Cuba Denies Visas To US Lawmakers

You're clueless. Cuba brought the world to the brink and has tortured its own people for sixty years and Obama rewards them for it.
You should not be allowed to vote.

Yes, i know. I mean, those Cubans supporting Castro for 60 years... maybe he's actually done some good for most Cubans.

I think you need to study some history of what Cuba was like before Castro.
Thy want to send flights to the US, 100 a day. Their airport security is supposedly inadequate and five of our people wanted to go check it out. You would think since Obama normalized relations with Cuba, they would make a decent gesture. HEY but your right Joe, they are a sovereign country, so if they want to deny us visas, We should tell them to go fuck themselves.

NO flights from Cuba. Why should we let them fly here if they want to be an ass about it?

I am sure the FAA and it's Cuban Counterpart will work this out, just fine.

But, uh, no, after 60 years of trying to starve them out, I really don't expect that they are going to be very trusting the first day.
Cuba denies visas for House lawmakers | Fox News

Obama is so damn dumb.

Cuba is refusing to approve visa applications for members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, according to the committee's chairman.

How DARE Cuba think they are a sovereign country!!!

Come to think of it, this has been our problem in our relationship with Cuba all along, isn't it.
so let me see if I understand. You praise the communist shithole for refusing to let people in and base it on the fact that they are a sovereign country.
Yet, you think the Conservatives (Americans) are ignorant racists because they want to refuse to let people just walk across the border without stopping them.
I know I cant be the first one to point out that you are an idiot.
I agree. Liberals can be so hypocritical and are even blind to the fact that it is so obvious.
Why does somebody usually points nukes at ya dumbass? They want you anhillated. Now don't tell me yer gonna hug them dude!

actually, they pointed nukes at us because we spent 60 years raping their country.

We should count ourselves lucky the Russians controlled the buttons.
You're clueless. Cuba brought the world to the brink and has tortured its own people for sixty years and Obama rewards them for it.
You should not be allowed to vote.
Stop acting like the US is the holier than thou fuckin country that can pass judgement on every effin body.....guess what we torture mf's, we treat our minorities like shit and we do this all under and in the name of GOD, so pot meet effin kettle, this country is the last fuckin country who should be pointing fingers at N E Body!!
Why don't you go find a country you like asshole? There are many to choose from. Get the hell out of this shithole. It's people like you who make it a shithole.
Why don't you go find a country you like asshole? There are many to choose from. Get the hell out of this shithole. It's people like you who make it a shithole.

really? It strikes me up until Reagan and Nixon came along, this was a pretty good country to live in... then they started telling you the feminists and the colored were responsible for all your unhappiness and you bought into it.
Why don't you go find a country you like asshole? There are many to choose from. Get the hell out of this shithole. It's people like you who make it a shithole.

really? It strikes me up until Reagan and Nixon came along, this was a pretty good country to live in... then they started telling you the feminists and the colored were responsible for all your unhappiness and you bought into it.
Do you have quotes on that? Because I do not remember being told that. Give us proof.
Why does somebody usually points nukes at ya dumbass? They want you anhillated. Now don't tell me yer gonna hug them dude!

actually, they pointed nukes at us because we spent 60 years raping their country.

We should count ourselves lucky the Russians controlled the buttons.

You are a typical blame-America-first liberal Democrat quisling.

America NEVER got into a war or any conflict in order to or with ambition to gain territory. America has always been gracious and generous in winning. If you need proof of that look how Germany and Japan fared after WWII compared to the unfortunate countries occupied, dominated and enslaved by the Soviet Union.

Pity, but very telling that it takes a non American person to point this out to you.

The leader of the group is Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas cuba

Rubio Leads Republican Charge to Block Obama Cuba Policy in 2015

The Obama administration should seek Congress’s approval rather than “act unilaterally” to change U.S. policy on Cuba, Representative Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican who leads the House Homeland Security Committee, said in a statement.

“Once again, with the stroke of a pen, President Obama has upended this longstanding bipartisan policy toward one of the most oppressive regimes on the planet with very little to show in return,” McCaul said.

He acts like a total bastard towards Cuba, but then moans when a undesirable is refused entry.

He's an idiot, and so is anyone who complains a country doesn't want to let a trouble making bastard into it as if that country has done something wrong.
You are a typical blame-America-first liberal Democrat quisling.

Yes, America never blockaded Cuba when Russia placed medium range missiles there, even though they were a reply to America's missiles in Turkey the year before.

The Soviets were simply evening the playing field after America raised the stakes.

Of course, no one likes to mention the Jupiter II missiles in Turkey because that would be anti American.
Why does somebody usually points nukes at ya dumbass? They want you anhillated. Now don't tell me yer gonna hug them dude!

actually, they pointed nukes at us because we spent 60 years raping their country.

We should count ourselves lucky the Russians controlled the buttons.
You're clueless. Cuba brought the world to the brink and has tortured its own people for sixty years and Obama rewards them for it.
You should not be allowed to vote.


The trouble with the New Right (NR) is they are concrete thinkers. There is no other reason for the emergence of Donald Trump as the leader of the GOP. When emotion trumps reason, it is rare that anything good will happen.
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You are a typical blame-America-first liberal Democrat quisling.

America NEVER got into a war or any conflict in order to or with ambition to gain territory.


What about the War of 1812?
The Mexican American War?
the various wars with Native Americans, mostly involving genociding the shit out of the poor bastards?
The Spanish American War?
The Philippine war?

And that's just eh wars with the limited scope of "Gaining territory", no the ones fought to bully other countries into accepting our policies.

America has always been gracious and generous in winning. If you need proof of that look how Germany and Japan fared after WWII compared to the unfortunate countries occupied, dominated and enslaved by the Soviet Union.

Okay, I could also look at Iran, South Korea, Chile, Cuba and a bunch of other countries where we supported simply awful governments because they were "our Jerks". (as Nixon once said. )

Pity, but very telling that it takes a non American person to point this out to you.

If you ignore key facts, yes, you can point things out.
Cuba denies visas for House lawmakers | Fox News

Obama is so damn dumb.

Cuba is refusing to approve visa applications for members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, according to the committee's chairman.

How DARE Cuba think they are a sovereign country!!!

Come to think of it, this has been our problem in our relationship with Cuba all along, isn't it.
No, actually I think our problem with Cuba began when they let the Russians put nukes aimed at us on their pathetic little island. Obama is a dumb fuckface.
And that was in response because we put nukes at their doorstep in turkey , history is not your friend, the soviets agreed to remove nukes only after we removed nukes from turkey which we did, then they did
So youre cool with deporting millions of illegals from the US then, right? Nah, im guessing youre just a hypocrite.

one has nothing to do with the other. But thanks for playing.
Like I said... you're just a hypocrite. Thanks for playing.

Well, if those republican lawmakers were going to Cuba to get jobs, you m ight have a point.
Wtf good did it do th restore relations with Cuba if they refuse entry visas to their country? Best to put the assholes back on ignore. They're stupid communists after all. Why does obummer love communists?
Wtf good did it do th restore relations with Cuba if they refuse entry visas to their country? Best to put the assholes back on ignore. They're stupid communists after all. Why does obummer love communists?

I think we can't do enough to make up to Cuba for all the shit we've put them through for the last century.

but to the point, they have every right to refuse VISAs, as do we. Now, if the Congressment want to sneak into the coutnry illegally, that would be amusing.

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