Daughter of Eric Garner on Baltimore riots " What other choice do we have"

The left canonizes yet another career criminal.
Why the hell dont they riot over a successful law abiding black guy dying at the hands of the police?
Oh thats right......

Why does someone deserve the death penalty for having a record without due process of law? Why is that okay?

Do you have any idea what happened to this young man? If you don't...then saying he received a "death penalty" is incendiary and over the top language that does nothing but make things worse.
The left canonizes yet another career criminal.
Why the hell dont they riot over a successful law abiding black guy dying at the hands of the police?
Oh thats right......

Why does someone deserve the death penalty for having a record without due process of law? Why is that okay?

Do you have any idea what happened to this young man? If you don't...then saying he received a "death penalty" is incendiary and over the top language that does nothing but make things worse.

That's how they operate to bring more division upon us. They are the judge and jury of all of us, even BEFORE an investigation is done
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sorry dear but most blacks can't read and that's why they can't get jobs and fail at school. Blacks are hopeless.

This post is the epitome of the problem. The mindset that Americans have is the problem.

No you and people like you are the problem. For making excuses and giving blacks a pass for every damn they do.... because you like them blames everyone else for their actions and the lives they CHOOSE to live

So thinking that they are inferior as a race (which ShootSpeeders thinks) is not the problem? Stupid is as stupid does apparently.
Riots are the voice of the unheard, not saying the riots are justified but they do not just happen for no reason.

Why can't they realize that if you commit a crime, you're probably going to meet up with cops. Sometimes meeting up with cops and fighting them is going to end up badly.

What do they want the cops to do? Stop policing their areas and let them spin out of control. How would that make things better?

Now do this again except this time remember that Gray did nothing wrong, was found with nothing and wasnt charged with a crime at all.

I'd love to hear you justify killing someone when you dont commit a crime.

I'll wait....or do you prefer to make up more stories?
Still the far left refuses to condemn the riots..

Every left wing poster has but if you don't UNDERSTAND the frustration that many in the black community have to not being heard, then you are part of the problem.
Still the far left refuses to condemn the riots..

I haven't seen one yet. Even The Democrat Representatives is out there. Oh it could have been a lot worse. The one said, if we don't BREAK APART these police departments
he threatened us things will get worse

PEOPLE better wake to what exactly what is driving all this. and it's not Black live matter. If it did they wouldn't PICK AND CHOOSE which lives they are protesting
What other choices do poor, marginalized people have? How about:

- Not having children out of wedlock
- Not getting involved in criminal activity/gangs
- Getting a job and taking care of themselves and their dependents
- Not using random events as an excuse to Loot and Vandalize stores.

As a resident of Oakland, CA for the past 15 years, I have observed multiple situations where a tragic event is exploited as a pretext to steal. Given how many times the Footlocker and little Vietnamese-owned sandwich shop on Broadway have been robbed, one could conclude that they are the epicenter of EVUL in the Entire Universe.
Still the far left refuses to condemn the riots..

Every left wing poster has but if you don't UNDERSTAND the frustration that many in the black community have to not being heard, then you are part of the problem.

No they have not and the area is controlled by the far left, so it seems the far left will ignore any problem..

Then again the far left sees riots as legal protests, which makes anyone with this mentality part of the problem.

When the far left ignores their own, that is a problem of the far left hypocrites. The far left is the problem in the area, now the far left will have to clean up their own mess, but they will not.

They promote the single parent family, claim we will take care of your kids and this is what happens.

Far left failure!

So is the far left going to condemn the riots?
sorry dear but most blacks can't read and that's why they can't get jobs and fail at school. Blacks are hopeless.
That's why there was white boyz to help them....


Still the far left refuses to condemn the riots..

Every left wing poster has but if you don't UNDERSTAND the frustration that many in the black community have to not being heard, then you are part of the problem.

No they have not and the area is controlled by the far left, so it seems the far left will ignore any problem..

Then again the far left sees riots as legal protests, which makes anyone with this mentality part of the problem.

When the far left ignores their own, that is a problem of the far left hypocrites. The far left is the problem in the area, now the far left will have to clean up their own mess, but they will not.

They promote the single parent family, claim we will take care of your kids and this is what happens.

