Dawn of Age of Limitless Power; LENR has Been Successfully Brought to Market


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Industrial Heat Has Acquired Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Technology -- RESEARCH TRIANGLE, N.C., Jan. 24, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Industrial Heat Has Acquired Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Technology

RESEARCH TRIANGLE, N.C., Jan. 24, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Industrial Heat, LLC announced today that it has acquired the rights to Andrea Rossi's Italian low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology, the Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat). A primary goal of the company is to make the technology widely available, because of its potential impact on air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels and biomass.

"The world needs a new, clean and efficient energy source. Such a technology would raise the standard of living in developing countries and reduce the environmental impact of producing energy," said JT Vaughn speaking on behalf of Industrial Heat (IH).

Mr. Vaughn confirmed IH acquired the intellectual property and licensing rights to Rossi's LENR device after an independent committee of European scientists conducted two multi-day tests at Rossi's facilities in Italy.

The published report by the European committee concluded, "Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources" [referring to energy output per unit of mass]. The report is available online at [1305.3913] Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device. In addition, performance validation tests were conducted in the presence of IH personnel and certified by an independent expert.

They would not admit to buying Rossi's E-cat if they weren't sure it would work, to allow the option of quietly eating a loss of investor funds. This being a PR announcement means Rossi's E-Cat has passed the third round of independent testing that has gone on for several months now.

Cant wait to buy one meself.
And to pre-empt the usual idiots that tote the hot fusion monopoly line of bullshit here is a recent NASA blurb on LENR research:


Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Aircraft
Investigator(s): Doug Wells, NASA Langley Research Center
The purpose of this research is to investigate the potential vehicle performance impact
of applying the emergent Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) technology to aircraft
propulsion systems. LENR potentially has over 4,000 times the density of chemical
with zero greenhouse gas or hydrocarbon emissions. This technology could
enable the use of an abundance of inexpensive energy to remove active design
constraints, leading to new aircraft designs with very low fuel consumption, low noise,
and no emissions. The objectives of this project are to gather as many perspectives as
possible on how and where to use a very high density energy source for aircraft
including the benefits arising from its application, explore the performance impacts to
aircraft, and evaluate potential propulsion system concepts.
LENR is a type of nuclear energy and is expected to be clean, safe, portable, scalable,and abundant. The expected benefits make it an ideal energy solution. When it is
applied to aircraft, LENR removes the environmental impacts of fuel burn and emission
from combustion. Excess energy could be used to reduce noise so that all three of
NASA’s technology goals for future subsonic vehicles are either eliminated or
addressed. Furthermore, aviation impacts almost every part of our daily lives, civilian
and military. A revolutionary technology like LENR has the potential to completely
change how businesses, military, and the country operate as a whole, giving a
tremendous financial, tactical, and resource advantage to anyone that utilizes it in the
most effective way.
High density energy sources create some unique capabilities as well as challenges for
integration into aircraft. An LENR concept that has reported some success generates
heat in a catalyst process that combines nickel metal (Ni) with hydrogen gas (H). The
initial testing and theory show that radiation and radioisotopes are extremely short lived
and can be easily shielded. Although nuclear fission has been looked at for use in
aircraft, LENR is different. LENR has a higher energy density and no radioactive by

Success of this research will provide a firm foundation for future research and
investment for high density energy source technology integration into aircraft.
An article from Extreme Tech on ongoing efforts to bring LENR to the markets:

Cold fusion. The moment I type those words, I know that half of you will smile with excitement — while the other half will grab your pitchforks and chase me out of town. No other topic, perhaps with the exception of PS4 vs. Xbox One, has caused as much dissension amongst ExtremeTech readers.

On the one hand, we have a technology that, if it works — if it can really produce unlimited amounts of cheap, green electricity — could change society forever. On the other hand, there are a lot of scientists who are adamant that the technology is snake oil — a scam that’s perpetuated by writers such as myself.

On the off-chance that cold fusion does turn out to be the savior of civilization, though, I’m going to keep on writing about it. Today, the big news is that a large US investment company has acquired the rights to Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat cold fusion technology. That investment company, Cherokee Investment Partners, appears to be interested in deploying the cold fusion tech commercially in both China and the US.

Cold fusion, also known as low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR), is a technology that promises to create huge amounts of green energy from very cheap fuel. In the case of Rossi’s E-Cat (Energy Catalyser), nickel and hydrogen are fused into copper — a process that has 10,000 times the energy density of gasoline, and 1,000 times the power density. For more background information on cold fusion/LENR, and why it’s safer and cleaner than normal nuclear reactors, read our previous E-Cat story. Suffice it to say, the scientific community’s main contention is whether this reaction is actually possible or not. Rossi says he’s found a special catalyst that makes it possible; lots of other scientists, though, claim it’s hogwash.

Putting aside whether the tech actually works or not, it seems that the rights to Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat have been acquired by a US partner: Industrial Heat. Industrial Heat appears to be a new LLC set up by the CEO of Cherokee Investment Partners, Thomas Darden. Rossi had previously spoken about a mysterious American partner, but (in true Rossi fashion) had previously declined to say who that partner was — it’s now all but confirmed that Darden/Cherokee was the partner in question. Cherokee has previously worked in the energy sector, investing in solar power and waste-to-energy technology.

Cold fusion tech picked up by major US partner, prepares for launch in the American and Chinese energy markets | ExtremeTech
The dark side of this is the impact this will have on the US dollar, which has been effectively on a petroleum standard since Nixon took us off of gold.

What will happen to the USD as the need for petroleum wanes?

