Covid Shots

those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).
I suppose it's a thin entering wedge into vaccine passports, which still may be required widely. It's up in the air today, but maybe not next week, with a lot of workplaces and all airlines requiring them. The thing is, you can prove vaccination with just a little card, more or less ------- but nobody can prove having survived a COVID infection, at least it would be a clunky, difficult process involving tests and doctors.

So while surviving COVID, like all disease immunities, is far better for immunity than any vaccine, since people can't prove to authorities that they've had it, they want to require the shot. It's all part of the new authoritarianism.

Good discussion! It's clarifying things for me.
Good points and now that you mention it, I don’t think many (most) of those people that had COVID were given documentation of positive test results (unfortunate) that the could use to demonstrate that they’ve had it.

As far as “passports” go, Personally I think that’s fine for airlines (they’re private companies) and for foreigners entering the country (common sense measure), if it starts going beyond that then I’d say it opens the door for infringement by government on our right to privacy (“ vaccination papers please” coming from a government official isn’t something I’m prepared to stand still for, and I’m fully vaccinated).

Thanks for the thoughtful reply.

Sounds like the totalitarian governments requiring papers to be out in public. Not a good thing.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).

It seems like they feel that immunity through infection may be less complete and reliable than immunity through vaccination. Can't really be sure, since - for a variety of "don't upset the narrative" reasons - they don't want to come right out and explain.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
Because health professionals still recommend the vaccine for people who had COVID. According to studies it also helps with many of the lingering effects of having had the virus.

Below are answers to commonly asked questions about COVID-19 vaccination. CDC also has information for busting common vaccine myths available in facts about COVID-19 vaccines.​
If I have already had COVID-19 and recovered, do I still need to get vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine?

Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. Even if you have already recovered from COVID-19, it is possible—although rare—that you could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 again.​
Learn more about why getting vaccinated is a safer way to build protection than getting infected.​

They also are stating doubt as to the efficiency of these shots and saying that they may go on for years.

So they are admitting that they don't know what they are doing of the effect of these shots.
From everything I've read, it's not the immunity (i.e. the effectiveness) that's in question, it's the duration of the immune response (T-cell production) and how effective the vaccine(s) are against mutations of the virus.

So IMHO it's likely that booster shots are going to be required (for some as of yet to be determined interval) similar to what we do for influenza. Makes complete sense since there's no way to predict the efficacy of a vaccine against mutations that haven't been studied (or even been documented) and the vaccine hasn't been out there for long enough to determine exactly how long the immunity lasts under all the possible combinations of conditions (i.e. age, sex, race, ethnicity, general health, diet, etc, etc..,).

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).

It seems like they feel that immunity through infection may be less complete and reliable than immunity through vaccination. Can't really be sure, since - for a variety of "don't upset the narrative" reasons - they don't want to come right out and explain.
Good point, it does seem that science is still a bit murky on the level and duration of immunity conferred by actually having had the disease. I think Circe also hit the nail on the head with respect to why it's not be treated like "fully vaccinated", we have no way of demonstrating who has had it and when they had it, seems like they should have given people who tested positive documentation of their results.

Hopefully the CDC will get this figured out and clarified soon since I believe it will help significantly toward getting things back to some sense of normalcy.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
The extermination of mankind is preferable to what you represent. You are slow death.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
The extermination of mankind is preferable to what you represent. You are slow death.
Well I see SOMEONE took a triple dose of their drama queen pills today.

Careful, that stuff can make you loopy.;)
It's all about control and social manipulation. It a matter of conditioning Americans to obey liberal politicians without regard to common sense or the Constitution.
Bullshit! It's about public health. It's about saving lives. The fact that this has beconme so politicized is a fucking tragedy, people have died needlessly and Trump is largly to blame. You have some fucking nerve talking about common sense. And what the fuck does the vaccine have to do with the constitution?
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
The extermination of mankind is preferable to what you represent. You are slow death.
Jesus fucking christ....get the fuck over it!
It's all about control and social manipulation. It a matter of conditioning Americans to obey liberal politicians without regard to common sense or the Constitution.
Bullshit! It's about public health. It's about saving lives. The fact that this has beconme so politicized is a fucking tragedy, people have died needlessly and Trump is largly to blame. You have some fucking nerve talking about common sense. And what the fuck does the vaccine have to do with the constitution?
You’re right it has become politicized and that is a tragedy, however some of stiffest resistance to vaccination is found among minorities, which has little or nothing to do with politics, they in large part DON’T TRUST THE SYSTEM, I wonder why that is?
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
Only the stupidest of the stupid are wondering why the vax id being promoted and question if it is doing any good. Pay attention!
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).

