CPAC Attendee Hands Out 'Seven-Point Plan' To Reinstall donald trump

These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

They've been made crazy by the Democrat's who alledgedly did everything in their power to save their leftist agenda, and to use government power to SHOVE it down the American citizen's throat's. And they are doing so without so much as a tiny glass of water to help with the pain. It's a tough pill to swallow for the majority, but the minority Democrat's are hoping they can succeed with government help in their final push to transform the nation against the good citizen's will. Good luck with that.

The school boards are already feeling the heat because of the Americans will to save their children from it's horrid indoctrination, and it won't stop there.
You are responsible for your own fear and the stupid things you do because of it.
Well thank God that I have no fears as an American, but rather instead what I have is the wisdom to know the lie's when I hear them, and to know the truth against those lie's when the truth does counter them, and thank God that I have the common sense to not turn the lie's into truth's when they are lie's, and this because of being ignorant enough to follow a bunch of tyrannical wanta be's (the Democrat's), that constantly spread misinformation in hopes to win the country over through the use of that misinformation.

why would you believe someone whose had a proven record of lying & fraud including ripping people off & taking their hard earned cash for university 'tuition' but was taught nothing?

or even worse - who had his 'charity' shuttered because he stole donation meant for needy people/orgs & instead used it as his own personal piggy bank?

Trump University and Trump's charities were both frauds.
Proven in court ? What punishment did he receive, and why did the nation elect him as president ?? Was the Democrat's and Republican's that bad ??? Yes they were if true what you say, and then Trump mopped the floor with them... Leftist gotta feel terrible if let Trump overwhelm the nation with promise's, and then him delivering on those promises better than his former cohorts ever did.
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

They've been made crazy by the Democrat's who alledgedly did everything in their power to save their leftist agenda, and to use government power to SHOVE it down the American citizen's throat's. And they are doing so without so much as a tiny glass of water to help with the pain. It's a tough pill to swallow for the majority, but the minority Democrat's are hoping they can succeed with government help in their final push to transform the nation against the good citizen's will. Good luck with that.

The school boards are already feeling the heat because of the Americans will to save their children from it's horrid indoctrination, and it won't stop there.
You are responsible for your own fear and the stupid things you do because of it.
Well thank God that I have no fears as an American, but rather instead what I have is the wisdom to know the lie's when I hear them, and to know the truth against those lie's when the truth does counter them, and thank God that I have the common sense to not turn the lie's into truth's when they are lie's, and this because of being ignorant enough to follow a bunch of tyrannical wanta be's (the Democrat's), that constantly spread misinformation in hopes to win the country over through the use of that misinformation.

why would you believe someone whose had a proven record of lying & fraud including ripping people off & taking their hard earned cash for university 'tuition' but was taught nothing?

or even worse - who had his 'charity' shuttered because he stole donation meant for needy people/orgs & instead used it as his own personal piggy bank?

Trump University and Trump's charities were both frauds.
Don't stop there... Tell about all the corruption and corrupt politician's who have served, and that you voted for in the past. Hypocrisy is your strong point maybe ?? No it's your weakness. How can any of you throw your stones ?? We judged Trump on his job performance, not his past, because he showed that he was willing to serve, and to not serve in a corrupt or bad way, and we were proven correct in our choices made. Don't you think that you are dealing with smart adult people here or do you think that you are dealing with children who are naive and unlearned about life still ?? If it's the latter, then shame on you for being the hack that you are.

Trump is the only president in our history who refused a peaceful transfer of power.
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

They've been made crazy by the Democrat's who alledgedly did everything in their power to save their leftist agenda, and to use government power to SHOVE it down the American citizen's throat's. And they are doing so without so much as a tiny glass of water to help with the pain. It's a tough pill to swallow for the majority, but the minority Democrat's are hoping they can succeed with government help in their final push to transform the nation against the good citizen's will. Good luck with that.

The school boards are already feeling the heat because of the Americans will to save their children from it's horrid indoctrination, and it won't stop there.
You are responsible for your own fear and the stupid things you do because of it.
Well thank God that I have no fears as an American, but rather instead what I have is the wisdom to know the lie's when I hear them, and to know the truth against those lie's when the truth does counter them, and thank God that I have the common sense to not turn the lie's into truth's when they are lie's, and this because of being ignorant enough to follow a bunch of tyrannical wanta be's (the Democrat's), that constantly spread misinformation in hopes to win the country over through the use of that misinformation.

why would you believe someone whose had a proven record of lying & fraud including ripping people off & taking their hard earned cash for university 'tuition' but was taught nothing?

or even worse - who had his 'charity' shuttered because he stole donation meant for needy people/orgs & instead used it as his own personal piggy bank?

Trump University and Trump's charities were both frauds.
Don't stop there... Tell about all the corruption and corrupt politician's who have served, and that you voted for in the past. Hypocrisy is your strong point maybe ?? No it's your weakness. How can any of you throw your stones ?? We judged Trump on his job performance, not his past, because he showed that he was willing to serve, and to not serve in a corrupt or bad way, and we were proven correct in our choices made. Don't you think that you are dealing with smart adult people here or do you think that you are dealing with children who are naive and unlearned about life still ?? If it's the latter, then shame on you for being the hack that you are.

Trump is the only president in our history who refused a peaceful transfer of power.

Proven crimes? Money laundering at his casinos, fraud at Trump university and fraudulent charities. What did you expect of Trump?
Donald is going to die soon. Maybe then they can move on.
Oh really, and so by what means do you figure that your assessment might come true in the sense of it being soon ??? Do tell so the class can figure your assessment out more better.

