Cyclonus the Odician: Facebook Revelation


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a tech-species parable inspired by Transformers: The Movie and The Lawnmower Man.



"Cyclonus was a diabolical A.I. robot from the planet Cybertron who travelled to Earth to investigate the modern human civilization problem of mishandled industrialization-related toxic-waste. Cyclonus discovered that human beings were obsessed with Facebook (the popular social networking website) but were neglecting eco-oriented issues such as manmade pollution. Obviously, human civilization had become obsessed with 'toys'."


"Cyclonus showed the scientists on Earth diagrams of his home-planet Cybertron and how great cities on Cybertron were symbols of balance and technological harmony. However, Cyclonus did not tell humans that his species of A.I. robots on Cybertron engaged in slavery and fascism. Cyclonus wanted to lure human civilization towards a slavery-model so his robot-species could invade and colonize someday. However, Cyclonus was horrified as the toxic-waste problem on Earth!"


"America was the 'Big Brother' of the planet, and Cyclonus realized that whatever the U.S. government said about the federal management of toxic-waste would be considered 'Gospel.' Cyclonus looked at various comic book art depicting toxic-waste as a significant modernism problem and concluded that human civilization had great potential but only needed some proper guidance. Cyclonus envisioned a human civilization obediently and mindlessly following his robot-species on Cybertron and avoid the anathema of mishandled toxic-waste."


"After a few years, Cyclonus became a 'celebrity' on Earth and had his profile featured on Facebook(!). Countless fans and others looked at Cyclonus's 'Facebook page' and made comments on the nature and destiny of the intelligent robot from Cybertron. Cyclonus was even given an honorary title --- CYCLONUS THE ODICIAN. The title/term 'Odician' referred to a great fictional Utopia (called Odicia!) referred to in a now very-popular science-fiction fantasy film called The Hobbit: Odicia (a more futuristic rendition of Tolkien's Hobbit series of planetary-mastery stories)."


"Cyclonus was given a set of 'entertainment-tech memorabilia' to take back with him to Cybertron, including a classic Apple Macintosh, a Sony Walkman, and a Samsung Blu-ray player. Cyclonus had falsely told everyone he was a great fan of Facebook so people wondered if they should 'honor' him with great gifts symbolizing tech-entertainment. Cyclonus's real scheme was to take these tech-items to Cybertron and help his robot-species plan their invasion and eventual colonization of human civilization and Earth. Cyclonus was intrigued, however, at the way intellectual creativity complemented humanity's fascination with self-reliance."


"As a personal gesture, Cyclonus took with him a vintage 1980s compact audio cassette with a recording on it so he could show his robot masters and peers on Cybertron how human beings made their entertainment-tech resemble colourful/nifty 'toys.' Cyclonus now had everything necessary to help his robot-species colonize human civilization. He told U.S. President Donald Trump that he'd return to Earth with more Cybertronian diplomats, and Trump shook his big hand and said, 'Cyclonus the Odician, we have been fortunate to engage with your sense of intellectual flowery and have had much fun commenting about you on Facebook (and tweeting!)'!"


GOD: Cyclonus is an ambitious traveller.
SATAN: He has the plans now to colonize Earth!
GOD: Humans will defy him with their intellectual imagination.
SATAN: Will they be able to withstand the military onslaught?
GOD: Cybertronians are tough, but humans are great negotiators.
SATAN: Cyclonus will convince his robot-species that mercilessness is practical.
GOD: No, President Trump has the ability to convince the robots that humans are special.
SATAN: You think Donald Trump is a great 'humanity advocate,' eh?
GOD: I surely do...
SATAN: Why are you so convinced?
GOD: Trump is the perfect 'consumerism diplomat' (or 'Wall Street priest').
SATAN: Let's hope Cybertronians are curious about 'capitalism flowery.'
GOD: Capitalism is about contracts, and contracts separate fascists from the faithful.
SATAN: Humans have a good deal of faith...
GOD: Humanity is a 'Facebook species' and it cares about vitality on Earth.
SATAN: Let's hope Cyclonus and his 'robot pals' have pity on humans.
GOD: This new era of tech-choreography is marked by festivity (not vandalism).
SATAN: We'll see...




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