Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

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Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

Coyote places party above all things.

The party is closely aligned with the goals of radical Islam, so Coyote support those goals. Rape by Muslims detracts from the goal of massive immigration of Muslims into America. Remember, the #1 priority of the democrats is to end what they call "white, Christian America." Radical Islam is a key ally in the war democrats are waging on the nation.

Rape is a minor issue, the goal of ending America is too important worry about such things for Coyote and the other democrats.

Now you're wandering into Conspiracy Theoryland.
Dear lord you are actually defending the Islamic scum who are Raping European women?

What about the German politician who lied about getting raped by a rapefugee to protect them from scrutiny?

You can gerry mander the crime stats by changing definitions and playing that game. The same way the left tries to do gun violence in comparison to Europe.

Just try and explain why all these sexual assaults and rapes are happening in migrant areas? This is an Islamic rapevasion.

Dear Lord, no one is "defending" anything, just presenting facts over emotional fearmongering.

Can you provide any emperical data to support your claims that higher incidences of rape are reflected in crime stats and that immigrants are the cause of it?

You're rather silly if you think "definitions" have nothing to do with it or constitute "gerrymandering". When the definition of what constitutes an act of rape, and how that is counted absolutely affects statistics from country to countyry. The Op outlined that pretty succinctly.

Yeah you must be correct because I must have imagined that several nations have had to come up with classes for migrants to explain to them that raping women and children isn't allowed. They also have had to show them that Inappropriate groping isn't allowed either.

Yup the rape epidemic in Europe has zero to do with rapefugees.... So much so the governments and local police have spent money creating these classes and as campaigns.

If the migrant rapes weren't a problem the pro migrant governments wouldn't be covering their own tails by providing these classes and ad campaigns. They also wouldn't be telling white European women to wear more clothing.

Hey, just provide data to support your points.

Many western country provide classes on the new culture to immigrants, including how women are treated. This has gone on for years. The only reason they are offering more is Europe, for the first time, has a much larger number of immigrants to deal with and to assimilate.

According to Swedish crime reports over the last decade, rape has remained at a fairly consistent level and even gone down. Where is this "rape epidemic" you refer to?

You do realize that Sweden has suffered from an Islamic infestation for quite some time now.
Because here we can clearly see a bias in reporting those crimes.
Sweden has the most leftist govt with a clear agenda therefore the data is being tailored.

Do you think statistics coming from an immigrant dominated cities, where the police can't defend the citizens are representing the reality on the streets?

If you think there is a bias in reporting then consider this: Sweden is the most leftist and feminist country there is, with the broadest definition of rape and the strongest protection of women's rights. Given that, don't you suppose that any bias would be in favor of women?

If you're talking about "No Go Zones" in Sweden (your last sentence) - you do realize that is a myth?

In fact women in Sweden are talking about 'getting used' to the new rules, some even change their clothing and cover their blond hair to be less seen. What protection are you talking about?

How much is hearsay and how much is factual? There is a lot of hearsay - but it doesn't seem supported by actual data.

How much do you rely on hearsay normally?

Do you have any actual evidence that there is a bias in crime stat reporting going on in Sweden, the world's most feminist country?

PM says police report’s failure to mention incidents at 2014 event amounts to ‘double betrayal’, while reports emerge on New Year’s Eve attacks in Malmö

Interesting article...sounds, on one hand - very political, with each side making different claims and claims, still be substantiated, that it was covered up.. In the end - 2015 music festival, there were 15-20 claims of harrassment (note - no rape claims) in an event of over 170,000 teens. It is also interesting to note this:

During the 2014 festival, organisers picked up on rumours of a new phenomenon, said Roger Ticoalu, head of events at the Stockholm city administration.

“It was a modus operandi that we had never seen before: large groups of young men who surround girls and molest them,” Ticoalu said. “In the cases where we were able to apprehend suspects, they were with a foreign background, newly arrived refugees aged 17-20, who had come to Sweden without their families.”

He said festival organisers did not have enough facts at the time to say anything definitive, and it would have been “totally irresponsible on our side to make anything public”. After the festival the organisers launched a programme with police and NGOs to encourage girls and young women to report harassment and to identify culprits, he said.

