Dad Makes Daughter Walk to School in 36-Degree Weather for Bullying...was he right to do it?!

36 is not that cold if she has a winter coat

Above freezing
The picture of her is with a quite nice coat. She was stupid to bully somebody else. When you dish it out, you sometimes have to take it. Better learned early in life rather than late. She's halfway to her adulthood. Maybe she'll learn other ways to feel like a winner rather than picking on someone who can't match her strength. She has a start on marathon training. It's better than beating somebody up and getting away with it.

basquebromance, as for you, if you let a child get away with unspeakable behaviors, she will continue doing it until she gets a sentence to spend time in a public jail for intimidation. Parents who don't nip bad behaviors in the bud will ever have their face rubbed in them.
I think that the dad did a good thing in this case. Why? She bullied a student and was warned, and her dad took away some of her privileges for a while.

She then did it again and got kicked off the bus. But, she still had to go to school, and the dad thought that it would be a good learning experience for her.

Shoot..................I lived in Montana, and had a 1/2 mile hike each way from my house, just to get to the bus stop, and then it was a 45 min. ride to go 30 miles to get to school. And, there were times that I was walking in the snow, in below zero temps.

Sorry, but I can't get too worked up about a kid walking to school for punishment. She had a coat, walking keeps you warm, and her father was following her with the car.
I was going to ask if he followed and watched her

That would be my only worry about such penalties

This was on the news, dad followed her and broke up the 5 miles over three days.

Great dad and hopefully she learned a lesson

It was 5 miles over a 3 day period? Shoot..............that is less than 2 miles a day!

Like I said, my senior year, I lived 1/2 mile away from the bus stop, and had to walk that distance twice a day, as well as ride a bus for 45 min each way.

If anyone thinks this is cruel punishment, then they need their head examined, or desperately need to visit a gym.
I think that the dad did a good thing in this case. Why? She bullied a student and was warned, and her dad took away some of her privileges for a while.

She then did it again and got kicked off the bus. But, she still had to go to school, and the dad thought that it would be a good learning experience for her.

Shoot..................I lived in Montana, and had a 1/2 mile hike each way from my house, just to get to the bus stop, and then it was a 45 min. ride to go 30 miles to get to school. And, there were times that I was walking in the snow, in below zero temps.

Sorry, but I can't get too worked up about a kid walking to school for punishment. She had a coat, walking keeps you warm, and her father was following her with the car.
It's a fairly typical punishment. I've heard of many parents around here doing the same.
I'm guessing it is a lesson the kid remembers for quite some time. And 36 degrees isn't going to hurt her.
36 is not that cold if she has a winter coat

Above freezing
I and millions of others walked as far or farther to school in worse weather.

Might teach her a lesson
I lived in Buffalo and routinely saw kids walking in sub zero temperatures
Yes, when I lived out there, I remember many mornings getting on the bus and my feet were so frozen that first they were numb, then full of pins and needles--really really painful ones. It's a wonder I've still got all my toes.
I think that the dad did a good thing in this case. Why? She bullied a student and was warned, and her dad took away some of her privileges for a while.

She then did it again and got kicked off the bus. But, she still had to go to school, and the dad thought that it would be a good learning experience for her.

Shoot..................I lived in Montana, and had a 1/2 mile hike each way from my house, just to get to the bus stop, and then it was a 45 min. ride to go 30 miles to get to school. And, there were times that I was walking in the snow, in below zero temps.

Sorry, but I can't get too worked up about a kid walking to school for punishment. She had a coat, walking keeps you warm, and her father was following her with the car.
It's a fairly typical punishment. I've heard of many parents around here doing the same.
I'm guessing it is a lesson the kid remembers for quite some time. And 36 degrees isn't going to hurt her.

She was bundled up, had her backpack and trudging away...probably thinking twice about bullying again.
I think that the dad did a good thing in this case. Why? She bullied a student and was warned, and her dad took away some of her privileges for a while.

She then did it again and got kicked off the bus. But, she still had to go to school, and the dad thought that it would be a good learning experience for her.

Shoot..................I lived in Montana, and had a 1/2 mile hike each way from my house, just to get to the bus stop, and then it was a 45 min. ride to go 30 miles to get to school. And, there were times that I was walking in the snow, in below zero temps.