Far left failure!

So is the far left going to condemn the riots?

So apparently people condemning the riots are truly not condemning the riots? Are you retarded or something?
Still the far left refuses to condemn the riots..

Every left wing poster has but if you don't UNDERSTAND the frustration that many in the black community have to not being heard, then you are part of the problem.

The bigger problem, which your are ignoring is the immortality of black culture. I would say you are part of the problem.
Still the far left refuses to condemn the riots..

Every left wing poster has but if you don't UNDERSTAND the frustration that many in the black community have to not being heard, then you are part of the problem.

I just spent about 10 min talking to my white co-worker and everytime I would bring up a guys spine was severed she would say:

"I know and thats wrong BUT THOSE BUSINESSES..."

I reminded her that if that guy wasnt killed there wouldnt be any protest. If people treated this guys life like it was the CVS window maybe something would change.

Then she tried the old "He wasnt an angel" tactic. Then the "police have hard jobs" tactic.

I reminded her again that the fucking guys spine was severed but she reacted more to the businesses than some guys life. Like BFD.
This is what is being ginned up against WE THE PEOPLE over all these thugs rioting folks

time to buy protection and be prepared


Tingles Blames Baltimore Riots On . . . Right-To-Work States?…

HuffPo: Anyone Who Criticizes Black Lives Matter Is A Racist…

Reprehensible! Leftist Rag Vox Justifies And Calls For Violence In #Baltimore

Another ‘Purge’ Attack Threatened Against Another Mall Today In #Baltimore

Lib Rag Salon: When Blacks Riot, Burn Police Cars, Destroy Private Property It’s A “Legitimate Political Strategy”…

Dem Rep. Elijah Cummings Fiery Speech At Freddie Gray Funeral That Led To Riots: “We Will Not Rest”…

Message received.

Via The Hill:

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) on Monday promised justice for a Baltimore man who died in police custody.

“I’ve often said that our children are the living messages we send to the future we will never see, but now, our children are sending us to a future they will never see,” Cummings said during an emotional and fiery speech at Freddie Gray’s funeral.

“There is something wrong with that picture,” he said with a slight tremor in his voice.

“I’m in the twilight years, but I am telling you we will not rest we will not rest until we address this and see that justice is done,” he said, addressing Gray’s mother.

“Look at ‘em, mother. We will not rest. So it is our watch, it’s our watch. We will not fail you.”

Cummings asked all of the lawmakers in the church to stand up to show Gray’s mother that they would seek justice for her son.

ALL of it at:
Weasel Zippers Scouring the bowels of the internet Weasel Zippers
Riots are the voice of the unheard, not saying the riots are justified but they do not just happen for no reason.

How exactly does looting a liquor store give "voice" to anyone? Using a man's death as an excuse to steal is about as low as it gets. These are the same scum that loot after natural disasters like hurricanes.
Yes, there are rotten apples in every barrel. Some are seeing an opportunity to steal, burn building and cars, and other uncalled for acts. But, others are protesting the death of a man, while the man was in police custody. Everyone is not looting.

Enough people ARE looting that they've been forced to call in the National Guard. This is a recurring scenario. That the Mayor of Baltimore thought giving protesters space to destroy would calm things down simply illustrates how naive some of our leaders are.
And, in my opinion, if cops aren't held accountable for their actions, things are going to get a lot worse. I would encourage citizens to speak up and be counted on this issue. It's been a problem for way too long.

How exactly are the Police supposed to be "held accountable" for their actions before an investigation has taken place? I'm sorry, Sonny...but looting and burning a city down before the legal process has even started is ridiculous. Let the legal system do it's thing and THEN if you're unhappy with the result...protest. What's happened in Baltimore isn't a protest over an injustice...it's injustice that's being done by scum taking advantage of a situation to loot and commit violent acts.

If you think that throwing bottles at the Police is going to "fix" things between the Police and the black community then all I can do is wish you well with that! I think it's idiotic. You've got a black Mayor...you've got a black Chief of Police. This isn't Selma, Alabama in the sixties.
In the first place, cops are investigated by their own, and not by an independent outside agency. We saw what happened in Ferguson. Who investigated Mr. Wilson? When have members of law enforcement investigating members of law enforcement, what do you think the outcome will be? When have the Department of Justice, local and state investigators, doing the investigating, what is going to be the outcome 99% of the time? If you were suspected of a crime, do you think the legal system would let your family and friends do the investigating? Do cops rat cops out?

