'Critical Race Theory' the latest Fake Outrage

The "contention" of the 1619 Project is that white people are bad.
The contention of the 1619 Project is the central ordering conflict of the US is based on the racism used to justify slavery and the racism pervading the country once slavery was outlawed. Are you a denier of systemic racism in the US?
1. The 1619 Project is garbage. It is NOT history.
2. Slavery existed all over the world at that time, the US did not invent it. That's just the way the world was before it wasn't.
3. Yes I am a denier of systemic racism in the US.
4. My solution is to eliminate all references to race on all forms, including the census. We are all Americans, or not.
The outrage is real, and should be louder.

CRT at it heart teaches people that race matters, and that is not what we should be teaching children in k-12. That is what the dems taught children for years, decades...which help lead to massive oppression.

We should be teaching child the Conservative values in our founding documents that all men are created equal, and back that up with the teaching of the Christian minister Rev King, that people should be judge by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
The 1619 Project is garbage. It is NOT history.
You've already expressed that unsubstantiated opinion. One you hold because it flies in the face of the history of America you've learned from white historians. How many of the history books they wrote includes a telling of the Black Wall Street massacre in OK. I have friends who grew up there. They had never heard of the incident until a few years ago. Why is that?

"The goal of The 1619 Project is to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 as our nation’s birth year. Doing so requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country."
The democrats have renewed the Tea party! Thank you! We are energized again!
And that is the point. If it wasn't CRT the Right would have found another issue to get the base energized again precisely because it is bereft of popular policies designed to make America stronger. Culture wars are the thing the POT relies on to generate hate and anger among their voters. Not tax policy, gun control policy, environmental policy..........because their positions on those topics are all unpopular with the majority of Americans.
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 which GOP policies are more popular than the democrat's policies.
IMHO the mid-terms should be another "shellacking" for Xiden.
Here are the policies that the GOP should do well by opposing:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies
Defund the police
Russia First Energy policies
Lax Military posture
The Green New Deal
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Critical Race Theory & 1619 Project "whiteness is bad"
Oppose school vouchers
China First trade policies
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
The 1619 Project is garbage. It is NOT history.
You've already expressed that unsubstantiated opinion. One you hold because it flies in the face of the history of America you've learned from white historians. How many of the history books they wrote includes a telling of the Black Wall Street massacre in OK. I have friends who grew up there. They had never heard of the incident until a few years ago. Why is that?

"The goal of The 1619 Project is to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 as our nation’s birth year. Doing so requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country."
1. My opinion is not only substantiated, its verified history, The 1619 Project is a collection of unreferenced lies.
The "1619 Project" and CRT are not history they are ideology. The bogus history was refuted in "The President's Advisory 1776 Commission" report, written by real professors and historians, not stupid communist/racists.

A 40-page report was released January 21, 2021. Read it and learn the truth:

The 1619 Project was published in NYT Magazine August 2019. It was an essay written by Nikole Hannah-Jones without any citations or references. It is simply incorrect, as documented and refuted by real historians. It is simply an amateurish attempt to "reframe history" and "decenter whiteness" according to the author. It is ideology pretending to be history.

Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it

The 1619 Project is nothing but a poorly written collection of racist lies.
There was no research, there are no citations, its total bullshit.
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 which GOP policies are more popular than the democrat's policies.
No, we won't. If electoral success was based on the popularity of political positions the POT would be in the permanent minority. Control of Congress is based on the refusal of Repubs to stop gerrymandering, the grievance politics I've mentioned, and the disproportionate representation of Repubs in the Senate.
Or, you could just not be racist and not try to teach kids to be racist. We worked on that for a long time. Pretty much got there. Why go back now?
The GOP thinks that hammering on certain social issues is politically advantageous.

They may be right.
Grievance politics has worked in the past for the POT. It's what got the Orange Messiah elected.

Grievance politics is not what got Obama elected. George W. Bush is what got Obama elected. The guy who lied the country into two wars neither one of which is completely finished, and who crashed not only the American economy, almost took down the world economy down with it.

The economy was shedding on average 500,000 jobs per month when Obama was inaugurated. Americans were broke, and unemployed, and Republicans wanted to cut the lazy bums off unemployment benefits.

Almost the exact same reasons they why they elected Joe Biden. Except Trump also killed 500,000 in his pandemic, and only 18,000 died from H1N1, over an 18 month span in that pandemic.

