Crisis in America: Millions of Veteran Nurses are Resigning or Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
The Pharma-funded corporate media would like the public to believe that nurses who refuse to be forced to take an experimental shot as a condition for employment are a small minority.

But are they? What is going to happen this Fall if the United States loses 50% or more of their nursing staffs?

And who else is in the best position to evaluate the effectiveness or harm caused by the COVID shots, if not the nurses who treat those who are vaccinated in our nation’s hospitals?

If you got sick or injured and needed hospital care, who would you rather be treated by: healthcare workers who stand on principles even if it means losing their careers, or healthcare workers who know the truth but are willing to look the other way and follow standard protocols, no matter how harmful or ineffective, just so they can keep collecting their paychecks?

Here is the other side of the story from the nurses themselves in this video. Their voices are being censored.

Do your part to make sure their voices are heard. Share this video. It is literally a life and death issue.

This video was produced by me, and is available on our Rumble and Bitchute channels.

Our frontline people are saying no.
I don't like pee test in the workplace so I don't work for people who require them...I feel that what corporations do is unfair yet there is nothing I can do to make them change because they are a private for profit entity.
The Pharma-funded corporate media would like the public to believe that nurses who refuse to be forced to take an experimental shot as a condition for employment are a small minority.

But are they? What is going to happen this Fall if the United States loses 50% or more of their nursing staffs?

And who else is in the best position to evaluate the effectiveness or harm caused by the COVID shots, if not the nurses who treat those who are vaccinated in our nation’s hospitals?

If you got sick or injured and needed hospital care, who would you rather be treated by: healthcare workers who stand on principles even if it means losing their careers, or healthcare workers who know the truth but are willing to look the other way and follow standard protocols, no matter how harmful or ineffective, just so they can keep collecting their paychecks?

Here is the other side of the story from the nurses themselves in this video. Their voices are being censored.

Do your part to make sure their voices are heard. Share this video. It is literally a life and death issue.

This video was produced by me, and is available on our Rumble and Bitchute channels.

Our frontline people are saying no.
Wow the DC politicians portfolio manages are NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS.....
I'm glad you're trying to get the message out, and can still do so on some platforms.

My job is forcing me to get the vax, and I'm just going to to go along like when the Army jabbed me with God Knows what dozens times. If it kills me, which is a low chance, it's still the ultimate outcome of my life here. I rode in a gun turret on I don't know how many missions, and followed orders to do shit that may have aerosolized my DNA with some residue of Comp B. It's a risk I have to take and the risk is still lower than the 1000's of times I've driven on public roads.

The fact that the government and media is pushing the pro-vax and Pro-mask shit is what concerns me more than any actual risk from the vax itself. When Trump was promoting the vax, the bed wetters were the skeptics.

The Pharma-funded corporate media would like the public to believe that nurses who refuse to be forced to take an experimental shot as a condition for employment are a small minority.

But are they? What is going to happen this Fall if the United States loses 50% or more of their nursing staffs?

And who else is in the best position to evaluate the effectiveness or harm caused by the COVID shots, if not the nurses who treat those who are vaccinated in our nation’s hospitals?

If you got sick or injured and needed hospital care, who would you rather be treated by: healthcare workers who stand on principles even if it means losing their careers, or healthcare workers who know the truth but are willing to look the other way and follow standard protocols, no matter how harmful or ineffective, just so they can keep collecting their paychecks?

Here is the other side of the story from the nurses themselves in this video. Their voices are being censored.

Do your part to make sure their voices are heard. Share this video. It is literally a life and death issue.

This video was produced by me, and is available on our Rumble and Bitchute channels.

Our frontline people are saying no.
Do people actually take garbage websites like that seriously?
The Pharma-funded corporate media would like the public to believe that nurses who refuse to be forced to take an experimental shot as a condition for employment are a small minority.

But are they? What is going to happen this Fall if the United States loses 50% or more of their nursing staffs?

And who else is in the best position to evaluate the effectiveness or harm caused by the COVID shots, if not the nurses who treat those who are vaccinated in our nation’s hospitals?

If you got sick or injured and needed hospital care, who would you rather be treated by: healthcare workers who stand on principles even if it means losing their careers, or healthcare workers who know the truth but are willing to look the other way and follow standard protocols, no matter how harmful or ineffective, just so they can keep collecting their paychecks?

Here is the other side of the story from the nurses themselves in this video. Their voices are being censored.

Do your part to make sure their voices are heard. Share this video. It is literally a life and death issue.

This video was produced by me, and is available on our Rumble and Bitchute channels.

Our frontline people are saying no.
Yet another example of leftists thinking what good policies they have. Meanwhile, an industry who is already short staffed as it is, will be even more short staffed - during a worldwide pandemic noneteless.
Yet another example of leftists thinking what good policies they have. Meanwhile, an industry who is already short staffed as it is, will be even more short staffed - during a worldwide pandemic noneteless.


It an absolute bullshit crisis. There is no fucking rational reason almost all of humanity was forced to wear face diapers that did NOTHING to stop a virus strain which was actually nothing anymore new on earth than the common cold and have a 99.6% survivability rate. It's hysterical bullshit and it's being used to empower tyrannical governance.

PERIOD... End of fucking story.

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The current estimate as sited in this Bloomberg article from Aug. 28, 2021 is that one in eight nurses will not get the vax. There are about 4 million nurses in the US so that's about half a million nurses. It affect some regions more than others. For example the article says in some areas only 50% of the nurses are vaccinated. We had a nursing shortage before the scamdemic. This will really affect medical care.

It's just plain ridiculous to say that millions of nurses are refusing the vaccine. They're a very small minority.

best wishes from Canada.

Thousands are..........which is putting we in the US in a whole bunch of hurt---this winter is going to be awful. FUCKING BIDEN
What's one of the very worst things one could do in the middle of the upcoming winter during a
pandemic? Why fire thousands of nurses, of course!
A critical shortage in health providers is just the ticket!

That will make things better! Only the idiot Biden regime could come up with that idea.
The Pharma-funded corporate media would like the public to believe that nurses who refuse to be forced to take an experimental shot as a condition for employment are a small minority.

But are they? What is going to happen this Fall if the United States loses 50% or more of their nursing staffs?

And who else is in the best position to evaluate the effectiveness or harm caused by the COVID shots, if not the nurses who treat those who are vaccinated in our nation’s hospitals?

If you got sick or injured and needed hospital care, who would you rather be treated by: healthcare workers who stand on principles even if it means losing their careers, or healthcare workers who know the truth but are willing to look the other way and follow standard protocols, no matter how harmful or ineffective, just so they can keep collecting their paychecks?

Here is the other side of the story from the nurses themselves in this video. Their voices are being censored.

Do your part to make sure their voices are heard. Share this video. It is literally a life and death issue.

This video was produced by me, and is available on our Rumble and Bitchute channels.

Our frontline people are saying no.
Is that how you think this works?

here's how it works, people post information and source it. Stupid people like you scream "FAKE NEWS, THE SOURCE SUCKS" and you think that passes for "debate", it just makes you look stupid.

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