"Cry Baby Cry" Democrats Never Learn "Us vs. Them" is Tired Old Politics

It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

I don't try and portray him as rich. He may be but that's not one of his real problems. Sorry, it's not 2016 anymore. What he is is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. And those are his 3 more honest attributes.
/—-/ The problem with Dementia Joe is that he’s a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. See? We can hurl insults too without any proof.

Th3e difference is, it describes Rump to a T. Common, you have a lot of other claims for Biden but not any of those.
/—-/ Ok, my point went over your pin head. Prove Trump is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. You won’t because you can’t.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

It takes a special kind of idiot to still support Trump at this point.

View attachment 379983
Isn’t that picture of Trump’s America?

Nope. That is a dem city controlled by a dem mayor, who has ordered the police to stand down to let the rioters rule the streets.

Trump is very far away from there, and has nothing to do with that.

It is all you guys.

Own it, or stop supporting it.

One or the other, or you are just lying to yourself.
And yet riots occur in Republican controlled states and cities and in Trump’s America.

Tough places to be, ain’t they?

Republican controlled cities? Link for example and discussion.

Or admit that you were just talking shit.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

You would trust Obama(used car salesman), Nanacy Pelosi( carnival worker) and Marion Barry(crack addict) . Good to know!
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.
LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.

You don’t have common sense. You believe in conspiracy theories so blatantly false you could drive a tank through the holes in that Swiss cheese.

That you refer to Joe Biden as “pedo Joe” shows your lack of critical thought processes, even more than your support for Trump.
DragonKlunt, what "conspiracy theories" do you believe I expound that you claim are so false and far fetched? Are they even more outside the realm like say Trump and the Rooskies conspired to steal the election from a coven witch like the Hildebeast? Go fuck yourself, you commie sack of shit. You can't go "toe to toe" with me in a debate on the best day you ever had. Stupid fucks like yourself use the "Uhhhh-uh" defense when presented with facts that upset your sense of decorum and upset your world view. Why is it that COVID that was introduced by eugenicists like Fauci, obamamonkey, Hildebeast and Bill Gates takes elderly folks that are decent while leaving sacks of shit like yourself the ability to continue to breathe air? I would knock back an entire bottle champagne if'n I was to learn that you croaked.....good times indeed.

Now, with that said? Until that COVID that is hiding under every crevice finally finds you? Go fuck yourself with one of those monstrous dildos that you use to "pleasure" yourself...


LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.

Dale thinks the Jesuits are out to get him.... He has nightmares about the Swiss Guard.

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Joe, the bloated blowhard? You know nothing about the Jesuit order of the catholic church even though you claim to have distanced yourself from the Vatican. Did you know that the Jesuits were the first to use the doctrine of communism in South America in the 1600's?
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.
LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.

You don’t have common sense. You believe in conspiracy theories so blatantly false you could drive a tank through the holes in that Swiss cheese.

That you refer to Joe Biden as “pedo Joe” shows your lack of critical thought processes, even more than your support for Trump.
DragonKlunt, what "conspiracy theories" do you believe I expound that you claim are so false and far fetched? Are they even more outside the realm like say Trump and the Rooskies conspired to steal the election from a coven witch like the Hildebeast? Go fuck yourself, you commie sack of shit. You can't go "toe to toe" with me in a debate on the best day you ever had. Stupid fucks like yourself use the "Uhhhh-uh" defense when presented with facts that upset your sense of decorum and upset your world view. Why is it that COVID that was introduced by eugenicists like Fauci, obamamonkey, Hildebeast and Bill Gates takes elderly folks that are decent while leaving sacks of shit like yourself the ability to continue to breathe air? I would knock back an entire bottle champagne if'n I was to learn that you croaked.....good times indeed.

Now, with that said? Until that COVID that is hiding under every crevice finally finds you? Go fuck yourself with one of those monstrous dildos that you use to "pleasure" yourself...




LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.

Dale thinks the Jesuits are out to get him.... He has nightmares about the Swiss Guard.

View attachment 379984

Joe, the bloated blowhard? You know nothing about the Jesuit order of the catholic church even though you claim to have distanced yourself from the Vatican. Did you know that the Jesuits were the first to use the doctrine of communism in South America in the 1600's?
And Das Kapital was published in the 19th century.
LMAO! I wouldn't throw support behind a sleazebag like Pedo Joe, the Jesuit POS even at gunpoint and you are an idiot to believe that anyone with common sense would do so.

Dale thinks the Jesuits are out to get him.... He has nightmares about the Swiss Guard.

