Crime drops in Colorado.... It's all about drugs

American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

Two different issues. "Over all crime" and "marijuana use" not the same thing. Very misleading. Why is that?

They are related. Illegal drugs are the cornerstone of gang operations. It's where the money is. If the most popular drug is now legal, the people don't deal with drug dealers. Not to mention possession isn't a crime anymore.

If drug dealers and gangs are fighting or killing for territory, crime goes down. So yeah it makes a big difference

You are on very shaky ground here. There are still other drugs. Drugs like crack, meth, heroin, etc. there is no logical reason to expect gang related crime to decrease, and you cannot show a correlation. Violent crime is down all over the country.

Marijuana is easily the most commonly used drug in the US, and making it legal would most definitely decrease gang related crime. If the avenue to profit is no longer there for them they simply no longer have that means of acquiring profit, and their influence shrinks. It's not a hard concept.

That is fine in concept, but it is not supported by evidence in reality. I wish it were true but it isn't.
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

Two different issues. "Over all crime" and "marijuana use" not the same thing. Very misleading. Why is that?

They are related. Illegal drugs are the cornerstone of gang operations. It's where the money is. If the most popular drug is now legal, the people don't deal with drug dealers. Not to mention possession isn't a crime anymore.

If drug dealers and gangs are fighting or killing for territory, crime goes down. So yeah it makes a big difference

You are on very shaky ground here. There are still other drugs. Drugs like crack, meth, heroin, etc. there is no logical reason to expect gang related crime to decrease, and you cannot show a correlation. Violent crime is down all over the country.

Marijuana is easily the most commonly used drug in the US, and making it legal would most definitely decrease gang related crime. If the avenue to profit is no longer there for them they simply no longer have that means of acquiring profit, and their influence shrinks. It's not a hard concept.

That is fine in concept, but it is not supported by evidence in reality. I wish it were true but it isn't.

Is that why we still have so many moonshiners and Mafia gangs selling alcohol in today's day and age?
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

Two different issues. "Over all crime" and "marijuana use" not the same thing. Very misleading. Why is that?

What? Are you trying to suggest something that no one else is talking about?

No. Did you read the article in the OP?

So... what's the point you're trying to make then?
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."
I don't even do drugs, or alchohol anymore, because I'm one of the people who can't maintain when I do them...

And I think because the other 90% of Americans can moderate drugs and alchohol...almost all should be legal, to remove the criminal element from all of it, just like ending prohibition of alchohol did.

You want a more secure border?....cut the legs off of the drug cartels, legalize what they've been making money off of.

You want less crime in the US?...legalize what criminals in the US traffic in.

People will always abuse drugs and alchohol, all the laws in the world won't stop that

Oh, so because you can do something means everyone should be able to do it? Let's just forget that other people are different, force them to be the same or stick 'em in an electric chair, right?
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."
I don't even do drugs, or alchohol anymore, because I'm one of the people who can't maintain when I do them...

And I think because the other 90% of Americans can moderate drugs and alchohol...almost all should be legal, to remove the criminal element from all of it, just like ending prohibition of alchohol did.

You want a more secure border?....cut the legs off of the drug cartels, legalize what they've been making money off of.

You want less crime in the US?...legalize what criminals in the US traffic in.

People will always abuse drugs and alchohol, all the laws in the world won't stop that

Oh, so because you can do something means everyone should be able to do it? Let's just forget that other people are different, force them to be the same or stick 'em in an electric chair, right?
Frige, the irony is not wasted on me.

And my compliments...most people don't even know what ironic means. Like that Alanis Morrisette song, where she sings about tragic things that suck, and aren't realy ironic at all.

Having said all that...

So if you take the criminal element out of drugs, and take me out of it too, there really aren't as many problems to worry about
Two different issues. "Over all crime" and "marijuana use" not the same thing. Very misleading. Why is that?

They are related. Illegal drugs are the cornerstone of gang operations. It's where the money is. If the most popular drug is now legal, the people don't deal with drug dealers. Not to mention possession isn't a crime anymore.

If drug dealers and gangs are fighting or killing for territory, crime goes down. So yeah it makes a big difference

You are on very shaky ground here. There are still other drugs. Drugs like crack, meth, heroin, etc. there is no logical reason to expect gang related crime to decrease, and you cannot show a correlation. Violent crime is down all over the country.

Marijuana is easily the most commonly used drug in the US, and making it legal would most definitely decrease gang related crime. If the avenue to profit is no longer there for them they simply no longer have that means of acquiring profit, and their influence shrinks. It's not a hard concept.

That is fine in concept, but it is not supported by evidence in reality. I wish it were true but it isn't.

