Darrell Issa Hid The Truth About Benghazi


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Darrell Issa Hid The Truth About Benghazi For a Year While Attacking President Obama

It is an unfortunate human trait to look for some kind of moral wrong or legal malfeasance in specific events to incite general public outrage either to benefit someone or to cast aspersion on someone else. Shortly after Republicans won a House majority in the 2010 midterm elections a corrupt Republican, Darrell Issa, promised his only job as chairman of the House Oversight Committee was to have “seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks” investigating the Obama Administration when the 112th Congress began. Issa was desperate to find a scandal to take down President Obama and has investigated everything from the 2009 federal stimulus program to fabricating President Obama’s part in the scandalous Republican government shutdown two months ago.

Darrell Issa Hid The Truth About Benghazi For a Year While Attacking President Obama
ok, someone ELSE to blame for this but the people in charge and RESPONSIBLE for our embassies and people in them

how awful they are letting Obama and Hillary off the hook on this

politicausa is a commie/DNC propaganda site

there was so much spin in that article it should make a person dizzy.
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" ... hid the truth ..."

Issa did what Issa always does and has always done.

He lied.

But that won't make any difference to the rw liars. They are just as willing as Issa to keep the lie alive rather than face up to the truth.

Saddest part of all of this is that poor Ambassador Stevens also shares some of the responsibility albeit nothing like the Rs taking away security funding.
Are lefties determined to double down on Benghazi? Bring it on. Even victims of left wing low information networks need to understand that you can't base an argument on a negative. In other words you can't be outraged about what a congressman didn't say about Benghazi when it's clear about what happened.
Go for it lefties. If you think you can defend madam Hillary by pretending to be outraged about what Issa didn't say about Benghazi you might consider what Hussein didn't say and how Holder seems fixated on a traffic jam on the GWB.
Any PROOF from the right?


Just more lies.

SSDD about Benghazi while they lie about Geo Bush's war crimes that killed hundreds of thousands and put our country into financial ruin.
ok, someone ELSE to blame for this but the people in charge and RESPONSIBLE for our embassies and people in them

how awful they are letting Obama and Hillary off the hook on this

politicausa is a commie/DNC propaganda siteu

there was so much spin in that article it should make a person dizzy.

The area attacked was not an embassy.

How's that for spin?
[Oh, OK, so that makes those four deaths perfectly acceptable to you. Is that feeling more widespread amongst you leftist wizards?

You're the only one spouting that feeling, Henry, so I wonder why you think that's so. But I think I know. You want such deaths because it gives you more reasons to lie about liberals, in the same way you proudly lie about Hillary there by using her statement in such a wildly dishonest context. Each day, when there aren't any more American dead, you go to bed sorely disappointed.

Seriously conservatives, stop acting so damn happy about Benghazi. It's ghoulish, and people are revolted by it.
Strange that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens turned down military assistance "twice". How will right wingers explain that?
Darrell Issa Hid The Truth About Benghazi For a Year While Attacking President Obama

It is an unfortunate human trait to look for some kind of moral wrong or legal malfeasance in specific events to incite general public outrage either to benefit someone or to cast aspersion on someone else. Shortly after Republicans won a House majority in the 2010 midterm elections a corrupt Republican, Darrell Issa, promised his only job as chairman of the House Oversight Committee was to have “seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks” investigating the Obama Administration when the 112th Congress began. Issa was desperate to find a scandal to take down President Obama and has investigated everything from the 2009 federal stimulus program to fabricating President Obama’s part in the scandalous Republican government shutdown two months ago.

Darrell Issa Hid The Truth About Benghazi For a Year While Attacking President Obama

So, you're actually arguing that Issa caused Obama to provide Al Aqaeda with HUNDREDS of Shoulder fired Surface to Air missiles from the Libyan stash, then conspired to derail the CIA's attempt to get them back (which is why Stevens was in Benghazi), which included finding a Youtube video critical of islam as a means to conceal an attack to destroy the diplomatic recovery effort, then refuse to send aid during the 8 hour attack, fire Theater Commanding generals, cover up his complicity through the planned ruse: IT WAS THE VIDEO!

Relativism personified.
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Strange that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens turned down military assistance "twice". How will right wingers explain that?

We'd snicker and turn to the relevant guiding principle:

Deceit <=> FRAUD <=> Ignorance
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Darrell Issa Hid The Truth About Benghazi For a Year While Attacking President Obama

It is an unfortunate human trait to look for some kind of moral wrong or legal malfeasance in specific events to incite general public outrage either to benefit someone or to cast aspersion on someone else. Shortly after Republicans won a House majority in the 2010 midterm elections a corrupt Republican, Darrell Issa, promised his only job as chairman of the House Oversight Committee was to have “seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks” investigating the Obama Administration when the 112th Congress began. Issa was desperate to find a scandal to take down President Obama and has investigated everything from the 2009 federal stimulus program to fabricating President Obama’s part in the scandalous Republican government shutdown two months ago.

Darrell Issa Hid The Truth About Benghazi For a Year While Attacking President Obama

Darryl Issa wouldn't be able to pass a background check to get a federal job with his many brushes with the law. Guess who the repubs put in charge of oversight? The car thief congressman.

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