DACA is DONE! More proof that your POTUS puts Americans First!

White House aides caution that — as with everything in the Trump White House — nothing is set in stone until an official announcement has been made.
Trump has chosen his sides. He sides with white supremacists and 30% of voters. Will Republicans commit electoral suicide? Democrats should use every important piece of legislation such as the Texas relief bill, debt ceiling bill, and budget bill to save DACA.
Trump has chosen his sides. He sides with white supremacists and 30% of voters. Will Republicans commit electoral suicide? Democrats should use every important piece of legislation such as the Texas relief bill, debt ceiling bill, and budget bill to save DACA.

Trump has made it crystal clear...he sides with REAL American's.
How can one possibly be so bothered by that?
What part of Mexico are you from? Do you steal from REAL American's like the DACA kids do?
Trump has chosen his sides. He sides with white supremacists and 30% of voters. Will Republicans commit electoral suicide? Democrats should use every important piece of legislation such as the Texas relief bill, debt ceiling bill, and budget bill to save DACA.

Trump has chosen his sides. He sides with white supremacists and 30% of voters. Will Republicans commit electoral suicide? Democrats should use every important piece of legislation such as the Texas relief bill, debt ceiling bill, and budget bill to save DACA.
Will Republicans commit electoral suicide?

We leave that to democrats

Democrats should use every important piece of legislation such as the Texas relief bill, debt ceiling bill, and budget bill to save DACA.

Good idea.

When will they get a majority to do so?
The 6 month delay seems like there will be a well deserved amnesty down the line. Although I'm not sure if "amnesty" is the correct word if applied to a non-citizen that entered the country as a toddler, plus "amnesty " carries bad political connotation and so they'll call something more politically correct. I'm guessing they'll also tie the legislation to construction of the wall to avoid repeating Reagan's mistake.
Trump has chosen his sides. He sides with white supremacists and 30% of voters. Will Republicans commit electoral suicide? Democrats should use every important piece of legislation such as the Texas relief bill, debt ceiling bill, and budget bill to save DACA.
The country can not afford DACA... Its a diminishing return.
The 6 month delay seems like there will be a well deserved amnesty down the line. Although I'm not sure if "amnesty" is the correct word if applied to a non-citizen that entered the country as a toddler, plus "amnesty " carries bad political connotation and so they'll call something more politically correct. I'm guessing they'll also tie the legislation to construction of the wall to avoid repeating Reagan's mistake.

I doubt very seriously that we'll see anything close to an amnesty under this administration....the Reagan legacy was ruined by an amnesty bill. We are paying the price for his major fuck up now. Someone didn't do the math back in 1986....3.5 million mexicans multiplying like cockroaches quickly turn to 50 million low grade liabilities. We'd take a mulligan on that one if we could...guaranteed!
Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay
Donny T continues to deliver on promises made to REAL American's. This dude ROCKS!
Please explain how kicking these people out-people who know no other home but the US-is going to make this a better country? This is just more proof that Trump and those people who he made that promise to are sadistic, heartless ,racist bastards. Are they what "real Americans" are? Are you a "real American :" Johnny Reb?
Trump has chosen his sides. He sides with white supremacists and 30% of voters. Will Republicans commit electoral suicide? Democrats should use every important piece of legislation such as the Texas relief bill, debt ceiling bill, and budget bill to save DACA.
The country can not afford DACA... Its a diminishing return.
And what exactly is the DACA costing anybody?
Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay
Donny T continues to deliver on promises made to REAL American's. This dude ROCKS!
Please explain how kicking these people out-people who know no other home but the US-is going to make this a better country? This is just more proof that Trump and those people who he made that promise to are sadistic, heartless ,racist bastards. Are they what "real Americans" are? Are you a "real American :" Johnny Reb?

Real leaders have the balls to make changes such as this...they won't allow emotion to get in the way...you wouldn't understand this as you people only think with a bleeding heart, you disregard the economics and potential social destruction in almost everything...it's what you do. A new precedent is being set. This is what Making America American Again feels like. Hahaha....get use to it bud, you have 7.5 years remaining.
Trump has chosen his sides. He sides with white supremacists and 30% of voters. Will Republicans commit electoral suicide? Democrats should use every important piece of legislation such as the Texas relief bill, debt ceiling bill, and budget bill to save DACA.
The country can not afford DACA... Its a diminishing return.
And what exactly is the DACA costing anybody?
Illegal aliens cost the country tremendous amount on the front end and on the back end only has a diminishing return.
Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay
Donny T continues to deliver on promises made to REAL American's. This dude ROCKS!
Please explain how kicking these people out-people who know no other home but the US-is going to make this a better country? This is just more proof that Trump and those people who he made that promise to are sadistic, heartless ,racist bastards. Are they what "real Americans" are? Are you a "real American :" Johnny Reb?
Why do you ask for explanation you know you will refuse? But I'll tell you one more time. They are illegal aliens.

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