Crooked cops insure cop killer goes free.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
What are we supposed to believe is a question I always ask. When a corrupt cop is caught, are we supposed to believe that he was caught the very first time he tried to do something wrong? The phrase in fiction is suspension of disbelief, and that would require a level of suspension similar to believing your Uncle really does “got your nose”.

Jackie Wilson, in prison for 36 years in cop slaying, freed days after confession tossed

Now that the confession that saw him convicted has been thrown out, what case do the police have? Well all the investigative work is by the same group of Detectives who abused him and beat the confession out of him. So in reality, there won’t be another trial. The death of a cop, an event that causes cop lovers on the board and around the nation to well up in tears, or beat the table in fury, will go into the books as an unsolved murder.

This is why you as a cop have to play by the rules. If you break a rule once, it bring doubts onto all of your other cases. Even the least important case can affect all the others, the big ones. It may be possible that they did not beat the confession out of Jackie Wilson. But would you believe that the crooked cops beat confessions out of others, but did not touch this guy?

The families are angry. The Union is furious, and I would bet that the cops are pissed that a member of their gang was killed and nobody is going to answer for it. Well. The reason is other members of your gang broke the rules, and lied about it. When that happens, everything goes up in smoke eventually.

If you see something and say nothing then it is your fault. Just think what could have happened if one cop had sat on the stand in 1982 and said that he witnessed his fellow cops beating a confession out of someone. Those cops could have been fired, or prosecuted. Then the next cops could have investigated the death of your cop buddies, and gotten the conviction fair and square, and the guilty wouldn’t be walking out of prison free men. Along with hundreds of others, and it will probably be thousands of others before long.

Perhaps even tens of thousands of others. All because the cops back then kept their mouths shut about the corruption going on. If you wear a badge and are keeping your mouth shut today, it may mean that the people who kill you go free when the corruption you are keeping quiet goes public.

I’m happy that this guy is free today. It means that the system works, if belatedly. Perhaps the “good cops” today will learn and speak up. I doubt it but that just means that some cop killer this year, will go free in a decade or two when the corruption is exposed, and it will be the fault of the corrupt, and those who stay silent.
What are we supposed to believe is a question I always ask. When a corrupt cop is caught, are we supposed to believe that he was caught the very first time he tried to do something wrong? The phrase in fiction is suspension of disbelief, and that would require a level of suspension similar to believing your Uncle really does “got your nose”.

Jackie Wilson, in prison for 36 years in cop slaying, freed days after confession tossed

Now that the confession that saw him convicted has been thrown out, what case do the police have? Well all the investigative work is by the same group of Detectives who abused him and beat the confession out of him. So in reality, there won’t be another trial. The death of a cop, an event that causes cop lovers on the board and around the nation to well up in tears, or beat the table in fury, will go into the books as an unsolved murder.

This is why you as a cop have to play by the rules. If you break a rule once, it bring doubts onto all of your other cases. Even the least important case can affect all the others, the big ones. It may be possible that they did not beat the confession out of Jackie Wilson. But would you believe that the crooked cops beat confessions out of others, but did not touch this guy?

The families are angry. The Union is furious, and I would bet that the cops are pissed that a member of their gang was killed and nobody is going to answer for it. Well. The reason is other members of your gang broke the rules, and lied about it. When that happens, everything goes up in smoke eventually.

If you see something and say nothing then it is your fault. Just think what could have happened if one cop had sat on the stand in 1982 and said that he witnessed his fellow cops beating a confession out of someone. Those cops could have been fired, or prosecuted. Then the next cops could have investigated the death of your cop buddies, and gotten the conviction fair and square, and the guilty wouldn’t be walking out of prison free men. Along with hundreds of others, and it will probably be thousands of others before long.

Perhaps even tens of thousands of others. All because the cops back then kept their mouths shut about the corruption going on. If you wear a badge and are keeping your mouth shut today, it may mean that the people who kill you go free when the corruption you are keeping quiet goes public.

I’m happy that this guy is free today. It means that the system works, if belatedly. Perhaps the “good cops” today will learn and speak up. I doubt it but that just means that some cop killer this year, will go free in a decade or two when the corruption is exposed, and it will be the fault of the corrupt, and those who stay silent.
I would think they would have a recorder in the room, at least that is the way it was done back in the 50 s. It protects the cop from cop baiters who attempt to confess and then retract it at a later time.
So what else is new as the national Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality religion of this Christian Nation churchstate lynching enforcement that attempts to baptize thine eyes by a glass full of urinations, chose to accuse in the killing of SCOTUS Justice Kennedy, who was still living & not at a restaurant where Rehnquist was in place of the assassination JFK as KKK churchstate cops after dictating Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount could not be discussed; with even more immaculate drug conceptions before 9/11 where following 9/11 these Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops baptized the eyes by urinations with another immaculate drugs in the synagogue conception for killing Kennedy yet again. No equal justice under law from some "man is God" tautology in no distinction between either Kennedy as if the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate would never be held accountable for bringing 9/11 to the US just as those West Nazi Germany Virginia KKK churchstate cops would never be tried as thieving US Constitution - old glory -old testament - Declaration of Independence arsonists with suicidal sociopsychopathic super egos of Nuremberg Trials Nazi war criminals.
This is above my reading level and medication level.

That's about on Rehnquist's SCOTUS level where one of Eisenhower's Pentagon staff sergeants stated the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop mentioned 9/11, yet still wouldn't question a baptize thine eyes by urinations member of lynching enforcement under color of law for a patriot act of one nation under God with equal justice under law.
Are you on drugs?

Are you on Rehnquist's ESP Reichquest & the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate ESP cops that kept inquiring where 9/11 came from when it was the KKK cops that first brought it up as was also discussing ESPN coverage of D.C sports teams with one of Eisnehowers Pentagon staff sergeants at lunch; as this Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality godvernment of drugs "serve the Pope or die" second coming crusade tautology gets really old.
We almost never had bad cops in my home town growing up.

The citizens in the community had a way of punishing those who acted badly so they would leave town.
Are you on drugs?

Are you on Rehnquist's ESP Reichquest & the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate ESP cops that kept inquiring where 9/11 came from when it was the KKK cops that first brought it up as was also discussing ESPN coverage of D.C sports teams with one of Eisnehowers Pentagon staff sergeants at lunch; as this Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality godvernment of drugs "serve the Pope or die" second coming crusade tautology gets really old.
OK, time for the orderlies to toss a net over you and return you to your padded room.
Are you on drugs?

Are you on Rehnquist's ESP Reichquest & the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate ESP cops that kept inquiring where 9/11 came from when it was the KKK cops that first brought it up as was also discussing ESPN coverage of D.C sports teams with one of Eisnehowers Pentagon staff sergeants at lunch; as this Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality godvernment of drugs "serve the Pope or die" second coming crusade tautology gets really old.
OK, time for the orderlies to toss a net over you and return you to your padded room.

Like the Spanish Inquisition is coming, but now it's a national religion of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality crusades in homicidal sociopsychopathic human farming suicidal jihad in one nation under God......

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