"cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years, "

Of course they are paid less than the total value of what gthey produce or nothing would be produced.
Only in economic systems where a small minority of society decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any surplus.
Why are liberals so concerned with how much wealth some people aquire? It's not like there's less for them.
He was wrong about labor and that is long proven fact

"Although the labor theory of value is demonstrably false, it prevailed among classical economists through the midnineteenth century.

"Adam Smith, for instance, flirted with a labor theory of value in his classic defense of capitalism, The Wealth of Nations (1776), and David Ricardo later systematized it in his Principles of Political Economy (1817), a text studied by generations of free-market economists.

"So the labor theory of value was not unique to Marxism."

Marxism - Econlib
There's nothing subjective about the fact workers under capitalism have no ownership stake in the means of production.
You sure do lie a lot.

The Employee Ownership 100: America's Largest Majority Employee-Owned Companies

The NCEO’s 2020 Employee Ownership 100 list includes the nation’s largest companies that are at least 50% owned by an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) or other broad-based employee ownership plan. Many are 100% employee-owned. Employment includes all full- and part-time employees in the U.S. and worldwide.

The great majority (96%) of the companies on this list have ESOPs, and several of them have more than one plan. Other vehicles for employee ownership on this list include profit sharing plans invested in company stock, stock purchase plans, 401(k) plans, and a worker cooperative.

Seven companies have been added to this year’s list, and the companies featured collectively more than 620,000 people worldwide. This year the smallest companies on the list have 1,260 employees.
Those numbers *ahem* assume that "the wealthy" will continue to produce resources to be looted by commie scum like the Berntard....History proves him wrong.

Of course, those looters will use their failure as evidence that even more looting is called for.

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Of course that is Communism. Socialism works great iñ every modern country but us, the world's richest country but with the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Only the brainwash makes this possible. Considering the richest have doubled their wealth in the last 15 years, that seems pretty fair to me. They are way overdue. We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else and our infrastructure. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
So says Bernie Sanders...https://berniesanders.com/issues/tax-extreme-wealth/
He says ..."Will raise an estimated $4.35 trillion over the next decade"
That's $435 billion additional tax revenue per year.
Right now... if the top 1% of US households (164 million households) or 1.64 million earn
$1,700,000 per year and pay right now about 20% of all federal tax revenue.
BUT if Bernie and the majority of the ignorant people on this board have their way...
according to Bernie these "billionaires" will have "cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years,"
Hmmm... so if Bernie has his way and cuts these evil billionaires wealth in half... how will Bernie pay for the next 15 years?
Remember he is counting on these "billionaires" to pay $435 billion a year from their wealth which according to his plan will be reduced every year.
Which means the tax payments will be reduced. It's just simple economics.
Bernie is a delusional child if he thinks he can even begin that effort. I'm surprised he doesn't realize how bought off all of his colleagues are already.
Weird how georgephillip hasn't fled the oppressive USA for Cuba, huh?

Kinda makes me think he is all bullshit and no action. :banana:
He's a chickenred.

Someone who advocates Communism but is too cowardly to move to a Communist nation; who advocates the destruction of the US Constitution while hiding behind its protections; who condemns the American consumerism lifestyle while living that same lifestyle.

That woman at the protest handing out pro-Castro literature is a chickenred...she'd never move to Cuba.
Of course that is Communism. Socialism works great iñ every modern country but us, the world's richest country but with the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Only the brainwash makes this possible. Considering the richest have doubled their wealth in the last 15 years, that seems pretty fair to me. They are way overdue. We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else and our infrastructure. Google the only tax graph you need to know.
Socialism is a drain on every society it has infected.
Socialism is a drain on every society it has infected.
[ their Fair share so the capitalism is fair instead of this GOP mess we have. Every modern country is socialist. Canada has everything AOC and Bernie Sanders want. Brainwashed functional moron.
Socialism is a drain on every society it has infected.
Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net. You brainwashed functional morons are always talking about communism a dictatorship.
Of course that is Communism. Socialism works great iñ every modern country but us, the world's richest country but with the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. Only the brainwash makes this possible. Considering the richest have doubled their wealth in the last 15 years, that seems pretty fair to me. They are way overdue. We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else and our infrastructure. Google the only tax graph you need to know.

Inequality is irrelevant and harms no one. We have more upward and down ward mobility than anywhere.

Socialism fails universally and only the brainwashed claim otherwise.
Hell, Bernie has been bought off numerous times.
Every other developed country already has everything that Bernie and AOC want and Democrats want to. Living wage healthcare daycare pay perental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the goddamn greedy idiots.

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