I was with you on Obama

But Trump oversaw a massively rebounding economy when democrats wanted to shut the nation down....?

What the fuck is this take? lol

Own the lock downs and quarantines. They failed? Well what the fuck do you think the economic impact of more stringent lock downs would be?

30 million people would not have gotten sick and 500,000 would not have died. How much money was spent administering and processing the 450 million tests?

How much money was spent and continues to be spent on the 3 million people hospitalized for severe covid. I’m hearing of people owing $30,000 in co-pays for treatments. These ICU hospitalizations are expensive to treat.

We locked down tight in Canada. We flattened the curve last year and reopened last summer, but no big public gatherings at all.

The second wave hit hard and we had to lock down again at Christmas and are just reopening now. Like this week.

Our cases and our deaths per million of population are 1/3 of your numbers.

You processed over 500 million covid tests for a population of 332 million people. Canada processed 36 million tests for 38 million people. Cost saving @ $100 per test?

Our hospitalizations based on population were 1/3 of yours. Given that our medical costs are already half of your for profit system, how much more money did you spend on the more than 3 million Americans who were hospitalized?

Every time Republicans talk about the toll the pandemic took on the economy, they completely ignore the economic costs of testing and treating those who got sick, and focus on how “few” died.
The 1619 Project is garbage. It is NOT history.
You've already expressed that unsubstantiated opinion. One you hold because it flies in the face of the history of America you've learned from white historians. How many of the history books they wrote includes a telling of the Black Wall Street massacre in OK. I have friends who grew up there. They had never heard of the incident until a few years ago. Why is that?

"The goal of The 1619 Project is to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 as our nation’s birth year. Doing so requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country."
1. My opinion is not only substantiated, its verified history, The 1619 Project is a collection of unreferenced lies.
The "1619 Project" and CRT are not history they are ideology. The bogus history was refuted in "The President's Advisory 1776 Commission" report, written by real professors and historians, not stupid communist/racists.

A 40-page report was released January 21, 2021. Read it and learn the truth:

The 1619 Project was published in NYT Magazine August 2019. It was an essay written by Nikole Hannah-Jones without any citations or references. It is simply incorrect, as documented and refuted by real historians. It is simply an amateurish attempt to "reframe history" and "decenter whiteness" according to the author. It is ideology pretending to be history.

Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it

The 1619 Project is nothing but a poorly written collection of racist lies.
There was no research, there are no citations, its total bullshit.

‘A hack job,’ ‘outright lies’: Trump commission’s ‘1776 Report’ outrages historians​

Two days after historians responded with dismay and anger to the White House’s “1776 Commission” report, the Biden transition team announced President-elect Joe Biden would rescind the commission with an executive order on his first day in office.

The report was intended to advance a version of U.S. history that would “restor[e] patriotic education” in schools. Historians largely condemned it, saying it was filled with errors and partisan politics.
“It’s a hack job. It’s not a work of history,” American Historical Association executive director James Grossman told The Washington Post. “It’s a work of contentious politics designed to stoke culture wars.”
The 1619 Project is nothing but a poorly written collection of racist lies.
There was no research, there are no citations, its total bullshit.
“I don’t know where to begin,” said public historian Alexis Coe. “This ‘report’ (the 1776 report) lacks citations or any indication books were consulted, which explains why it’s riddled in errors, distortions, and outright lies.”

“It’s very hard to find anything in here that stands as a historical claim, or as the work of a historian. Almost everything in it is wrong, just as a matter of fact,” said Eric Rauchway, a history professor at the University of California at Davis. “I may sound a little incoherent when trying to speak of this, because the report itself is not coherent. It’s like historical wackamole.”
The 1619 Project is garbage. It is NOT history.
You've already expressed that unsubstantiated opinion. One you hold because it flies in the face of the history of America you've learned from white historians. How many of the history books they wrote includes a telling of the Black Wall Street massacre in OK. I have friends who grew up there. They had never heard of the incident until a few years ago. Why is that?

"The goal of The 1619 Project is to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 as our nation’s birth year. Doing so requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country."
1. My opinion is not only substantiated, its verified history, The 1619 Project is a collection of unreferenced lies.
The "1619 Project" and CRT are not history they are ideology. The bogus history was refuted in "The President's Advisory 1776 Commission" report, written by real professors and historians, not stupid communist/racists.

