Deanna Price wins Gold in Hammer Throw. Gwen Berry finishes last.

I wasn't even born yet but I get chills at "do you believe in miracles?!?"

What a proud moment
I was just around 10 or 11 years old when my dad and mom sat around the tv. My dad wasn't a huge hockey fan, but we all watched it. They even cheered on the USA. It was a special moment for them. As for me, I wasn't around during the Cuban Missile Crisis...and I didn't know anything about the former Soviet Union until later on in middle school.

Today, China has become the new "Soviet Union".
Olympians should know not to speak up and know their place.

Maybe the U.S. could learn a lesson here about how to treat athlete's who decide to exercise their rights.
Olympians should be allowed to express themselves, and we should be allowed to never watch them, pray for their last-place finishes, and stop funding them all together.

Freedom works both ways.
As racist as you are, there isn't any black folks working for your racist ass. It's an accomplishment to even make it to the Olympics and then to listen to some arm chair, fake ass clown on the internet attack these folks is a joke.
C'mon, SuperConspiracyBrutha. Turnabout is fair play. She shits all over OUR REAL national anthem, then when she face plants on world TV, we are racists for laughing in her bitch face?
Hmmm, so if you dodge the draft when your country calls you for service, but to Trump Humpers that isn't shitting all over your country.
Oh, you assume I will defend Trump. WRONG. If he dodged the draft, he should be prosecuted...along with Bill Clinton and W.

Quit deflecting.

This bitch was acting like a shit and she did a nose dive onto her face for all the world to see. NOTHING ELSE about her matters.
Time out...a white guy is the fastest man in the world?

And from Norway....

And Rosa Parks once had to ride in the back of the bus..............we are going to address our issues whether you like it or not.
How is disrespecting our flag going to adddress any of your communities endless list of issues? She knows it pisses people off, so thats why she did it. End of story.
Hmmm, so if you dodge the draft when your country calls you for service, but to Trump Humpers that isn't shitting all over your country.
So you hate Ali for dodging the draft? Im sure youll figure out some way to excuse him though, right? :laugh:

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