Sorry, but I can't get too worked up about a kid walking to school for punishment. She had a coat, walking keeps you warm, and her father was following her with the car.
I was going to ask if he followed and watched her

That would be my only worry about such penalties

This was on the news, dad followed her and broke up the 5 miles over three days.

Great dad and hopefully she learned a lesson
Ah ha.

The op made it sound like it was five miles a day every day.

Intentionally misleading.

He also kept an eye on her while she walked it.

Very good dad. He is adapting to the nanny state which allows no tolerance for bullying but which also watches every parent for some small sign of neglect.

Hopefully his girl learns to behave better.
I think that the dad did a good thing in this case. Why? She bullied a student and was warned, and her dad took away some of her privileges for a while.

She then did it again and got kicked off the bus. But, she still had to go to school, and the dad thought that it would be a good learning experience for her.

Shoot..................I lived in Montana, and had a 1/2 mile hike each way from my house, just to get to the bus stop, and then it was a 45 min. ride to go 30 miles to get to school. And, there were times that I was walking in the snow, in below zero temps.

Sorry, but I can't get too worked up about a kid walking to school for punishment. She had a coat, walking keeps you warm, and her father was following her with the car.
I was going to ask if he followed and watched her

That would be my only worry about such penalties
A guy who is worried his daughter did the wrong thing who takes her picture wearing a beautiful pink coat would likely be discreet enough to make certain she winds up safely at school. If he wants her trust in the future, he will not let her know it, though. She will have to live with his disdain, though if she screws up again, and kids will be kids. The have a vague sense of right and wrong until they screw up. After that, it's a matter of learning to deal with what one has brought down upon oneself. She has the opportunity to redeem herself. I hope she does, and I bet you her father hopes so too.
Good for the Dad for teaching her a lesson. Her punishment was actually the normal way to get to school for kids in past generations. Nothing wrong with toughening her up a bit so she doesn't turn into an SJW whinging snowflake cry-bully.
Hopefully she learned her lesson. Hell, my parents would have beat my ass if they were alerted that I was a bully.

Somehow I cant see you bullying anyone

It helped that I was raised right by my parents.

Me too...I would have known getting tossed from the bus for bullying was going to bring down swift and severe repercussions at home.

Best just to avoid it
You know, I think one of the things that made the kids on my bus route behave was the fact that school was 30 miles away, and if you missed the bus, you better hope you have a drivers license and permission to use the car, or that your parents would be nice enough to take you. Otherwise, you would miss school.
g'dam snowflake kids....folks on this BB walked to school in cardboard shoes in hurricanes....uphill.....both ways....~S~
That's because of the " Backinmyday Act " passed by Congress in 1966 which required all schools of future posters to be constructed several miles away from where they lived.
I think that the dad did a good thing in this case. Why? She bullied a student and was warned, and her dad took away some of her privileges for a while.

She then did it again and got kicked off the bus. But, she still had to go to school, and the dad thought that it would be a good learning experience for her.

Shoot..................I lived in Montana, and had a 1/2 mile hike each way from my house, just to get to the bus stop, and then it was a 45 min. ride to go 30 miles to get to school. And, there were times that I was walking in the snow, in below zero temps.

Sorry, but I can't get too worked up about a kid walking to school for punishment. She had a coat, walking keeps you warm, and her father was following her with the car.
I was going to ask if he followed and watched her

That would be my only worry about such penalties

This was on the news, dad followed her and broke up the 5 miles over three days.

Great dad and hopefully she learned a lesson

It was 5 miles over a 3 day period? Shoot..............that is less than 2 miles a day!

Like I said, my senior year, I lived 1/2 mile away from the bus stop, and had to walk that distance twice a day, as well as ride a bus for 45 min each way.

If anyone thinks this is cruel punishment, then they need their head examined, or desperately need to visit a gym.
I read the link. Her father said that his daughter was walking five miles to school, not less.
Near where I live a young boy was caught shoplifting at a small store. The store didn't prosecute the boy ,but called the dad. The punishment was to stand out side for 2 hours with a cardboard sign saying I am a thief. The child appologized to every customer for shop lifting. The boy learned a valuable lesson that day.

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