CVS apologizes after white manager calls police on black customer over coupon


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
The employees who were involved in the incident will not be working in the store pending the findings of our investigation," a company spokesman said.

by Tim Stelloh / Jul.15.2018 / 7:32 PM ET

CVS apologized Sunday to a black customer who said a white manager called the police after deciding that a coupon she tried to use at a Chicago pharmacy was fraudulent.

"CVS is actively investigating what happened and we will take any corrective action that is warranted based on the outcome of our investigation," company spokesman Mike DeAngelis said in a statement. "The employees who were involved in the incident will not be working in the store pending the findings of our investigation."

DeAngelis added that CVS has "firm non-discrimination policies in place to help ensure that all customers are treated with respect and dignity. Profiling or any other type of discriminatory behavior is strictly prohibited."

The customer, Camilla Hudson, said in a Facebook post that she presented the coupon for a defective product to a pharmacy manager last week. The manager told her he'd never seen a similar coupon and believed it was a fraud.​
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I originally saw this story on TV news and the manager on the phone was shaking so badly I though maybe he suffers from a medical condition like Parkinson's or something. If he was shaking because he was truly that terrified I can only wonder what he thought was going to happen to him.
Of course he was terrified. Black people can wig out any moment. He probably thought he was going to be murdered and his store destroyed.
Of course he was terrified. Black people can wig out any moment. He probably thought he was going to be murdered and his store destroyed.

It might still be. The mob could descend any minute. Had the customer been white, this would not be any story at all and would be dismissed as a non-event and simple mix-up. Had the white lady complained, she would have been told to shut up. Just because it involved a black lady, it suddenly becomes a "race" issue, a conspiracy, and the wire carries it everywhere immediately. The media make sure people only hear these stories when it involves a black person so automatically assume that it is racially motivated because everytime they read such a story, its always another black person!
Of course he was terrified. Black people can wig out any moment. He probably thought he was going to be murdered and his store destroyed.

It might still be. The mob could descend any minute. Had the customer been white, this would not be any story at all and would be dismissed as a non-event and simple mix-up. Had the white lady complained, she would have been told to shut up. Just because it involved a black lady, it suddenly becomes a "race" issue, a conspiracy, and the wire carries it everywhere immediately. The media make sure people only hear these stories when it involves a black person so automatically assume that it is racially motivated because everytime they read such a story, its always another black person!

Here comes the white victimhood.
It might still be. The mob could descend any minute. Had the customer been white, this would not be any story at all and would be dismissed as a non-event and simple mix-up. Had the white lady complained, she would have been told to shut up. Just because it involved a black lady, it suddenly becomes a "race" issue, a conspiracy, and the wire carries it everywhere immediately. The media make sure people only hear these stories when it involves a black person so automatically assume that it is racially motivated because everytime they read such a story, its always another black person!

I never heard of a white person having the cops called because they tried to use the wrong coupon.

Have you?
Is it possible after more than THIRTY years of listening to American urban-TRUTH-tellers, including President & Mrs. Obama friends & WH guests, HATEFULLY denigrating black or American girls and women of African descent as less than human 'B*tches, "HOES' & 'THOTS', perhaps non-black Americans are WARY, FEARFUL of, or want nothing to do with black or American women of African descent?



Frankly, I think many Caucasian and non-black Americans, especially younger people are afraid of black or American citizens of African descent.

Here's one reason I believe they are fearful or wary.

When, Why Did American Moms Become Less Than Human Creatures?

I do not always agree with social commentator Mr. David Carroll, however I respect him as a concerned caring fellow citizen attempting to shine a light on the 'Fvvkery' he believes is causing grievous harm to our Nation's most precious and cherished assets, as well as far too many black or American adults of African descent.

"Calling the police on Negroes pt1" Published on Jul 13, 2018 BY social commentator Mr. David Carroll

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'Pro Black' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

YouTube Search Terms: 'Pro-Black American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll

It might still be. The mob could descend any minute. Had the customer been white, this would not be any story at all and would be dismissed as a non-event and simple mix-up. Had the white lady complained, she would have been told to shut up. Just because it involved a black lady, it suddenly becomes a "race" issue, a conspiracy, and the wire carries it everywhere immediately. The media make sure people only hear these stories when it involves a black person so automatically assume that it is racially motivated because everytime they read such a story, its always another black person!

