Cringe discussion of DEI on The Chris Wallace Show

Your argument in the other thread has been dishonest from the start. I wasted enough time with your dumb..... Anybody white complaining about NFL football players and racism against whites is an idiot.

Comment wasn't about the NFL or racism against whites.

Being proud of and wanting to preserve your own heritage isn't racist.

If it is then that puts the term African American at the top of the list.

Is there any other race in the U.S. that does this?? LOL

Pew Research Report Shows 76% of Black Americans Say Race …
You stupid mf. Race and gender has always been the highest priorrity. Right wing white males have sucessfully gaslighted America into the stupor that you exemplify in this post. White and male have been the primary characteristics of everything, not merit.. This is the problem with idiots who think they are neutral. All you have done here is play into far right ideology.

DEI was created to insure that merit would be a priority. Have you not EVER taken the time to ask yourself why white hires or appointees qualifications are never questioned? Do you not understand that white is a race?
If DEI Was created to assure that merit would be a priority, how do you explain that someone like Claudine Gay - a woman of limited publications and a long history of plagarism - ended up as the president of the most prestigious university in the country?

Furthermore, if merit were the priority, how can such a compromised woman who has embarrassed her college with her cheating, AND her refusal to condemn calls to genocide Jews, REMAIN at Harvard earning a $900,000 salary?

Because merit is NOT the priority. Her race is. Not only would she have been kicked to the curb totally, she never would have been hired had she been anything other than a black female.
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Jobs should be earned on your merit and ability.

Not enforced at the barrel of a government gun based solely on the color of your hide.
Whites have been given jobs since the beginning of this country only based on the color of their hides. When those like you stop pretending that things to didn't happen that way, America will begin to solve our racial problems.
White people will always question why a minority is there because they are racist. :dunno: It's wild that we still have to make a positive case for INCLUSION. Fuck you people are deplorable.
You stupid mf. Race and gender has always been the highest priorrity. Right wing white males have sucessfully gaslighted America into the stupor that you exemplify in this post. White and male have been the primary characteristics of everything, not merit.. This is the problem with idiots who think they are neutral. All you have done here is play into far right ideology.

DEI was created to insure that merit would be a priority. Have you not EVER taken the time to ask yourself why white hires or appointees qualifications are never questioned? Do you not understand that white is a race?
One of the many behavioral similarities between the two ends of our political spectrum is that they NEVER give even one (1) moment's thought to the potential negative ramifications of their actions. They just keep pushing their agenda on everyone else and expect them to bend over and take it.

Well, now you're seeing the pushback. It's crap like this that has festered and festered for a few decades, and it all blew up in the Left's faces with the election of Trump. He was the pushback to much of this stuff.

So you can dismiss it, you can ignore it, you can mock it, you can attack those who bring it up. But the fact remains, this is the kind of thing that ended up bringing us Trumpism. This is the pushback that you didn't take a moment to consider.
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Whites have been given jobs since the beginning of this country only based on the color of their hides. When those like you stop pretending that things to didn't happen that way, America will begin to solve our racial problems.

I told you how they should be earned.

I spoke on principle.

You're infatuated with why you think they should be provided by force of a government gun.

I've read enough of your thoughts over the years to understand that, while you invoke history, you really aren't interested in changing anything.

You seem to just want a piece of the pie.

Which makes you part of the root problem in scope.
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White people will always question why a minority is there because they are racist. :dunno: It's wild that we still have to make a positive case for INCLUSION. Fuck you people are deplorable.

Nope. I’m just better than you and always will be.
  • Fact
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Is amnesia a genetic trait in whites?
Is lack of logic a genetic trait in blacks?

Blacks will never get 13% of the good jobs while they have a 72% out of wedlock birthrate. Correct the poor behavior in your own communities that correlate to poverty and lack of educational attainment, and THEN we’ll talk.
I told you how they should be earned.

I spoke on principle.

You're infatuated with why you think they should be provided by force of a government gun.

I've read enough of your thoughts over the years to understand that, while you invoke history, you really aren't interested in changing anything.

You seem to just want a piece of the pie.

Which makes you part of the root problem in scope.
You spoke without principle.

Understanding history creates change..

Accommodation does not.

And that's why you think you're about change but you're only about appeasement.
And that's why you think you're about change but you're only about appeasement.

I don't care about changing anything any more.

It's too far gone. It's therefore an exercise in futility.

Let it burn. It's the only way people, collectively speaking, are gonna wake up to reality anyway.

I'm good. I've paid attention to how things were going down over the last thirty years of my adulthood and prepared accordingly.
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One of the many behavioral similarities between the two ends of our political spectrum is that they NEVER give even one (1) moment's thought to the potential negative ramifications of their actions. They just keep pushing their agenda on everyone else and expect them to bend over and take it.
Maybe if you responded to me instead of at me you wouldn't seem like such a bitch. The negative ramifications of America's actions is incredible socio-economic inequality you see around you today. What are we going to do about it? Respond timidly so as not to offend or scare white people?
Well, now you're seeing the pushback. It's crap like this that has festered and festered for a few decades, and it all blew up in the Left's faces with the election of Trump. He was the pushback to much of this stuff.
So let them push. I didn't think white racists where going to lay down. Laying down and asking us to play nice with racists is what pussy white moderates like you are for.
So you can dismiss it, you can ignore it, you can mock it, you can attack those who bring it up. But the fact remains, this is the kind of thing that ended up bringing us Trumpism. This is the pushback that you didn't take a moment to consider.
You think I didn't consider it. I just don't care.
  • Winner
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To the right you have two men who can clearly articulate their points with facts. On the left you have the embodiment of the DEI crowd, two women who are only capable of babbling bias and emotional chatter. Try to sit through the whole seven minutes if you can, but it will be challenging.

What this Indian bootlicker, note he referred to himself as "Asian", highlighted is that...
  1. Many, if not the majority, of immigrants come from the elite in their origin countries (blows out a previous rightwing talking point)
  2. Christopher Rufo, a known dishonest far rightwing activist, is his colleague (which aligns him w/said activism and dishonesty)
You can't make this stuff up folks.
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  • Fact
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You spoke without principle.

Understanding history creates change..

Accommodation does not.

And that's why you think you're about change but you're only about appeasement.

Remember how in the Sixties you were all about don't trust The Man and now you're all about not only trusting but obeying The Man, Trump lover MAGAt

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