Is that why we still have so many moonshiners and Mafia gangs selling alcohol in today's day and age?
You're being ironic...aren't you.....
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."
I don't even do drugs, or alchohol anymore, because I'm one of the people who can't maintain when I do them...

And I think because the other 90% of Americans can moderate drugs and alchohol...almost all should be legal, to remove the criminal element from all of it, just like ending prohibition of alchohol did.

You want a more secure border?....cut the legs off of the drug cartels, legalize what they've been making money off of.

You want less crime in the US?...legalize what criminals in the US traffic in.

People will always abuse drugs and alchohol, all the laws in the world won't stop that

Oh, so because you can do something means everyone should be able to do it? Let's just forget that other people are different, force them to be the same or stick 'em in an electric chair, right?
Frige, the irony is not wasted on me.

And my compliments...most people don't even know what ironic means. Like that Alanis Morrisette song, where she sings about tragic things that suck, and aren't realy ironic at all.

Having said all that...

So if you take the criminal element out of drugs, and take me out of it too, there really aren't as many problems to worry about

Well there will be problems still, always are, but if you can concentrate on those problems rather than dealing with an impossible problem, then you might get somewhere.

Here's the big problem. What will the right do if they don't have the ability to scare people to keep them in their place by being "tough on crime"?
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

The demonization of marijuana is proving to be false on all counts. It is not a "gateway drug". It doesn't cause mental illness. It is not addictive. It should not be an FDA schedule 1 drug.

Essentially it is less harmful than alcohol in many respects.
Wrong. It causes serious, debilitating anxiety and depression in some people. Especially younger, developing brains.
But don't let that inconvenient reality stop you and your ilk from propagating a dangerous lie.
Use all you want. Blow your THC on me or mine and you will be hurt badly.
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."
I don't even do drugs, or alchohol anymore, because I'm one of the people who can't maintain when I do them...

And I think because the other 90% of Americans can moderate drugs and alchohol...almost all should be legal, to remove the criminal element from all of it, just like ending prohibition of alchohol did.

You want a more secure border?....cut the legs off of the drug cartels, legalize what they've been making money off of.

You want less crime in the US?...legalize what criminals in the US traffic in.

People will always abuse drugs and alchohol, all the laws in the world won't stop that

Oh, so because you can do something means everyone should be able to do it? Let's just forget that other people are different, force them to be the same or stick 'em in an electric chair, right?
Frige, the irony is not wasted on me.

And my compliments...most people don't even know what ironic means. Like that Alanis Morrisette song, where she sings about tragic things that suck, and aren't realy ironic at all.

Having said all that...

So if you take the criminal element out of drugs, and take me out of it too, there really aren't as many problems to worry about

Well there will be problems still, always are, but if you can concentrate on those problems rather than dealing with an impossible problem, then you might get somewhere.

Here's the big problem. What will the right do if they don't have the ability to scare people to keep them in their place by being "tough on crime"?
Almost any problem is easier to resolve than the stranglehold Mexican drug cartells have on our southern border, and almost any problem is easier than me all drunk, or stoned, or spun.....

But yeah....what would righties do for inspiration without terrorist attacks, or crime, or hostile Indians in John Wayne movies?......ummm..........uhhhh................."tap tap tap" (pencil on desk top).......errrr.........I dunno?........Maybe get all religious, or learn more about football than they already know?....

One thing for sure, we'd still be hearing them yap about something
Two different issues. "Over all crime" and "marijuana use" not the same thing. Very misleading. Why is that?

They are related. Illegal drugs are the cornerstone of gang operations. It's where the money is. If the most popular drug is now legal, the people don't deal with drug dealers. Not to mention possession isn't a crime anymore.

If drug dealers and gangs are fighting or killing for territory, crime goes down. So yeah it makes a big difference

You are on very shaky ground here. There are still other drugs. Drugs like crack, meth, heroin, etc. there is no logical reason to expect gang related crime to decrease, and you cannot show a correlation. Violent crime is down all over the country.

Marijuana is easily the most commonly used drug in the US, and making it legal would most definitely decrease gang related crime. If the avenue to profit is no longer there for them they simply no longer have that means of acquiring profit, and their influence shrinks. It's not a hard concept.

That is fine in concept, but it is not supported by evidence in reality. I wish it were true but it isn't.

Is that why we still have so many moonshiners and Mafia gangs selling alcohol in today's day and age?
I guess that's why legal lotteries obliterated numbers games.
Oh,w ait.
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

The demonization of marijuana is proving to be false on all counts. It is not a "gateway drug". It doesn't cause mental illness. It is not addictive. It should not be an FDA schedule 1 drug.