Buckle your set belt.
The dark side of this is the impact this will have on the US dollar, which has been effectively on a petroleum standard since Nixon took us off of gold.

What will happen to the USD as the need for petroleum wanes?

Buckle your set belt.

This along with 3-d printers could be mind blowing to the economic framework. Time to rethink economics if both of these are successful.

Energy won't be controlled by huge corps
Toys, tools and non-atable goods won't either.
The dark side of this is the impact this will have on the US dollar, which has been effectively on a petroleum standard since Nixon took us off of gold.

What will happen to the USD as the need for petroleum wanes?

Buckle your set belt.

This along with 3-d printers could be mind blowing to the economic framework. Time to rethink economics if both of these are successful.

Energy won't be controlled by huge corps
Toys, tools and non-atable goods won't either.

We are on the verge of a technological utopia and the Singularity not far behind it.


There is no need to rely on belief when the data, the research and the FACTS are in full view.

The tests have been done and several multi-billion dollar giants are preparing to heavily invest in what they KNOW is a legit technology.

They don't do these things on the basis of bias and bullshit skepticism.
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Besides limiting our need for expensive and polluting fossil fuels.

The ability to reduce the cost of desalinizing ocean water water into fresh water with this technology will dramatically change the world. ... :cool:


There is no need to rely on belief when the data, the research and the FACTS are in full view.

The tests have been done and several multi-billion dollar giants are preparing to heavily invest in what they KNOW is a legit technology.

They don't do these things on the basis of bias and bullshit skepticism.

Research conducted by leading experts in this field has shown there's one born every minute. Though the rate tends to vary with lunar cycles.
Industrial Heat Has Acquired Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Technology -- RESEARCH TRIANGLE, N.C., Jan. 24, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Industrial Heat Has Acquired Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Technology

RESEARCH TRIANGLE, N.C., Jan. 24, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Industrial Heat, LLC announced today that it has acquired the rights to Andrea Rossi's Italian low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology, the Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat). A primary goal of the company is to make the technology widely available, because of its potential impact on air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels and biomass.

"The world needs a new, clean and efficient energy source. Such a technology would raise the standard of living in developing countries and reduce the environmental impact of producing energy," said JT Vaughn speaking on behalf of Industrial Heat (IH).

Mr. Vaughn confirmed IH acquired the intellectual property and licensing rights to Rossi's LENR device after an independent committee of European scientists conducted two multi-day tests at Rossi's facilities in Italy.

The published report by the European committee concluded, "Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources" [referring to energy output per unit of mass]. The report is available online at [1305.3913] Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device. In addition, performance validation tests were conducted in the presence of IH personnel and certified by an independent expert.

They would not admit to buying Rossi's E-cat if they weren't sure it would work, to allow the option of quietly eating a loss of investor funds. This being a PR announcement means Rossi's E-Cat has passed the third round of independent testing that has gone on for several months now.

Cant wait to buy one meself.

Nice, but we've had electric-powered car technology for like a hundred years. That we're not all driving such vehicles reveals that the powers that make up the status quo are not receptive to change if it involves loosing profit and power. Any new cheaper energy source is unlikely to be mass produced so long as energy means money. Only once we're staring extinction in the face is anything likely to change for the better.
How much tax money has gone into this?

I don't think there is one number out there, as so much of it was done black box and others did under pseudonyms to avoid criticisms from other scientists.

You may have to wait till there is an LENR device in almost everyone's own home before they will all come out and admit to doing the work.
Industrial Heat Has Acquired Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Technology -- RESEARCH TRIANGLE, N.C., Jan. 24, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Industrial Heat Has Acquired Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Technology

RESEARCH TRIANGLE, N.C., Jan. 24, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Industrial Heat, LLC announced today that it has acquired the rights to Andrea Rossi's Italian low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology, the Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat). A primary goal of the company is to make the technology widely available, because of its potential impact on air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels and biomass.

"The world needs a new, clean and efficient energy source. Such a technology would raise the standard of living in developing countries and reduce the environmental impact of producing energy," said JT Vaughn speaking on behalf of Industrial Heat (IH).

Mr. Vaughn confirmed IH acquired the intellectual property and licensing rights to Rossi's LENR device after an independent committee of European scientists conducted two multi-day tests at Rossi's facilities in Italy.

The published report by the European committee concluded, "Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources" [referring to energy output per unit of mass]. The report is available online at [1305.3913] Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device. In addition, performance validation tests were conducted in the presence of IH personnel and certified by an independent expert.

They would not admit to buying Rossi's E-cat if they weren't sure it would work, to allow the option of quietly eating a loss of investor funds. This being a PR announcement means Rossi's E-Cat has passed the third round of independent testing that has gone on for several months now.

Cant wait to buy one meself.

Nice, but we've had electric-powered car technology for like a hundred years. That we're not all driving such vehicles reveals that the powers that make up the status quo are not receptive to change if it involves loosing profit and power. Any new cheaper energy source is unlikely to be mass produced so long as energy means money. Only once we're staring extinction in the face is anything likely to change for the better.

The problem is the density with which one can store energy. Battery technology has not caught up to the natural energy density of gasoline, so people use gas for its functional advantage.

But LENR has an energy density about 10,000 times that of gasoline as I recall, so the energy supply for the electrical car will soon be available and it will come with the car when you buy it. Probably only have to get it serviced every 200,000 miles or so and then they would give you another dose of treated Nickel.
Research conducted by leading experts in this field has shown there's one born every minute. Though the rate tends to vary with lunar cycles.

Why don't you go troll somewhere else, ass hat?

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