Critical Race Card

The right has been playing the race card. Notice how they don't call it that.
Hey... it's been successfully used against them for so long that maybe they decided to try it for themselves. 8 point swing in Youngkin's favor over the last 2 weeks or so. The largest move has been among Independents. It mirrors the decline of Biden's fortunes as well. McAuliffe's gaffe of disrespecting parents started the ball rolling, THEN, in true fashion of a Democrat, he doubled down rather than admitting a mistake.
So many levels of stupid here. I am so fed up with this "blacks are victims all the time no mater what" mass delusion religion cult sect ideology. Blacks re 14% of the populace...why are they like represented like between 65 to 90% all of a sudden? And we can go deeper down the rabbit hole on this...
So many levels of stupid here. I am so fed up with this "blacks are victims all the time no mater what" mass delusion religion cult sect ideology. Blacks are 14% of the populace...why are they like represented like between 65 to 90% all of a sudden? And we can go deeper down the rabbit hole on this...
Blacks really truly are a minority at 14%. fact check THAT. But all of a sudden, our negro brethren are being represented as if they are 75% represented in the last year or popular TV shows/advertising. Blackish...stuff like that...Because being ironic AND obverse is GOOD? No. it isn't. There is such a thing as over doing something, and it has unintended consequences.
The right has been playing the race card. Notice how they don't call it that.

You catfish bottom feeding analysis more than anyone else I've known.. Using a political ad as some oracle of TRUTH -- should have stopped yourself right there and had your head examined before posting this..

The AFT and NEA are FULL GONZO SUPPORTERS OF CRTheory.. AND the Virginia Dept of Education has recommended to teachers SEVERAL books strongly advocating CRT.. LOTS of other endorsements for the evil though game called CRT..

It may not make it into classrooms as college level CRT in the purest form, but kids all over the nation ARE being taught who is the oppressor and who is oppressed and how EQUITY is more American than EQUALITY..

It's the woking dead Democrats BACK to pushing segregation by skin color. Already academia is making pure racial spaces for every different color on their campuses.. And their will be no university educated teachers coming OUT of there that haven't been mind-sucked by anti-American, anti-Capitalist, PRO-Segregation programming..
It doesn't do that. But this is how republicans race pimp their constituents.

Of course it does. In all the fundamental papers and treatises, the basic concept of CRT is that whiteness is the evil responsible for "systemic racism" and the only way to go forward is to USE skin color to determine who is the oppressed and who is the oppressor.. And since of course, only WHITEY can own property or a business or have a 401K and that takes those things right out of the mouths and hands of needy blacks -- that whiteness MUST be destroyed..

Which in the tiny minds of these Marxists means that America and its founding and principles and Capitalism must be destroyed in order for blacks to breathe...

Aint no coincidence that ALL 3 of the original BLM founders are self-avowed -- committed Marxists..
Hey... it's been successfully used against them for so long that maybe they decided to try it for themselves. 8 point swing in Youngkin's favor over the last 2 weeks or so. The largest move has been among Independents. It mirrors the decline of Biden's fortunes as well. McAuliffe's gaffe of disrespecting parents started the ball rolling, THEN, in true fashion of a Democrat, he doubled down rather than admitting a mistake.
You are apparently delusional. Because the reality of American history shows that whites have played the race card from the very beginning of this nation.
Of course it does. In all the fundamental papers and treatises, the basic concept of CRT is that whiteness is the evil responsible for "systemic racism" and the only way to go forward is to USE skin color to determine who is the oppressed and who is the oppressor.. And since of course, only WHITEY can own property or a business or have a 401K and that takes those things right out of the mouths and hands of needy blacks -- that whiteness MUST be destroyed..

Which in the tiny minds of these Marxists means that America and its founding and principles and Capitalism must be destroyed in order for blacks to breathe...

Aint no coincidence that ALL 3 of the original BLM founders are self-avowed -- committed Marxists..
The foundational papers and treatises that formed this government from the onset proves that CRT as a theory is correct. And until you get help for you psychosis, try not to come into conversations with a silly opinion that ignores reality. You want the fascism this nation was foundedd onn to contnue because it's to your advantage as ax white man.
You catfish bottom feeding analysis more than anyone else I've known.. Using a political ad as some oracle of TRUTH -- should have stopped yourself right there and had your head examined before posting this..

The AFT and NEA are FULL GONZO SUPPORTERS OF CRTheory.. AND the Virginia Dept of Education has recommended to teachers SEVERAL books strongly advocating CRT.. LOTS of other endorsements for the evil though game called CRT..

It may not make it into classrooms as college level CRT in the purest form, but kids all over the nation ARE being taught who is the oppressor and who is oppressed and how EQUITY is more American than EQUALITY..

It's the woking dead Democrats BACK to pushing segregation by skin color. Already academia is making pure racial spaces for every different color on their campuses.. And their will be no university educated teachers coming OUT of there that haven't been mind-sucked by anti-American, anti-Capitalist, PRO-Segregation programming..
You are purposefulness ignorant of how America has operated. Until you can honestly face that, try not injecting your ignorance into coversations.

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