Danger of importing radicals to the United States: Do Libs Not Get It Or just Not Care?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Danger of importing radicals to the United States

"Tomi talks the shocker of the Muslim Somali refugee who terrorized The Ohio State University, after injuring eleven people, striking them with a car and slashing them with a knife. The refugee was “pissed about the mistreatment of Muslims.” Mainstream media went to work warning us of the dangers of Islamophobia, rather than the real life danger of radical Muslims.

“In America we are pretty damn sick of radical Muslims who bomb, stab, shoot and slaughter and run innocent Americans down with cars,” says Tomi sarcastically in rebuttal."

Danger of importing radicals to the United States

Open Borders, Refusing to Enforce Existing Immigration Law, Refusing to Enforce Criminal Law, Protecting Violent Criminal Illegals, Protecting Human Traffickers, Engaging in Human Trafficking, Violating US Court Orders, Protecting Sanctuary Cities that Protect Violent Illegals, MOCKING American Citizens For the Concern for our national Security and their Safety.....

The Results:

Little Rock, Arkansas, 1 Jun 2009
1 American dead, 1 wounded

Ft Hood Tx, 5 Nov 2009
13 dead, 30+ wounded

Boston Massachusetts, 15 Apr 2013
3 Americans Murdered, 260+ wounded

Moore, Ok, 24 Sept 2014
1 woman beheaded, 1 stabbed

Queens, NY 23 Oct 2014
2 Policemen injured

Brooklyn, NY 20 Dec 2014
2 Policeman 'executed'

Garland Tx, 3 May 2015
Terrorist killed before harming anyone (did shoot up the building)

Chattanooga, Tn 16 Jul 2016
5 Americans murdered (4 Marines / 1 Sailor)

Ohio State, Ohio Nov 2016
11 wounded

And these do not include the long list of Americans killed by illegals in events NOT considered terrorist attacks:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

And these are / have been perfectly acceptable to the Liberal Globalists who have violated both Constitution and Rule of law to aid and abet the illegal 'invasion' and importation of violent illegals and un-vetted terrorist-infiltrated 'refugees' coming in from know parts of the world where the people HATE this nation and are infested with terrorists.

After all, it's not THEIR family members being killed by these illegals/terrorists. I wonder how much Barry's opinion would change if an illegal kidnapped, raped, and / or murdered one of HIS daughters.

Anyone, though - IMO, who supports these liberals or anyone else who supports the criminal and irresponsible acts that have resulted in US murders and wounded citizens, the victimization of Americans, anyone who supports those who have helped inflict so much damage on Americans because they consider American lives as 'acceptable collateral damage' to push their agenda is just as much a traitor as those doing it.

Here Is Your Complete List Of Islamic Terror Attacks During The Obama Administration

2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia

*** AFTER 9/11/01 there was not another single successful terrorist attack on US soil under Bush! Under Obama, they have become the 'NORM'
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"Bumps in the road" toward Soros's sock puppet Obama's Fundamental transformation of America
Obama's globalist dream of a post America world will not happen without weakening America. If you analyze his actions and speeches over the last 8 years, that is the common denominator. Divide from within, attack and demean when he's overseas, railing against "Islamaphobia" it's all part of his plan.

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