A 40-page report was released January 21, 2021. Read it and learn the truth:

The 1619 Project was published in NYT Magazine August 2019. It was an essay written by Nikole Hannah-Jones without any citations or references. It is simply incorrect, as documented and refuted by real historians. It is simply an amateurish attempt to "reframe history" and "decenter whiteness" according to the author. It is ideology pretending to be history.

Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it

The 1619 Project is nothing but a poorly written collection of racist lies.
There was no research, there are no citations, its total bullshit.

So your attack on the 1619 project is entirely based on what Donald Trump told you about it.

I have actually read the 1619 Project. It doesn’t say any of the things that Trump and the Republicans claim it says.

The 1619 Project demonstrates how American elites, from the time the first slaves arrived on your shores, have used racism to drive a wedge between poor whites and poor blacks, to keep them from joining forces and overthrowing the elites.

This was also Dr. Martin Luther King’s message. King sought to unite poor whites and poor blacks in the common cause of improving conditions for both. They shot him.

Ever since Ronald Reagan was elected and started with his “welfare queen” lies and rants against “urban poor”, Republicans have used the race issue on steroids to further divide voters.

Each of the three economic crashes of the last 40 years have hit both poor whites and poor blacks the hardest, but poor whites continue to vote against their own best interests and support the Republican party who assures them that they will put white voters first and stop any kind of affirmative action war on poverty or any of their precious tax dollars going to the lazy welfare queens, thugs, and deadbeats, otherwise known as the “urban poor“.

It is hardly surprising that a rich white man like Donald Trump would hate the whole 1619 Project. But the good news for Trump is that you’ll never read it. He can tell you whatever he wants to tell you that it says because you’re not gonna read it and find out for yourself.

You’re just gonna go along with whatever he told you about it and then rant endlessly about how terrible it is and it’s filled with lies.

Wash, rinse, repeat for Critical Race Theory which is a legal concept and is NOT being taught in public schools ANYWHERE in the USA.

I don’t ever trust with a politician tells me. I always go to the source materials and read shit for myself. That’s how I know who’s lying and who isn’t.
Last edited:
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 which GOP policies are more popular than the democrat's policies.
No, we won't. If electoral success was based on the popularity of political positions the POT would be in the permanent minority. Control of Congress is based on the refusal of Repubs to stop gerrymandering, the grievance politics I've mentioned, and the disproportionate representation of Repubs in the Senate.
Huh?? Whining already? Making excuses already? Who "won" in 2020?
So why won't democrats win "again" in 2022 and 2024?
What is "POT"??
Democrats gerrymander too, it is legal isn't it?
What disproportionate representation of Repubs in the Senate? Those are statewide elections.

IMHO more voters vote their pocketbooks than ideology, so with prices rising, I like the GOP's chances.
Huh?? Whining already? Making excuses already?
It is objectively true that Repub's positions on major issues are unpopular, that Repubs are against S-1 which stops partisan gerrymandering, and that Repubs are disproportionately represented in the Senate. Clearly facts aren't really your thing.
Nothing in your article says they actually teach it. The article doesn't even say the meeting is about CRT.

So I did more research on it.

Turns out NO that school district isn't teaching it.

All that meeting was, was a bunch of parents scared about it and telling the school board they don't want it taught in classes.

You posted a lie.

What I originally posted is the truth.

Stop lying.

The 1619 Project is garbage. It is NOT history.
You've already expressed that unsubstantiated opinion. One you hold because it flies in the face of the history of America you've learned from white historians. How many of the history books they wrote includes a telling of the Black Wall Street massacre in OK. I have friends who grew up there. They had never heard of the incident until a few years ago. Why is that?

"The goal of The 1619 Project is to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 as our nation’s birth year. Doing so requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country."
1. My opinion is not only substantiated, its verified history, The 1619 Project is a collection of unreferenced lies.
The "1619 Project" and CRT are not history they are ideology. The bogus history was refuted in "The President's Advisory 1776 Commission" report, written by real professors and historians, not stupid communist/racists.

A 40-page report was released January 21, 2021. Read it and learn the truth:

The 1619 Project was published in NYT Magazine August 2019. It was an essay written by Nikole Hannah-Jones without any citations or references. It is simply incorrect, as documented and refuted by real historians. It is simply an amateurish attempt to "reframe history" and "decenter whiteness" according to the author. It is ideology pretending to be history.

Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it

The 1619 Project is nothing but a poorly written collection of racist lies.
There was no research, there are no citations, its total bullshit.

‘A hack job,’ ‘outright lies’: Trump commission’s ‘1776 Report’ outrages historians​

Two days after historians responded with dismay and anger to the White House’s “1776 Commission” report, the Biden transition team announced President-elect Joe Biden would rescind the commission with an executive order on his first day in office.

The report was intended to advance a version of U.S. history that would “restor[e] patriotic education” in schools. Historians largely condemned it, saying it was filled with errors and partisan politics.
“It’s a hack job. It’s not a work of history,” American Historical Association executive director James Grossman told The Washington Post. “It’s a work of contentious politics designed to stoke culture wars.”

1. I couldn't read the link you posted, but this link is the article that the newspaper referenced:

2. So there is a disagreement as to what the "intent" of or "translation of" certain events by historians of different backgrounds. Fine, no big deal. Let the debate about real history begin. Which version of history is more accurate, the 1776 Report, or the 1619 Project?

3. The referenced article did NOT critique' the 1619 Project, so its a one-sided article of the 40 page 1776 Report. So we need to look at the seriousness of the history errors.

4. The first half of the article has very generic charges, like outdated, and unreferenced, etc.
Near the end a few specific items are mentioned:
"He pointed to sections misinterpreting Puritan John Winthrop’s “city on a hill” speech, and to a section claiming that the civil rights movement “came to abandon the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity of colorblind civil rights in favor of ‘group rights.’ ” “Group rights is not anathema to American principles,” he said, recalling the formation of the Senate. “Why do Wyomingers have 80 times the representation that Californians have if not for group rights?”

I agree with the 1776 Report that the civil rights movement originally wanted "equal opportunity of colorblind civil rights", but now want the special privileges of an eternal protected class, "group rights", an enhanced racism of being "more equal", and the income equity, that is NOT in the US Constitution.
As to the formation of the Senate, Coe needs to research the "Great Compromise" between large and small states, duh.

Coe, who published a biography of George Washington last year, pointed to a section of the report that claims that the first president had “freed all the slaves in his family estate” by the end of his life. In fact, he freed only one enslaved person upon his death; the 254 other enslaved people at Mount Vernon had a much more complicated fate.
"In his will, written several months before his death in December 1799, George Washington left directions for the emancipation of all the slaves that he owned, after the death of Martha Washington."
So it looks to me that Coe is more wrong than right, again.

The 1776 Report appears more accurate to me than the "historians'" criticisms.
Huh?? Whining already? Making excuses already?
It is objectively true that Repub's positions on major issues are unpopular, that Repubs are against S-1 which stops partisan gerrymandering, and that Repubs are disproportionately represented in the Senate. Clearly facts aren't really your thing.
OK, we'll see what happens in 2022 and 2024 as to whose positions are more popular.
The fact is that elections have consequences, and your representation is based on the number of votes you receive, so there is no "disproportionate" anything, stop whining.
The 1619 Project is garbage. It is NOT history.
You've already expressed that unsubstantiated opinion. One you hold because it flies in the face of the history of America you've learned from white historians. How many of the history books they wrote includes a telling of the Black Wall Street massacre in OK. I have friends who grew up there. They had never heard of the incident until a few years ago. Why is that?

"The goal of The 1619 Project is to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 as our nation’s birth year. Doing so requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country."
1. My opinion is not only substantiated, its verified history, The 1619 Project is a collection of unreferenced lies.
The "1619 Project" and CRT are not history they are ideology. The bogus history was refuted in "The President's Advisory 1776 Commission" report, written by real professors and historians, not stupid communist/racists.

A 40-page report was released January 21, 2021. Read it and learn the truth:

The 1619 Project was published in NYT Magazine August 2019. It was an essay written by Nikole Hannah-Jones without any citations or references. It is simply incorrect, as documented and refuted by real historians. It is simply an amateurish attempt to "reframe history" and "decenter whiteness" according to the author. It is ideology pretending to be history.

Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it

The 1619 Project is nothing but a poorly written collection of racist lies.
There was no research, there are no citations, its total bullshit.

So your attack on the 1619 project is entirely based on what Donald Trump told you about it.

I have actually read the 1619 Project. It doesn’t say any of the things that Trump and the Republicans claim it says.