View attachment 379984

Joe, the bloated blowhard? You know nothing about the Jesuit order of the catholic church even though you claim to have distanced yourself from the Vatican. Did you know that the Jesuits were the first to use the doctrine of communism in South America in the 1600's?
And Das Kapital was published in the 19th century.

Did you have a point, Nosmos? By the way, I don't wear a mask............fuck you.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

This is a joke post right? You're punking us? I sometimes just do not get it. The abject worship, devotion, and dedication to a man who is a total and complete fraud..and a narcissist to boot. From the day he descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower it was about one thing and one thing only. Trump. He didn't care about being President, he didn't care (and still doesn't care) about anybody (working class or otherwise) other than himself. He loves campaigning for President. The TV and radio coverage. The popularity contest. His constant pep rallies to throw red meat to his fawning base. There is no evidence Trump "earned" anything. He won't release his taxes. And as far as us vs them? Watching the last two nights of the bile flowing out of the TNC, I'd say the right wing has the lock on that particular narrative.

Everything you just said, is just what you imagine you know about the internal life of someone else.

His policies are the best.

ANd now?

At least he is not pro-mob.

View attachment 379991

Again, just keeping pushing the same narrative. His policies and continued support of those policies are the reasons you are seeing what you are seeing now. This guy and his crew needs to go.

Trump has nothing to do with how dem mayors run their police departments.

If he was doing more about this issue, you would be screaming about him being a Strongman or a Dictator.

It is also worth noting, that you people constantly refer to how this is the result of decades, generations, or centuries of blah, blah, blah.

You don't get to do that, and then hold Trump personally responsible.

If the cause is from before he was born, you can't blame him!


Of course we get to hold Trump personally responsible. For sending jackbooted thugs into Portland to escalate an already tense situation. For dialing up the rhetoric to try and scare suburban housewives into believing armed groups of thugs were coming to their neighborhood. Listening to his douchebag son and his girlfriend ranting on like big haired preachers about the end of our country and who's to blame. His statements after Charlottesville...so yeah, we get to blame him. Because he's a divisive, lying grifter who sees his only path to retaining power is to divide the country. Talk about Us vs Them. Trump personifies it.

I think you need to look in the mirror to see who the joke is. I get it. You're a true believer. I have zero idea what you believe Trump is going to deliver for you..except chaos.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

This is a joke post right? You're punking us? I sometimes just do not get it. The abject worship, devotion, and dedication to a man who is a total and complete fraud..and a narcissist to boot. From the day he descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower it was about one thing and one thing only. Trump. He didn't care about being President, he didn't care (and still doesn't care) about anybody (working class or otherwise) other than himself. He loves campaigning for President. The TV and radio coverage. The popularity contest. His constant pep rallies to throw red meat to his fawning base. There is no evidence Trump "earned" anything. He won't release his taxes. And as far as us vs them? Watching the last two nights of the bile flowing out of the TNC, I'd say the right wing has the lock on that particular narrative.

Everything you just said, is just what you imagine you know about the internal life of someone else.

His policies are the best.

ANd now?

At least he is not pro-mob.

View attachment 379991

Again, just keeping pushing the same narrative. His policies and continued support of those policies are the reasons you are seeing what you are seeing now. This guy and his crew needs to go.

Trump has nothing to do with how dem mayors run their police departments.

If he was doing more about this issue, you would be screaming about him being a Strongman or a Dictator.

It is also worth noting, that you people constantly refer to how this is the result of decades, generations, or centuries of blah, blah, blah.

You don't get to do that, and then hold Trump personally responsible.

If the cause is from before he was born, you can't blame him!


Of course we get to hold Trump personally responsible. For sending jackbooted thugs into Portland to escalate an already tense situation. For dialing up the rhetoric to try and scare suburban housewives into believing armed groups of thugs were coming to their neighborhood. Listening to his douchebag son and his girlfriend ranting on like big haired preachers about the end of our country and who's to blame. His statements after Charlottesville...so yeah, we get to blame him. Because he's a divisive, lying grifter who sees his only path to retaining power is to divide the country. Talk about Us vs Them. Trump personifies it.

I think you need to look in the mirror to see who the joke is. I get it. You're a true believer. I have zero idea what you believe Trump is going to deliver for you..except chaos.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

This is a joke post right? You're punking us? I sometimes just do not get it. The abject worship, devotion, and dedication to a man who is a total and complete fraud..and a narcissist to boot. From the day he descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower it was about one thing and one thing only. Trump. He didn't care about being President, he didn't care (and still doesn't care) about anybody (working class or otherwise) other than himself. He loves campaigning for President. The TV and radio coverage. The popularity contest. His constant pep rallies to throw red meat to his fawning base. There is no evidence Trump "earned" anything. He won't release his taxes. And as far as us vs them? Watching the last two nights of the bile flowing out of the TNC, I'd say the right wing has the lock on that particular narrative.

