Dear White America: What About Black On Black Crime?

If a community is struggling because of the drug dealers in that community, i blame those drug dealers. I dont go looking for people of different colors to blame.

Since you are white, if you are blaming blacks for crime you are looking for a different color to blame. So you need to blame the white people who buy and fly the drugs into our country. They are responsible for the drugs entering in these communities and they are drug dealers.
I love it when white criminals go to jail! I love it even more when a cop ends their life. Unlike YOU, I don't sympathize with criminals of any race.

You want to blame black crime on white people because youre an ignorant racist.

Laws and policies have an impact idiot.
Laws seem to have NO impact in black communities. Your culture created dangerous places.

Check your white community and be quiet. You have it worse. Your culture is way more fucked up.
Africa is more fucked up than North America.
Nobody cares about black on black crime.

Then do something about the higher amount of white crime and shut up.
Let's face it, nobody cares when 2 bruthaz shoot each other.

Then do something about the higher amount of white crime and shut up.
This is a thread about coon on coon crime. Too bad for you, nobody cares.

There is no such thing as coon on coon crime cracker.
Since you are white, if you are blaming blacks for crime you are looking for a different color to blame. So you need to blame the white people who buy and fly the drugs into our country. They are responsible for the drugs entering in these communities and they are drug dealers.
I love it when white criminals go to jail! I love it even more when a cop ends their life. Unlike YOU, I don't sympathize with criminals of any race.

You want to blame black crime on white people because youre an ignorant racist.

Laws and policies have an impact idiot.
Laws seem to have NO impact in black communities. Your culture created dangerous places.

Check your white community and be quiet. You have it worse. Your culture is way more fucked up.
Africa is more fucked up than North America.

Africa has nothing to do with this discussion.
If a community is struggling because of the drug dealers in that community, i blame those drug dealers. I dont go looking for people of different colors to blame.

Since you are white, if you are blaming blacks for crime you are looking for a different color to blame. So you need to blame the white people who buy and fly the drugs into our country. They are responsible for the drugs entering in these communities and they are drug dealers.
I love it when white criminals go to jail! I love it even more when a cop ends their life. Unlike YOU, I don't sympathize with criminals of any race.

You want to blame black crime on white people because youre an ignorant racist.

Laws and policies have an impact idiot.
Laws seem to have NO impact in black communities. Your culture created dangerous places.

Check your white community and be quiet. You have it worse. Your culture is way more fucked up.
Not a single drive-by in the 45 years ive lived here. No one gets car jacked, weve never been robbed, nor has any neighbor been robbed (that im aware of). I dont even lock my front door. I leave my car unlocked too. White neighborhoods are great. Thats why black people move into them when they get rich.
Since you are white, if you are blaming blacks for crime you are looking for a different color to blame. So you need to blame the white people who buy and fly the drugs into our country. They are responsible for the drugs entering in these communities and they are drug dealers.
I love it when white criminals go to jail! I love it even more when a cop ends their life. Unlike YOU, I don't sympathize with criminals of any race.

You want to blame black crime on white people because youre an ignorant racist.

Laws and policies have an impact idiot.
Laws seem to have NO impact in black communities. Your culture created dangerous places.

Check your white community and be quiet. You have it worse. Your culture is way more fucked up.
Not a single drive-by in the 45 years ive lived here. No one gets car jacked, weve never been robbed, nor has any neighbor been robbed (that im aware of). I dont even lock my front door. I leave my car unlocked too. White neighborhoods are great. Thats why black people move into them when they get rich.
You make it all sound perfect. I was raised in and lived in many white neighborhoods. Maybe certain types of visible things don't happen often, but behind closed doors I knew there to be cases of cruelty to children, incest, wife beating, pride to the point of arrogance, drunkenness, drug addiction, etc. just like everywhere else.
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Dear White America: What About “Black on Black” Crime? – KINFOLK KOLLECTIVE

Blacks account for over 82% of all of the murders and violent crime in this country even though they are just 13% of the population. Until blacks admit this, they are just willing accomplices to murder, rape and violence due to their need to look the other way when their kind commits crimes.

Until blacks stop pushing for police to not arrest murderers and rapists just because their black --- until blacks start to mourn the deaths of their own, instead of ignoring them like so many do -- until then, those blacks should shut up about everything else.

But instead, blacks deflect and try to make black on black crime an American problem -- and try to ask white America questions like:

If we are all Americans, why are you not worried about crime happening anywhere in America? -- Are you kidding?? Don't try to claim you are Americans now just because you don't want to admit that your culture is responsible for black on black crime.

Or how about this dumb question -- If you deny the existence of two Americas – one for black people, and one for white – how can you now call for an examination of an issue that is exclusive to something you denied existed in the first place (i.e., Black America)? No one is denying the existence of two Americas -- you blacks are the ones who have segregated yourself into ghettos, with the NAACP, BET -- all of that is created two Americas -- so its your problem, you fix it -- leave the civilized America out of it.

So I will ask you all -- Is black on black crime an American problem or their problem?

Darwinism 101
the police have every right to self defense, like any other American
Is it really self defense when the victim, like the one just shot in Pittsburgh is fleeing the scene?
If the cop says stop and you don't, you merit a bullet.
A lethal one?
Is there another kind?
Certainly they don't have to shoot to kill. A shot in the leg could stop someone from running without killing them.
Since you are white, if you are blaming blacks for crime you are looking for a different color to blame. So you need to blame the white people who buy and fly the drugs into our country. They are responsible for the drugs entering in these communities and they are drug dealers.
I love it when white criminals go to jail! I love it even more when a cop ends their life. Unlike YOU, I don't sympathize with criminals of any race.

You want to blame black crime on white people because youre an ignorant racist.

Laws and policies have an impact idiot.
Laws seem to have NO impact in black communities. Your culture created dangerous places.

Check your white community and be quiet. You have it worse. Your culture is way more fucked up.
Not a single drive-by in the 45 years ive lived here. No one gets car jacked, weve never been robbed, nor has any neighbor been robbed (that im aware of). I dont even lock my front door. I leave my car unlocked too. White neighborhoods are great. Thats why black people move into them when they get rich.

You are lying. It's just that simple.
the police have every right to self defense, like any other American
Is it really self defense when the victim, like the one just shot in Pittsburgh is fleeing the scene?
MOST are self defense
some are not --but that is rare
all of these self defense-justified
I always wonder who exactly justifies them. Other police officers, like Internal Affairs? Judges and juries who are prone to believe officers accounts and their claim that they were scared for their lives? That's pretty much all they have to say is that they feared for their safety, whether it's actually true or not.
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