Daughter of Eric Garner on Baltimore riots " What other choice do we have"

His record is of no consequence, there is a vast difference between a suspect dying in an arrest and dying while in custody. The word custody itself means they are responsible for what happens to the guy. The police killed a man either through negligence or wrongdoing there is no way to justify it. There is no moral justification to take their side in the killing.
Not to mention, Grays death isnt the only reason people in Baltimore are rioting. Baltimore has had isses for quite a while now.

Since 2011, the city has paid out nearly $5,000,000, thats 5 MILLION dollars in police brutality cases.

Thats just one example

Just because suing the Police in Baltimore has become it's own "cottage industry" doesn't mean that anyone has justification to loot and burn, Tres...in truth I'd be inclined to see that as their only viable alternative if there hadn't been ANY money paid out. You've got a black Mayor...a black Police Commissioner...and juries that are inclined to award large settlements to citizens wronged by the Police. Why riot? Why loot? Let's be honest...this isn't about Gray for those breaking into those stores...this about taking advantage of a situation.
His record is of no consequence, there is a vast difference between a suspect dying in an arrest and dying while in custody. The word custody itself means they are responsible for what happens to the guy. The police killed a man either through negligence or wrongdoing there is no way to justify it. There is no moral justification to take their side in the killing.
Not to mention, Grays death isnt the only reason people in Baltimore are rioting. Baltimore has had isses for quite a while now.

Since 2011, the city has paid out nearly $5,000,000, thats 5 MILLION dollars in police brutality cases.

Thats just one example

Just because suing the Police in Baltimore has become it's own "cottage industry" doesn't mean that anyone has justification to loot and burn, Tres...in truth I'd be inclined to see that as their only viable alternative if there hadn't been ANY money paid out. You've got a black Mayor...a black Police Commissioner...and juries that are inclined to award large settlements to citizens wronged by the Police. Why riot? Why loot? Let's be honest...this isn't about Gray for those breaking into those stores...this about taking advantage of a situation.

Ive never said those rioting are in the right, Im not in favor of rioting, I think there are other viable options. BUT, can I see why they are rioting? Absolutely. Is it possible that they feel helpless, and that every other attempt over the decades has fallen on deaf ears? Absolutely. That doesnt mean I condone it, but when pushed into a corner, and left with a feeling oh hopelessness, theres no telling what any of us would do. WOuldnt you agree? Sane, rational people fly off the handle on a daily basis and do things so out of character, nobody that knows them believes it when they hear about it. How is this any different?

This isnt just about Freddie Gray
His record is of no consequence, there is a vast difference between a suspect dying in an arrest and dying while in custody. The word custody itself means they are responsible for what happens to the guy. The police killed a man either through negligence or wrongdoing there is no way to justify it. There is no moral justification to take their side in the killing.
Not to mention, Grays death isnt the only reason people in Baltimore are rioting. Baltimore has had isses for quite a while now.

Since 2011, the city has paid out nearly $5,000,000, thats 5 MILLION dollars in police brutality cases.

Thats just one example

Just because suing the Police in Baltimore has become it's own "cottage industry" doesn't mean that anyone has justification to loot and burn, Tres...in truth I'd be inclined to see that as their only viable alternative if there hadn't been ANY money paid out. You've got a black Mayor...a black Police Commissioner...and juries that are inclined to award large settlements to citizens wronged by the Police. Why riot? Why loot? Let's be honest...this isn't about Gray for those breaking into those stores...this about taking advantage of a situation.

Ive never said those rioting are in the right, Im not in favor of rioting, I think there are other viable options. BUT, can I see why they are rioting? Absolutely. Is it possible that they feel helpless, and that every other attempt over the decades has fallen on deaf ears? Absolutely. That doesnt mean I condone it, but when pushed into a corner, and left with a feeling oh hopelessness, theres no telling what any of us would do. WOuldnt you agree? Sane, rational people fly off the handle on a daily basis and do things so out of character, nobody that knows them believes it when they hear about it. How is this any different?

This isnt just about Freddie Gray
The two black guys who live on either side of me in 200 k houses and driving Lexus and Caddys came out of the exact same environment...one in Chicago and the other in No Carolina. The difference was that they knew they had to leave the hood and go where opportunity was. They chose correctly. Their buddies are still in the projects...doing what they do.

I've got to be honest with you, Tres...I read that article by the Baltimore Sun and kept getting the same feeling of disbelief over the accounts that were given by the alleged "victims". I'm sorry but their stories sound contrived. They all declare that they were doing nothing yet for no apparent reason the Police suddenly turned violent and beat them. I've quite frankly never seen that type of behavior from Police when i lived in Massachusetts, in Colorado, in Nevada, in North Carolina or in Florida. Do Police beat up on people? Oh yeah they do but it's usually someone who refuses to calm down and back off...someone who themselves got physical with the Police. Your average Police officer does not want to get in a physical confrontation with people on the street because they invariably get dinged up themselves and then they have to deal with all the paperwork that goes along with making an arrest. What the Police WANT is for citizens to behave.
His record is of no consequence, there is a vast difference between a suspect dying in an arrest and dying while in custody. The word custody itself means they are responsible for what happens to the guy. The police killed a man either through negligence or wrongdoing there is no way to justify it. There is no moral justification to take their side in the killing.
Not to mention, Grays death isnt the only reason people in Baltimore are rioting. Baltimore has had isses for quite a while now.

Since 2011, the city has paid out nearly $5,000,000, thats 5 MILLION dollars in police brutality cases.