Everything you just said, is just what you imagine you know about the internal life of someone else.

His policies are the best.

ANd now?

At least he is not pro-mob.

View attachment 379991

Again, just keeping pushing the same narrative. His policies and continued support of those policies are the reasons you are seeing what you are seeing now. This guy and his crew needs to go.

Trump has nothing to do with how dem mayors run their police departments.

If he was doing more about this issue, you would be screaming about him being a Strongman or a Dictator.

It is also worth noting, that you people constantly refer to how this is the result of decades, generations, or centuries of blah, blah, blah.

You don't get to do that, and then hold Trump personally responsible.

If the cause is from before he was born, you can't blame him!


Of course we get to hold Trump personally responsible. For sending jackbooted thugs into Portland to escalate an already tense situation. For dialing up the rhetoric to try and scare suburban housewives into believing armed groups of thugs were coming to their neighborhood. Listening to his douchebag son and his girlfriend ranting on like big haired preachers about the end of our country and who's to blame. His statements after Charlottesville...so yeah, we get to blame him. Because he's a divisive, lying grifter who sees his only path to retaining power is to divide the country. Talk about Us vs Them. Trump personifies it.

I think you need to look in the mirror to see who the joke is. I get it. You're a true believer. I have zero idea what you believe Trump is going to deliver for you..except chaos.

Anqweefa" and the gangsta BLM wannabes won't be "saggin" in red states like Texas nor will they be threatening to rampage, pillage and plunder NOR will they threatening communities here because we will send them home to stand in front of Jesus. We don't put up with that kind of shit here, "home slice".

It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

are you really this stupid?

anyone who isn't a moron would realize that trump, limbaugh, fox news, the republican party and all trumpers are using "US v THEM!"


you are truly an idiot
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.
He is an embarrassment because he levels the playing field for us. We know you hate anything that benefits the united states.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

This is a joke post right? You're punking us? I sometimes just do not get it. The abject worship, devotion, and dedication to a man who is a total and complete fraud..and a narcissist to boot. From the day he descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower it was about one thing and one thing only. Trump. He didn't care about being President, he didn't care (and still doesn't care) about anybody (working class or otherwise) other than himself. He loves campaigning for President. The TV and radio coverage. The popularity contest. His constant pep rallies to throw red meat to his fawning base. There is no evidence Trump "earned" anything. He won't release his taxes. And as far as us vs them? Watching the last two nights of the bile flowing out of the TNC, I'd say the right wing has the lock on that particular narrative.

Everything you just said, is just what you imagine you know about the internal life of someone else.

His policies are the best.

ANd now?

At least he is not pro-mob.

View attachment 379991

Again, just keeping pushing the same narrative. His policies and continued support of those policies are the reasons you are seeing what you are seeing now. This guy and his crew needs to go.

Trump has nothing to do with how dem mayors run their police departments.

If he was doing more about this issue, you would be screaming about him being a Strongman or a Dictator.

It is also worth noting, that you people constantly refer to how this is the result of decades, generations, or centuries of blah, blah, blah.

You don't get to do that, and then hold Trump personally responsible.

If the cause is from before he was born, you can't blame him!


Of course we get to hold Trump personally responsible. For sending jackbooted thugs into Portland to escalate an already tense situation. For dialing up the rhetoric to try and scare suburban housewives into believing armed groups of thugs were coming to their neighborhood. Listening to his douchebag son and his girlfriend ranting on like big haired preachers about the end of our country and who's to blame. His statements after Charlottesville...so yeah, we get to blame him. Because he's a divisive, lying grifter who sees his only path to retaining power is to divide the country. Talk about Us vs Them. Trump personifies it.

I think you need to look in the mirror to see who the joke is. I get it. You're a true believer. I have zero idea what you believe Trump is going to deliver for you..except chaos.

1. The federal agents defended federal buildings from rioters. Only someone on the side of the violent mob, could have a problem with that.

2. The groups of armed thugs, have entered residential areas and attacked and threatened people and destroyed property. On someone on the side of the vicious animal thugs would deny that.

3. The country you people want, as demonstrated by what you have done in your dem controlled cities, is to any real American, the "end of our country". ONly someone on the side of the blood thirsty mob, that is ruling dem cities with the help of the dem mayors, could deny that.

4. Trump was absolutely right about Charlottesville. He specifically stated that there were good people in favor of and opposed to the historical statues. ONly someone who is a on the side of the racist mobs killing and burning in the streets, would deny that.

