"Decolonising" curriculums is all the rage now in education.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
My wife showed me an email about her upcoming training in anti-Racism and something called "decolonising" curriculums. No really. After asking her why she isn't retiring, I read about the White Elitism that is rampant in creating curriculums :eek: and how we must insure that curriculums always people of color "fully represented" in any subject even if it's Math and Science. I tried to imagine what I missed studying Electrical Engineering without having my Calculus and Physics courses not fully represented by minorities....:confused-84: Don't even get me started on "anti-Racism" training.
My wife showed me an email about her upcoming training in anti-Racism and something called "decolonising" curriculums. No really. After asking her why she isn't retiring, I read about the White Elitism that is rampant in creating curriculums :eek: and how we must insure that curriculums always people of color "fully represented" in any subject even if it's Math and Science. I tried to imagine what I missed studying Electrical Engineering without having my Calculus and Physics courses not fully represented by minorities....:confused-84: Don't even get me started on "anti-Racism" training.

Sure glad my grand kids go to school in NC and TX. If people don't wake up, we are doomed. This article is about New York and heads need to roll.

The State of New York’s curriculum for the “Week of Action” was leaked online with lesson plans and supplemental material. The Week of Action is being defined as, “a national uprising that affirms the lives of Black students, teachers and families. This week centers classroom lessons about structural racism, intersectional Black identities, Black history, and anti-racism through the 13 Guiding Principles from the Black Lives Matter movement. “

This curriculum is being promoted by the big teacher’s unions in New York to be adopted by the entire state. This curriculum is being used by teachers in New York. These lessons and one like them are why teachers are concerned about “spectators” listening to them since school will be virtual this fall.

Yes in one week your elementary school-aged child will learn everything they need to know to become a social justice warrior with these 12 “mini-lessons.”