The 1619 Project demonstrates how American elites, from the time the first slaves arrived on your shores, have used racism to drive a wedge between poor whites and poor blacks, to keep them from joining forces and overthrowing the elites.

This was also Dr. Martin Luther King’s message. King sought to unite poor whites and poor blacks in the common cause of improving conditions for both. They shot him.

Ever since Ronald Reagan was elected and started with his “welfare queen” lies and rants against “urban poor”, Republicans have used the race issue on steroids to further divide voters.

Each of the three economic crashes of the last 40 years have hit both poor whites and poor blacks the hardest, but poor whites continue to vote against their own best interests and support the Republican party who assures them that they will put white voters first and stop any kind of affirmative action war on poverty or any of their precious tax dollars going to the lazy welfare queens, thugs, and deadbeats, otherwise known as the “urban poor“.

It is hardly surprising that a rich white man like Donald Trump would hate the whole 1619 Project. But the good news for Trump is that you’ll never read it. He can tell you whatever he wants to tell you that it says because you’re not gonna read it and find out for yourself.

You’re just gonna go along with whatever he told you about it and then rant endlessly about how terrible it is and it’s filled with lies.

Wash, rinse, repeat for Critical Race Theory which is a legal concept and is NOT being taught in public schools ANYWHERE in the USA.

I don’t ever trust with a politician tells me. I always go to the source materials and read shit for myself. That’s how I know who’s lying and who isn’t.
1. Trump? Really? Your TDS is affecting your posts.
2. The 1619 Project says what it says. Here are a few of the errors:
The 1619 Project was published in NYT Magazine August 2019. It was an essay written by Nikole Hannah-Jones without any citations or references. It is simply incorrect, as documented and refuted by real historians. It is simply an amateurish attempt to "reframe history" and "decenter whiteness" according to the author. It is ideology pretending to be history.
Some of the unsubstantiated and simply incorrect claims include:
1. America was founded in 1619, not 1776
2. The reason for the American Revolution was to protect slavery
3. The US Constitution is anti-black
4. The founding ideals were all false
5. That slavery didn't exist until the US started it

3. Slaves were primarily located in GA, NC, SC, VA, MD. So their "contributions to growing the US is very limited. The US was NOT built on the backs of slaves as claimed by the 1619 Project. The 1619 Project has Marxist overtones about the poor whites and poor blacks overthrowing the elites. Like that would ever happen. MLK was shot by a nut, not an elite hitman.

4. There is a big difference between getting a handout or a hand-up. The social safety net is intended to be temporary, that's why welfare is limited to two years. Reagan is right, welfare is not a career, people need to work and earn a living.

5. We disagree about economic policy. When dems raise taxes on corporations, they leave the US. When unions make outrageous demands, factories move to China. Its simple economics.

6. CRT is being taught in the US, a Chinese mom knows what CRT really is, communism:


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We'll see in 2022 and 2024 which GOP policies are more popular than the democrat's policies.
No, we won't. If electoral success was based on the popularity of political positions the POT would be in the permanent minority. Control of Congress is based on the refusal of Repubs to stop gerrymandering, the grievance politics I've mentioned, and the disproportionate representation of Repubs in the Senate.
Huh?? Whining already? Making excuses already? Who "won" in 2020?
So why won't democrats win "again" in 2022 and 2024?
What is "POT"??
Democrats gerrymander too, it is legal isn't it?
What disproportionate representation of Repubs in the Senate? Those are statewide elections.

IMHO more voters vote their pocketbooks than ideology, so with prices rising, I like the GOP's chances.

What I see is you making excuses for anti-democratic reforms put in place by Republicans.

You should be appalled by gerrymandering by either party, as an anti-democratic policy which undermines the will of the people. Instead of promoting democratic policies, you go with a method which suppresses the will of the people, because it’s “legal”.

Yes people do vote with their pocketbooks. And it’s going to be driven home to them that Republicans have done nothing but impoverished working Americans for the past 40 years.

Isn’t it telling that you want economic pain inflicted on the American people so Republicans can regain power.

How about you come up with a platform, and some plans for the American people rather than just a naked attempt to hold power for its own sake.
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 which GOP policies are more popular than the democrat's policies.
No, we won't. If electoral success was based on the popularity of political positions the POT would be in the permanent minority. Control of Congress is based on the refusal of Repubs to stop gerrymandering, the grievance politics I've mentioned, and the disproportionate representation of Repubs in the Senate.
Huh?? Whining already? Making excuses already? Who "won" in 2020?
So why won't democrats win "again" in 2022 and 2024?
What is "POT"??
Democrats gerrymander too, it is legal isn't it?
What disproportionate representation of Repubs in the Senate? Those are statewide elections.