Essentially it is less harmful than alcohol in many respects.
Wrong. It causes serious, debilitating anxiety and depression in some people. Especially younger, developing brains.
But don't let that inconvenient reality stop you and your ilk from propagating a dangerous lie.
Use all you want. Blow your THC on me or mine and you will be hurt badly.

And Alcohol and Cigarettes cause problems in SOME people. Does that mean we prevent all people from using them?
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."
I don't even do drugs, or alchohol anymore, because I'm one of the people who can't maintain when I do them...

And I think because the other 90% of Americans can moderate drugs and alchohol...almost all should be legal, to remove the criminal element from all of it, just like ending prohibition of alchohol did.

You want a more secure border?....cut the legs off of the drug cartels, legalize what they've been making money off of.

You want less crime in the US?...legalize what criminals in the US traffic in.

People will always abuse drugs and alchohol, all the laws in the world won't stop that

Oh, so because you can do something means everyone should be able to do it? Let's just forget that other people are different, force them to be the same or stick 'em in an electric chair, right?
Frige, the irony is not wasted on me.

And my compliments...most people don't even know what ironic means. Like that Alanis Morrisette song, where she sings about tragic things that suck, and aren't realy ironic at all.

Having said all that...

So if you take the criminal element out of drugs, and take me out of it too, there really aren't as many problems to worry about

Well there will be problems still, always are, but if you can concentrate on those problems rather than dealing with an impossible problem, then you might get somewhere.

Here's the big problem. What will the right do if they don't have the ability to scare people to keep them in their place by being "tough on crime"?
Almost any problem is easier to resolve than the stranglehold Mexican drug cartells have on our southern border, and almost any problem is easier than me all drunk, or stoned, or spun.....

But yeah....what would righties do for inspiration without terrorist attacks, or crime, or hostile Indians in John Wayne movies?......ummm..........uhhhh................."tap tap tap" (pencil on desk top).......errrr.........I dunno?........Maybe get all religious, or learn more about football than they already know?....

One thing for sure, we'd still be hearing them yap about something

Sure, you'd hear them, but it might not be about pretending they're small govt when doing big govt things.
They are related. Illegal drugs are the cornerstone of gang operations. It's where the money is. If the most popular drug is now legal, the people don't deal with drug dealers. Not to mention possession isn't a crime anymore.

If drug dealers and gangs are fighting or killing for territory, crime goes down. So yeah it makes a big difference

You are on very shaky ground here. There are still other drugs. Drugs like crack, meth, heroin, etc. there is no logical reason to expect gang related crime to decrease, and you cannot show a correlation. Violent crime is down all over the country.

Marijuana is easily the most commonly used drug in the US, and making it legal would most definitely decrease gang related crime. If the avenue to profit is no longer there for them they simply no longer have that means of acquiring profit, and their influence shrinks. It's not a hard concept.

That is fine in concept, but it is not supported by evidence in reality. I wish it were true but it isn't.

Is that why we still have so many moonshiners and Mafia gangs selling alcohol in today's day and age?
I guess that's why legal lotteries obliterated numbers games.
Oh,w ait.

Ummm...completely unrelated. You aren't replacing Marijuana with something else first of all, you're just legalizing the stuff that's already out there.

Also lotteries were created to increase state revenue, the first government lottery was an initiative to finance schools and bridges in the DC area, they were not made to offset or drive out private gambling institutions.
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

The demonization of marijuana is proving to be false on all counts. It is not a "gateway drug". It doesn't cause mental illness. It is not addictive. It should not be an FDA schedule 1 drug.

Essentially it is less harmful than alcohol in many respects.
Wrong. It causes serious, debilitating anxiety and depression in some people. Especially younger, developing brains.
But don't let that inconvenient reality stop you and your ilk from propagating a dangerous lie.
Use all you want. Blow your THC on me or mine and you will be hurt badly.

Only for the tiny fraction of the population susceptible to mental illness in the first place.

For everyone else there is no such problem.

Treating marijuana the same way we treat alcohol should eliminate that problem so you have nothing.
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

Two different issues. "Over all crime" and "marijuana use" not the same thing. Very misleading. Why is that?

They are related. Illegal drugs are the cornerstone of gang operations. It's where the money is. If the most popular drug is now legal, the people don't deal with drug dealers. Not to mention possession isn't a crime anymore.

If drug dealers and gangs are fighting or killing for territory, crime goes down. So yeah it makes a big difference

You are on very shaky ground here. There are still other drugs. Drugs like crack, meth, heroin, etc. there is no logical reason to expect gang related crime to decrease, and you cannot show a correlation. Violent crime is down all over the country.