I never heard of a white person having the cops called because they tried to use the wrong coupon.

Have you?
It might still be. The mob could descend any minute. Had the customer been white, this would not be any story at all and would be dismissed as a non-event and simple mix-up. Had the white lady complained, she would have been told to shut up. Just because it involved a black lady, it suddenly becomes a "race" issue, a conspiracy, and the wire carries it everywhere immediately. The media make sure people only hear these stories when it involves a black person so automatically assume that it is racially motivated because everytime they read such a story, its always another black person!

I never heard of a white person having the cops called because they tried to use the wrong coupon.

Have you?

THAT WAS MY POINT! Can't you F----king read? When its a white person, the news media doesn't even pursue it as a story, so all you ever hear about is when it's a Black! Just as with police arrests, when all you hear (by design) is Black, Black, Black, Black, on any story that can be spun as an "injustice" story, then you are bound to get the impression there is a conscious discrimination and bias going on! That is how they get the reader! It's called SELECTIVE COVERAGE. Our media filters the coverage in order to spin a desired outcome.

When people began to shake that way AND they don't have a medical condition it's usually due to extreme fear or rage.

The fear of black people and the presumption that we as a people are more likely to engage in violence than not is why black people are being gunned down in the streets.

On the other hand, some people crumble when their "authority" is questioned. This guy looks like his world view just collapsed. If he doesn't understand why accusing someone of engaging in fraudulent "criminal" activity when they are not would upset them then he should not be working with the public.
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THAT WAS MY POINT! Can't you F----king read? When its a white person, the news media doesn't even pursue it as a story, so all you ever hear about is when it's a Black! Just as with police arrests, when all you hear (by design) is Black, Black, Black, Black, on any story that can be spun as an "injustice" story, then you are bound to get the impression there is a conscious discrimination and bias going on! That is how they get the reader! It's called SELECTIVE COVERAGE. Our media filters the coverage in order to spin a desired outcome.

Um, no, calling the cops on a black woman because they thought her coupons were fake really is racist as shit...
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THAT WAS MY POINT! Can't you F----king read? When its a white person, the news media doesn't even pursue it as a story, so all you ever hear about is when it's a Black! Just as with police arrests, when all you hear (by design) is Black, Black, Black, Black, on any story that can be spun as an "injustice" story, then you are bound to get the impression there is a conscious discrimination and bias going on! That is how they get the reader! It's called SELECTIVE COVERAGE. Our media filters the coverage in order to spin a desired outcome.

Um, no, calling the cops on a black woman because they thought her coupons were fake really is racist as shit...

So calling the cops on a person trying to use a presumed falsified document to procure federally regulated drugs illegally is a crime.
But if she's a black woman, then it merely becomes racist?
Therefore, blacks don't commit crimes, they are always just DISCRIMINATED AGAINST?
How many ways is your remark STUPID AND RACIST as shit?
So calling the cops on a person trying to use a presumed falsified document to procure federally regulated drugs illegally is a crime.
But if she's a black woman, then it merely becomes racist?
Therefore, blacks don't commit crimes, they are always just DISCRIMINATED AGAINST?
How many ways is your remark STUPID AND RACIST as shit?

Except it wasn't a fake coupon.
It was for OTC items (I don't even think they were drugs)

Look, even CVS realized they fucked up and fired these two assholes.
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The employees who were involved in the incident will not be working in the store pending the findings of our investigation," a company spokesman said.

by Tim Stelloh / Jul.15.2018 / 7:32 PM ET

CVS apologized Sunday to a black customer who said a white manager called the police after deciding that a coupon she tried to use at a Chicago pharmacy was fraudulent.

"CVS is actively investigating what happened and we will take any corrective action that is warranted based on the outcome of our investigation," company spokesman Mike DeAngelis said in a statement. "The employees who were involved in the incident will not be working in the store pending the findings of our investigation."

DeAngelis added that CVS has "firm non-discrimination policies in place to help ensure that all customers are treated with respect and dignity. Profiling or any other type of discriminatory behavior is strictly prohibited."

The customer, Camilla Hudson, said in a Facebook post that she presented the coupon for a defective product to a pharmacy manager last week. The manager told her he'd never seen a similar coupon and believed it was a fraud.​
She was probably trying to buy drugs with food stamps.

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