IMHO more voters vote their pocketbooks than ideology, so with prices rising, I like the GOP's chances.

What I see is you making excuses for anti-democratic reforms put in place by Republicans.

You should be appalled by gerrymandering by either party, as an anti-democratic policy which undermines the will of the people. Instead of promoting democratic policies, you go with a method which suppresses the will of the people, because it’s “legal”.

Yes people do vote with their pocketbooks. And it’s going to be driven home to them that Republicans have done nothing but impoverished working Americans for the past 40 years.

Isn’t it telling that you want economic pain inflicted on the American people so Republicans can regain power.

How about you come up with a platform, and some plans for the American people rather than just a naked attempt to hold power for its own sake.
1. What anti-democratic reforms? List them.
2. Drawing boundary lines usually ends up in court, it will be legal, but someone will bitch, guaranteed. The will of the voters will govern, elections have consequences.
3. What economic pain do I want? The runaway inflation that Xiden is creating with his reckless spending? Get gas lately?
4. Newt and Trump are developing a new "Contract with America", I can't wait to see it. I hope its great. If you like these democrat policies, you might be disappointed by the GOP platform.
Open Borders and lax immigration policies
Defund the police
Russia First Energy policies
Lax Military posture
The Green New Deal
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers
China First trade policies
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
Or, you could just not be racist and not try to teach kids to be racist. We worked on that for a long time. Pretty much got there. Why go back now?
The GOP thinks that hammering on certain social issues is politically advantageous.

They may be right.
Grievance politics has worked in the past for the POT. It's what got the Orange Messiah elected.

Grievance politics is not what got Obama elected. George W. Bush is what got Obama elected. The guy who lied the country into two wars neither one of which is completely finished, and who crashed not only the American economy, almost took down the world economy down with it.

The economy was shedding on average 500,000 jobs per month when Obama was inaugurated. Americans were broke, and unemployed, and Republicans wanted to cut the lazy bums off unemployment benefits.

Almost the exact same reasons they why they elected Joe Biden. Except Trump also killed 500,000 in his pandemic, and only 18,000 died from H1N1, over an 18 month span in that pandemic.

I was with you on Obama

But Trump oversaw a massively rebounding economy when democrats wanted to shut the nation down....?

What the fuck is this take? lol

Own the lock downs and quarantines. They failed? Well what the fuck do you think the economic impact of more stringent lock downs would be?

30 million people would not have gotten sick and 500,000 would not have died. How much money was spent administering and processing the 450 million tests?

How much money was spent and continues to be spent on the 3 million people hospitalized for severe covid. I’m hearing of people owing $30,000 in co-pays for treatments. These ICU hospitalizations are expensive to treat.

We locked down tight in Canada. We flattened the curve last year and reopened last summer, but no big public gatherings at all.

The second wave hit hard and we had to lock down again at Christmas and are just reopening now. Like this week.

Our cases and our deaths per million of population are 1/3 of your numbers.

You processed over 500 million covid tests for a population of 332 million people. Canada processed 36 million tests for 38 million people. Cost saving @ $100 per test?

Our hospitalizations based on population were 1/3 of yours. Given that our medical costs are already half of your for profit system, how much more money did you spend on the more than 3 million Americans who were hospitalized?

Every time Republicans talk about the toll the pandemic took on the economy, they completely ignore the economic costs of testing and treating those who got sick, and focus on how “few” died.
Hundreds of thousands of senior fucking citizens died

No one cares

Most of them were too old to work anyway. It had no effect on the economy. We should have just kept going. THese soft lockdowns don't work.

Which is why most of the west has similar death rates to us even though they had much more stringent lockdowns and mask mandates.

The only places in the west that successfully tamped down the spread was Australia and New Zealand, who were in full lock down, no freedom of movement, borders closed. For month after month.

So unless you were going to do that, this is all pointless and we just lowered GDP even more than we should ahve.

Your view on this is delusional. The only real effects we had were when citziens decided to not leave their homes at all. But we never enforced that. So it was all always pointless. Everyone was going to get touched by that cold the same way that happened everywhere else in the west but oceania.

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