It seems like they feel that immunity through infection may be less complete and reliable than immunity through vaccination. Can't really be sure, since - for a variety of "don't upset the narrative" reasons - they don't want to come right out and explain.

They also fail to mention that a vaccine consists of injecting a form of the disease into your body. This is supposed to create some immunity. If you already have some immunity, why?
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
Because health professionals still recommend the vaccine for people who had COVID. According to studies it also helps with many of the lingering effects of having had the virus.

Below are answers to commonly asked questions about COVID-19 vaccination. CDC also has information for busting common vaccine myths available in facts about COVID-19 vaccines.​
If I have already had COVID-19 and recovered, do I still need to get vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine?

Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. Even if you have already recovered from COVID-19, it is possible—although rare—that you could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 again.​
Learn more about why getting vaccinated is a safer way to build protection than getting infected.​

They also are stating doubt as to the efficiency of these shots and saying that they may go on for years.

So they are admitting that they don't know what they are doing of the effect of these shots.
From everything I've read, it's not the immunity (i.e. the effectiveness) that's in question, it's the duration of the immune response (T-cell production) and how effective the vaccine(s) are against mutations of the virus.

So IMHO it's likely that booster shots are going to be required (for some as of yet to be determined interval) similar to what we do for influenza. Makes complete sense since there's no way to predict the efficacy of a vaccine against mutations that haven't been studied (or even been documented) and the vaccine hasn't been out there for long enough to determine exactly how long the immunity lasts under all the possible combinations of conditions (i.e. age, sex, race, ethnicity, general health, diet, etc, etc..,).

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

You mean after they do some actual research and testing of this shot? Which they have not done yet.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
The extermination of mankind is preferable to what you represent. You are slow death.
Well I see SOMEONE took a triple dose of their drama queen pills today.

Careful, that stuff can make you loopy.;)
You mean a government enforcement agent?
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.

There is press to jab because the government has a use them or lose them position so unless a state uses theirs up, they will get less. Plus with the demasking and full re-openings going on there is fear there will be another surge.

Anyway, I don't care if people get the shot or not. My barber has an honor system where people with both shots don't have to wear a mask, but people without them do. She doesn't wear one as she had both shots.

So you are saying that it is driven by money and control of the people.

Isn't everything these days?

Not what they are claiming, however.

Well, no, you can't come out and TELL people you're just interested in money and control over people's lives.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).

It seems like they feel that immunity through infection may be less complete and reliable than immunity through vaccination. Can't really be sure, since - for a variety of "don't upset the narrative" reasons - they don't want to come right out and explain.

They also fail to mention that a vaccine consists of injecting a form of the disease into your body. This is supposed to create some immunity. If you already have some immunity, why?
That’s how most (all?) vaccines work, a weakened version of the pathogen designed to illicit an immune response and memory cells responsible for the production of T-Cells against the disease.

From what I understand the technology used in the some of the COVID vaccines is a new method involving messenger RNA to achieve the same results.

I haven’t seen anything to be alarmed about regarding these vaccines and the results so far indicate they’re all safe (including the J&J shot since the blood clot issue was with a very small number of patients and has been cleared as a statistical anomaly).

Maybe you have some information that I’m not aware of that causes you to be concerned?
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
Only the stupidest of the stupid are wondering why the vax id being promoted and question if it is doing any good. Pay attention!
Are you admitting your culpability?
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.

There is press to jab because the government has a use them or lose them position so unless a state uses theirs up, they will get less. Plus with the demasking and full re-openings going on there is fear there will be another surge.

Anyway, I don't care if people get the shot or not. My barber has an honor system where people with both shots don't have to wear a mask, but people without them do. She doesn't wear one as she had both shots.

So you are saying that it is driven by money and control of the people.

Isn't everything these days?

Not what they are claiming, however.

Well, no, you can't come out and TELL people you're just interested in money and control over people's lives.
Telling the truth? The government will never do that.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).

It seems like they feel that immunity through infection may be less complete and reliable than immunity through vaccination. Can't really be sure, since - for a variety of "don't upset the narrative" reasons - they don't want to come right out and explain.

They also fail to mention that a vaccine consists of injecting a form of the disease into your body. This is supposed to create some immunity. If you already have some immunity, why?
That’s how most (all?) vaccines work, a weakened version of the pathogen designed to illicit an immune response and memory cells responsible for the production of T-Cells against the disease.

From what I understand the technology used in the some of the COVID vaccines is a new method involving messenger RNA to achieve the same results.

I haven’t seen anything to be alarmed about regarding these vaccines and the results so far indicate they’re all safe (including the J&J shot since the blood clot issue was with a very small number of patients and has been cleared as a statistical anomaly).

Maybe you have some information that I’m not aware of that causes you to be concerned?
Read the recently published rate of re-infection. It is continually growing.

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