Justice is when evidence is presented, examined by someone without a dog in the fight, and presented for review and critique by a jury. If your brother does the investigating, how likely are you to be convicted based on the evidence? To answer your question: "How exactly are the Police supposed to be "held accountable" for their actions before an investigation has taken place?". No one should be held accountable until evidence shows wrong doing, no one, period. So, did Mr. Gray have his day in court? Did Mr. Brown have his day in court? Did the 12 year old boy that was gunned down in the park have his day in court? Did the 92 year old woman in Austell Georgia have her day in court? Did the man walking up the stairs to his apartment in New York have his day in court? Did the man shot 8 times in the back have his day in court?

How many cops are arrested and tried in a court of law? How many cops are investigated by an independent outside agency? How many cops are in our prisons and jails? How many families have been paid off by cities after it was determined that an injustice has been done? How many times has John Q. Public been given a desk job while awaiting a hearing into possible wrong-doing? How many times has John Q. Public been given a paid vacation after committing wrong-doing?

Yes, burning buildings and cars, looting, and property damage should be punished, I totally agree. But, by the same token, and using the same logic, shouldn't the cops involved be in jail awaiting trial? Shouldn't the city detain the cops until a trial is conducted? Wouldn't you and I be detained if someone in our custody was injured, and later died from those injuries? After all, we detain citizens all the time based merely on suspicion of wrong-doing. Some citizens are held for as long as a year before going to trial. Why don't we do the same to cops? Are we not suppose to have equal justice under the law? Or, do we have one set of laws for cops, and one set of laws for everyone else?
Still the far left refuses to condemn the riots..

Every left wing poster has but if you don't UNDERSTAND the frustration that many in the black community have to not being heard, then you are part of the problem.

I just spent about 10 min talking to my white co-worker and everytime I would bring up a guys spine was severed she would say:

"I know and thats wrong BUT THOSE BUSINESSES..."

I reminded her that if that guy wasnt killed there wouldnt be any protest. If people treated this guys life like it was the CVS window maybe something would change.

Then she tried the old "He wasnt an angel" tactic. Then the "police have hard jobs" tactic.

I reminded her again that the fucking guys spine was severed but she reacted more to the businesses than some guys life. Like BFD.

Well...to her credit...that CVS pharmacy did more good for that community than Freddie Gray did in his 20 something years...and equally long rap sheet.

Her point is....you're outraged over a problem that is TINY in context and comparison to the scope of the mission of fighting crime.

She is smarter than you basically.
How exactly does looting a liquor store give "voice" to anyone? Using a man's death as an excuse to steal is about as low as it gets. These are the same scum that loot after natural disasters like hurricanes.
Yes, there are rotten apples in every barrel. Some are seeing an opportunity to steal, burn building and cars, and other uncalled for acts. But, others are protesting the death of a man, while the man was in police custody. Everyone is not looting.

Enough people ARE looting that they've been forced to call in the National Guard. This is a recurring scenario. That the Mayor of Baltimore thought giving protesters space to destroy would calm things down simply illustrates how naive some of our leaders are.
And, in my opinion, if cops aren't held accountable for their actions, things are going to get a lot worse. I would encourage citizens to speak up and be counted on this issue. It's been a problem for way too long.

How exactly are the Police supposed to be "held accountable" for their actions before an investigation has taken place? I'm sorry, Sonny...but looting and burning a city down before the legal process has even started is ridiculous. Let the legal system do it's thing and THEN if you're unhappy with the result...protest. What's happened in Baltimore isn't a protest over an injustice...it's injustice that's being done by scum taking advantage of a situation to loot and commit violent acts.