Thats just one example

Just because suing the Police in Baltimore has become it's own "cottage industry" doesn't mean that anyone has justification to loot and burn, Tres...in truth I'd be inclined to see that as their only viable alternative if there hadn't been ANY money paid out. You've got a black Mayor...a black Police Commissioner...and juries that are inclined to award large settlements to citizens wronged by the Police. Why riot? Why loot? Let's be honest...this isn't about Gray for those breaking into those stores...this about taking advantage of a situation.

Ive never said those rioting are in the right, Im not in favor of rioting, I think there are other viable options. BUT, can I see why they are rioting? Absolutely. Is it possible that they feel helpless, and that every other attempt over the decades has fallen on deaf ears? Absolutely. That doesnt mean I condone it, but when pushed into a corner, and left with a feeling oh hopelessness, theres no telling what any of us would do. WOuldnt you agree? Sane, rational people fly off the handle on a daily basis and do things so out of character, nobody that knows them believes it when they hear about it. How is this any different?

This isnt just about Freddie Gray

Why do they feel "helpless" or that their concerns are falling on "deaf ears"? You've got a black Mayor. You've got a black Police Commissioner. You've even got a black Attorney General and a black President! At some point it's time to stop the whole "victim" narrative...get your shit together and start fixing what's wrong with West Baltimore!

As for what I would do if I were pushed into a corner? Well I can tell you what I WOULDN'T do! I wouldn't burn down the local senior center or loot the few businesses that are willing to risk opening in a bad neighborhood! I'm sorry but that's just plain stupid. I also wouldn't throw bottles at firemen who are coming to my neighborhood to try and save people's lives and property. How did THEY somehow become the bad guys?

As for how this is different? Unfortunately it's not different at all. It's the same scenario that has played out over and over again with the same exact results. Rodney King gets beaten...East LA goes up in flames. Michael Brown gets shot...Ferguson goes up in flames. Freddie Gray dies and West Baltimore starts to look like Beirut. How have ANY of those riots been beneficial to the black community? They haven't yet each time there is a sense of injustice the same groups of idiots head back to the streets to "Shut it down!"

You're right...this isn't just about Freddie Gray! What it's about is the black community repeating the same actions and getting the same results.
Ive never said those rioting are in the right, Im not in favor of rioting, I think there are other viable options. BUT, can I see why they are rioting? Absolutely. Is it possible that they feel helpless, and that every other attempt over the decades has fallen on deaf ears? Absolutely.

Deaf ears? What about welfare and affirmative action? Society has made huge sacrifices to help blacks but nothing seems to work. Time to face the fact that blacks are too dumb to get good jobs on merit and most refuse to do the low pay work they are capable of.
The two black guys who live on either side of me in 200 k houses and driving Lexus and Caddys came out of the exact same environment...one in Chicago and the other in No Carolina. The difference was that they knew they had to leave the hood and go where opportunity was. They chose correctly. Their buddies are still in the projects...doing what they do.

You think a 200K house is a sign of rich?
I've got to be honest with you, Tres...I read that article by the Baltimore Sun and kept getting the same feeling of disbelief over the accounts that were given by the alleged "victims". I'm sorry but their stories sound contrived. They all declare that they were doing nothing yet for no apparent reason the Police suddenly turned violent and beat them. I've quite frankly never seen that type of behavior from Police when i lived in Massachusetts, in Colorado, in Nevada, in North Carolina or in Florida. Do Police beat up on people? Oh yeah they do but it's usually someone who refuses to calm down and back off...someone who themselves got physical with the Police. Your average Police officer does not want to get in a physical confrontation with people on the street because they invariably get dinged up themselves and then they have to deal with all the paperwork that goes along with making an arrest. What the Police WANT is for citizens to behave.

I suspect also the cops simply don't want to come in contact with the druggies and homeless and street whores. They are all diseased and filthy.
Riots are the voice of the unheard, not saying the riots are justified but they do not just happen for no reason.

They needed new shoes?
My how you people love to boil down complex social issues to a single stupid statement.
You mean like this?

Riots are the voice of the unheard, not saying the riots are justified but they do not just happen for no reason.
Why do they feel "helpless" or that their concerns are falling on "deaf ears"? You've got a black Mayor. You've got a black Police Commissioner. You've even got a black Attorney General and a black President! At some point it's time to stop the whole "victim" narrative...get your shit together and start fixing what's wrong with West Baltimore!


Yup. Fact is blacks are given huge amounts of help what with all the welfare and affirmative action they get. And yet they still fail. Most blacks can't read or count or even tell time. They are mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming.
The president of the United States is a (Black) left wing idealist radical . The mayor of Baltimore is a (Black) left wing political idealist radical. Is it possible that the rioters aren't aware of the identities of the president and the mayor?
The two black guys who live on either side of me in 200 k houses and driving Lexus and Caddys came out of the exact same environment...one in Chicago and the other in No Carolina. The difference was that they knew they had to leave the hood and go where opportunity was. They chose correctly. Their buddies are still in the projects...doing what they do.

You think a 200K house is a sign of rich?
To Trump it isn't...to Freddy it is/was...

I've got to be honest with you, Tres...I read that article by the Baltimore Sun and kept getting the same feeling of disbelief over the accounts that were given by the alleged "victims". I'm sorry but their stories sound contrived. They all declare that they were doing nothing yet for no apparent reason the Police suddenly turned violent and beat them. I've quite frankly never seen that type of behavior from Police when i lived in Massachusetts, in Colorado, in Nevada, in North Carolina or in Florida. Do Police beat up on people? Oh yeah they do but it's usually someone who refuses to calm down and back off...someone who themselves got physical with the Police. Your average Police officer does not want to get in a physical confrontation with people on the street because they invariably get dinged up themselves and then they have to deal with all the paperwork that goes along with making an arrest. What the Police WANT is for citizens to behave.

I believe on the majority of the accounts, there were eyewitnesses testimony which pretty much sealed the deal for the police officers

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