Marijuana is easily the most commonly used drug in the US, and making it legal would most definitely decrease gang related crime. If the avenue to profit is no longer there for them they simply no longer have that means of acquiring profit, and their influence shrinks. It's not a hard concept.

Not to mention if the money isn't good for the risk, kids will not see the monetary benefit of joining gangs. Thus reducing more of their influence.

But that's precisely the point. If things aren't calm, the police are needed and in our fear, we give into what they want with no questions asked. But if crime is severely reduced, then we do not live in fear and their bloated budget are gone.

So law enforcement agencies don't want to have marijuana legal because then they can't get more arrests and justify their size and use of excessive force.
So law enforcement agencies don't want to have marijuana legal because then they can't get more arrests and justify their size and use of excessive force.

That's an interesting take. I have talked to on the street cops and they don't seem to give a shit really if people smoke pot. Like one cop told me, he never gets called out on domestic violence situations where everyone is stoned.

Lots of domestic violence when everybody is drunk.

If street cops had their say, alcohol would be the known problem drug. Pot not so much.

Unless what you say is true.
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

Two different issues. "Over all crime" and "marijuana use" not the same thing. Very misleading. Why is that?

They are related. Illegal drugs are the cornerstone of gang operations. It's where the money is. If the most popular drug is now legal, the people don't deal with drug dealers. Not to mention possession isn't a crime anymore.

If drug dealers and gangs are fighting or killing for territory, crime goes down. So yeah it makes a big difference

Not really. People will still deal with drug dealers to get drugs cheaper. Drug dealers fight for territory. They fight for market share. A legal outlet threatens territory and market share as much as another gang does.

Cigarettes are legal. Eric Garner died selling this perfectly legal product.

Cigarettes might be legal, but apparently you cannot sell them the way Garner was. He was breaking the law.

Time to legalize it as some people believe that people shouldn't be arrested for such a stupid reason.
American state legalises marijuana 8211 and crime drops 15 Metro News

"Anti-marijuana activists have warned that legalising weed would lead to increased drug addiction, mental problems and crime – but in Colorado, which legalised recreational use of marijuana, the opposite has happened."

"Overall, crime has fallen by 15% and murder has dropped by 50%."

"Sexual assaults and car crime have fallen, and violent crime is down 10% overall."

Two different issues. "Over all crime" and "marijuana use" not the same thing. Very misleading. Why is that?

They are related. Illegal drugs are the cornerstone of gang operations. It's where the money is. If the most popular drug is now legal, the people don't deal with drug dealers. Not to mention possession isn't a crime anymore.

If drug dealers and gangs are fighting or killing for territory, crime goes down. So yeah it makes a big difference

You are on very shaky ground here. There are still other drugs. Drugs like crack, meth, heroin, etc. there is no logical reason to expect gang related crime to decrease, and you cannot show a correlation. Violent crime is down all over the country.

Marijuana is easily the most commonly used drug in the US, and making it legal would most definitely decrease gang related crime. If the avenue to profit is no longer there for them they simply no longer have that means of acquiring profit, and their influence shrinks. It's not a hard concept.

A lot fewer young men in our prisons and more young men going to college. You make a strong and worthy point.
They are related. Illegal drugs are the cornerstone of gang operations. It's where the money is. If the most popular drug is now legal, the people don't deal with drug dealers. Not to mention possession isn't a crime anymore.

If drug dealers and gangs are fighting or killing for territory, crime goes down. So yeah it makes a big difference

You are on very shaky ground here. There are still other drugs. Drugs like crack, meth, heroin, etc. there is no logical reason to expect gang related crime to decrease, and you cannot show a correlation. Violent crime is down all over the country.

Marijuana is easily the most commonly used drug in the US, and making it legal would most definitely decrease gang related crime. If the avenue to profit is no longer there for them they simply no longer have that means of acquiring profit, and their influence shrinks. It's not a hard concept.

That is fine in concept, but it is not supported by evidence in reality. I wish it were true but it isn't.

Is that why we still have so many moonshiners and Mafia gangs selling alcohol in today's day and age?
I guess that's why legal lotteries obliterated numbers games.
Oh,w ait.

Probably because even the CROOKEDEST numbers game still has better odds than a state lottery!
So law enforcement agencies don't want to have marijuana legal because then they can't get more arrests and justify their size and use of excessive force.

That's an interesting take. I have talked to on the street cops and they don't seem to give a shit really if people smoke pot. Like one cop told me, he never gets called out on domestic violence situations where everyone is stoned.

Lots of domestic violence when everybody is drunk.

If street cops had their say, alcohol would be the known problem drug. Pot not so much.

Unless what you say is true.

Closest thing to a crime I have ever seen a pothead commit is calling for pizza delivery and not having the cash to pay for it!

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