Guns are now the leading cause of death among children. Worse than car crashes. Worse than COVID. Worse than vaccines. Worse than postnatal miscarriage. So let's keep talking about how lazy and spoiled kids are these days, make, sell, and buy.. more guns!


And you are suggesting what as a solution? Or are you just barking for the sake of barking??
And you are suggesting what as a solution? Or are you just barking for the sake of barking??
I explained my purpose already. So what do you imagine you're accomplishing here other than being a pointless dick?
Not your topic to define.
No need to. You already defined it. In your OP you defined it as the LEADING CAUSE of dead babies. And I told you it is ABORTION. Just as with guns, just another tool used by adults to murder the unwanted innocents. And that looks now to be upward of close to 900,000 a year.

Car crashes. With all the innovative safety features in the modern automobile it seems that kids are still dying in car crashes. Of course you have to factor in adolescent deaths which might include alcohol and drugs and even suicide. As far as firearm deaths go if you eliminated gang violence and black on black carnage, firearm deaths would rank pretty far down the scale. Abortions remain the number one killer of children but nobody wants to offend the abortion industry.
How you imagine such things could be all about you beats me. Despite your conspiracy addled nature, sorry, no. It's not propaganda and it certainly wasn't done to please you specifically. If you have some evidence to share about the source deliberately leaving out "a leading cause of death in America" then why don't you just share it for chistsakes? Why go on and on, serially manufacturing one straw man after another, just to stab them all to death? Seems rather a pointless exercise and unnecessarily violent.
I posted links, both pro, and con, about the nature, and magnitude of medical mistakes as a leading cause of death in America. . . no educated person denies that they are one of the leading causes, and yet? Your OP leaves it out.

. . . and you never addressed the Suicide contention, as everyone knows, is a leading cause of death among teen-aged youth, up there, in the top three, not even on your chart.

Face the music buddy. . . you looked for a source that met your partisan political agenda, and they purposely cherry picked stats to support their cause, leaving out much of the picture. And as others have stated, they didn't include abortion either, so? Isn't that a matter of perspective?

Bump,.. because the sound of Shane Vaughn yelling "Dead Babies" is still way more hilarious than all the triggered responders here who've tried so desperately to outdo him and each other:
is S now a big deal
Oh geezzz
As with "Dead Babies!", "sodomy!" is what people like Shane Vaughn and the many crazies among us would demonstrably prefer ranting about long before "facing the music" of children and adolescents here now dying mostly from firearm related injuries. Discussing the topic, in other words. I find it funny how anti-gun control and anti-choice advocates in particular tend to go berserk when confronted with the pertinent facts regarding the leading cause of death among children and adolescents, clearly defined in the OP source as "persons 1 to 19 years of age."

While it's true that I've explicitly "offered no solution" so far, my choice of placing this in the "NEW 2nd Amendment" forum should have been a pretty clear hint. Gun control in some form or another. But one of the mods couldn't see it, so now it's been relegated to the "NEW General Discussion" forum where one can feel free to "Talk about anything....none of it matters here." See? This is the point. Given a perfect opportunity to discuss a genuine growing issue like children mostly dying from firearm related injuries now, the addled among us can be counted upon to avoid doing so like the plague. Hell, as everyone knows, zygotes and fetuses are what's important! Born children? Fuck 'em! Straight up the ass! o_O

By the way, Happy Birthday! to my wife who fortunately bore our two wonderful daughters without ever having an abortion. Me neither for that matter.
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Guns are now the leading cause of death among children. Worse than car crashes. Worse than COVID. Worse than vaccines. Worse than postnatal miscarriage. So let's keep talking about how lazy and spoiled kids are these days, make, sell, and buy.. more guns!


Wow. Talk about a hate group. I didn't think Texans could be this ignorant.
Guns are now the leading cause of death among children. Worse than car crashes. Worse than COVID. Worse than vaccines. Worse than postnatal miscarriage. So let's keep talking about how lazy and spoiled kids are these days, make, sell, and buy.. more guns!


Anything to make sheep believe guns are the bad ones, this many kids are not being killed and the FBI lmfao who the fk trust their stats as they have been caught lying and lying over and over, only a fool believes anything the pos FBI losers have to say or show .

LIES the FBI even admits it lies.
Oh wait , I could be wrong actually we have a lot of illegals here now who get guns easily.
If you think deaths are off the charts now wait until we lose some more of America and our rights.
omg you guys are so clueless to where this nation stands right now.
YOU mean NOTHING to the Gov. They want the illegals.

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