Susanna Udvardi, director of the South-east Skåne Women’s Shelter, who has also led volunteer efforts to help refugees integrate in southern Sweden, said: “Vulgar and demeaning treatment of women, including serious harassment, is far from the preserve of immigrant men from the Middle East.

A spokesperson for the festival organisers, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “We have seen different waves of this sort of violence over time. Sexual harassment is something that happens in society, so everything that is happening in society will definitely happen there.”

The number of reports of harassment in 2015, around 15, had to be viewed in the context of 170,000 people each day in an open access area with no control over people coming and going. “Of course it was serious: 15 cases is still too many, but it is also not very much,” Gyllander said.

Question is - does this support the claim of "rape epidemics"?

Other points of interest - the culprits, those arrested or identified, seem to mostly belong to refugees classified as unaccompanied minors - youths who arrived without their parents. That's a volatile group regardless.

Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival
Responding to the January incident in an editorial published by the Swedish magazine Mänsklig Säkerhet, Martina Lindberg, a former lecturer on women, peace, and security matters at Stockholm's Swedish Defense University, notes a skewed gender imbalance among asylum seekers in Sweden, with an estimated two-thirds of refugees being male. However, she argues that while the Swedish government should acknowledge this imbalance and adapt appropriate integration measures, it should not allow individual sex crimes to form what she calls "the basis for a simplified approach to the asylum-seeking man."

"Violence against women in the public sphere has been more or less constant in recent years," she wrote. "It seems as if the debate today depends more on who is assumed to be the perpetrator."

Indeed, according to official statistics on file with The Swedish Crime Survey, the sexual violence rate in Sweden has remained about the same between 2005 and 2014. In fact, it actually decreased by .3 percent between 2013 and 2014. That said, the country has the highest rate of rape in Europe, a statistic that has been partially attributed to both Swedish law, wherein rape is given a wider definition than in other countries, as well as a higher tendency among women to report the crimes to the police.

"It is much more complicated than the way the media are normally presenting it," Jerzy Sarnecki, a professor of criminology at Stockholm University, told The Daily Beast. "According to studies which I have done on general crime, most of the differences in recorded crimes between immigrants and Swedes are explained by socioeconomic factors. It doesn't mean of course, that one, a few, or several other incidents of that kind [sexual assaults perpetuated by immigrants] didn't happen. "

The xenophobic fear of the "other" is not limited to Sweden, certainly. In the United States, presumed Republican nominee Donald Trump made headlines around the world after describing Mexican immigrants as "rapists."

"One of the ghosts of all kinds of racial prejudices is allegations of sexual crimes against women," Sarnecki said, noting that in the 19th and 20th centuries many African-American men were executed based on (often unproven) allegations of raping white women. "It's an old, very well-used argument against immigrants."

You asked me about evidence for a bias in reporting those crimes.

I gave you a good, balanced report showing totally different opinions, however you cherry-picked the comments that were more apologetic, from the organizers who "did not have enough facts", but did have all the interest in promoting their production further.

Should we look at the facts in in the article as YOU asked?

1."Sweden’s prime minister has condemned a “double betrayal” of women after allegations that police covered up sexual harassment by recent immigrants at a music festival in Stockholm
“These are so-called refugee youths, specifically from Afghanistan. Several of the gang were arrested for sexual molestation,” one police memo said.
Yet the official police report on the five-day festival attended by 170,000 young people aged mainly 13-19 made no mention of sexual harassment or assaults.
The prime minister, Stefan Löfven, said this amounted to a double betrayal since no one was prosecuted for the crimes and the police did not make them public."

2."Officials say nearly all of the suspects in the attacks were “people with an immigrant background”. Police and the media have been accused of deliberately under-reporting the events in order not to encourage anti-immigrant sentiment."

3. "The pattern of harassment was repeated at the festival in 2015...
It is police policy not to comment on the ethnic background of perpetrators, he said."

So what's your argument, that we better forget about sexual crimes and look at crimes overall to suit your agenda? Or that 15-20 rapes each festival isn't epidemic?

Unfortunately, Muslim men are sexually repressed from birth. Arabs especially. They see a female's ankle and they get a hard on. It's their backward culture that is the problem. That has to change if they want to live in the West. The women have to stop covering themselves and have to start as a start.
Interesting thing, but I haven't found any report of rape in Wacken Metal festival, considering that female partial nudity and mosh-pits are regular things there...

