse only works for the leaders of the cult. The peons are left twisting in the wind. See "Jan 6".
This is the awesome thing about being high up in the Trump cult. By definition, you can never be guilty of any crime. Whatever you did, it's obviously something the DeepState made up to attack you.

That's why the Trump cultists here were so keen on joining the cult. When the skeletons come out of their own closets, they plan to blame TheDeepState.

Sadly for them, they don't understand that "TheDeepStateDidIt!" excuse only works for the leaders of the cult. The peons are left twisting in the wind. See "Jan 6".

^^^Says the guy who cheered when Hunter Biden got away with buying a gun illegally.

Self-awareness fail #3,438,932 from the Biden cult.


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