Daughter of Eric Garner on Baltimore riots " What other choice do we have"

Booker was a good man who believed blacks needed to learn a skill to get a job. Pretty obvious really but liberals won't here of it. They think illiterate blacks should just be GIVEN jobs they are totally unqualified for.
Spell check is your friend...You speak of literacy, all the while abusing it in your posts...

You lie again. What did i misspell?
It's all the fault of white people for not giving blacks more affirmative action jobs and better schools. Like president nixon once said - We blame the riots on everything but the rioters.

Eric Garner Daughter on Baltimore Riots What Other Choice Do We Have - Breitbart

april 28 2015
Monday night on CNN with Don Lemon, Erica Garner, daughter of Eric Garner who died while being restrained by police in the New York City borough of Staten Island, said the rioters in Baltimore were all but justified Monday’s actions.

“They had enough,” she said. “They don’t know what else to do. They don’t have no jobs, they don’t have proper schooling. I was driving through Baltimore earlier and I noticed how many abandoned buildings is out there. It’s like there’s no hope. These kids have no hope. I’m not condoning what they are doing but like they think – they seem like they have no hope. Like, eventually this is going to happen to me, I’m going to be killed by the cops so why not go out there and get my message across. Burning down the city is not right but what other choice do we have. They scared.”
ALL citizens have no choice, not just BLACKS. If no one speaks up, protest, riots, and calls attention to the "out-of-control" issues that exists among members of law enforcement, none of us will experience JUSTICE. As long as our judicial system favors members of law enforcement, and basically gives them a free pass, we're all in danger of being murdered, raped, robbed, and brutalized by cops. All races and nationalities are murdered, raped, and beaten by cops. But, the difference is, BLACKS speak up, and demand accountability among members of law enforcement. On the other hand, a great majority of the time, WHITES basically roll over and say nothing.

I blame cops for everything that is taking place right now in Maryland. If cops weren't sadistic animalistic barbarians, no one would be in the streets destroying property, looting, and burning buildings and cars. If the judicial system doesn't stop showing members of law enforcement favoritism, we might see this happening all across this country before all is said and done. Something needs to make news headlines in order for cops to answer for their crimes.
sorry dear but most blacks can't read and that's why they can't get jobs and fail at school. Blacks are hopeless.

This post is the epitome of the problem. The mindset that Americans have is the problem.

Nope - the problem is blacks are illiterate dummies. That's why they can't get jobs and thus have no pride. They know they need the white man to take care of them. THINK
. But, the difference is, BLACKS speak up, and demand accountability among members of law enforcement. On the other hand, a great majority of the time, WHITES basically roll over and say nothing.

I don't like cops but i've never had any trouble with them. But then, i'm not a career criminal like freddie and michael brown.

Blacks have problems with cops because blacks are illiterate jobless losers who survive by drugs and stealing.
. But, the difference is, BLACKS speak up, and demand accountability among members of law enforcement. On the other hand, a great majority of the time, WHITES basically roll over and say nothing.

I don't like cops but i've never had any trouble with them. But then, i'm not a career criminal like freddie and michael brown.

Blacks have problems with cops because blacks are illiterate jobless losers who survive by drugs and stealing.
Throwing a blanket over "all Blacks", and saying "all" of them deserve what they get, is not accurate, nor intelligent. Have you given thought to the 12 year old boy playing with a toy pistol in the park? What about the 92 year old woman in Austell Georgia? And, what about the black man walking up the stairs to his apartment after grocery shopping, and was gunned down in the stairwell?

Generalizations and calling every bird in the sky an eagle, just doesn't seem to do it.
This about says it all....

I don't like cops but i've never had any trouble with them. But then, i'm not a career criminal like freddie and michael brown.

Blacks have problems with cops because blacks are illiterate jobless losers who survive by drugs and stealing.

Throwing a blanket over "all Blacks", and saying "all" of them deserve what they get, is not accurate, nor intelligent..

I didn't use the phrase "all blacks" so stop quoting me as if i did.
You voted for a Community Agitator for President

and now you get to live with the full blown agitating right in your neighborhoods and cities

this must be what hope and change looks like

way to go
I don't like cops but i've never had any trouble with them. But then, i'm not a career criminal like freddie and michael brown.

Blacks have problems with cops because blacks are illiterate jobless losers who survive by drugs and stealing.

Throwing a blanket over "all Blacks", and saying "all" of them deserve what they get, is not accurate, nor intelligent..

I didn't use the phrase "all blacks" so stop quoting me as if i did.
You didn't say "some Blacks" either. What you did say, "Blacks have a problem with cops because Blacks are illiterate jobless losers who survive by drugs and stealing". Nowhere in that statement did you say "some Blacks". You said "blacks" as a collective description. You did not separate Blacks into categories. You said "blacks", which was read as "all blacks". Would you like to clarify your statement?
Riots are the voice of the unheard, not saying the riots are justified but they do not just happen for no reason.