School Curriculum Leaked, Hope You Like The Neo-Marxist Lesson Plans…This Is Why Teachers Are Worried Parents Will Listen To Their Virtual Classes
My wife showed me an email about her upcoming training in anti-Racism and something called "decolonising" curriculums. No really. After asking her why she isn't retiring, I read about the White Elitism that is rampant in creating curriculums :eek: and how we must insure that curriculums always people of color "fully represented" in any subject even if it's Math and Science. I tried to imagine what I missed studying Electrical Engineering without having my Calculus and Physics courses not fully represented by minorities....:confused-84: Don't even get me started on "anti-Racism" training.
Publishers are giving more thought to race than they do to the content matter of each subject. Stories in early elementary include "My Two Dads", "Amigos and Parties" where children who are just learning to read have to learn Spanish words in their stories when they haven't mastered the English words!
One propaganda has been replaced by another. We were taught one imbecilic thing and now the pendulum has swung to anther idiocy.
God thing that on average we're perfect!
My wife showed me an email about her upcoming training in anti-Racism and something called "decolonising" curriculums. No really. After asking her why she isn't retiring, I read about the White Elitism that is rampant in creating curriculums :eek: and how we must insure that curriculums always people of color "fully represented" in any subject even if it's Math and Science. I tried to imagine what I missed studying Electrical Engineering without having my Calculus and Physics courses not fully represented by minorities....:confused-84: Don't even get me started on "anti-Racism" training.
Publishers are giving more thought to race than they do to the content matter of each subject. Stories in early elementary include "My Two Dads", "Amigos and Parties" where children who are just learning to read have to learn Spanish words in their stories when they haven't mastered the English words!
That's it exactly! Top priority is now racial awareness, wokeness and White guilt. It's unbelievable how fast we veered hard left into loony land.
One propaganda has been replaced by another. We were taught one imbecilic thing and now the pendulum has swung to anther idiocy.
God thing that on average we're perfect!
No, we were taught the three Rs, history and science. The change will be you can't teach any of those subjects without a healthy dose of colorization, decolonisation, and guiltification.
One propaganda has been replaced by another. We were taught one imbecilic thing and now the pendulum has swung to anther idiocy.
God thing that on average we're perfect!
No, we were taught the three Rs, history and science. The change will be you can't teach any of those subjects without a healthy dose of colorization, decolonisation, and guiltification.
We can not use schools for social experimentation. It starts in kdg and follows into liberal profs on college. It's got to stop. We should be educating nothing else.
We were taught to hide under our desks as a totally futile protection from a totally non-existent threat. We were not taught about socialism and communism, but only that they were "evil". We were taught that everything American was the best and impossible to better, that every other country was worse, that anything was justified if it could be shown to aid the U.S.. That no dictator was too horrible if he were "our son of a bitch". That intervening in foreign countries was OK if we did it, but imperialism if others did.
It is useless to try to tell me if what we learned was propaganda or not; I was there. And, yes, I see propaganda of the opposite and equally distorted kind today. Both are bovine excrement.
We were taught to hide under our desks as a totally futile protection from a totally non-existent threat. We were not taught about socialism and communism, but only that they were "evil". We were taught that everything American was the best and impossible to better, that every other country was worse, that anything was justified if it could be shown to aid the U.S.. That no dictator was too horrible if he were "our son of a bitch". That intervening in foreign countries was OK if we did it, but imperialism if others did.
It is useless to try to tell me if what we learned was propaganda or not; I was there. And, yes, I see propaganda of the opposite and equally distorted kind today. Both are bovine excrement.
Actually, I disagree. We learned about socialism and communism and what countries had that kind of government. There was no bad or good... I don't recall America was the best, and dictators were not rated as the most dispicable. Even World War II was not a gory story. That we learned out of school.
We were taught to hide under our desks as a totally futile protection from a totally non-existent threat. We were not taught about socialism and communism, but only that they were "evil". We were taught that everything American was the best and impossible to better, that every other country was worse, that anything was justified if it could be shown to aid the U.S.. That no dictator was too horrible if he were "our son of a bitch". That intervening in foreign countries was OK if we did it, but imperialism if others did.
It is useless to try to tell me if what we learned was propaganda or not; I was there. And, yes, I see propaganda of the opposite and equally distorted kind today. Both are bovine excrement.
Actually, I disagree. We learned about socialism and communism and what countries had that kind of government. There was no bad or good... I don't recall America was the best, and dictators were not rated as the most dispicable. Even World War II was not a gory story. That we learned out of school.
Perhaps I'm older than you.
We were taught to hide under our desks as a totally futile protection from a totally non-existent threat. We were not taught about socialism and communism, but only that they were "evil". We were taught that everything American was the best and impossible to better, that every other country was worse, that anything was justified if it could be shown to aid the U.S.. That no dictator was too horrible if he were "our son of a bitch". That intervening in foreign countries was OK if we did it, but imperialism if others did.
It is useless to try to tell me if what we learned was propaganda or not; I was there. And, yes, I see propaganda of the opposite and equally distorted kind today. Both are bovine excrement.
Actually, I disagree. We learned about socialism and communism and what countries had that kind of government. There was no bad or good... I don't recall America was the best, and dictators were not rated as the most dispicable. Even World War II was not a gory story. That we learned out of school.
Perhaps I'm older than you.
I'm pretty old, but I do not recall getting under desks, but we had prayers in school but that led to moment of silence.
One propaganda has been replaced by another. We were taught one imbecilic thing and now the pendulum has swung to anther idiocy.
God thing that on average we're perfect!
No, we were taught the three Rs, history and science. The change will be you can't teach any of those subjects without a healthy dose of colorization, decolonisation, and guiltification.

De-colon-isation .... The active root word here is...um.....COLON?
One propaganda has been replaced by another. We were taught one imbecilic thing and now the pendulum has swung to anther idiocy.
God thing that on average we're perfect!
No, we were taught the three Rs, history and science. The change will be you can't teach any of those subjects without a healthy dose of colorization, decolonisation, and guiltification.

De-colon-isation .... The active root word here is...um.....COLON?
I like it, let's flush the new woke curriculum.
When will you realize that the vast majority of the county does NOT follow a liberal curriculum of brainwashing ?
I wont “realize” what isnt true

the vast majority of young people rioting and looting, shooting at police helicopters, murdering citizens, tearing down statues, burning the American flag, or terrorizing child cancer patients in cities all over the country are not products of a select few marxist public schools

they are coming from every public school in America
When will you realize that the vast majority of the county does NOT follow a liberal curriculum of brainwashing ?
I wont “realize” what isnt true

the vast majority of young people rioting and looting, shooting at police helicopters, murdering citizens, tearing down statues, burning the American flag, or terrorizing child cancer patients in cities all over the country are not products of a select few marxist public schools

they are coming from every public school in America

More bullshit! These rioters are liberals as evidenced by where the riots are occuring. Now, catch a fucking clue, moron!

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