If you think that throwing bottles at the Police is going to "fix" things between the Police and the black community then all I can do is wish you well with that! I think it's idiotic. You've got a black Mayor...you've got a black Chief of Police. This isn't Selma, Alabama in the sixties.
In the first place, cops are investigated by their own, and not by an independent outside agency. We saw what happened in Ferguson. Who investigated Mr. Wilson? When have members of law enforcement investigating members of law enforcement, what do you think the outcome will be? When have the Department of Justice, local and state investigators, doing the investigating, what is going to be the outcome 99% of the time? If you were suspected of a crime, do you think the legal system would let your family and friends do the investigating? Do cops rat cops out?

Justice is when evidence is presented, examined by someone without a dog in the fight, and presented for review and critique by a jury. If your brother does the investigating, how likely are you to be convicted based on the evidence? To answer your question: "How exactly are the Police supposed to be "held accountable" for their actions before an investigation has taken place?". No one should be held accountable until evidence shows wrong doing, no one, period. So, did Mr. Gray have his day in court? Did Mr. Brown have his day in court? Did the 12 year old boy that was gunned down in the park have his day in court? Did the 92 year old woman in Austell Georgia have her day in court? Did the man walking up the stairs to his apartment in New York have his day in court? Did the man shot 8 times in the back have his day in court?

How many cops are arrested and tried in a court of law? How many cops are investigated by an independent outside agency? How many cops are in our prisons and jails? How many families have been paid off by cities after it was determined that an injustice has been done? How many times has John Q. Public been given a desk job while awaiting a hearing into possible wrong-doing? How many times has John Q. Public been given a paid vacation after committing wrong-doing?

Yes, burning buildings and cars, looting, and property damage should be punished, I totally agree. But, by the same token, and using the same logic, shouldn't the cops involved be in jail awaiting trial? Shouldn't the city detain the cops until a trial is conducted? Wouldn't you and I be detained if someone in our custody was injured, and later died from those injuries? After all, we detain citizens all the time based merely on suspicion of wrong-doing. Some citizens are held for as long as a year before going to trial. Why don't we do the same to cops? Are we not suppose to have equal justice under the law? Or, do we have one set of laws for cops, and one set of laws for everyone else?

Sonny Clark....why do all you Alabama fans murder people and trees after Tide football games? How many have you killed?
The left canonizes yet another career criminal.
Why the hell dont they riot over a successful law abiding black guy dying at the hands of the police?
Oh thats right......

Why does someone deserve the death penalty for having a record without due process of law? Why is that okay?

Do you have any idea what happened to this young man? If you don't...then saying he received a "death penalty" is incendiary and over the top language that does nothing but make things worse.
Ah .. but he did die from injuries he received while in police custody. Cops played judge, jury, and executioner, did they not? Did Mr. Gray have his day in court? Where is Mr. Gray now? Is Mr. Gray in jail awaiting trial? If not, what happened to him? And, who's going to tell his side?
Still the far left refuses to condemn the riots..

Every left wing poster has but if you don't UNDERSTAND the frustration that many in the black community have to not being heard, then you are part of the problem.

I just spent about 10 min talking to my white co-worker and everytime I would bring up a guys spine was severed she would say:

"I know and thats wrong BUT THOSE BUSINESSES..."

I reminded her that if that guy wasnt killed there wouldnt be any protest. If people treated this guys life like it was the CVS window maybe something would change.

Then she tried the old "He wasnt an angel" tactic. Then the "police have hard jobs" tactic.

I reminded her again that the fucking guys spine was severed but she reacted more to the businesses than some guys life. Like BFD.

Well...to her credit...that CVS pharmacy did more good for that community than Freddie Gray did in his 20 something years...and equally long rap sheet.

Her point is....you're outraged over a problem that is TINY in context and comparison to the scope of the mission of fighting crime.

She is smarter than you basically.

You and her just believe its tiny because you ignore (or in her case doesnt know) anything about it.

She finds comfort in being able to quickly label things and give it no more thought. She actually looked shocked when I told her about the other cases in the news because she hasnt heard about it.

She live in Baltimore and said "That wasnt about Freddie Roach." I said "Who?!?! See you dont even know his name!"

She nervously laughed and I pointed out if people gave a dam there wouldnt be any protests. Too much thinking for her tho...So she just said "I dunno that much about it"

It's so patronizing how liberals want to pretend these rioters are so complex and that theres a deep message they're trying to convey. truth is they're just very immoral people, acting like savages.

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