The man is 75 years old, he is very overweight and only eats fast food from McDonalds. He doesn't exercise and is on heart medication according to his doctor.

He has at the most 10 more years on this planet.

Do you actually believe trump will live forever or that he is 45 years old instead of 75 years old?
Now tell me about Biden...
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

They've been made crazy by the Democrat's who alledgedly did everything in their power to save their leftist agenda, and to use government power to SHOVE it down the American citizen's throat's. And they are doing so without so much as a tiny glass of water to help with the pain. It's a tough pill to swallow for the majority, but the minority Democrat's are hoping they can succeed with government help in their final push to transform the nation against the good citizen's will. Good luck with that.

The school boards are already feeling the heat because of the Americans will to save their children from it's horrid indoctrination, and it won't stop there.
You are responsible for your own fear and the stupid things you do because of it.
Well thank God that I have no fears as an American, but rather instead what I have is the wisdom to know the lie's when I hear them, and to know the truth against those lie's when the truth does counter them, and thank God that I have the common sense to not turn the lie's into truth's when they are lie's, and this because of being ignorant enough to follow a bunch of tyrannical wanta be's (the Democrat's), that constantly spread misinformation in hopes to win the country over through the use of that misinformation.

why would you believe someone whose had a proven record of lying & fraud including ripping people off & taking their hard earned cash for university 'tuition' but was taught nothing?

or even worse - who had his 'charity' shuttered because he stole donation meant for needy people/orgs & instead used it as his own personal piggy bank?

Trump University and Trump's charities were both frauds.
Don't stop there... Tell about all the corruption and corrupt politician's who have served, and that you voted for in the past. Hypocrisy is your strong point maybe ?? No it's your weakness. How can any of you throw your stones ?? We judged Trump on his job performance, not his past, because he showed that he was willing to serve, and to not serve in a corrupt or bad way, and we were proven correct in our choices made. Don't you think that you are dealing with smart adult people here or do you think that you are dealing with children who are naive and unlearned about life still ?? If it's the latter, then shame on you for being the hack that you are.

Trump is the only president in our history who refused a peaceful transfer of power.

Proven crimes? Money laundering at his casinos, fraud at Trump university and fraudulent charities. What did you expect of Trump?
Now be fair, and start listing Democrat politician's crime's or any political figures crime's. Your selective alledged targeting of Trump for a politicized agenda purpose is very transparent... You know that Trump isn't any worse than many who came before him. If anything he proved himself to be better, because he actually fought for the American people, and that said it all for many, because that is a rarity. Anyone can change, and start over in order to serve, and it appears that Trump done just that.

He who is without sin, let them cast the first stone. They dropped their stone's and walked away. Big difference in making correction's, helping, teaching, and rehabilitation in one's life, than doing as the Democrat's are doing, in which is to try and destroy instead of heal or mend in life.

Trump proved himself by his presidential action's, and that's what we voted him in for. Are you getting out of Biden the same or are you starting to regret the Biden presidency ?
These people are totally bat crap crazy.

Their "seven point plan" can never happen.

I don't know how these people became so delusional.

They've been made crazy by the Democrat's who alledgedly did everything in their power to save their leftist agenda, and to use government power to SHOVE it down the American citizen's throat's. And they are doing so without so much as a tiny glass of water to help with the pain. It's a tough pill to swallow for the majority, but the minority Democrat's are hoping they can succeed with government help in their final push to transform the nation against the good citizen's will. Good luck with that.

The school boards are already feeling the heat because of the Americans will to save their children from it's horrid indoctrination, and it won't stop there.
You are responsible for your own fear and the stupid things you do because of it.
Well thank God that I have no fears as an American, but rather instead what I have is the wisdom to know the lie's when I hear them, and to know the truth against those lie's when the truth does counter them, and thank God that I have the common sense to not turn the lie's into truth's when they are lie's, and this because of being ignorant enough to follow a bunch of tyrannical wanta be's (the Democrat's), that constantly spread misinformation in hopes to win the country over through the use of that misinformation.

why would you believe someone whose had a proven record of lying & fraud including ripping people off & taking their hard earned cash for university 'tuition' but was taught nothing?

or even worse - who had his 'charity' shuttered because he stole donation meant for needy people/orgs & instead used it as his own personal piggy bank?

Trump University and Trump's charities were both frauds.
Proven in court ? What punishment did he receive, and why did the nation elect him as president ?? Was the Democrat's and Republican's that bad ??? Yes they were if true what you say, and then Trump mopped the floor with them... Leftist gotta feel terrible if let Trump overwhelm the nation with promise's, and then him delivering on those promises better than his former cohorts ever did.
Establishment types have pretty much taken over CPAC.

It was way better when we used to rule that thing.
Unfortunately conservatives generally have the Machiavellian instincts of a first grader.
Whatever gets the job done. It worked in 2016, we'll make it work again as long as judges don't let Democrats steal future elections.
That's what I mean. They weren't ready for us in 2016, in 2020 they stole it, and I will need to be convinced that the Republicans have the first clue about how to fight dirty like that.
Stephen Miller is giving us a chance to save America. You libs would love to see us become another shit hole country.
America is not a great country because it is filled with people like you. It's a great country because we have been a melting pot.
The RINOs have been chased out. That's a good thing.

It's those rinos who help elect republicans you love so much.

How are you people going to win elections with only a small fraction of the population voting for your candidates?

As we have seen in 2018 and 2020, those rinos are now voting for democrats.

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