Maybe it's not even the organization or the effectiveness of police-
JUST DIFFERENT MEN,,but that's a totally different topic :)
Dear lord you are actually defending the Islamic scum who are Raping European women?

What about the German politician who lied about getting raped by a rapefugee to protect them from scrutiny?

You can gerry mander the crime stats by changing definitions and playing that game. The same way the left tries to do gun violence in comparison to Europe.

Just try and explain why all these sexual assaults and rapes are happening in migrant areas? This is an Islamic rapevasion.

Dear Lord, no one is "defending" anything, just presenting facts over emotional fearmongering.

Can you provide any emperical data to support your claims that higher incidences of rape are reflected in crime stats and that immigrants are the cause of it?

You're rather silly if you think "definitions" have nothing to do with it or constitute "gerrymandering". When the definition of what constitutes an act of rape, and how that is counted absolutely affects statistics from country to countyry. The Op outlined that pretty succinctly.

Yeah you must be correct because I must have imagined that several nations have had to come up with classes for migrants to explain to them that raping women and children isn't allowed. They also have had to show them that Inappropriate groping isn't allowed either.

Yup the rape epidemic in Europe has zero to do with rapefugees.... So much so the governments and local police have spent money creating these classes and as campaigns.

If the migrant rapes weren't a problem the pro migrant governments wouldn't be covering their own tails by providing these classes and ad campaigns. They also wouldn't be telling white European women to wear more clothing.

Hey, just provide data to support your points.

Many western country provide classes on the new culture to immigrants, including how women are treated. This has gone on for years. The only reason they are offering more is Europe, for the first time, has a much larger number of immigrants to deal with and to assimilate.

According to Swedish crime reports over the last decade, rape has remained at a fairly consistent level and even gone down. Where is this "rape epidemic" you refer to?

You do realize that Sweden has suffered from an Islamic infestation for quite some time now.
Maybe Freja would care to throw some light on the subject.
Dear lord you are actually defending the Islamic scum who are Raping European women?

What about the German politician who lied about getting raped by a rapefugee to protect them from scrutiny?

You can gerry mander the crime stats by changing definitions and playing that game. The same way the left tries to do gun violence in comparison to Europe.

Just try and explain why all these sexual assaults and rapes are happening in migrant areas? This is an Islamic rapevasion.

Dear Lord, no one is "defending" anything, just presenting facts over emotional fearmongering.

Can you provide any emperical data to support your claims that higher incidences of rape are reflected in crime stats and that immigrants are the cause of it?

You're rather silly if you think "definitions" have nothing to do with it or constitute "gerrymandering". When the definition of what constitutes an act of rape, and how that is counted absolutely affects statistics from country to countyry. The Op outlined that pretty succinctly.

Yeah you must be correct because I must have imagined that several nations have had to come up with classes for migrants to explain to them that raping women and children isn't allowed. They also have had to show them that Inappropriate groping isn't allowed either.

Yup the rape epidemic in Europe has zero to do with rapefugees.... So much so the governments and local police have spent money creating these classes and as campaigns.

If the migrant rapes weren't a problem the pro migrant governments wouldn't be covering their own tails by providing these classes and ad campaigns. They also wouldn't be telling white European women to wear more clothing.

Hey, just provide data to support your points.

Many western country provide classes on the new culture to immigrants, including how women are treated. This has gone on for years. The only reason they are offering more is Europe, for the first time, has a much larger number of immigrants to deal with and to assimilate.

According to Swedish crime reports over the last decade, rape has remained at a fairly consistent level and even gone down. Where is this "rape epidemic" you refer to?

You do realize that Sweden has suffered from an Islamic infestation for quite some time now.
Maybe Freja would care to throw some light on the subject.
Freja is a 50 year old bloke with a cellar full of nazi memorabilia.

Only joking of course, her views would shed light on all this.
Freja is a 50 year old bloke with a cellar full of nazi memorabilia

Like your collection of naked Neville Chamberlain pics?
I just love these threads started by rape apologists.
They could give a damn less about the victims.