How exactly does looting a liquor store give "voice" to anyone? Using a man's death as an excuse to steal is about as low as it gets. These are the same scum that loot after natural disasters like hurricanes.
Riots are the voice of the unheard, not saying the riots are justified but they do not just happen for no reason.

How exactly does looting a liquor store give "voice" to anyone? Using a man's death as an excuse to steal is about as low as it gets. These are the same scum that loot after natural disasters like hurricanes.
Yes, there are rotten apples in every barrel. Some are seeing an opportunity to steal, burn building and cars, and other uncalled for acts. But, others are protesting the death of a man, while the man was in police custody. Everyone is not looting.
Riots are the voice of the unheard, not saying the riots are justified but they do not just happen for no reason.

How exactly does looting a liquor store give "voice" to anyone? Using a man's death as an excuse to steal is about as low as it gets. These are the same scum that loot after natural disasters like hurricanes.
Yes, there are rotten apples in every barrel. Some are seeing an opportunity to steal, burn building and cars, and other uncalled for acts. But, others are protesting the death of a man, while the man was in police custody. Everyone is not looting.

Enough people ARE looting that they've been forced to call in the National Guard. This is a recurring scenario. That the Mayor of Baltimore thought giving protesters space to destroy would calm things down simply illustrates how naive some of our leaders are.
Riots are the voice of the unheard, not saying the riots are justified but they do not just happen for no reason.

How exactly does looting a liquor store give "voice" to anyone? Using a man's death as an excuse to steal is about as low as it gets. These are the same scum that loot after natural disasters like hurricanes.
Yes, there are rotten apples in every barrel. Some are seeing an opportunity to steal, burn building and cars, and other uncalled for acts. But, others are protesting the death of a man, while the man was in police custody. Everyone is not looting.

Enough people ARE looting that they've been forced to call in the National Guard. This is a recurring scenario. That the Mayor of Baltimore thought giving protesters space to destroy would calm things down simply illustrates how naive some of our leaders are.
And, in my opinion, if cops aren't held accountable for their actions, things are going to get a lot worse. I would encourage citizens to speak up and be counted on this issue. It's been a problem for way too long.
The left canonizes yet another career criminal.
Why the hell dont they riot over a successful law abiding black guy dying at the hands of the police?
Oh thats right......

Why does someone deserve the death penalty for having a record without due process of law? Why is that okay?
sorry dear but most blacks can't read and that's why they can't get jobs and fail at school. Blacks are hopeless.

This post is the epitome of the problem. The mindset that Americans have is the problem.

No you and people like you are the problem. For making excuses and giving blacks a pass for every damn they do.... because you like them blames everyone else for their actions and the lives they CHOOSE to live
The left canonizes yet another career criminal.
Why the hell dont they riot over a successful law abiding black guy dying at the hands of the police?
Oh thats right......

Why does someone deserve the death penalty for having a record without due process of law? Why is that okay?

If you repeatedly engage in risky(see illegal) behavior eventually your luck is going to run out.
Look at how many encounters this guy had with the police. Hell,I'm surprised he hadnt been shot already.
Riots are the voice of the unheard, not saying the riots are justified but they do not just happen for no reason.

How exactly does looting a liquor store give "voice" to anyone? Using a man's death as an excuse to steal is about as low as it gets. These are the same scum that loot after natural disasters like hurricanes.
Yes, there are rotten apples in every barrel. Some are seeing an opportunity to steal, burn building and cars, and other uncalled for acts. But, others are protesting the death of a man, while the man was in police custody. Everyone is not looting.

Enough people ARE looting that they've been forced to call in the National Guard. This is a recurring scenario. That the Mayor of Baltimore thought giving protesters space to destroy would calm things down simply illustrates how naive some of our leaders are.
And, in my opinion, if cops aren't held accountable for their actions, things are going to get a lot worse. I would encourage citizens to speak up and be counted on this issue. It's been a problem for way too long.

How exactly are the Police supposed to be "held accountable" for their actions before an investigation has taken place? I'm sorry, Sonny...but looting and burning a city down before the legal process has even started is ridiculous. Let the legal system do it's thing and THEN if you're unhappy with the result...protest. What's happened in Baltimore isn't a protest over an injustice...it's injustice that's being done by scum taking advantage of a situation to loot and commit violent acts.

If you think that throwing bottles at the Police is going to "fix" things between the Police and the black community then all I can do is wish you well with that! I think it's idiotic. You've got a black Mayor...you've got a black Chief of Police. This isn't Selma, Alabama in the sixties.
You see folks, the people in this country of all (colors, race and nationality) has bent over backwards to try and give black people a hand up. How long has Affirmative Action been in Place? yet it's STILL OUR FAULT .

do you get tired of it?

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