5. I have hopes for Trump and his policies. That is why I voted for him in the Primaries. Come this November, i will be voting against the violent racist mobs and the vile scum of the earth that support them, ie Biden and the dems.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

are you really this stupid?

anyone who isn't a moron would realize that trump, limbaugh, fox news, the republican party and all trumpers are using "US v THEM!"


you are truly an idiot
Eat shit and die, you commie piece of shit. I want nothing from the likes of you and your ilk....etch that in stone, you ****.
I would trust a used car salesman, a carnival worker and a crack addict before I cast a vote of trust for any member of the criminal syndicate named Trump.

He has been a global embarrassment and I am disheartened that any thinking American who believes his line anymore.

It takes a special kind of idiot to still support Trump at this point.

View attachment 379983
Isn’t that picture of Trump’s America?

Nope. That is a dem city controlled by a dem mayor, who has ordered the police to stand down to let the rioters rule the streets.

Trump is very far away from there, and has nothing to do with that.

It is all you guys.

Own it, or stop supporting it.

One or the other, or you are just lying to yourself.
And yet riots occur in Republican controlled states and cities and in Trump’s America.

Tough places to be, ain’t they?
Name one. :abgg2q.jpg: Good Luck! :salute:
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It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

are you really this stupid?

anyone who isn't a moron would realize that trump, limbaugh, fox news, the republican party and all trumpers are using "US v THEM!"


you are truly an idiot
I'm smart enough to make up my own mind. I don't need CNN and MSNBC to tell me how to vote.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

I don't try and portray him as rich. He may be but that's not one of his real problems. Sorry, it's not 2016 anymore. What he is is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. And those are his 3 more honest attributes.
/—-/ The problem with Dementia Joe is that he’s a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. See? We can hurl insults too without any proof.

His actions around little girls is creeping af also
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

This is a joke post right? You're punking us? I sometimes just do not get it. The abject worship, devotion, and dedication to a man who is a total and complete fraud..and a narcissist to boot. From the day he descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower it was about one thing and one thing only. Trump. He didn't care about being President, he didn't care (and still doesn't care) about anybody (working class or otherwise) other than himself. He loves campaigning for President. The TV and radio coverage. The popularity contest. His constant pep rallies to throw red meat to his fawning base. There is no evidence Trump "earned" anything. He won't release his taxes. And as far as us vs them? Watching the last two nights of the bile flowing out of the TNC, I'd say the right wing has the lock on that particular narrative.

Everything you just said, is just what you imagine you know about the internal life of someone else.

His policies are the best.

ANd now?

At least he is not pro-mob.

View attachment 379991

Again, just keeping pushing the same narrative. His policies and continued support of those policies are the reasons you are seeing what you are seeing now. This guy and his crew needs to go.

Trump has nothing to do with how dem mayors run their police departments.

If he was doing more about this issue, you would be screaming about him being a Strongman or a Dictator.

It is also worth noting, that you people constantly refer to how this is the result of decades, generations, or centuries of blah, blah, blah.

You don't get to do that, and then hold Trump personally responsible.

If the cause is from before he was born, you can't blame him!


Of course we get to hold Trump personally responsible. For sending jackbooted thugs into Portland to escalate an already tense situation. For dialing up the rhetoric to try and scare suburban housewives into believing armed groups of thugs were coming to their neighborhood. Listening to his douchebag son and his girlfriend ranting on like big haired preachers about the end of our country and who's to blame. His statements after Charlottesville...so yeah, we get to blame him. Because he's a divisive, lying grifter who sees his only path to retaining power is to divide the country. Talk about Us vs Them. Trump personifies it.

I think you need to look in the mirror to see who the joke is. I get it. You're a true believer. I have zero idea what you believe Trump is going to deliver for you..except chaos.
Jackbooted thugs? Them communist BLM, Antifa cocksucker's are lucky I'm not in charge. I would make Pinochet look merciful.
It didn't work in 2016 and won't work now. Trying to portray Trump as the rich guy that doesn't care. Laughable. Working class folks love this man because he has shown more respect for us than any President since Truman. Washington DC and New York City PR firms are not going to change that. Donald J. Trump understands working class folks. Biden and his 40 years of politics and three houses doesn't. Trump earned his $$$ in private sector and that is acceptable. How do you go into politics like Biden...and become rich?

I don't try and portray him as rich. He may be but that's not one of his real problems. Sorry, it's not 2016 anymore. What he is is a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. And those are his 3 more honest attributes.
/—-/ The problem with Dementia Joe is that he’s a Narcissistic Sociopathic criminal. See? We can hurl insults too without any proof.

His actions around little girls is creeping af also
Biden is a perv. Likes black children to sit on his lap and feel his member. Especially at public pools.

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