Cummings wife's refusal to turn over records on her nonprofit is illegal expert says

I somehow doubt it, as none of that is reported on decent reliable sites.

Instead of just running down him now some freaks are attacking his wife.
Death penalty,, he and she are slave owners
She doesn't have a choice unless the democrat majority in congress circles the wagons around Cummings and his wife and the MSM pretends they never heard of her.

You mean if they pull off a Trump.
Pull off a Trump? New York had to change the law to go after Trump's tax records. The radical left used to hate lobbyists except when they are connected to democrat lawmakers.
She doesn't have a choice unless the democrat majority in congress circles the wagons around Cummings and his wife and the MSM pretends they never heard of her.

You mean if they pull off a Trump.
Pull off a Trump? New York had to change the law to go after Trump's tax records. The radical left used to hate lobbyists except when they are connected to democrat lawmakers.

Republicans used to claim to be the party of morals, family values, etc. since Trump hit the scene you have lost all of that.
I somehow doubt it, as none of that is reported on decent reliable sites.

Instead of just running down him now some freaks are attacking his wife.
There are endless amounts of Prog politicians and people around them not investigated and charged due to accusations not of love. Even so, there are some still charged and by golly, they go to jail.

If they really wanted to investigate they should investigate tramp. FACT is a conservative non profit which investigates Democrats in case they might find dirt on them,

They should be investigated:
FACT has largely focused on Hillary Clinton[13] and the e-mail scandal[14][15][16] or other Democratic representatives such as Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana, Representative Patrick E. Murphy of Florida and Representative Ted Strickland of Ohio.[17][18] FACT lobbied against the confirmation of one-time Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, and filed an FEC complaint against Democratic voter data firm Catalist in 2015.[9] Despite claiming to be nonpartisan, the organization called for ethics investigations into or filed complaints about forty-six different Democratic politicians, officials, and organizations, compared to only a few Republicans.[19] During his tenure, Whitaker wrote opinion pieces that appeared in USA Today and The Washington Examiner, and appeared regularly on conservative talk-radio shows and cable news.[20] In 2017, Whitaker as executive director of FACT wrote:[21]
You hate Trump, I get it. There are many politicians who are Progs who have not been charged do to political reasons over the decades. They have to be really bad or used as scape goats. The issue is that we need to see improvements in areas and see more of the resources get to them. To many shyster BS artists dot many areas of our nation deferring resources somewhere else or wasting those resources with little in return.
Lol and again the loons rush in screaming bbbbbbut Trump!!!!!!!!

President Trump has served his country at great personal financial loss, not gain.
Maybe the only politician to ever do that - post revolutionary war era.

Give me a break, now were paying for his toilet paper and paying him to fly to his summer wh and his golf ranges.

He never had it so good, I bet he flew into Wash on fumes.
Why isn't Trump or his minions turning over any records that have been requested by Congress? You double standard cocksuckers are a disgrace.
Start a thread about it, homey. This one is about Elijah Cummings and his wife who set up a non profit organization and
now refuses to turn over documentation about it.

Gosh! Why would she do that? What do you suppose the reason for that is?
Not until tramp turns over his taxes.
"Clever" deflection. Trump's tax returns are not the issue. Maya Cummings' use of her non profit to finance her personal business is. Elijah Cummings’s Wife Used Her Charity To Pay Her For-Profit Company, Documents Show

Cowardly and dumb is no way to go through life.
Multiple charity watchdogs said the previously undisclosed financial arrangement between Rockeymoore Cummings’s charity and for-profit company raises red flags.
An EASY fix is....
1). Going to run for office? Tax returns MANDATORY. Spouses included.
2).any org
Rep. Elijah Cummings' home was burglarized early Saturday morning, sources confirm


Sources confirm to the 11 News I-Team that Rep. Elijah Cummings' home was broken into on early Saturday morning.

According to officials, the Baltimore Police Department is investigating a report of a burglary that occurred on Saturday, around 3:40 a.m., at a home in the 2000 block of Madison Avenue.

At this time, it is unknown if any property was taken from the location, officials said.

Officials told 11 News that they expect to have more information on Friday.

Detectives from the Central District are investigating this incident. Anyone with information is asked to call 410-396-2221 or Metro Crime Stoppers at 1-866-7LOCKUP.
Rep. Elijah Cummings' home was burglarized early Saturday morning


And strangely enough the only thing stolen was a file cabinet and a laptop.
Typical racist left allowing and laughing at negro race profiteers scamming and gaming the system for political expediency and gaining wealth on the backs of black grievances
Why isn't Trump or his minions turning over any records that have been requested by Congress? You double standard cocksuckers are a disgrace.
Start a thread about it, homey. This one is about Elijah Cummings and his wife who set up a non profit organization and
now refuses to turn over documentation about it.

Gosh! Why would she do that? What do you suppose the reason for that is?

She found a short cut to reparations?

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