There are any number of low functioning leftists out there who despise liberalism with such a vengeance that they run interference for Islamists, no matter WHAT they do.

You would almost think what has happened in Rotherham, Cologne, Brussels and all over Europe HASN'T happened, so thoroughly do they stand in complete solidarity with Islamic rape Jihad.

They are sick, sick individuals, indeed.
Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

Coyote places party above all things.

The party is closely aligned with the goals of radical Islam, so Coyote support those goals. Rape by Muslims detracts from the goal of massive immigration of Muslims into America. Remember, the #1 priority of the democrats is to end what they call "white, Christian America." Radical Islam is a key ally in the war democrats are waging on the nation.

Rape is a minor issue, the goal of ending America is too important worry about such things for Coyote and the other democrats.

What I find interesting is how Coyote claims she gets a few odd jobs here and there trimming dog's toenails, which certainly explains why she has 8-10 hours a day to devote to het internet Jihad, but it sure doesn't explain how she manages to make any sort of living.

I think the "party" in question isn't the Democratic, but something more along the lines of C.A.I.R. or the Muslim Brotherhood -- well, as if there was really any differences between the two.

What I find interesting is how Coyote claims she gets a few odd jobs here and there trimming dog's toenails, which certainly explains why she has 8-10 hours a day to devote to het internet Jihad, but it sure doesn't explain how she manages to make any sort of living.

I think the "party" in question isn't the Democratic, but something more along the lines of C.A.I.R. or the Muslim Brotherhood -- well, as if there was really any differences between the two.

I'm not convinced there IS a difference between the democrats and CAIR at this point. :dunno:
Only idiots or islamopologists 'can't' see the pattern emerging all over Europe.

Teaching migrants how to behave

Migrants arriving in Finland are being offered classes on Finnish values and how to behave towards women. Concerned about a rise in the number of sexual assaults in the country,
the government wants to make sure that people from very conservative cultures know what to expect in their new home. ...

Johanna is one of those energetic, animated teachers whose cheerful energy lures even the most reluctant pupil into engaging with the lesson. ...

..."So in Finland," she says softly, "you can't buy a wife. A woman will only be your wife if she wants to be - because here women are men's equals."...

you can go out to the disco with a woman here," adds Johanna brightly. "Although remember, even if she dances with you very closely and is wearing a short skirt, that doesn't mean she wants to have sex with you."

A Somali teenager pulls his woolly hat over his ears and cradles his head in his hands as if his brain can't cope with all this new information. ...

[Poor dear]

It's difficult to talk about,’ [Helsinki's deputy chief of police, Ilkka Koskimaki] admits as we drive in a patrol car through the icy streets of the city. ‘But we have to tell the truth. Usually we would not reveal the ethnic background of a suspect, but these incidents, where groups of young foreign men,’ as he puts it, ‘surround a girl in a public place and harass her have become a phenomenon.’

Teaching migrants how to behave - BBC News

That women engage in lying for Islam over what is happening in Europe is particularly egregious. Tammy now has a pal in his rapefugee denial.
He, incidentally, laughed at Freja when she recounted her own traumatic experience on another thread. Scum.

Migrant rape fears spread across Europe: Women told not to go out at night alone after assaults carried out in Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland amid warnings gangs are co-ordinating attacks
  • Sweden has issued warnings to women to be wary of potential attacks
  • 15 young women have reported being groped by men in Kalmar, Sweden
  • Austrian police have come under fire after claims attacks were covered-up
  • Finnish police say they have information that the attacks are co-ordinated
  • Vienna's police chief advises women not to go out on the streets alone
  • Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers relieved of his duties over handling of New Year's Eve sex attacks
Finnish police warn of plans by migrants to commit sexual assaults
Finnish police warn of plans by migrants to commit sexual assaults

Security authorities are growing increasingly concerned by the rising number of sex attacks by gangs of migrants which appear to be spreading across Europe.

Finland and Sweden today became the latest European countries to issue warnings to women to be wary of the threat of sex attacks following fresh reports of sexual assaults in the last week, while the Viennese police chief adviced women not to go outside alone in Vienna.

The warnings come as reports emerged that Austrian and German police tried to cover-up the issue over fears of reprisal attacks on asylum seekers and damage to the countries' tourist trade....

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